308 research outputs found

    Enhancing the tensor-to-scalar ratio in simple inflation

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    We show that in theories with a nontrivial kinetic term the contribution of the gravitational waves to the CMB fluctuations can be substantially larger than that is naively expected in simple inflationary models. This increase of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio leads to a larger B-component of the CMB polarization, thus making the prospects for future detection much more promising. The other important consequence of the considered model is a higher energy scale of inflation and hence higher reheating temperature compared to a simple inflation.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure and references are added, discussion is slightly extended, published versio

    Comment on superluminality in general relativity

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    General relativity provides an appropriate framework for addressing the issue of sub- or superluminality as an apparent effect. Even though a massless particle travels on the light cone, its average velocity over a finite path measured by different observers is not necessarily equal to the velocity of light, as a consequence of the time dilation or contraction in gravitational fields. This phenomenon occurs in either direction (increase or depletion) irrespectively of the details and strength of the gravitational interaction. Hence, it does not intrinsically guarantee superluminality, even when the gravitational field is reinforced.Comment: 6 page

    Simple generalizations of Anti-de Sitter space-time

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    We consider new cosmological solutions which generalize the cosmological patch of the Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space-time, allowing for fluids with equations of state such that w≠−1w\neq -1. We use them to derive the associated full manifolds. We find that these solutions can all be embedded in flat five-dimensional space-time with −−+++--+++ signature, revealing deformed hyperboloids. The topology and causal-structure of these spaces is therefore unchanged, and closed time-like curves are identified, before a covering space is considered. However the structure of Killing vector fields is entirely different and so we may expect a different structure of Killing horizons in these solutions.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figures, Corrections and additions made for publication in Journal of Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Suppressing Quantum Fluctuations in Classicalization

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    We study vacuum quantum fluctuations of simple Nambu-Goldstone bosons - derivatively coupled single scalar-field theories possessing shift-symmetry in field space. We argue that quantum fluctuations of the interacting field can be drastically suppressed with respect to the free-field case. Moreover, the power-spectrum of these fluctuations can soften to become red for sufficiently small scales. In quasiclassical approximation, we demonstrate that this suppression can only occur for those theories that admit such classical static backgrounds around which small perturbations propagate faster than light. Thus, a quasiclassical softening of quantum fluctuations is only possible for theories which classicalize instead of having a usual Lorentz invariant and local Wilsonian UV- completion. We illustrate our analysis by estimating the quantum fluctuations for the DBI-like theories.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, published version, more general discussion of uncertainty relation in QFT, improved and more general derivation of the main resul

    Crossing Phantom Boundary in f(R)f(R) Modified Gravity : Jordan Frame vs Einstein Frame

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    We study capability of f(R)f(R) gravity models to allow crossing the phantom boundary in both Jordan and Einstein conformal frames. In Einstein frame, these models are equivalent to Einstein gravity together with a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity. This scalar degree of freedom appears as a quintessence field with a coupling with the matter sector. We investigate evolution of the equation of sate parameter for some cosmologically viable f(R)f(R) gravity models in both conformal frames. This investigation (beyond mere theoretical arguments) acts as an operational tool to distinguish physical status of the two conformal frames. It shows that the two conformal frames have not the same physical status.Comment: 13 Pages, 4 figs., To appear in Gravitation and Cosmolog

    Stable phantom-divide crossing in two scalar models with matter

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    We construct cosmological models with two scalar fields, which has the structure as in the ghost condensation model or k-essence model. The models can describe the stable phantom crossing, which should be contrasted with one scalar tensor models, where the infinite instability occurs at the crossing the phantom divide. We give a general formulation of the reconstruction in terms of the e-foldings N by including the matter although in the previous two scalar models, which are extensions of the scalar tensor model, it was difficult to give a formulation of the reconstruction when we include matters. In the formulation of the reconstruction, we start with a model with some arbitrary functions, and find the functions which generates the history in the expansion of the universe. We also give general arguments for the stabilities of the models and the reconstructed solution. The viability of a model is also investigated by comparing the observational data.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Stationary Configurations Imply Shift Symmetry: No Bondi Accretion for Quintessence / k-Essence

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    In this paper we show that, for general scalar fields, stationary configurations are possible for shift symmetric theories only. This symmetry with respect to constant translations in field space should either be manifest in the original field variables or reveal itself after an appropriate field redefinition. In particular this result implies that neither k-Essence nor Quintessence can have exact steady state / Bondi accretion onto Black Holes. We also discuss the role of field redefinitions in k-Essence theories. Here we study the transformation properties of observables and other variables in k-Essence and emphasize which of them are covariant under field redefinitions. Finally we find that stationary field configurations are necessarily linear in Killing time, provided that shift symmetry is realized in terms of these field variables.Comment: 8 page

    On Power Law Inflation in DBI Models

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    Inflationary models in string theory which identify the inflaton with an open string modulus lead to effective field theories with non-canonical kinetic terms: Dirac-Born-Infeld scalar field theories. In the case of a DD-brane moving in an AdS throat with a quadratic scalar field potential DBI kinetic terms allow a novel realization of power law inflation. This note adresses the question of whether this behaviour is special to this particular choice of throat geometry and potential. The answer is that for any throat geometry one can explicitly find a potential which leads to power law inflation. This generalizes the well known fact that an exponential potential gives power law inflation in the case of canonical kinetic terms.Comment: References and comments adde

    Scalar-tensor cosmology with R^{-1} curvature correction by Noether Symmetry

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    We discuss scalar-tensor cosmology with an extra R−1R^{-1} correction by the Noether Symmetry Approach. The existence of such a symmetry selects the forms of the coupling ω(ϕ)\omega(\phi), of the potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) and allows to obtain physically interesting exact cosmological solutions.Comment: 7 page
