28 research outputs found

    Modelling of droplet impacts on dry and wet surfaces using depth-averaged form

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    An efficient time-adaptive multigrid algorithm is used to solve a range of normal and oblique droplet impacts on dry surfaces and liquid films using the Depth-Averaged Form (DAF) method of the governing unsteady Navier–Stokes equations. The dynamics of a moving three-phase contact line on dry surfaces is predicted by a precursor film model. The method is validated against a variety of experimental results for droplet impacts, looking at factors such as crown height and diameter, spreading diameter and splashing for a range of Weber, Reynolds and Froude numbers along with liquid film thicknesses and impact angles. It is found that, while being a computationally inexpensive methodology, the DAF method produces accurate predictions of the crown and spreading diameters as well as conditions for splash, however, underpredicts the crown height as the vertical inertia is not included in the model

    Gravity-driven film flow down a uniformly heated smoothly corrugated rigid substrate

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    Gravity induced film flow over a rigid smoothly corrugated substrate heated uniformly from below, is explored. This is achieved by reducing the governing equations of motion and energy conservation to a manageable form within the mathematical framework of the well-known long-wave approximation; leading to an asymptotic model of reduced dimensionality. A key feature of the approach and to solving the problem of interest, is proof that the leading approximation of the temperature field inside the film must be nonlinear to accurately resolve the thermodynamics beyond the trivial case of ‘a flat film flowing down a planar uniformly heated incline.’ Superior predictions are obtained compared with earlier work and reinforced via a series of corresponding solutions to the full governing equations using a purpose written finite element analogue, enabling comparisons to be made between free-surface disturbance and temperature predictions, as well as the streamline pattern and temperature contours inside the film. In particular, the free-surface temperature is captured extremely well at moderate Prandtl numbers. The stability characteristics of the problem are examined using Floquet theory, with the interaction between the substrate topography and thermo-capillary instability modes investigated as a set of neutral stability curves. Although there are no relevant experimental data currently available for the heated film problem, recent existing predictions and experimental data concerning the behaviour of corresponding isothermal flow cases are taken as a reference point from which to explore the effect of both heating and cooling

    Free-surface film flow over topography: full three-dimensional finite element solutions

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    An efficient Bubnov-Galerkin finite element formulation is employed to solve the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations in three-dimensions for the case of surface-tension dominated film flow over substrate topography, with the free-surface location obtained using the method of spines. The computational challenges encountered are overcome by employing a direct parallel multi-frontal method in conjunction with memory-efficient out-of-core storage of matrix co-factors. Comparison is drawn with complementary computational and experimental results for low Reynolds number flow where they exist, and a range of new benchmark solutions provided. These, in turn, are compared with corresponding solutions, for non-zero Reynolds number, from a simplified model based on the long-wave approximation; the latter is shown to produce comparatively acceptable results for the free-surface disturbance experienced, when the underpinning formal restrictions on geometry and capillary number are not exceeded

    Free Surface Thin Film Flow of a Sisko’s Fluid over a Surface Topography

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    The flow of a thin film down an inclined surface over topography is considered for the case of liquids with Sisko’s model viscosity. For the first time lubrication theory is used to reduce the governing equations to a non-linear evolution equation for a current of a Sisko’s model non-Newtonian fluid on an inclined plane under the action of gravity and the viscous stresses. This model is solved numerically using an efficient Full Approximation Storage (FAS) multigrid algorithm. Free surface results are plotted and carefully examined near the topography for different values of power-law index np, viscosity parameter m, the aspect ratio A and for different inclination angle of the plane with the horizontal. Number of complications and additional physical effects are discussed that enrich real situations. It is observed that the flows into narrow trenches develop a capillary ridge just in front of the upstream edge of a trench followed by a small trough. For relatively small width trenches, the free surface is almost everywhere flat as the dimensional width of the trench is much smaller than the capillary length scale. In this region, surface tension dominates the solution and acts so as to stretch a membrane across the trench leading to smaller height deviations. The ridge originates from the topographic forcing which works to force fluid upstream immediately prior to the trench before helping to accelerate it over. The upstream forcing slows down the fluid locally and increases the layer thickness

    Interaction of impulse immersed fluid jet with barrier

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    The interaction of the impact flooded jet with tough wall was investigated numerically. Distributions of the velocities and pressure were obtained for normal, model ultra viscosity and low viscosity fluid for different distances to the wall. The friction loss and viscosity influence on hydrodynamic parameters were estimated using disappearing-viscosity method. It was shown that the viscosity influence within the distance of 10 nozzle radiuses can be disdained. The numerical computation was made using CFD analysis module FLOTRAN of ANSYS program that is based on finite-element method

    Electrified thin film flow at finite Reynolds number on planar substrates featuring topography

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    The flow of a gravity-driven thin liquid film over a substrate containing topography, in the presence of a normal electric field, is investigated. The liquid is assumed to be a perfect conductor and the air above it a perfect dielectric. Of particular interest is the interplay between inertia, for finite values of the Reynolds number, Re, and electric field strength, expressed in terms of the Weber number, We, on the resultant free-surface disturbance away from planarity. The hydrodynamics of the film are modelled via a depth-averaged form of the Navier–Stokes equations which is coupled to a Fourier series separable solution of Laplace’s equation for the electric potential: detailed steady-state solutions of the coupled equation set are obtained numerically. The case of two-dimensional flow over different forms of discrete and periodically varying spanwise topography is explored. In the case of the familiar free-surface capillary peaks and depressions that arise for steep topography, and become more pronounced with increasing Re, greater electric field strength affects them differently. In particular, it is found that for topography heights commensurate with the long-wave approximation: (i) the capillary ridge associated with a step-down topography at first increases before decreasing, both monotonically, with increasing We and (ii) the free-surface hump which arises at a step-up topography continues to increase monotonically with increasing We, the increase achieved being smaller the larger the value of Re. A series of results for the more practically relevant problem of three-dimensional film flow over substrate containing a localised square trench topography is provided. These exhibit behaviour and features consistent with those observed for two-dimensional flow, in that as We is increased the primary free-surface capillary ridges and depressions are at first enhanced, with a corresponding narrowing, before becoming suppressed. In addition, it is found that, while the well-known horse-shoe shaped disturbance characteristic of such flows continues to persist with increasing Re in the absence of an electric field, when the latter is present and We increased in value the associated comet tail disappears as does the related downstream surge. The phenomenon is explained with reference to the competition between the corresponding capillary pressure and Maxwell stress distributions

    Modelling the flow of droplets of bio-pesticide on foliage

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    The flow of droplets of bio-pesticide, liquid laden with entomapathogenic nematodes (EPNs), over foliage approximated as a planar substrate is investigated theoretically via a simple analytical model and computationally by solving a subset of the Navier-Stokes equations arising from application of the long-wave approximation. That the droplets of interest can be represented as a homogeneous liquid is established via complementary experiments revealing the presence of EPNs to have negligible influence on bio-pesticide droplet spray distribution predeposition. Both approaches are used to study key issues affecting the migration of droplets over substrates relevant to pesticide deposition processes, including the effect (i) of droplet size and flow inertia on droplet morphology and coverage and (ii) of adaxial (above the leaf) or abaxial (under the leaf) flow orientations. The computational results obtained when inertia is accounted for are generally found to compare well with those given by the simple analytical model − a droplet's velocity relaxes to its terminal value very quickly, at which point gravitational, viscous, and hysteresis forces are in balance; substrate orientation is found to have only a minor influence on the extent of droplet migration