50 research outputs found

    Non-exciting wakefield structured bunches in a one-dimensional plasma model

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    A model of one-dimensional (1D) cold plasma with an external train of rigidly structured bunches with diverse charges has been introduced. In this model, a solution that cancels the wakefield after the train is found. The density of such bunches can be much greater than the density of the plasma, and a high amplitude electrical field arising inside the train can be used for charged-particle acceleration. In addition, analytical and numerical simulations have been performed

    Экстракорпоральная антиоксидантная терапия у онкогинекологических больных

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    Objective: to improve the quality of anesthetic maintenance in gynecological cancer patients, by using extracorporeal antioxidant pharmacotherapy with cytoflavin. Subjects and methods: studies were conducted in 68 patients surgically treated for gynecological cancer. They performed 24 hours before surgery, in the traumatic state of an operation, and within 24 postoperative hours. The parameters of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system were estimated. The levels of malonic dialdehyde and dienic conjugates and the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and cerulo-plasmin in the red blood cells and plasma, as well as the concentrations of vitamins A and E were determined. At these stages, differential blood counts were estimated to determine the development of adaptive reactions and the exposure to stress. Results: the performed studies demonstrated that the use of cytoflavin as a component of an anesthetic appliance in different surgical stages promoted the elimination of damaging factors resulting from the activation of free radical oxidation and its administration into patients’ autoblood could enhance the efficiency of this agent and reduce the time of development of adaptive processes. Conclusion. The findings show it necessary to use antioxidants that are able to protect the body at the stages of surgical treatment and anesthesia. Key words: oxidative stress, extracorporeal antioxidant correction.Цель исследования . Улучшить качества анестезиологического обеспечения онкогинекологических больных путем использования антиоксидантной экстракорпоральной фармакотерапии цитофлавином. Материал и методы. Исследования проведены у 68 пациенток, подвергавшихся хирургическому лечению по поводу онкогинекологической патологии. Исследования проводили за сутки до операции, на травматичном этапе оперативного вмешательства и на первые сутки послеоперационного периода. Определяли показатели перекисного окисления липидов и антиоксидантной системы (ПОЛ/АОС). Изучали содержание малонового диальдегида (МДА) и диеновых конъюгат (ДК), активность суперок-сиддисмутазы (СОД), каталазы (К), церулоплазмина (ЦП) в эритроцитах и плазме крови, а также концентрацию витаминов А и Е. С целью определения формирования адаптационных реакций и уровня стрессового воздействия на этих же этапах исследовали лейкоцитарную формулу крови. Результаты. Проведенные исследования показали, что использование на различных этапах хирургического вмешательства цитофлавина, как компонента анестезиологического пособия, способствовало устранению повреждающих факторов, возникающих в результате активации свободнорадикально-го окисления, а его введение в аутокрови больных позволяет повысить эффективность данного препарата, уменьшить сроки формирования адаптационно-приспособительных процессов. Заключение. Полученные данные указывают на необходимость применения антиоксидантов, способных защитить организм на этапах хирургического лечения и анестезии. Ключевые слова: окислительный стресс, экстракорпоральная антиоксидантная коррекция


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    Objective: to evaluate the efficiency of pharmacological correction of endogenous intoxication in patients with Stages III—IV ovarian cancer (OC) in the perioperative period. Subjects and methods. Thirty-to-70-year old seventy patients with Stages III-IV OC who had been surgically treated under general anesthesia were examined. The bio chemical parameters of intoxication, such as middleweight molecules, the total, effective concentration and binding capacity of albumin, integral hematological indices of intoxication, and C-reactive protein, were studied in the perioperative period. Results. Analysis of the performed tests showed that the premorbid background in all the examinees was characterized by varying degrees of endogenous intoxication (EI), increased leukocytic index of intoxication, hematological index of intoxication, and modified hematological index of intoxication, an imbalance between the accumulation and binding of overproduced toxic ligands, the intensified production of acutephase inflammatory proteins by the activation of a systemic inflammatory response, and decreased systemic responsiveness. These changes occur with suppressed systemic responsiveness, inadequate intoxication compensation by physiological detoxification systems and hemostatic instability. Conclusion. The use of heptral and Remaxol as part of the metabolic pharmacological correction infusion program nonequivalently caused reductions in the activity of an inflammatory response and the efficiency of EI correction in patients with OC in the perioperative period. The administration of Remaxol for systemic hyporesponsiveness and pronounced intoxication in OC patients promoted the optimization of systemic responsiveness, by producing a reduced toxic effect of tumorassociated EI. Цель — оценить эффективность фармакологической коррекции эндогенной интоксикации у больных раком яичников III—IV стадии в периоперационном периоде. Материал и методы. Обследованы 70 больных раком яичников III—IV стадии, в возрасте от 30 до 70 лет, перенесших хирургический этап лечения в условиях общей анестезии. В периоперационном периоде изучены биохимические показатели интоксикации — молекулы средней массы, общая, эффективная концентрация и связывающая способность альбумина, гематологические интегральные индексы интоксикации, С-реактивный белок. Результаты. Анализ проведенных исследований показал, что у всех исследуемых больных преморбидный фон характеризовался разной степени выраженности эндогенной интоксикацией (ЭИ), ростом лейкоцитарного индекса интоксикации, гематологического показателя интоксикации, модифицированного гематологического показателя интоксикации, нарушением баланса накопления и связывания избыточно продуцируемых токсических лигандов, интенсификацией продукции белков острой фазы воспаления активизацией системного воспалительного ответа, снижением общей реактивности организма. Эти изменения происходят на фоне угнетения общей реактивности организма, неадекватной компенсации интоксикации физиологическими системами детоксикации и нестабильностью гомеостаза. Заключение. Использование в составе инфузионной программы метаболической фармакологической коррекции гептрала и Ремаксола неравнозначно способствовало уменьшению активности воспалительной реакции и эффективности коррекции ЭИ у больных РЯ в периоперационном периоде. Использование Ремаксола в условиях снижения общей реактивности организма и выраженной интоксикации у больных раком яичников способствует оптимизации общей реактивности организма, обеспечивая снижение токсического воздействия опухолевой ЭИ.

    Creating a tobacco line with a weaker antifeedant property against colorado potato beetle

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    Background. Genetic modification of plants is one of the promising strategies to increase their resistance to insect pests. The development of metabolic or RNA interference systems for plant protection requires appropriate models of host-insect interactions. Nicotiana tabacum L. is a classical model plant used in molecular and metabolic engineering. We consider tobacco as a model for developing protective strategies against Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, CPB). Normally, tobacco is toxic for CPB due to high content of nicotine and related alkaloids in leaves. Modification of the tobacco genome could provide tobacco genotypes with altered metabolism suitable for CPB feeding. It is known that different mutations in Berberine Bridge-Like (BBL) genes cause different alterations in tobacco leaf alkaloid levels. In the current study, the Cas9/gRNA system targeting members of the BBL gene family of tobacco was used to create a line which can serve as a diet for CPB. Results. In order to obtain tobacco with modified alkaloid content, two gRNAs matching target sequences in six BBL genes were selected. Each gRNA was cloned into a gRNA/Cas9 generic vector. The created constructs were mixed and used for biolistic transformation of tobacco leaf explants together with the pBI121 plasmid harboring the kanamycin resistance gene nptII and the reporter E.coli betaglucuronidase (GUS) gene. Regenerants were selected on 100 mg/l of kanamycin and checked for transgene presence by histochemical GUS-assay. Unexpectedly, the regenerated plants displayed a variety of adverse phenotypic effects including different degree of growth and rooting inhibition, early flowering, increased number of internodes, changes in leaf shape, fusion of flowers, longostyly, and partial sterility. Only one from seven obtained calli produced a population of regenerated plants without severe phenotypic abnormalities. The NtaBBL5-14 line of clonally propagated plants was selected from this population and used for a CPB feeding experiment. It was shown that CPB larvae consume the leaves of NtaBBL5-14 line ten times more efficiently than the leaves of control plants (97±0.5% vs. 9±3% in 24 h respectively). Conclusion. The NtaBBL5-14 tobacco line is suitable for CPB feeding and can be further used as a model for studies in plant-pest interaction. The modification of other genes regulating nicotine metabolism can be a promising strategy to obtain tobacco plants edible for CPB with less pleiotropic effects

    Astaxantin and Isoflavones Inhibit Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Rats by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Normalizing Ca/Mg Balance

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common pathology among aging men. Despite the broad pharmacological interventions, the available remedies to treat BPH are yet not devoid of side effects. Herbal compounds are suggested to be an alternative option for the BPH treatment. In our study, we evaluated the effect of kudzu isoflavones and astaxanthin on the BPH animal model. The animals were randomly divided into five groups: control; testosterone-induced BPH group; and three BPH-induced groups, which received intragastrically for 28 days finasteride (5 mg/kg) as a positive control, isoflavones (200 mg/kg), and astaxanthin (25 mg/kg). BPH was induced by castration of animals and subsequent subcutaneous injections of prolonged testosterone (25 mg/kg). Prostate index and histology, biochemical parameters, and antioxidant activity were evaluated. A significant decrease in prostate weight, immunohistochemical markers, and normalization of prostate Ca/Mg ratio was found in all treatment groups. Astaxanthin treatment also resulted in decreased epithelial proliferation and normalized superoxide dismutase activity. In conclusion, both isoflavones and astaxanthin inhibited BPH development at a level comparable to finasteride in terms of prostate weight, prostatic epithelium proliferation, and prostate tissue cumulative histology score. These results suggest that isoflavones and especially astaxanthin could serve as a potential alternative therapy to treat BHP. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This research was funded by Russian Science Foundation, grant number 20-65-47025

    Эффективность и безопасность эрибулина при различных подтипах рака молочной железы: данные из реальной клинической практики в России

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    The article presents a pooled experience of the use of eribulin in the real clinical practice of treatment of metastatic breast cancer in Russian oncological institutions. The effectiveness of the drug in monotherapy with HER2‑negative breast cancer was analyzed, groups of patients with most effective use of eribulin were identified depending on the localization of metastases, the most effective lines of therapy. The effectiveness of the drug in combination with trastuzumab in HER2‑positive breast cancer is described, as well as toxic reactions. В статье представлен обобщенный опыт применения эрибулина в реальной клинической практике онкологических учреждений РФ при метастатическом раке молочной железы. Проанализирована эффективность препарата в монотерапии при HER2-отрицательном раке молочных желез, выделены группы больных в зависимости от локализации метастазов, линии терапии, в которых препарат оказался максимально эффективным. Описана эффективность препарата в комбинации с трастузумабом при HER2-положительном раке молочной железы, а также токсические реакции. 


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    The aim was to study the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), the level of leptin and kidney function in women with pre-eclampsia (PE) and alimentary obesity (AO).Materials and methods. The levels of renin, angiotensin II, aldoste-rone, leptin, insulin, cortisol, β2-microglobulin, glomerular filtration rate were measured.Results. We show that RAAS, along with a systemic inflammatory response, is a key factor in the development of pre-eclampsia and its progression. The increasing level of leptin has a direct damaging effect on the tubular system of the kidneys.Conclusions. Stimulating the RAAS aggravates the inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction in women with PE and AO. Elevated concen-trations of leptin in these women have a direct damaging impact on the kidney tubules