34 research outputs found
Some aspects of examination of children with combined spine and pelvis pathology living in an industrial city
The aim of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of combined spinal and pelvic pathology in children living on the industrial area of the Irkutsk Region. To perform the analysis we carried out the clinical-roentgenological research, and when making orthopedic examination we took into consideration ecological factors and used the chart of multivariative analysis. It was found that in the structure of combined pathology, pelvis asymmetry ranks first, scoliosis ranks second, Legg - Calve - Perthes disease ranks third. According to the assessment of age structure of combined pathology we can conclude that at the equal manifestations of scoliosis, Spina bifida, retrospondylolisthesis, pelvis asymmetry, children of 11-15 y.o. more often have Legg - Calve - Perthes disease, children of 16-21 y.o. - coxarthrosis. In its turn relative share of Legg - Calve - Perthes disease cases in children living within a radius of 5 km from the industrial center is the largest (21 из 28 cases). It's important to mention that Legg - Calve - Perthes disease was registered in all examined boys and only in 35.5 % of girls. I and II degrees of manifestation of clinicoroentgenologic disorders of combined spine and pelvis pathology prevail (77 and 43 cases correspondingly) over the disorders of the III degree (15 cases)
Features of mitochondrial membrane potential of immunocompetent blood cells in children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases accompanied by pneumofibrosis
Pneumofibrosis is a pathological outcome of pulmonary tissue inflammation. It can complicate any lung and bronchial disorder. The mitochondrial membrane potential reflects functional state of immunocompetent blood cells that influence progression of a chronic inflammatory process. The aim of this work was to study the features of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) of immunocompetent blood cells in children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNPD), accompanied by pneumofibrosis. We have examined 79 children with CNPD manifesting with symptoms of focal pneumofibrosis. The group of patients included children with congenital lung malformations (43%), consequences of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (41%), chronic bronchitis (10%), post-pneumonic pulmonary fibrosis (6%). The average age of children was 6.5±1.2 years, including 43 boys (54%) and 36 girls (46%). The comparison group included 46 children with COPD without signs of pulmonary fibrosis, the control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy children. The contents of cells with reduced MMP among lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes in peripheral blood was determined with JC-1 dye, using the BD FACSCalibur instrument and Cell Quest Pro software (Becton Dickinson, USA). The proportion of lymphocytes with reduced MMP in patients with COPD was similar in the children of the main and comparison group, exceeding the indexes of the control group by 1.7 times (p < 0.001). Decreased MMP of granulocytes in children with pneumofibrosis was detected 1.9 times more often than in children with fibrosis-free CNPD cases (p < 0.05), and 3.4 times more common than in children from the control group (p < 0.001). Monocytes with reduced MMM in children with pulmonary fibrosis were detected 2 times more often than in children with COPD without fibrosis (p < 0.05), and 7.3 times more frequent than in the control group (p < 0.001). The changes were more expressed in children during exacerbation of the disease. The revealed features suggest a decreased level of metabolic activity of blood cells, thus, probably, presenting an immunopathogenetic basis for development of pneumofibrosis
Problems of electronic sicknote recording to the practice of a doctor in the out-patient conditions of providing medical care to the population
The aim of the study – to identify the problems of electronic sicknotes recording to the practice of a doctor in the out-patient conditions of providing medical care to the population.Цель исследования – выявить проблемы, возникающие при оформлении электронных листов нетрудоспособности (ЭЛН) в практике врача в амбулаторных условиях оказания медицинской помощи населению
Assessment of the effectiveness of the use of caps for the treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a mouth guard on the upper jaw to restore the occlusal relationship of the dentition in patients with defects in the dentition and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.Цель исследования - оценить эффективность применения каппы на верхнюю челюсть для восстановления окклюзионных взаимоотношений зубных рядов у пациентов с дефектами зубных рядов и симптомами дисфункции ВНЧС
Влияние дыма лесных пожаров на течение болезней органов дыхания
In 1998 wood fire'in the Far East lasted from July to November and seized the territory of 2.1 rAillion of hectares. More than 1 million of residents have undergone td an influence of smoke from burning wood for long time. Though the mortality and morbidity from respiratory diseases did not increase in 1998, the authors revealed a number of quantitative changes in the course of principal respiratory diseases in the period of the smoke influence.Hospitalization of patients with pneumonia in Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk hospitals increased by 20-30%. This disease run more severe compared with the same period of 1997. Bilateral lung injury and dry cough were observed more often. A peculiar bronchopneumopathy with breathlessness, dry cough, crackles and wheezing on auscultation, bilateral bronchial wall thickening on chest radiography, absence of fever and intoxication, high efficacy of glucocorticosteroids and bronchodilators was noted in children aged 5-13 years.In 191 adult patients with lung obstructive disease the effect of traditional complex therapy was reliably worse assessed by the FEV1 dynamics. The increase of atmospheric CO concentration more than 3 mg/m3 was accompanied by an improvement of bronchial passability in asthmatic patients and its worsening in chronic obstructive bronchitis patients (p<0.05). This is thought to involve different obstruction mechanisms in these diseases.Лесные пожары на Дальнем Востоке в 1998 году продолжались с июля по ноябрь и охватили площадь до 2,1 млн га. Более 1 млн жителей региона длительное время подвергались воздействию продуктов горения леса. Несмотря на отсутствие роста заболеваемости и смертности от патологии органов дыхания в 1998 году, авторами выявлен ряд качественных изменений в течении основных заболеваний системы дыхания в период воздействия дыма.На 20-30% увеличилась госпитализация больных пневмонией в больницы г. Хабаровска и г. Комсомольска-на-Амуре. Заболевание носило более тяжелое течение, чем за тот же период 1997 года. Чаще отмечался двусторонний характер поражения легких и симптомы сухого кашля. У детей в возрасте 5-13 лет в период задымленности отмечено появление своеобразной бронхопневмопатии с симптомами одышки, сухого кашля, крепитацией и хрипами при аускультации, двусторонним усилением легочного рисунка на рентгенограмме, отсутствием лихорадки и интоксикации, высокой эффективностью лечения глюкокортикоидами и бронхолитиками.У 191 взрослого пациента с обструктивными заболеваниями легких в период задымленности отмечен достоверно более низкий эффект стандартной комплексной терапии по критерию ОФВ1. Повышение концентрации СО в атмосфере более 3 мг в 1 м3 сопровождалось улучшением бронхиальной проходимости у больных астмой и её снижением у пациентов с хроническим обструктивным бронхитом (р<0,05), что, вероятно, связано с различием механизмов обструкции при этих заболеваниях
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Impact of model improvements on 80 m wind speeds during the second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2)
During the second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2; October 2015–March 2017, held in the Columbia River Gorge and Basin area of eastern Washington and Oregon states), several improvements to the parameterizations used in the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR – 3 km horizontal grid spacing) and the High Resolution Rapid Refresh Nest (HRRRNEST – 750 m horizontal grid spacing) numerical weather prediction (NWP) models were tested during four 6-week reforecast periods (one for each season). For these tests the models were run in control (CNT) and experimental (EXP) configurations, with the EXP configuration including all the improved parameterizations. The impacts of the experimental parameterizations on the forecast of 80 m wind speeds (wind turbine hub height) from the HRRR and HRRRNEST models are assessed, using observations collected by 19 sodars and three profiling lidars for comparison. Improvements due to the experimental physics (EXP vs. CNT runs) and those due to finer horizontal grid spacing (HRRRNEST vs. HRRR) and the combination of the two are compared, using standard bulk statistics such as mean absolute error (MAE) and mean bias error (bias). On average, the HRRR 80 m wind speed MAE is reduced by 3 %–4 % due to the experimental physics. The impact of the finer horizontal grid spacing in the CNT runs also shows a positive improvement of 5 % on MAE, which is particularly large at nighttime and during the morning transition. Lastly, the combined impact of the experimental physics and finer horizontal grid spacing produces larger improvements in the 80 m wind speed MAE, up to 7 %–8 %. The improvements are evaluated as a function of the model's initialization time, forecast horizon, time of the day, season of the year, site elevation, and meteorological phenomena. Causes of model weaknesses are identified. Finally, bias correction methods are applied to the 80 m wind speed model outputs to measure their impact on the improvements due to the removal of the systematic component of the errors.
Internet of Things for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
Our world is vulnerable to climate change risks such as glacier retreat, rising temperatures, more variable and intense weather events (e.g., floods, droughts, and frosts), deteriorating mountain ecosystems, soil degradation, and increasing water scarcity. However, there are big gaps in our understanding of changes in regional climate and how these changes will impact human and natural systems, making it difficult to anticipate, plan, and adapt to the coming changes. The IoT paradigm in this area can enhance our understanding of regional climate by using technology solutions, while providing the dynamic climate elements based on integrated environmental sensing and communications that is necessary to support climate change impacts assessments in each of the related areas (e.g., environmental quality and monitoring, sustainable energy, agricultural systems, cultural preservation, and sustainable mining). In the IoT in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change chapter, a framework for informed creation, interpretation and use of climate change projections and for continued innovations in climate and environmental science driven by key societal and economic stakeholders is presented. In addition, the IoT cyberinfrastructure to support the development of continued innovations in climate and environmental science is discussed
Kinetics of millerite and heazlewoodite dissolution in solutions of nitric acid
The paper presents the results of a study of the kinetics of hydrolytic and oxidative dissolution of Nickel sulfides in nitric acid. Dependences of specific speed of dissolution of copper cations (W, mol/sm2s) from concentration of hydrogen peroxide (Cn, mol/dm3), рН, temperatures (T, K), frequencies of rotation disk (ω, c−1) and durations of interaction (τ, c) are studied. The mechanisms of the interaction of millerite and heazlewoodite. The values of apparent activation energy and sulfides dissolution rate constant are calculated. Interaction modes are established, probable limiting stages of dissolution processes
Study of gallstones by spectroscopic methods
We have conducted studies of cholesterol gallstones by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). The results obtained indicate that the cholesterol gallstone spectra are identical. We have used EPR to establish the presence in the gallstones of species containing open shell spin orbitals, which act as centers for colloidal particles. The 1H NMR spectra and the XRD data indicate the presence in the gallstones of cholesterol and structures representing a desmosterol transition, which form shells around the spin centers