226 research outputs found

    The prevalence of obesity in the adult population of the Russian Federation (literature review)

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    This review analyzes the prevalence of obesity among the adult population in the Russian Federation. The data of various studies, including large international projects (WHO MONICA 1985–1995, HAPIEE 2003–2005), all-Russian screenings (RLMS - HSE 1993, Federal monitoring of arterial hypertension 2003, ESSE-RF 2013 — present.), as well as selected regional studies. In some regions, the long-term dynamics of obesity has been studied. The history of studying the epidemiology of obesity in Russia has more than thirty years. According to the data obtained, the prevalence of obesity throughout the country remains high and continues to increase. Thus, among men, the prevalence increased from 10.8% in 1993 to 27.9% in 2017, among women — from 26.4% to 31.8%, respectively. In all regions where it was possible to assess long-term trends, the prevalence of obesity among adults increased (maximum — 48.5% in the Belgorod region). In the adult population, obesity is more common in women (maximum — 47.0% in the Novosibirsk region) than in men (maximum — 30.0% in Ivanovo and Voronezh regions). It is necessary to expand the number of regions in Russia in which studies of the prevalence of obesity are carried out, as well as to strengthen measures to combat overweight and obesity in all age groups throughout the country

    Concorrência tributária entre regiões da Rússia e seus indicadores

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    The article focuses on approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of regions of Russia in the area of taxation, the main approaches to the definition of tax competition at the present stage used in the scientific literature, are considered; emphasis on the influence of internal tax competition on social and economic development of the regions; the possibilities of using a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the competitive advantages of the regions in the area of taxation are summarized; ranking of the regions of Russia by using tax authorities to provide tax benefits of corporate income tax paid to the budget of the Russian Federation constituent, was performed; the conclusion about the relationship of investment activity and the availability of competitive advantages in the area of taxation was made; the development problems of the regional competitive advantages in the area of taxation and prospects for their solution are described.El artículo se centra en los enfoques para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones de Rusia en el área de la tributación, se consideran los principales enfoques para la definición de competencia fiscal en la etapa actual utilizados en la literatura científica; énfasis en la influencia de la competencia fiscal interna sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones; se resumen las posibilidades de utilizar una serie de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones en el área de la tributación; clasificación de las regiones de Rusia mediante el uso de las autoridades fiscales para proporcionar los beneficios fiscales del impuesto sobre la renta corporativo pagado al presupuesto del constituyente de la Federación de Rusia; se llegó a la conclusión sobre la relación de la actividad inversora y la disponibilidad de ventajas competitivas en el área de tributación; se describen los problemas de desarrollo de las ventajas competitivas regionales en el área de impuestos y las perspectivas para su solución. O artigo enfoca as abordagens para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões russas na área de tributação, considerando as principais abordagens para a definição de concorrência tributária no atual estágio utilizado na literatura científica; ênfase na influência da concorrência fiscal interna no desenvolvimento social e econômico das regiões; as possibilidades de utilizar uma série de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões na área de tributação são resumidas; classificação das regiões da Rússia, usando as autoridades fiscais para fornecer os benefíciosfiscais do imposto de renda corporativo pago ao orçamento do constituinte da Federação Russa; chegouse à conclusão sobre a relação entre a atividade de investimento e a disponibilidade de vantagens competitivas na área de tributação; São descritos os problemas de desenvolvimento de vantagenscompetitivas regionais na área tributária e as perspectivas de sua solução

    Analysis of environment state in technogenic region and its threat to public health.

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    The purpose of the research is to give a complex hygienic evaluation of environment state in Donetsk region and to determine the degree of their potential danger to population health. It includes air pollution, water contamination, state of soil. Nearly 43000 samples of air, 32000 drinking water samples and 4500 soil samples were analyzed. Regions with the highest rate of environmental pollution were defined. It was found that the main sources of environment pollution in Donetsk region are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy enterprises, power, coal, building industry and transport. All other sources ac­count for only 5-10% of total emissions. Level of harmful technogenic pressing on population’s health was determined

    New NIR-emissive tetranuclear Er(III) complexes with 4-hydroxo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolate and dibenzoylmethanate ligands: synthesis and characterization

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    New tetranuclear heteroleptic complexes [Er4(dbm)6(O-btd)4(OH)2] (1) and [Er4(dbm)4(O-btd)6(OH)2] (2) (O-btd = 4-hydroxo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolate and dbm = dibenzoylmethanide) and their solvates with toluene, THF and CH2Cl2 were prepared using two synthetic approaches. The structures of the products were confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Magnetic properties of 1 and 2 are in good agreement with X-ray data. The effective magnetic moment (μeff) values at 300 K for 1 and 2 corresponds to a system of 4 non-interacting Er(III) ions in the ground state 4J15/2 with g = 6/5. At ambient temperature and upon excitation with λexc = 450 nm, complexes 1 and 2 exhibit luminescence at ∼1530 nm, i.e. in the near infra-red (NIR) region. The luminescence intensity grows with increasing the number of the (O-btd)−ligands in the complexes. This observation suggests (O-btd)− as a new efficient antenna ligand for the lanthanide-based NIR luminescence

    The frequency of metabolic syndrome and its individual components in women aged 25–45 years, depending on the level of prolactin

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    Background: Hyperprolactinemia is one of the most common hypothalamic-pituitary-endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age, with the highest frequency at the age of 25–44 years. In addition to influencing the reproductive system, it is important to study the effects of prolactin (PRL) on various metabolic links. Available data indicate that the effect of PRL on metabolism depends on its level. In this regard, the study of the relationship of different levels of PRL with anthropometric parameters, indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in young women is relevant.Aim: To study the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its individual components in women aged 25–45 years with different levels of prolactin.Materials and methods: Work design — cross-sectional research. A randompopulationsample of women 25–45 agedwas examined. Pregnant and breastfeeding women with macroprolactinoma, and taking antipsychotics were excluded. Information was collected using a structured ­questionnaire, including, but not limited to, the presence of pregnancies, childbirth, menstrual irregularities, and a clinical examination, anthropometric measurements, biochemical and hormonal blood analyzes were performed. Statistical data processing was carried out.Results: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, this analysis presents data from 401 women, the average age of the examibed was 36.14±6.19 years. There was no difference in the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin (PRL) in the age groups of 25–34 and 35–45 years. According to the survey, the incidence of thyroid diseases in the studied groups is comparable. Every fifth woman indicated menstrual irregularities. Among women 25–45 years old, women with low-normal PRL values (Me = 4.49 [3.52; 5.41] ng/ml) have more unfavorable metabolic indicators. Metabolic syndrome (MS) was detected in 28%,with a predominant increase in the frequency of abdominal obesity — 55%, hypercholesterolemic LDL — 63%. Women with high PRL (Me = 41.35 [34.78; 45.88] ng / ml) also have an unfavorable metabolic profile: MS was detected in 47%, abdominal obesity — 56%, hypertension — 39%.Conclusions: In women 25–45 years old, low and high PRL values are more often associated with metabolic ill health. PRL values are from 7.8 to 28 ng / ml, i.e. conditionally defined as normal, highly normal and at the level of moderate hyperprolactinemia contribute to the maintenance of a favorable metabolic profile. When deciding on the treatment of women with non-tumor etiology hyperprolactinemia, it is important to assess the metabolic status, expanding their understanding of PRL as a hormone associated only with lactation and with the pituitary-gonad axis

    Interfacial adsorption and stripping of ions as a reason of stimuli responsive luminescence of Tb-doped silica nanoparticles

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    Herein we introduce the "on-off-on" switching of Tb-centered luminescence as a result of reversible adsorption of Fe III ions at the silica/water interface of Tb-doped silica nanoparticles and the stripping effect of anions. The interfacial adsorption of Fe III ions results in the charge neutralization and aggregation of Tb-doped silica nanoparticles, accompanied by significant quenching of Tb-centered luminescence. The analysis of the steady state and time resolved quenching measurements reveals both static and dynamic quenching mechanisms. The addition of EDTA and some phosphates, including ATP results in the deaggregation of nanoparticles due to the complex formation with Fe III ions and following stripping of FeIII ions from the silica surface. The "off-on" switching of Tb-centered luminescence resulted from the stripping effect of biorelevant phosphates is a good basis for further bioanalytical application. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Behavioral and social risk factors for metabolically unhealthy obesity: data form a 12-year prospective study in the Russian population

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    Aim. To study the contribution of behavioral and social risk factors to the development of metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO) according to a prospective study in the Russian population.Material and methods. From the HAPPIE project, 3197 people aged 45-69 years with a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2 were selected, who had all the necessary parameters for obesity phenotype determination. The prospective analysis included the first (2003-2005) and third screenings (2015-2017). A subsample was formed (n=1275; 276 men — 22%, 999 women — 78%). The mean follow-up period was 12,4 years. IDF criteria (2005) were taken for analysis.Results. Men with a metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) phenotype most often have a secondary and higher education, while women with MHO — vocational and secondary education. In women, secondary education was most often noted. Among persons with obesity, both men and women are more often not single, while having MUO as follows: 56,8% and 34,2%, respectively. Men and women have a low-intensity activity, regardless of the obesity phenotype. The prevalence of smoking in the present time does not differ in the MHO and MUO groups. Metabolically healthy women consume more alcohol than those with MUO. In men with sedentary lifestyle and fasting hyperglycemia, the risk of MUO over a 12-year follow-up period was significantly higher. In women, the risk of conversion from MHO to MUO is increased when blood pressure (BP) is ≥130/85 mmHg.Conclusion. In the Russian population, the risk of MUO in men increases with a level of physical activity <3 h/week and a blood glucose level ≥6,1 mmol/l; in women, only BP ≥130/85 mm Hg contributes to the development of MUO

    Outer-sphere association of p-sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene and tetrasulfonatomethylated calix[4]resorcinarene with cobalt(III) tris(dipyridyl): the effect on the spectral and electrochemical properties of the latter

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    According to the 1H NMR and X-ray data, the outer-sphere association of [Co(dipy)3]3+ with cyclophanic anions p-sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene and tetrasulfonatomethylated calix[4]resorcinarene is accompanied by the inclusion of the dipyridyl moiety of the former into the cavities of the cyclophanic anions in aqueous and aqueous-DMSO solutions and in the solid state. The first-step dissociation of p-sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene does not change the inclusion mode, but the increase in DMSO content leads to a shallower inclusion of [Co(dipy)3]3+. The electrochemical property changes of [Co(dipy)3]3+ with both receptors undergoing ion pairing indicate the stabilization of the tris-(dipyridyl) cobalt complexes in lower oxidation states. The effect of the cyclophanic anions on the cyclic voltammograms of [Co(dipy)3]3+ correlates with the efficiency of binding of the latter with tetrasulfonatomethylated calix[4]resorcinarene and p-sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene. © 2005 American Chemical Society [email protected] A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic & Physical Chemistry Kazan State University

    Physico-chemical Modification of the Fibrous Filter Nozzles for Purification Processes of Water and Air

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    A set of experiments to study physical and chemical modification of the surface of fibers is conducted to expand the area of their application for purification of water, gas and air (including that in conditions of space). The possibility of modification of filter nozzles in the process of fiber formation by particles of coal of BAU type, copper sulfide and silver chloride is experimentally shown. The fraction of the copper sulfide powder less than 50 microns in size was crushed in a spherical mill; it was deposited on fiber at air temperature of 50° C and powder consumption of 0.5 g/l of air. The resulting material contained 6–18 CuS particles per 1 cm of the fiber length. An effective bactericidal fibrous material can be produced using rather cheap material – CuS and relatively cheap natural compounds of sulphides and oxides of heavy metals

    The frequency of metabolically healthy and unhealthy phenotypes in women aged 25–44 years with different levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, prolactin, leptin

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    Reports that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in obesity is not the same, led to the allocation of metabolically healthy and unhealthy phenotypes (MHP and MUHP), this concept is based on the ability of adipose tissue to produce a number of adipokines, one of which is leptin. Hormones such as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) are interesting from the point of view of their effect on metabolism. Aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of MHP and MUHP in young women with different body mass index (BMI) and hormonal status (TSH, PRL, leptin) in different phenotypes. Material and methods. A group of women (n = 655) was selected from a representative sample of the Novosibirsk population aged 25–44 to study clinical and laboratory parameters. The design is a cross – sectional, observational, single – centre study. IDF, 2005 and NCEP ATP III, 2001 criteria were used to evaluate the MHP and MUHP. Results and discussion. The prevalence of MUHP in young women in Novosibirsk was 22.3 %, MHP – 77.7 % according to IDF, 2005; according to NCEP ATP III, 2001 – 13.1 and 86.9 %, respectively. The prevalence of MUHP increased with increasing BMI from 4.0 to 72.0 % according to IDF, 2005 and from 2.3 to 58.0 % according to NCEP ATP III, 2001, respectively. In obese women, MUHP was detected twice as often as MHP – 72 and 28 % according to IDF, 2005, 58 and 42 % according to NCEP ATP III, 2001. TSH and PRL do not provide information about metabolic health in young women. Leptin content is associated with BMI. The threshold value of the leptin level was 18.3 ng/ml with maximum sensitivity and specificity (Se = 53.3 %, Sp = 81.5 %), 14.5 ng/ml with equal sensitivity and specificity (Se = 65.7 %, Sp = 65.7 %). The area under ROC curve (AUC) for diagnosis of MUHP was 0.727 (SE = 0.029, p < 0.0001). Conclusion. The frequency of MHP in young women decreases with increasing BMI. MUHP is 3.5 times less common than MHP according to IDF criteria, 2005. TSH and PRL are not associated with the metabolic phenotype in young women. A leptin level more than 18.3 ng/ml has been identified as one of the markers for the recognition of MUHP in women aged 25–44 years, regardless of BMI