255 research outputs found

    View of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of familial benign pemphigus (Hailey — Hailey disease). Literature review

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    The article describes modern views on predisposing factors, histological and genetic changes, the role of ATP2C1 encoding a mutant gene, localized on chromosome 3 in the pathogenesis of Hailey — Hailey disease. Diagnostic criteria, differential diagnostics with other diseases and methods of modern treatment of this disease are presented

    Analytical approximation of spectrum for pulse X-ray tubes

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    Among the main characteristics of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses the spectral energy characteristics are the most important ones: the spectral distribution of the photon energy, effective and maximum energy of quanta. Knowing the spectral characteristics of the radiation of pulse sources is very important for the practical use of them in non-destructive testing. We have attempted on the analytical approximation of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses spectra obtained in the different experimental papers. The results of the analytical approximation of energy spectrum for pulse X-ray tube are presented. Obtained formulas are adequate to experimental data and can be used by designing pulsed X-ray apparatuses


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    This article presents information about the distribution of antigens of the second class in patients with papulo-pustular and nodulous forms of acne. Class II antigens distribution was estimated as the total Group and groups of patients allocated depending on the severity of the clinical picture. Association revealed the presence of severe acne with antigens of histocompatibility of HLA-complex that confirms the importance of immunogenetic factors in the pathogenesis of this condition

    Stromal and Tumor Glioma-Derived Cells with Similar Characteristics have Differences in α-Smooth Muscle Actin Expression and Localization

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    Gliomas are solid brain tumors composed of tumor cells and recruited heterogenic stromal components. The study of the interactions between the perivascular niche and its surrounding cells is of great value in unraveling mechanisms of drug resistance in malignant gliomas. In this study, we isolated the stromal diploid cell population from oligodendroglioma and a mixed population of tumor aneuploid and stromal diploid cells from astrocytoma specimens. The stromal cells expressed neural stem/progenitor and mesenchymal markers showing the same discordant phenotype that is typical for glioma cells. Moreover, some of the stromal cells expressed CD133. For the first time, we demonstrated that this type of stromal cells had the typical myofibroblastic phenotype as the α-SMA+ cells formed α-SMA fibers and exhibited the specific function to deposit extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins at least in vitro. Immunofluorescent analysis showed diffuse or focal α-SMA staining in the cytoplasm of the astrocytoma-derived, A172, T98G, and U251MG glioma cells. We could suggest that α-SMA may be one of the main molecules, bearing protective functions. Possible mechanisms and consequences of α-SMA disruptions in gliomas are discussed


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    A case of Norwegian scabies is described in a patient of 19 years with a lesion of the scalp, face, trunk, upper and lower extremities that occurred against the background of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A good effect was obtained from conducting etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy in combination with specific treatment of the underlying disease

    D'Alembert sums for vibrating bar with viscous ends

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    We describe a new method for finding analytic solutions to some initial-boundary problems for partial differential equations with constant coefficients. The method is based on expanding the denominator of the Laplace transformed Green's function of the problem into a convergent geometric series. If the denominator is a linear combination of exponents with real powers one obtains a closed form solution as a sum with finite but time dependent number of terms. We call it a d'Alembert sum. This representation is computationally most effective for small evolution times, but it remains valid even when the system of eigenmodes is incomplete and the eigenmode expansion is unavailable. Moreover, it simplifies in such cases. In vibratory problems d'Alembert sums represent superpositions of original and partially reflected traveling waves. They generalize the d'Alembert type formulas for the wave equation, and reduce to them when original waves can undergo only finitely many reflections in the entire course of evolution. The method is applied to vibrations of a bar with dampers at each end and at some internal point. The results are illustrated by computer simulations and comparisons to modal and FEM solutions.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    A nearly complete database on the records and ecology of the rarest boreal tiger moth from 1840s to 2020

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    Global environmental changes may cause dramatic insect declines but over century-long time series of certain species’ records are rarely available for scientific research. The Menetries’ Tiger Moth (Arctia menetriesii) appears to be the most enigmatic example among boreal insects. Although it occurs throughout the entire Eurasian taiga biome, it is so rare that less than 100 specimens were recorded since its original description in 1846. Here, we present the database, which contains nearly all available information on the species’ records collected from 1840s to 2020. The data on A. menetriesii records (N = 78) through geographic regions, environments, and different timeframes are compiled and unified. The database may serve as the basis for a wide array of future research such as the distribution modeling and predictions of range shifts under climate changes. It represents a unique example of a more than century-long dataset of distributional, ecological, and phenological data designed for an exceptionally rare but widespread boreal insect, which primarily occurs in hard-to-reach, uninhabited areas of Eurasia.Peer reviewe

    Torus knots and mirror symmetry

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    We propose a spectral curve describing torus knots and links in the B-model. In particular, the application of the topological recursion to this curve generates all their colored HOMFLY invariants. The curve is obtained by exploiting the full Sl(2, Z) symmetry of the spectral curve of the resolved conifold, and should be regarded as the mirror of the topological D-brane associated to torus knots in the large N Gopakumar-Vafa duality. Moreover, we derive the curve as the large N limit of the matrix model computing torus knot invariants.Comment: 30 pages + appendix, 3 figure

    Radiation effects in semiconductor scintillators based on zinc selenide

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    Effects have been studied of gamma-radiation (Еγ=1.25 МeV) in doses of DγЈ5.10⁹ rad upon light output and spectral-kinetic luminescence characteristics of new semiconductor scintillators (SCS) based on isovalently doped (with tellurium and oxygen) zinc selenide crystals. SCS crystals have been shown to be of extremely high radiation stability, and changes in their optical and luminescent properties became noticeable only under doses Dγ>(7.9).10⁷ rad. Under gamma-irradiation with Dγ>(2-5).10⁹ rad and Pγ=7.7.10² R.s⁻¹, in the surface layer (estimated in tens of nanometers) radiolysis of the crystalline structure occurs, and the loss of mass is observed for the samples (at Т=320 К). Mechanisms are considered that describes variation of SCS properties under powerful radiation fluxes.Вивчено вплив гамма-випромінення з енергією Еγ=1.25 МеВ і дозами DγЈ5.10⁹ рад а також нейтронів (Еn>0.55 еВ, з них 85% с Еn>3 МеВ) на світловий вихід і спектрально-кінетичні характеристики люмінесценції нових напівпровідникових сцинтиляторів (НПС) на основі ізовалентно легованих (телуром, киснем) кристалів селеніда цинку. Показано, що кристали НПС мають дуже високу радіаційну стійкість, і зміна їх оптичних і люмінесцентних властивостей стає помітним тільки при дозах Dγ>(7…9).10⁷ рад. При дозах гамма-випромінення Dγ>(2…5).10⁹ рад і Pγ=7.7.10² Р.с⁻¹ у поверхневому прошарку, оцінюваному в десятки нм, спостерігаються радіоліз кристалічної структури і втрата маси зразків (при Т=320 К). Розглянуто механізми змін властивостей НПС під дією потужних потоків випромінювань.Изучено влияние гамма-излучения с энергией Еγ=1.25 МэВ и дозами DγЈ5.10⁹ рад, а также нейтронов (Еn>0.55 эВ, из них 85% с Еn>3МэВ) с флюенсами FnЈ10¹⁹см², на световыход и спектрально-кинетические характеристики люминесценции новых полупроводниковых сцинтилляторов (ППС) на основе изовалентно легированных (теллуром, кислородом) кристаллов селенида цинка. Показано, что кристаллы ППС обладают очень высокой радиационной стойкостью, и изменение их оптических и люминесцентных свойств становится заметным только при дозах Dγ>(7…9).10⁷ рад. При дозах гамма-излучения Dγ>(2…5).10⁹ рад и Pγ=7.7.10² Р.с⁻¹ в поверхностном слое, оцениваемом в десятки нм, наблюдаются радиолиз кристаллической структуры и потеря массы образцов (при Т=320 К). Рассмотрены механизмы изменений свойств ППС под действием мощных потоков излучений

    Synthesis of a new quaternary phosphonium salt: NMR study of the conformational structure and dynamics

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    © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A novel phosphonium salt based on pyridoxine was synthesized. Conformational analysis of the compound in solution was performed using dynamic NMR experiments and calculations. The obtained results revealed some differences in the conformational transitions and the energy parameters of the conformational exchange of the studied compound in comparison to previously reported data for other phosphorus-containing pyridoxine derivatives. It was shown that increasing the substituent at the C-11 carbon leads to greater differences in the populations of stable states and the corresponding equilibrium energies