171 research outputs found

    Age peculiarities of the pro-inflammatory component of cytokine profile in chronic odontogenic infection affected by polymorbid pathology

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    This study aimed to study the features of pro-inflammatory component of the cytokine profile in chronic odontogenic infection affected by polymorbid patholog

    Course of acute coronary syndrome in patients with fraillty

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    The goal of this study was to study the course and outcome of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation and without ST-segment elevation in patients of older age groups with frailt

    Cherenkov radiation in targets with broken azimuthal symmetry

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    It is shown that the breaking of azimuthal symmetry during the oblique entry of relativistic particles into a thin target leads to oscillations of the spectral-angular density of polarized Cherenkov radiation along the azimuthal angle. The effect of modulation of the angular distribution of Cherenkov radiation can be observed in quartz glass on individual spectral lines in the optical and near ultraviolet range

    Distance learning: from an online lesson to a digital preparatory faculty

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the possibilities of distance teaching of Russian as a foreign language and the prospects for the development of online courses within the digital preparatory facult

    Innovative project “U-sport” as part of the implementation of the discipline “Applied physical culture and sports” in the Siberian Federal University

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    The number of people systematically engaged in physical culture and sports, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, should increase up to 85% by 2024. In this regard, one of the main and urgent tasks of the departments of physical education (culture) is the involvement of modern youth in physical education and sports classes of a different content or in technologies of managing this process, as well as maintaining motivation for a systematic approach to classes. Universities with a large contingent of students try to solve this problem in different ways and implement disciplines in physical culture and sports at a high professional level. The national program Digital Economy of the Russian Federation and rapidly changing information technologies urged the Institute and the University on the whole to conduct this experiment. The purpose of the work was testing of the effectiveness of the original digital board-form “U-sport” for getting the students involved in practical classes in the discipline “Applied Physical Culture and Sports” at the Department of Physical Culture of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Siberian Federal University and considering the registration of students in all areas and specialties of full-time education. The working hypothesis was the assumption that the proposed solution would increase the motivation of students due to their choosing a physical education and sports specialization, an object and a territorial unit. The number of participants in the experiment of the Siberian Federal University, amounting to 12,880 people from 20 institutes and 125 teachers, shows that this is the largest study in the framework of one university in the field of physical culture and sports in recent years

    Программный комплекс моделирования сложных систем на основе итерационных алгоритмов МГУА с возможностью сетевого доступа

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    Описано структуру спеціалізованого програмного комплексу моделювання на основі ітераційних алгоритмів методу групового урахування аргументів (МГУА) з можливістю мультидоступу через Інтернет або локальну мережу. В програмному комплексі процес моделювання реалізовано у трьох режимах діалогу – два автоматичних (стандартний та плановий) та один інтерактивний, коли можна втручатися в процес самоорганізації моделей. Програмне забезпечення працює з різними наборами даних у форматі Excel та текстовому редакторі Блокнот. Будуються моделі різної складності та структури з різним розбиттям вибірки. Найкращі моделі представляються системою для графічного і змістового аналізу та зберігаються в базі даних разом із проміжними розрахунками і результатами експериментів для подальшого застосування. Система одночасно працює з трьома базами даних: початковою, базою даних проміжних розрахунків та базою даних результатів.The structure of specialized modeling software based on iterative algorithms of the group method of data handling (GMDH) with the possibility of multiple access via the Internet or LAN is described. In the simulation software package implemented in three modes of dialogue – two automatic (standard and planning) and one interactive – where you can intervene in the process of self-organization models. The software works with different sets of data in Excel and Notepad text editor. The models construct of varying complexity and structure and with different sample decomposition. The best models are presented for the graphic system and semantic analysis and stored in the database along with the intermediate calculations and experimental results for later use. The system works with three databases: an initial database, database of intermediate calculations and results database.Описана структура специализированного программного комплекса моделирования на основе итерационных алгоритмов метода группового учета аргументов (МГУА) с возможностью мультидоступа через Интернет или локальную сеть. В программном комплексе процесс моделирования реализован в трех режимах диалога – двух автоматических (стандартный и плановый) и один интерактивный – когда можно вмешиваться в процесс самоорганизации моделей. Программное обеспечение работает с различными наборами данных в формате Excel и текстовом редакторе Блокнот. Строятся модели различной сложности и структуры с различным разбиением выборки. Лучшие модели представляются системой для графического и смыслового анализа и хранятся в базе данных вместе с промежуточными расчетами и результатами экспериментов для дальнейшего применения. Система одновременно работает с тремя базами данных: начальной базой данных, промежуточных расчетов и базой данных результатов

    Levosalbutamol as alternative to drugs on the basis of racemic salbutamol: Review of the results of pre-clinical research

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    The aim of the work is to conduct an analytical review of the results of preclinical studies of levosalbutamol. The review discusses the pharmacodynamic features of the R-stereoisomer of salbutamol in vitro. The chemical bases of interaction of levosalbutamol with β2-adrenoreceptors, intracellular signaling cascades associated with β2-adrenoreceptors, and structural features of clinically significant ligands of β2-adrenoreceptors are presented. Broncholytic activity, influence on the contractility of the diaphragmatic muscles, mucociliary clearance of R-salbutamol in comparison with racemic salbutamol are described. The data presented indicate that all known β2-adrenergic receptor-dependent effects of racemic salbutamol, including bronchodilation, are realized by its R-enantiomer. There is evidence that the regular inhalation administration of racemic salbutamol is accompanied by a partial decrease in the bronchoprotective effect and an increase in airway hyperreactivity in response to the action of provocative factors. It was found that the development of hyperreactivity of the respiratory tract is excluded in the case of regular inhalation of levosalbutamol. Possible mechanisms of the paradoxical bronchoconstrictor effect of the salbutamol dystomer are described. This article shows the beneficial effect of levosalbutamol on mucociliary clearance, its anti-inflammatory activity and antiallergic effect. The image data are compared between the enantiomers and the racemate of salbutamol. Special attention is paid to the pharmacokinetics of enantiomers of salbutamol. The data presented from the preclinical studies provide evidence of chiral inversion of stereoisomers of salbutamol


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    Effective and safe treatment of acute respiratory infections is one of the urgent issues of pediatrics. The most common and primary symptom of acute and chronic respiratory diseases and one of the most frequent causes of hospital visits among both children and adults is cough. Pharmacotherapy of cough involves use of the drugs improving bronchial drainage function and restoring adequate mucociliary clearance; use of antitussive drugs when indicated; antibiotic therapy in the event of the confirmed bacterial infection. The article presents data on the use of ready-made forms of phytopreparations for respiratory diseases. In particular, it demonstrates effectiveness of plantain syrup (for dry cough) and primula syrup (for productive cough). Проблема эффективного и безопасного лечения острых инфекций дыхательных путей является одной из актуальных в клинической педиатрии. Наиболее распространенным и основным симптомом острых и хронических заболеваний органов дыхания, одной из частых причин обращений к врачу как детей, так и взрослых пациентов является кашель. Фармакотерапия кашля включает применение препаратов, улучшающих дренажную функцию бронхов и восстанавливающих адекватный мукоцилиарный клиренс; применение противокашлевых препаратов по показаниям; использование антибактериальной терапии при доказанной бактериальной инфекции. В статье представлены данные об использовании готовых форм растительных препаратов при заболеваниях органов дыхания. В частности продемонстрирована эффективность сиропа подорожника (для сухого кашля) и сиропа первоцвета (для влажного кашля). Ульян, этого нет в анг варианте. Может, мы вообще не будем отправлять Кате авторские переводы резюме? Чтобы она потом сразу Осиповские вставляла?

    C60 fullerenes increase the intensity of rotational movements in non-anesthetized hemiparkinsonic rats

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    The effect of C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution (C60FAS) on the intensity of long-lasting (persisting for one hour) rotational movements in non-anesthetized rats was investigated. For this purpose, an experimental hemiparkinsonic animal model was used in the study. Rotational movements in hemiparkinsonic animals were initiated by the intraperitoneal administration of the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine. It was shown that a preliminary injection of C60FAS (a substance with powerful antioxidant properties) in hemiparkinsonic rats induced distinct changes in animal motor behavior. It was revealed that fullerene-pretreated animals, in comparison with non-pretreated or vehicle-pretreated rats, rotated for 1 h at an approximately identical speed until the end of the experiment, whereas the rotation speed of control rats gradually decreased to 20–30% of the initial value. One can assume that the observed changes in the movement dynamics of the hemiparkinsonic rats after C60FAS pretreatment presumably can be induced by the influence of C60FAS on the dopaminergic system, although the isolated potentiation of the action of apomorphine C60FAS cannot be excluded. Nevertheless, earlier data on the action of C60FAS on muscle dynamics has suggested that C60FAS can activate a protective action of the antioxidant system in response to long-lasting muscular activity and that the antioxidant system in turn may directly decrease fatigue-related changes during long-lasting muscular activity