166 research outputs found

    Energy and propulsion optimization of solid-propellant grain of a hybrid power device

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    A method of distribution of an additional solid-phase component (oxidizer) providing uniformity of grain burning for the purpose of evaluation and optimization of energy and propulsion parameters of hybrid solid-propellant motor is proposed in the paper

    Verification of model of calculation of intra-chamber parameters in hybrid solid-propellant rocket engines

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    On the basis of obtained analytical estimate of characteristics of hybrid solid-propellant rocket engine verification of earlier developed physical and mathematical model of processes in a hybrid solid-propellant rocket engine for quasi-steady-state flow regime was performed. Comparative analysis of calculated and analytical data indicated satisfactory comparability of simulation results

    Synthesis, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Au/CdS Hybrid Nanocomposites Stabilized by Branched Polymer Matrices

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    Metal/semiconductor (Au/CdS) nanocomposites were synthesized in the solution of branched D-g-PAA polymer. TEM and DLS of Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites revealed complicated nanocomposite structure consisting of the Au nanoparticles (NPs) of 6 nm in size surrounded by small CdS NPs with size of 3 nm. These nanocomposites formed the aggregates-clusters with average size of 50–800 nm. Absorption spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites consist of the bands of excitons in CdS NPs and surface plasmons in Au ones. The surface plasmon band of gold NPs is red shifted and broadened in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites comparing to the one of Au NPs in Au/D-g-PAA proving the fact of close location of CdS and Au NPs in the synthesized Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites. The PL spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites originate from the radiative transitions in excitons in CdS NPs. The 4-fold increase of intensity of free exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA that is due to PL enhancement by local field of surface plasmons of Au NPs. Also, the 12-fold decrease of intensity of localized exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA. Most probably, it is due to passivation of the surface of CdS NPs carried out by the Au ones

    Morphology of ceramic particles produced by plasma-chemical synthesis

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    Thermal and diffusion processes in the droplet weakly concentrated metal salt solution during its heating in the plasma chemical reactor, in order to synthesize metal oxide powders are considered. Numerical study is based on previously proposed physical-mathematical model. The results of numerical calculations are analyzed to assess the possible influence of the operation parameters of the reactor and the characteristics of the initial solution (precursor) on the morphology of the particles formed

    Monitoring the psychological component of higher education quality using ICT tools

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    This study examines the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to monitor the psychological component of higher education quality. A literature review covers the concepts of higher education quality and its monitoring, the psychological factors involved, and the potential of ICT tools, including Google services. The study details a monitoring procedure using Google Forms to assess indicators like relationships between participants, satisfaction levels, and organisational climate. The computer program “Personnel – Ψ” is also presented as a tool for comprehensive psychological diagnostics of teachers. The advantages of using ICT tools for efficient data collection, analysis and management are discussed. The results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using ICT to improve monitoring of the psychological aspects of educational quality and make evidence-based decisions to enhance the educational environment. The use of user-friendly tools like Google Forms facilitates regular assessment of quality indicators and aids institutions in ensuring participant satisfaction and optimal conditions for learning and growth


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    The article a dduces t he role and functions of preventive and curative measures in t h e selection, maintenance and formation of young professionals who come to work in different professional fields. The significance of preventive and therapeutic support in th e formation of high professional competence of employees is substantiated.В статье рассмотрены роль и функции профилактически-лечебных мероприятий при отборе, сопровождении и становлении молодых специалистов, которые приходят на работу в разных сферах профессиональной деятель­ности. Обосновано значение профилактически-лечебного сопровождения при формировании высокой профес­сиональной компетенции работников.У статті розглянуті роль і функції профілактично-лікувальних заходів у відборі, супроводженні та становленні молодих фахівців, які приходять на роботу в різних сферах професійної діяльності. Обґрунтовано значення профілактично-лікувального супроводження у формуванні фахівців із високою професійною компетенцією

    Особливості розвитку туристичного ринку Волині

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    Туризм в Україні є однією із складових частин національної економіки і соціально-культурного життя держави

    Обґрунтування показника проектної врожайності на осушуваних землях як основи оцінювання їхньої ринкової вартості

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    Scientific and methodical approaches to justification of design productivity of crops on the reclaimed lands with the regulated water mode on the basis of application of a complex of expected and imitating models are considered. It’s offered to estimate the market value of farmlands taking into account an indicator of the calculating design productivity displaying her achievement in the conditions of reclamation objects with bilateral regulation of the water mode. Розглянуто науково-методичні підходи до обґрунтування проектної врожайності сільськогосподарських культур на меліорованих землях з регульованим водним режимом на основі застосування комплексу прогнозно-імітаційних моделей. Запропоновано оцінювати ринкову вартість осушуваних земель на основі показника розрахункової проектної врожайності, яка відображає її досягнення в умовах меліоративних об’єктів з двостороннім регулюванням водного режиму