171 research outputs found

    On the Impact of the European Union in Citizens’ Perception of Quality of Life

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    In the 2000s many important events have a\u21b5ected the EU political and economic stage: the adoption of the Euro currency, the enlargement occurred in three waves, the big economic crisis in 2008 and the Brexit referendum in 2016, just to cite a few. It is common opinion that these shocks have contributed to deeply change the average citizens\u2019 attitude towards the EU and have had a strong impact on citizens\u2019 quality of life. The present work aims at analyzing the relationship between the EU and EU citizens\u2019 perceived quality of life. This analysis is carried out in two-steps via firstly a nonlinear principal component analysis to extract underlying components of perceived quality of life related to the EU, and secondly using multilevel modeling to take into account country e\u21b5ects influencing the overall quality of life. Specific attention is given to national di\u21b5erences and the connection with the general citizens\u2019 perception of quality of life

    Safety profile of recommended vaccinations in adolescents: Data from surveillance of adverse events following immunization in puglia (Italy), 2016–2020

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    Adolescence is a critical period for immunization, in which the adhesion rate to recommended vaccinations is often lower than desired. Since the safety of new vaccines is one of the most important factors determining vaccination hesitancy, post-marketing surveillance of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to better understand the safety of these drugs. This report describes AEFIs notified in Puglia (Italy) after recommended vaccinations in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years in 2016–2020 to determine the safety profile of these products in a real-life scenario. This is a retrospective observational study. Data were gathered from the list of AEFIs notified in subjects between 12 and 18 years of age following administration of recommended vaccines in Puglia in 2016–2020. AEFIs were classified according to the WHO’s decisional algorithm, and causality assessment was carried out for serious AEFIs. From 2016 to 2020, 323,627 doses of vaccine were administered to adolescents in Puglia and 50 AEFIs were reported (reporting rate: 15.4 × 100,000 doses). Of these, 17 (34.0%) were classified as serious, and causality assessment identified 13 of them (76.5%) as vaccine related. The most common symptoms were local reactions, fever and neurological symptoms. No deaths were notified. The benefits of immunization in adolescents appear to be greater than the risk of AEFIs for all studied vaccines; in fact, AEFIs occur in less than 0.1‰ of patients and are generally mild and self-limiting

    Performance Evaluation of end-to-end security protocols in an Internet of Things

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are destined to play a fundamental role in the next-generation Internet, which will be characterized by the Machine-to-Machine paradigm, according to which, embedded devices will actively exchange information, thus enabling the development of innovative applications. It will contribute to assert the concept of Internet of Things, where end-to-end security represents a key issue. In such context, it is very important to understand which protocols are able to provide the right level of security without burdening the limited resources of constrained networks. This paper presents a performance comparison between two of the most widely used security protocols: IPSec and DTLS. We provide the analysis of their impact on the resources of embedded devices. For this purpose, we have modified existing implementations of both protocols to make them properly run on our hardware platforms, and we have performed an extensive experimental evaluation study. The achieved results are not a consequence of a classical simulation campaign, but they have been obtained in a real scenario that uses software and hardware typical of the current technological developments. Therefore, they can help network designers to identify the most appropriate secure mechanism for end-to-end IP communications involving constrained devices

    BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection and symptomatic disease in five-month follow-up: A retrospective cohort study

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    To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, a mass vaccination campaign was initiated in Italy on December 27, 2020. The vaccine available to immunize Italian healthcare workers (HCWs) was the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Comirnaty). This study evaluated the effectiveness of the vaccine against documented SARS-CoV-2 infection and symptomatic diseases in the medium- to long-term. HCWs at Bari Policlinico University-Hospital (Italy) who completed the vaccination schedule were matched with HCWs who had refused vaccination; the two groups were followed-up for 5 months (January–May 2021). Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against infection was 97.7% (95.4– 99.0%) at 14–34 days after the first dose, and 94.8% (87.0–97.8%), 83.0% (65.0–92.0%), and 81.0% (42.0–94.0%) at 14–41, 42–69, and >69 days, respectively, after the second dose. The estimated VE for documented symptomatic disease was 99.2% (96.4–99.8%) at 14–34 days after the first dose and 97.2% (90.3–99.2%), 85.0% (63.0–94.2%), and 88.0% (42.0–97.6%) at 14–41, 42–69, and >69 days, respectively, after the second dose. Efforts to increase vaccination rates should be strengthened, including mandatory vaccination for HCWs and greater incentives to increase vaccine acceptance by the general population

    Incident reporting system in an italian university hospital: A new tool for improving patient safety

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    Clinical risk management constitutes a central element in the healthcare systems in relation to the reverberation that it establishes, and as regards the optimization of clinical outcomes for the patient. The starting point for a right clinical risk management is represented by the identification of non-conforming results. The aim of the study is to carry out a systematic analysis of all data received in the first three years of adoption of a reporting system, revealing the strengths and weaknesses. The results emerged showed an increasing trend in the number of total records. Notably, 86.0% of the records came from the medical category. Moreover, 41.0% of the records reported the possible preventive measures that could have averted the event and in 30% of the reports are hints to be put in place to avoid the repetition of the events. The second experimental phase is categorizing the events reported. Implementing the reporting system, it would guarantee a virtuous cycle of learning, training and reallocation of resources. By sensitizing health workers to a correct use of the incident reporting system, it could become a virtuous error learning system. All this would lead to a reduction in litigation and an implementation of the therapeutic doctor–patient alliance

    Adverse events following measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccination and the case of seizures: A post marketing active surveillance in Puglia Italian region, 2017-2018

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    Since 2012, the Italian Ministry of Health has recommended to improve the surveillance of adverse events following the measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) tetravalent vaccine that was provided in the official immunization schedule of some Italian regions for children during the second year of life. This recommendation was based on data from some surveys that showed an additional risk of seizure following the administration of this vaccine. Responding to the Ministry commitment, the Puglia Region launched, from May 2017 to November 2018, a post-marketing active surveillance program of adverse events following MMRV immunization (AEFIs). Immunized children (second year of life) were enrolled on a voluntary basis, AEFIs diaries were used, and their parents were interviewed 25 days after the immunization. There were 2540 children enrolled; 2149/2540 (84.6%) completed the post-vaccination follow-up. Of these, 992 AEFIs were registered with a reporting rate of 46.2 Ă— 100 doses: 883/992 (89.0%) AEFIs were not serious, while 109/992 (11.0%) were serious. For serious AEFIs, the evaluation of causality assessment was performed using the algorithm proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO): 82/109 consistent causal associations to MMRV immunization were detected (reporting rate of consistent AEFIs: 3.8 Ă— 100 follow-up). All serious AEFIs consistently associated with immunization resulted completely resolved at the follow-up. The reporting rate of seizure consistently associated with immunization was 0.05 Ă— 100, lower than data previous published in the literature that did not report the causality assessment. Because no emerging signals were detected, our data from the active surveillance program confirmed the safety profile of the MMRV vaccine

    Off-label use of covid-19 vaccines from ethical issues to medico-legal aspects: An italian perspective

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    During the COVID-19 outbreak, the lack of official recommendations on the treatment has led healthcare workers to use multiple drugs not specifically tested and approved for the new insidious disease. After the availability of the first COVID-19 vaccines (Comirnaty Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID19 vaccine), an authorization was issued by national and international Drug Regulatory Agencies in order to speed up their introduction on the market and their administration on a large scale. Despite the authorization, the off-label use of these vaccines may still be possible especially to answer specific concerns as the lack of vaccine doses, the delay in the delivery of planned doses or the pressure from public opinion and political influence also in relation to the evolution of the pandemic. This paper aims to assess the possible off-label use of COVID-19 vaccines and the ethical and medico-legal implications of this eventuality. The scope of this paper is to point out the possible consequences of off-label use of COVID-19 vaccines and possible mitigation and preventive measures to be taken by healthcare workers involved in vaccination procedures

    The Black Sea Physics Analysis and Forecasting System within the Framework of the Copernicus Marine Service

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    This work describes the design, implementation and validation of the Black Sea physics analysis and forecasting system, developed by the Black Sea Physics production unit within the Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center as part of the Copernicus Marine Environment and Monitoring Service. The system provides analyses and forecasts of the temperature, salinity, sea surface height, mixed layer depth and currents for the whole Black Sea basin, excluding the Azov Sea, and has been operational since 2016. The system is composed of the NEMO (v 3.4) numerical model and an OceanVar scheme, which brings together real time observations (in-situ temperature and salinity profiles, sea level anomaly and sea surface temperature satellite data). An operational quality assessment framework is used to evaluate the accuracy of the products which set the basic standards for the future upgrades, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the model and the observing system in the Black Sea

    Lymphatic Function of the Lower Limb after Groin Dissection for Vulvar Cancer and Reconstruction with Lymphatic SCIP Flap

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    Inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, frequently performed for vulvar cancer, is burdened with substantial immediate and long-term morbidity. One of the most disabling treatment-related sequelae is lower limb lymphedema (LLL). The present study aims to describe the wound complications and the severity of LLL in patients who have undergone groin dissection for vulvar cancer and immediate inguinal reconstruction with the Lymphatic Superficial Circumflex Iliac Perforator flap (L-SCIP). We retrospectively reviewed the data of patients who underwent bilateral groin dissection and unilateral inguinal reconstruction with the L-SCIP. The presence and severity of postoperative LLL during the follow-up period were assessed by lymphoscintigraphy and limbs’ volume mea-surement. In addition, immediate complications at the level of the inguinal area were registered. The changes between preoperative and postoperative limb volumes were analyzed by Student’s t test. p values < 0.05 were considered significant. Thirty-one patients were included. The mean variation of volume was 479 ± 330 cc3 in the side where groin reconstruction had been performed, and 683 ± 425 cc3 in the contralateral side, showing smaller variation in the treated side (p = 0.022). Lymphoscintigraphy confirmed the clinical findings. Based on our results, inguinal reconstruction with L-SCIP performed at the same time of groin dissection in patients treated for vulvar cancer can provide a significant protective effect on LLL
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