722 research outputs found

    A Toy Model of Flying Snake's Glide

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    We have developed a toy model of flying snake's glide [J.J. Socha, Nature vol. 418 (2002) 603.] by modifying a model for a falling paper. We have found that asymmetric oscillation is a key about why snake can glide. Further investigation for snake's glide will provide us details about how it can glide without a wing.Comment: 6 pages, to be submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Revised Version submitted to the abov

    maternal consumption of organic trace minerals alters calf systemic and neutrophil mrna and microrna indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress

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    Abstract Organic trace mineral (ORG) supplementation to dairy cows in substitution of sulfate (INO) sources has been associated with improvement in immune function during stressful states such as the peripartal period. However, the effect of supplemental ORG during pregnancy on the neonatal calf is unknown. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the effects of ORG supplementation during late pregnancy on the immune system and growth of the neonatal calf. Of specific interest was the evaluation of inflammation-related microRNA (miRNA) and target gene expression in blood neutrophils as indicators of possible nutritional programming. Forty multiparous cows were supplemented for 30d prepartum with 40mg/kg of Zn, 20mg/kg of Mn, 5mg/kg of Cu, and 1mg/kg of Co from either organic (ORG) or sulfate (INO) sources (total diet contained supplemental 75mg/kg of Zn, 65mg/kg of Mn, 11mg/kg of Cu, and 1mg/kg of Co, and additional Zn, Mn, and Co provided by sulfates), and a subset of calves (n=8/treatment) was used for blood immunometabolic marker and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) gene and miRNA expression analyses. Samples were collected at birth (before colostrum feeding), 1d (24h after colostrum intake), and 7 and 21d of age. Data were analyzed as a factorial design with the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS. No differences were detected in BW, but maternal ORG tended to increase calf withers height. Calves from INO-fed cows had greater concentrations of blood glucose, GOT, paraoxonase, myeloperoxidase, and reactive oxygen metabolites. Antioxidant capacity also was greater in INO calves. The PMNL expression of toll-like receptor pathway genes indicated a pro-inflammatory state in INO calves, with greater expression of the inflammatory mediators MYD88 , IRAK1 , TRAF6 , NFKB , and NFKBIA . The lower expression of miR-155 and miR-125b in ORG calves indicated the potential for maternal organic trace minerals in regulating the PMNL inflammatory response at least via alterations in mRNA and miRNA expression. Overall, these results indicate that maternal nutrition with organic trace minerals could alter the neonatal innate immune response at least in part via changes in gene and miRNA expression. Further studies involving inflammatory challenges during the neonatal period should be performed to determine the functional benefit of maternal organic trace minerals on the neonatal immune response

    Electrochemical determination of lead and cadmium in surface water

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    El método voltametría de onda cuadrada (OSWV) fue validado para la cuantificación de Cd2+ y Pb2+ en aguas superficiales. El estudio fue realizado usando solución Britton-Robinson como electrolito de soporte a pH 4,8, carbón vítreo como electrodo de trabajo, Ag/AgCl como electrodo de referencia y platino como electrodo auxiliar. La técnica presenta un límite de detección 211 µg/L para Pb y 268 µg/L para Cd. La aplicación de la técnica voltamétrica OSWV fue realizada en aguas de la quebrada Las Torres del sector Parque Industrial en Sogamoso (Colombia), hallando una concentración de: Pb2+ 0,750±0,067 mg/L y Cd2+ 0,570±0,071 mg/L, los cuales sobrepasan los límites máximos establecidos por las normas nacionales (Decreto 4728/2010) e internacionales vigentes para aguas residuales. Los resultados fueron contrastados por el método de referencia espectrofotometría de absorción atómica aceptado como referencia, permitiendo deducir que el método electroquímico genera resultados con un nivel de confianza del 95%.The square wave electrochemical voltammetry method (OSWV) to quantification of cadmium and lead in surface waters was validated. It used a Britton-Robinson buffer as solution supporting electrolyte to pH 4.8, working electrode glassy carbon, Ag/AgCl as reference electrode and platinum as counter electrode. The limit of detection determined was 211 µg/L for Pb and 268 µg/L for Cd. The application of voltammetric technique OSWV was performed in waters of the creek Towers Industrial Park Sector in Sogamoso (Colombia). The ions concentration in the samples analyzed was 0.750±0.067 mg/L for Pb2+ and 0.570±0.071 mg/L for Cd2+, exceeding the national and international standards limits for wastewater. The results obtained by voltammetry were compared with atomic absorption method spectrophotometer traditionally accepted, allowing deducing that the voltammetric method generates results with a confidence level of 95%

    Orthogonal methods based ant colony search for solving continuous optimization problems

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    Research into ant colony algorithms for solving continuous optimization problems forms one of the most significant and promising areas in swarm computation. Although traditional ant algorithms are designed for combinatorial optimization, they have shown great potential in solving a wide range of optimization problems, including continuous optimization. Aimed at solving continuous problems effectively, this paper develops a novel ant algorithm termed "continuous orthogonal ant colony" (COAC), whose pheromone deposit mechanisms would enable ants to search for solutions collaboratively and effectively. By using the orthogonal design method, ants in the feasible domain can explore their chosen regions rapidly and e±ciently. By implementing an "adaptive regional radius" method, the proposed algorithm can reduce the probability of being trapped in local optima and therefore enhance the global search capability and accuracy. An elitist strategy is also employed to reserve the most valuable points. The performance of the COAC is compared with two other ant algorithms for continuous optimization of API and CACO by testing seventeen functions in the continuous domain. The results demonstrate that the proposed COAC algorithm outperforms the others

    Influence of soil contaminated with cadmium on cell death in the digestive epithelium of soil centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda)

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    Cadmium is a heavy metal that is treated as an environmental pollutant (air, water, soil). In order to understand the potential effects of cadmium in soil and soil invertebrates, it is important to describe all alterations which appear at different levels in organisms. The main aim of this study was to investigate, analyze and describe the alterations caused by cadmium short- and long-term intoxication at different levels in the organisms: from tissues to cells and organelles. In addition, the activation of cell deathmechanisms that take part in homeostasismaintenance according to cadmium has been studied. Therefore, as the species for this project, a terrestrial and well-known widespread European species – the centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) – was chosen. This omnivorous species lives under upper layers of soil, under stones, litter, rocks, and leaves, and it is also commonly found in human habitats. The animals were divided into three groups: C – the control group, animals cultured in a horticultural soil; Cd1 – animals cultured in a horticultural soil supplemented with 80 mg/kg (dry weight) of CdCl2, 12 days – short-term exposure; Cd2 – animals cultured in a horticultural soil supplemented with 80 mg/kg (dry weight) of CdCl2, 45 days – long-term exposure. The midgut was isolated from each specimen and it was prepared for analysis using some histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Our studies showed that short-term intoxication causes intensification of autophagy and digestion of reserve material, while long-term exposure to this heavy metal causes activation of cell death processes together with inhibition of autophagy connected with the lack of reserve material. Additionally, we can infer that autophagy and cell death are nutrient deprivation-induced processes. Finally, we can conclude that short- and long-term exposure of soil centipede to cadmium affects different mechanisms and processes of cell death

    The use of remotely sensed data and polish NFI plots for prediction of growing stock volume using different predictive methods

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    Forest growing stock volume (GSV) is an important parameter in the context of forest resource management. National Forest Inventories (NFIs) are routinely used to estimate forest parameters, including GSV, for national or international reporting. Remotely sensed data are increasingly used as a source of auxiliary information for NFI data to improve the spatial precision of forest parameter estimates. In this study, we combine data from the NFI in Poland with satellite images of Landsat 7 and 3D point clouds collected with airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology to develop predictive models of GSV. We applied an area-based approach using 13,323 sample plots measured within the second cycle of the NFI in Poland (2010–2014) with poor positional accuracy from several to 15 m. Four different predictive approaches were evaluated: multiple linear regression, k-Nearest Neighbours, Random Forest and Deep Learning fully connected neural network. For each of these predictive methods, three sets of predictors were tested: ALS-derived, Landsat-derived and a combination of both. The developed models were validated at the stand level using field measurements from 360 reference forest stands. The best accuracy (RMSE% = 24.2%) and lowest systematic error (bias% = −2.2%) were obtained with a deep learning approach when both ALS- and Landsat-derived predictors were used. However, the differences between the evaluated predictive approaches were marginal when using the same set of predictor variables. Only a slight increase in model performance was observed when adding the Landsat-derived predictors to the ALS-derived ones. The obtained results showed that GSV can be predicted at the stand level with relatively low bias and reasonable accuracy for coniferous species, even using field sample plots with poor positional accuracy for model development. Our findings are especially important in the context of GSV prediction in areas where NFI data are available but the collection of accurate positions of field plots is not possible or justified because of economic reasons

    Influence of Sleeve Gastrectomy on NASH and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is present in up to 85% of adipose patients and may proceed to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). With insulin resistance and obesity being the main risk factors for NASH, the effect of isolated sleeve gastrectomy (ISG) on these parameters was examined. Methods. 236 patients underwent ISG with intraoperative liver biopsy from December 2002 to September 2009. Besides demographic data, pre-operative weight/BMI, HbA1c, AST, ALT, triglycerides, HDL and LDL levels were determined. Results. A significant correlation of NASH with higher HbA1c, AST and ALT and lower levels for HDL was observed (P < .05, <.0001, <.0001, <.01, resp.). Overall BMI decreased from 45.0 ± 6.8 to 29.7 ± 6.5 and 31.6 ± 4.4 kg/m2 at 1 and 3 years. An impaired weight loss was demonstrated for patients with NASH and patients with elevated HbA1c (plateau 28.08 kg/m2 versus 29.79 kg/m2 and 32.30 kg/m2 versus 28.79 kg/m2, resp.). Regarding NASH, a significant improvement of AST, ALT, triglyceride and HDL levels was shown (P < .0001 for all). A resolution of elevated HbA1c was observed in 21 of 23 patients. Summary. NASH patients showed a significant loss of body weight and amelioration of NASH status. ISG can be successfully performed in these patients and should be recommended for this subgroup

    PMF the front end electronic for the ALFA detector

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    International audienceThe PMF (Photo Multiplier Front end) is the front end electronics designed for the ATLAS luminometer ALFA (Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS) made of 20 staggered U-V scintillating fiber layers inserted in Roman Pots (eight in total). Each of these plans is made of 64 fibers. The PMF consists of a 64 channels photomultiplier (MAPMT) and a very compact stack of three different PCBs (3x3 cm2), mounted directly on the back and in the shadow of the MAPMT: a board which brings the high voltage to the MAPMT, an intermediate board used to send the signals to connectors located on the edge and, finally, a board with the readout chip MAROC (Multi Anode Read Out Chip), directly bonded on the PCB, on one side and a FPGA on the other. The 64 inputs MAROC ASIC allows correcting for the gain spread of MAPMT channels thanks to a 6 bits variable gain preamplifier. For each channel the signal is shaped (fast shaper, 15ns) and discriminated to produce a trigger output. A multiplexed charge output is also produced both in analog and digital thanks to a Wilkinson ADC. The main requirements are the following: 100 % trigger efficiency for a signal greater than 1/3 of a photoelectron, a charge measurement up to 30 photoelectrons with a linearity of 2 % or better and a cross talk of 1 % or less. The performances of the second version of MAROC were checked successfully during the year 2007 at LAL-Orsay. A nice dispersion of the trigger output (± 5 fC) was, in particular, observed. A sample of PMFs was produced during autumn 2007 as a prototype. Laboratory tests were performed both at LAL and CERN respectively on the third PCB (the one with MAROC) and on a full PMF equipped with a MAPMT illuminated by a LED. They were carried out using dedicated test board and acquisition software and have allowed the approval of the design and the green light for the final production and integration with the detector. Beam tests of a complete Roman Pot, equipped with 23 PMFs, will take place during summer 2008 for two periods and will conclude the test phase and mark the beginning of the final production