3,019 research outputs found

    Aging, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance

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    The national trend to earlier retirement is surprising in light of conventional wisdom holding that older workers are healthy, satisfied and productive employees -- sometimes even more so than their younger counterparts. This paper examines whether conventional wisdom is wrong by reviewing existing studies and noting some of their most important shortcomings. New empirical evidence is provided on the links between aging, job satisfaction, and job performance using data from a nationally representative survey of workers

    The Impact of Customer Experience Toward Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Ciputra World Surabaya

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    Ciputra World Surabaya is facing a tense competition, especially with the upcoming new shopping malls. Author believes that customer satisfaction and loyalty is the ultimate solutions to maintain the visitors traffic, which can be achieved by encouraging customer experience. The research succeeds to gather 142 respondents using simple random sampling method. Thus, by applying the Path Analysis with Regression, it is able to prove that customer experience has significant impact toward customer satisfaction of Ciputra World Surabaya. Then, customer satisfaction has significant impact toward customer loyalty of Ciputra World Surabaya. Author also tested customer satisfaction as mediating variable, however, the result shows that customer experience has no significant impact toward customer loyalty, mediated by customer satisfaction of Ciputra World Surabaya

    La resignificación de la ley moral natural en el pensamiento medieval

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    The notion of natural law was to a great extent discovered by the Greeks. Although formulated for the first time by the Stoics, there are important precedents in previous philosophers and tragic writers. Nevertheless, the coming of Christianity, by virtue of its concept of creation, brought along a different notion of God and nature. This meant a decisive change in the notion of the natural law, which we will highlight in these pages

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Penggunaan Surat Keterangan Waris Untuk Pendaftaran Tanah

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    Penulisan yang diberi judul Tinjauan Yuridis tentang Penggunaan Surat Keterangan Waris untuk Pendaftaran Tanah ini, dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan Surat keterangan waris berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala dalam proses pembuatan surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh Notaris. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh ahli waris yang disaksikan oleh 2 (dua) orang saksi dengan dikuatkan oleh Lurah dan camat, ada proses pembuatan surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh ahli waris yang telah melalui proses yang sesuai menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dan ada proses pembuatan surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh ahli waris yang tidak sesuai ketentuan (Pasal 111 ayat (1) huruf c angka 4 Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahu 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh Notaris sangat memberikan perlindungan hukum dan kepastian hukum kepada para hali waris didalam proses peralihan hak karena pewarisan karena ada pengecekan wasiat dan surat keterangan waris tersebut di buat oleh dan dihadapan serta ditandatangani oleh seluruh ahli waris dihadapan Notaris. Surat keterangan waris tidak hanya dipergunakan sebagai surat tanda bukti sebagai ali waris untuk pendaftaran tanah saja akan tetapi juga untuk pencairan uang di Bank dan untuk mengurus Asuransi. Dan dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bahwa kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang hukum Waris Khususnya Pendaftaran Hak atas tanah karena pewarisa

    The Student-Bloggers\u27 Voices on the Contribution of EFL Writing Through Blogging

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    Blogging is an effective way to help students write better as it positively enhances the students\u27 EFL writing skills. The following study is an attempt to evaluate student-bloggers\u27 opinions on blogging activity as it gives valuable contributions to student\u27s EFL writing skill. The research aimed at investigating student-bloggers\u27 attitudes towards the application of class blog in an informal learning situation. A descriptive case study was conducted to get more information on blogging contributions to student-bloggers\u27 EFL writing both for the process and the product of writing. The subjects were the student-bloggers of a language course whose blogging activity was intense. The data gathering was employed by probing interview and observation. Additionally, the thorough and meticulous analysis on the product of the writing was performed and scored using a rubric. Findings gathered from the interview depict the benefits and positive contributions of blogging to student-bloggers\u27 EFL writing. Blogging was certainly seen as a fun writing activity by the student-bloggers. It resulted from the fact that contrary to school learning, while blogging the students experienced autonomous learning, getting direct feedback from readers, and most importantly a complete freedom in writing. Some of blogging contributions for EFL writing are multi-literacy, direct feedback from readers, motivation, autonomous learning, critical thinking and language awareness, networking, freedom to write, and self confidence

    Additional contribution to the bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park, State of Bahia, Brazil

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    This paper represents an additional contribution toward the knowledge of a bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park in the State of Bahia, Brazil, in which are reported 27 species of mosses belonging to 22 genera and 14 families, and four species of liverworts belonging to four genera and three families. Most of these species seem to be restricted to this high altitude geomorphological complex area

    Deeds and Consequences: Ethical Issues in a Welfare-to-Work Program

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    This paper explores the impact of a lack of sensitivity to the ethical issues that surfaced in a specific welfare-to-work program on participants’ perceptions, self-esteem, and motivation. Ethical issues in three areas were identified and discussed: (a) professionalism and accountability, (b) participant and provider relationships, and (c) shared responsibilities