839 research outputs found

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Prospects for the Ferronickel Production Development from the Urals Oxidized Nickel Ores

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    Methods of ore processing are divided into hydro- and pyrometallurgical. The latter method is more common. Ferronickel is seeing high demand at present. It is produced by reducing electric smelting of previously calcined ore. This method is typically used because of the composition and quality of the products obtained (there is a particularly large market for Ferronickel of the standard ISO 6501:1988, containing at least 15% Ni). Processing technologies for converting poor oxidized nickel ores into ferronickel offer significant advantages, reducing the environmental impact and energy consumption, and increase the recovery of valuable metals. This study considers the processing technology of serpentinite ores, which includes: ore preparation (averaging, crushing and screening, drying); roasting a mixture of dried ore and crushed dolomite (flux) in tubular rotary kilns; melting of hot cinder with the addition of a reducing agent in an ore-smelting direct-current electric furnace to produce a rough ferronickel; refining ferronickel from impurities of carbon, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, chromium was substantiated. During the industrial testing of electric smelting of calcined ores from the Ural deposits, ferronickel, containing (in wt. %) 8.9-15.5 Ni, 1.1 Cr, 0.17 Co, 0.1 S, 0.1 C was produced. Nickel extraction in ferronickel was 96.1 %, cobalt – 89.1 %. Keywords: ore, nickel, production, heating, roasting and reduction, phase transition

    Strategic priorities for the development of middle regions in Russia

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    Relevance. The key factor in the development of any region is its geographical position in the socio-economic and geopolitical space of the country. In this respect, middle regions are of particular interest. Unfortunately, their unique qualities remain largely underexplored in research literature, which is the gap this article seeks to address.Research objective. The purpose of the study is to provide a definition of the concept ‘middle region’, describe its key characteristics and align them with the strategic priorities in the development of such regions.Data and methods. The research methodology centres around the notion of cumulative effect of the middle region and the tools for its assessment. This effect is associated with enhanced socio-economic efficiency of a territorial capital resulting from the advantages of its middle position. Among other things, this effect manifests itself through higher economic returns on investment. The empirical part of the study relies on the data on 36 Russian middle regions, their missions and priorities of strategic development.Results. The article summarizes the Russian and international theoretical approaches to the definition of the middle regions, their place and role in the territorial structure of a country and its socio-economic development. It is shown that most authors assign middle regions the role of the country’s epicenter, highlighting their key role in economy, culture, politics and other spheres of life. The approach proposed in this study focuses on middle regions’ position in space, on the one hand, and, on the other, sees them as systems of interactions in the socio-economic space. Based on this understanding of the middle region, several groups of Russian middle regions are identified: integrators, sustainable middle regions and developing middle regions.Conclusions. The mission of middle regions is one of the fundamental concepts of strategic management, comprising a hierarchy of goals. It is shown that although the mission of middle regions should be to become integrators of the country’s socio-economic space through the network of inter-territorial and global interactions, not all Russian middle regions are ready to pursue this ambitious goal and prefer to focus on addressing internal goals of their own

    Electroextraction of lead from a lead trilonate solution

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    Laboratory studies of the cathode process of the electroextraction of zinc from the trilonate electrolyte obtained after the purification of solutions after leaching lead cakes of zinc production are performed. The potential scan rate is determined by recording potentiodynamic curves; the optimal electrolyte acidity, the composition, and the temperature are established. Values of activation energy confirming the concentration nature of process polarization are found. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    GNSS High-Rate Data and the Efficiency of Ionospheric Scintillation Indices

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    The work discusses the efficiency of different ionospheric scintillation indices. The new index D2fi based on the GNSS carrier phase observable was introduced. We analyze the accuracy of the phase measurements, in particular its dependence on the GNSS equipment thermal noises, multipath and external noises, and presettings of Phase Lock Loop and Code Delay Discriminator. The performance of DROTI, S4, σφ, and D2fi was considered for the case of high-rate data. The “sensitivity” and reliability of each index differs significantly and depends on the time resolution of the carrier phase data. The new index D2fi advantages are that it is easily derived and has a clear dependence on GNSS hardware and software features. D2fi was proven to be a useful tool to detect the small-scale ionospheric disturbances based on high-rate GPS carrier phase measurements

    Mutations designed to modify the NS gene mRNA secondary structure affect influenza A pathogenicity in vivo

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    The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region.The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region

    Technical University as a multilevel educational complex: from the experience of education of young students

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    The purpose of the article is summarizing the experience and determination of the main vectors of educational work organization and implementation in a technical university as a multi-level educational complex (MEC). Methods. Theoretical methods such as the analysis of scientific literature, the synthesis of the main concepts and approaches to the problem under consideration, the generalization of experience are used. The results and scientific novelty. A long-term positive experience of educational system constructing in Penza State Technological University as a multi-level educational complex is presented. On its basis the main vectors of the educational work organization and implementation in a modern multi-level educational organization of a technical profile are determined: the formation of social competence of students, pedagogical support of their adaptation and professional selfdetermination, the student government development. The complex of the programs developed by the authors to educate young students in a technical university as a multi-level educational complex is characterized. Their realization involves a phased implementation of the initial diagnosis, constructive, transformative, evaluative and productive activities. The necessity of the organization and implementation of additional psychological and pedagogical training of teachers who do not have the basic pedagogical education as a condition for the effective implementation of the programs developed and put into educational practice in a multi-level educational organization of a technical profile is determined. Practical significance. The presented materials can be used in the educational practice of multi-level educational complexes of a technical profile as well as in other educational institutions of vocational educationЦель публикации – обобщение опыта и определение основных направлений организации и осуществления воспитательной работы в техническом вузе как многоуровневом образовательном комплексе (МОК). Методы. Авторами использовались такие теоретические методы, как анализ научной литературы, синтез основных положений и подходов по изучаемой проблеме, обобщение эмпирических данных. Результаты и научная новизна. Представлен многолетний положительный опыт построения системы воспитания в Пензенском государственном технологическом университете. На его основе определены основные векторы воспитательной работы в современном многоуровневом образовательном учреждении технического профиля: формирование социальных компетентностей обучающихся, педагогическое сопровождение их адаптации в вузе и профессионального самоопределения, развитие студенческого самоуправления. Охарактеризован комплект авторских программ по воспитанию учащейся молодежи, реализация которых предполагает поэтапное осуществление первичной диагностики, созидательно-преобразующей и оценочно-результативной деятельности. Сделан вывод о необходимости обязательной дополнительной психолого-педагогической подготовки преподавателей технического вуза, не имеющих базового педагогического образования, для эффективной воспитательной работы с разновозрастными учащимися, осваивающими разные специальности по программам различных образовательных уровней. Практическая значимость. Представленные материалы могут быть использованы в практике воспитания не только в образовательных центрах технической специализации, так и в иных учебных учреждениях профессионального образовани


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    The solution of the problems facing the modern Russian society largely depends on the beliefs, expectations, values and attitudes of people that determine their attitude to innovation, content, effectiveness and efficiency of various activities. Social adaptation (active inclusion in the social environment) of the individual assumes as a necessary condition the achievement of a certain level of social competence. The modern social environment has a significant impact on the process of personality formation, causing certain contradictions: on the one hand, socio-cultural modernization necessitates a new approach to the problem of social self-realization of the individual, requiring increased human activity as a subject of social life, taking responsibility for their activities and behavior, but, on the other hand, the instability of modern society increases the natural difficulties of growing up; the situation of uncertainty leads to deformation of personal development, disadaptation in society. Modernization of the education system has led to changes in the content, forms, methods and technologies of education, in connection with which there was a need to assess the results of the functioning of the education system. Analyzing the quality of a modern specialist training, researchers increasingly began to turn to the competencies formed during studying, among which an important place is occupied by social competence, estimated as the most important indicator of professional competence of a specialist in general, and in particular, in the field of economic, labor, social relations.A solução dos problemas enfrentados pela sociedade russa moderna depende em grande parte das crenças, expectativas, valores e atitudes das pessoas que determinam sua atitude em relação à inovação, conteúdo, eficácia e eficiência de várias atividades. A adaptação social (inclusão ativa no ambiente social) do indivíduo assume como condição necessária a conquista de um certo nível de competência social. O ambiente social moderno tem um impacto significativo no processo de formação da personalidade, causando certas contradições: por um lado, a modernização sociocultural requer uma nova abordagem para o problema da auto- realização social do indivíduo, exigindo maior atividade humana como sujeito da vida social, assumindo a responsabilidade por suas atividades e comportamentos, mas, por outro lado, a instabilidade da sociedade moderna aumenta as dificuldades naturais de crescer; a situação de incerteza leva à deformação do desenvolvimento pessoal, à desadaptação na sociedade. A modernização do sistema educacional levou a mudanças no conteúdo, formas, métodos e tecnologias da educação, em relação às quais havia a necessidade de avaliar os resultados do funcionamento do sistema educacional. Analisando a qualidade de um treinamento especializado moderno, os pesquisadores começaram a recorrer cada vez mais às competências formadas durante o estudo, entre as quais um lugar importante é ocupado pela competência social, estimado como o indicador mais importante da competência profissional de um especialista em geral e, em particular, , no campo das relações econômicas, trabalhistas e sociais.La solución de los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad rusa moderna depende en gran medida de las creencias, expectativas, valores y actitudes de las personas que determinan su actitud hacia la innovación, el contenido, la efectividad y la eficiencia de diversas actividades. La adaptación social (inclusión activa en el entorno social) del individuo supone como condición necesaria el logro de un cierto nivel de competencia social. El entorno social moderno tiene un impacto significativo en el proceso de formación de la personalidad, causando ciertas contradicciones: por un lado, la modernización sociocultural requiere un nuevo enfoque del problema de la autorrealización social del individuo, que requiere una mayor actividad humana como un sujeto de la vida social, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus actividades y comportamiento, pero, por otro lado, la inestabilidad de la sociedad moderna aumenta las dificultades naturales de crecer; La situación de incertidumbre conduce a la deformación del desarrollo personal, la desadaptación en la sociedad. La modernización del sistema educativo ha llevado a cambios en el contenido, las formas, los métodos y las tecnologías de la educación, en relación con lo cual era necesario evaluar los resultados del funcionamiento del sistema educativo. Analizando la calidad de una formación especializada moderna, los investigadores comenzaron a recurrir cada vez más a las competencias formadas durante el estudio, entre las cuales un lugar importante está ocupado por la competencia social, estimado como el indicador más importante de la competencia profesional de un especialista en general, y en particular , en el campo de las relaciones económicas, laborales, sociales

    Technological Support for the Cultural Training System for Students at Technical Universities

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    The paper studies the trends of higher technical education development and establishes the relationship between education and culture as one of the conditions for solving the problems of modern society. The authors determine that one of the main problems that hinder the formation of the culture of the future engineer is the lack of a reasonable selection of cultural elements. The presence of such elements ensures the full development of the specialist. The most generalized socio-cultural components of culture are (1) the sphere of material production, (2) the cultural sphere, and (3) the sphere of communication. The authors determine the components of the culturological training content as the implementation of the support system of the integrated professional, universal cultural, and moral cultural development of technical university students. It is experimentally proved that the implementation of a cultural training system of a future engineer leads to statistically significant changes in the levels of knowledge acquisition, the formation of skills and qualities of a future specialist