2,682 research outputs found

    Chiral nanoemitter array: A launchpad for optical vortices

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    A chiral arrangement of molecular nanoemitters is shown to support delocalised exciton states whose spontaneous decay can generate optical vortex radiation. In contrast to techniques in which phase modification is imposed upon conventional optical beams, this exciton method enables radiation with a helical wave-front to be produced directly. To achieve this end, a number of important polarisation and symmetry-based criteria need to be satisfied. It emerges that the phase structure of the optical field produced by degenerate excitons in a propeller-shaped array can exhibit precisely the sought character of an optical vortex – one with unit topological charge. Practical considerations for the further development of this technique are discussed, and potential new applications are identified


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    The State of Kuwait is has been a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) since its establishment in 1980. Kuwait is a geographically small but oil-rich country, whose economic development in recent years is the result of an increase in both the production and prices of oil, which now accounts for almost 90% of exports. Meanwhile Kuwait imports almost all its local market needs from abroad. In 2010 the Kuwaiti government passed a development plan which was intended to diversify the Kuwaiti economy and promote non-oil economic sectors. Kuwait has an open economy, and is an ally of its GCC neighbours and the West. It is a member of the World Trade Organisation, which helps to enhance the country’s exports and imports. At the same time Kuwait is committed to advancing Economic and Monetary Integration with the GCC countries, and put into practice the guidelines which will make the Currency and Economic Union successful. This study will extend the literature on Economic and Monetary Integration in the context of the GCC monetary union. A literature review of the theory of Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) examines the development of exchange rate policy and monetary unions. Investigating and assessing Kuwait’s national interest in joining the GCC currency union is the main objective of this thesis. The study applies both quantitative and qualitative approaches to estimating the likely costs and benefits. In the study annual published data is used to analyse the country’s main economic structure and indicators, and semi-structured interviews are used to ascertain the opinions of Kuwaiti nationals working in financial institutions concerning monetary union. The conclusion of our study is that Kuwait is ready to join the GCC monetary union, the benefits of membership outweighing the costs. Having an oil-based economy like that of other GCC countries will make it easier for Kuwait to join the GCC monetary union. In addition, Kuwait imports products from abroad to meet local demand and controls inflation through its exchange rate regime. The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) is the sole authority managing the country’s monetary policy and the financial sector. However, GCC monetary union will subordinate the CBK to the Gulf Central Bank and reduce its flexibility to use its own monetary tools


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan April sampai dengan bulan Mei Tahun 2021 yang berlokasi di desa Nusantara Kecamatan Banda Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Jumlah data keseluruhan dalam hasil penelitian ini adalah 7 data tuturan, yang dimana memiliki 36 kutipan terdiri lokusi 22 kutipan, ilokusi 8 kutipan dan perlokusi 6 kutipan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk “mendeskripsikan tindak tutur di lingkungan keluarga masyarakat Desa Nusantara Kecamatan Banda Kabupaten Maluku Tengah”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu keluarga masyarakat Desa Nusantara RT 03. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu tuturan yang mengandung lokusi, ilokusi dan perlokusi yang terjadi dalam interaksi sehari-hari, sumber data yaitu keluarga masyarakat Desa Nusantara RT03. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik simak libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik alir yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, kesimpulan dan verifiksi.  Hasil penelitian dapat menunjukan bahwa tindak tutur yang terjadi yaitu tindak tutur lokusi di lingkungan keluarga masyarakat desa nusantara kebanyakan menggunakan tindak tutur lokusi pertanyaan. Tindak tutur ilokusi di lingkungan keluarga masyarakat desa nusantara kebanyakan menggunakan tindak tutur ilokusi bentuk kalimat perintah. kemudian tindak tutur perlokusi di lingkungan keluarga masyarakat desa nusantara kebanyakan menggunakan kalimat membujuk yang menimbulkan efek tindakan atau perbuatan dari lawan tutur. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu bagi Mahasiswa Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia dapat menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang kebahasaan dan bidang pragmatik

    Optical vortex generation from molecular chromophore arrays

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    The generation of light endowed with orbital angular momentum, frequently termed optical vortex light, is commonly achieved by passing a conventional beam through suitably constructed optical elements. This Letter shows that the necessary phase structure for vortex propagation can be directly produced through the creation of twisted light from the vacuum. The mechanism is based on optical emission from a family of chromophore nanoarrays that satisfy specific geometric and symmetry constraints. Each such array can support pairs of electronically delocalized doubly degenerate excitons whose azimuthal phase progression is responsible for the helical wave front of the emitted radiation. The exciton symmetry dictates the maximum magnitude of topological charge; detailed analysis secures the conditions necessary to deliver optical vortices of arbitrary order

    Identity crisis in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    International audiencePulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) shares many hallmarks with cancer. Cancer cells acquire their hallmarks by a pathological Darwinian evolution process built on the so-called cancer cell ''identity crisis.'' Here we demonstrate that PAH shares the most striking features of the cancer identity crisis: the ectopic expression of normally silent tissue-specific genes

    Improving chemical, rheological and sensory properties of commercial low-fat cream by concentrate addition of whey proteins

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    The present study was conducted to determine the effect of whey protein concentrate (WPC) addition on the commercial low-fat cream's chemical, rheological and sensory properties. WPC was added to the low-fat cream (10% fat)   in ratios of 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0% to represent the treatments C1, C2, and C3, respectively.In addition, a fat-rich, positive control treatment (C +) with a fat percentage of 30% and a negative low-fat control treatment (C-) with a fat percentage of 10% were investigated without adding WPC. Chemical tests were carried out, including the percentage of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, total acidity, and pH, as well as rheological tests that included; hardness, springiness, and Cohesiveness. Also, a sensory evaluation was conducted. The results showed a decrease in the moisture percentage of the added treatments with the increment of the added WPC quantity. Also, a decrease in the fat percentage and pH of the WPC addition treatments was observed, combined with an increment in the percentage of protein, carbohydrates, ash, and total acidity. Regarding the microbiological properties, no bacterial or mycological contamination was observed during the manufacturing and storage periods. The results also showed the improvement of rheological and sensory characteristics by increasing the percentage of WPC addition compared with the positive and negative control treatments. The present study would be helpful in the production of low-fat cream fortified with whey proteins with high nutritional value

    Étude de l’impact d’une industrie cimentière sur la composition physico-chimique des eaux de précipitations au niveau de la partie centrale du couloir OujdaTaourirt (Maroc Oriental)

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    Au niveau de la partie centrale du couloir Oujda-Taourirt, la cimenterie Holcim-Oujda constitue la principale unité industrielle pouvant participer à la pollution atmosphérique. Elle est située dans un domaine rural et limité au Nord par les monts de Beni Snassen et au sud par la chaîne des Horsts. Afin de déterminer l’impact de cette unité industrielle sur la composition physico-chimique des eaux de précipitations, nous avons installé 41 capteurs passifs au niveau des sept communes rurales entourant la cimenterie. Les précipitations recueillies durant les périodes pluvieuses de l’année 2001 et 2002 ont été filtrées à 0,45 µm. Les analyses ont porté sur les composantes physico-chimiques suivantes : pH, conductivité et les métaux lourds (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb et Zn). Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques des eaux de précipitations et leur traitement par le système d’information géographique ont montré que le pH mesuré est supérieur à 5,6, ce qui écarte toute hypothèse de pluies acides au niveau de la zone d’étude. Les valeurs les plus élevées ont été enregistrées à proximité de l’usine, à cause des matières en suspension riches de la chaux vive (CaO). Concernant la conductivité, les valeurs les plus élevées ont été enregistrées à proximité et au sud de l’usine. L’analyse des métaux lourds, a montré qu’il y a absence des éléments traces sauf le Zinc dont l’origine probable était la corrosion de l’entonnoir des capteurs utilisés dans la collecte des précipitations.Mots-clés : pollution atmosphérique, matières en suspension, pH, conductivité, métaux lourds.Study of the cement factory impact on the rainwater physico-chimical composition in the central part of Oujda-Taourirt corridor (Eastern Morocco)In the central part of Oujda-Taourirt corridor (Morocco), Holcim-Oujda cement factory constitutes the main industrial unit can participates in the atmospheric pollution. It is located in the country domain and limited in the north by BeniSassen’s mountain and in the south by Horts’s chain. In order to asses cement factory impact on rainwater composition, we installed 41 passive sensors at the seven country district surrounding the cement factory. The rainwater gatherd during the rainy periods of the 2001 and 2002 years are filtered at 0.45µm. We analysed the following physico-chimical components: pH, conductivity and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn). Obtained results have shown that pH exceeds 5.6. That moves aside any hypothesis of acid rains of area of study. The highest values were recorded near the cement factory because of aerosols riches in ions chlorides and ions ammonium. The conductivity values are higher near and in the south of factory.The analysis of heavy metals, showed that there is absent in the rainwater except the zinc, that the origin is probably the corrosion of the funnel of sensors used in the collection of rainfall.Keywords : atmospheric pollution, fine dusts, pH, conductivity, heavy metals
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