1,030 research outputs found

    About a structure of exponential monomials on some locally compact abelian groups. О структуре экспоненциальных мономов на некоторых локально компактных абелевых группах

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    Получено описание некоторого класса экспоненциальных мономов на локально компактных абелевых группах.We describe the structure of some class of exponential monomials onsome locally compact abelian groups. The main result of the paper is the next theorem.Let G* and G be locally compact abelian groups, a : G* -> G be acontinuous surjective homomorphism and H be a kernel of a. If a is aan open maps from G* to G then any exponential monomial Ф(t) on thegroup G*, which satisfy the condition Ф(t + h) = Ф(t) for all h in H; t in G* can be presented in the form Ф(t) = f(a(t)) for some exponential monomial f(x) on the group G

    Covariant theory of particle-vibrational coupling and its effect on the single-particle spectrum

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    The Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) approach describing the motion of independent particles in effective meson fields is extended by a microscopic theory of particle vibrational coupling. It leads to an energy dependence of the relativistic mass operator in the Dyson equation for the single-particle propagator. This equation is solved in the shell-model of Dirac states. As a result of the dynamics of particle-vibrational coupling we observe a noticeable increase of the level density near the Fermi surface. The shifts of the single-particle levels in the odd nuclei surrounding 208-Pb and the corresponding distributions of the single-particle strength are discussed and compared with experimental data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Change in blood glucose level in rats after immobilization

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    Experiments were carried out on male white rats divided into four groups. In group one the blood glucose level was determined immediately after immobilization. In the other three groups, two hours following immobilization, the blood glucose level was determined every 20 minutes for 3 hours 40 minutes by the glucose oxidase method. Preliminary immobilization for 2 hours removed the increase in the blood glucose caused by the stress reaction. By the 2nd hour of immobilization in the presence of continuing stress, the blood glucose level stabilized and varied within 42 + or - 5.5 and 47 + or - 8.1 mg %. Within 2 hours after the immobilization, the differences in the blood glucose level of the rats from the control groups were statistically insignificant

    Self-consistent calculations of quadrupole moments of the first 2+ states in Sn and Pb isotopes

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    A method of calculating static moments of excited states and transitions between excited states is formulated for non-magic nuclei within the Green function formalism. For these characteristics, it leads to a noticeable difference from the standard QRPA approach. Quadrupole moments of the first 2+ states in Sn and Pb isotopes are calculated using the self-consistent TFFS based on the Energy Density Functional by Fayans et al. with the set of parameters DF3-a fixed previously. A reasonable agreement with available experimental data is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalous in-plane magneto-optical anisotropy of self-assembled quantum dots

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    We report on a complex nontrivial behavior of the optical anisotropy of quantum dots that is induced by a magnetic field in the plane of the sample. We find that the optical axis either rotates in the opposite direction to that of the magnetic field or remains fixed to a given crystalline direction. A theoretical analysis based on the exciton pseudospin Hamiltonian unambiguously demonstrates that these effects are induced by isotropic and anisotropic contributions to the heavy-hole Zeeman term, respectively. The latter is shown to be compensated by a built-in uniaxial anisotropy in a magnetic field B_c = 0.4 T, resulting in an optical response typical for symmetric quantum dots.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetic simulaton of CO₂ conversion in low-pressure electrodeless plasma

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    Kinetic model of processes in low-pressure inductively coupled plasma describing the carbon dioxide conversion is presented together with the modeling results. The model takes into account only direct electron impact dissociation of carbon dioxide and is valid at the lowest gas pressures and at a reduced electric field > 150 Td. The influence of the gas mixture composition and the plasma density on the electron distribution function has been studied. In the low power limit when e-e collisions don't play a significant role the EEDF is strongly non-Maxwellian, but with the plasma density increase, EEDF is approaching Maxwellian distribution. Nitrogen and argon were studied as additions to CO₂. The influence of the calculated distribution function on the energy efficiency of carbon dioxide conversion has been studied. It was concluded that the electron temperature is the key parameter for the energy efficiency, which increases by a factor of 6 with temperature change from 3 to 10 eV and at Tₑ = 10 eV reaches values of more than 6 %. Comparison of the calculation results with experimental data shows satisfactory agreement.Представлено кінетичну модель процесів у індукційній плазмі низького тиску, що описує конверсію вуглекислого газу, та результати моделювання. Модель враховує лише дисоціацію вуглекислого газу електронним ударом і справедлива за найнижчих тисків газу та при зведеному електричному полі понад 150 Td. Досліджено вплив складу газової суміші та щільності плазми на функцію розподілу електронів. У випадку малої потужності, коли e-e-зіткнення не відіграють істотну роль, ФРЕЕ є сильно немаксвелівською, але із збільшенням щільності плазми ФРЕЕ наближається до максвелівського розподілу. Азот та аргон вивчалися як добавкидо СО₂. Досліджено вплив розрахованої функції розподілу на енергетичну ефективність конверсії вуглекислого газу. Зроблено висновок, що температура електронів є ключовим параметром для енергетичної ефективності, яка збільшується в 6 разів при зміні температури від 3 до 10 еВ та при Tₑ = 10 еВ досягає значень понад 6 %. Порівняння результатів розрахунку з експериментальними даними показує задовільну згоду

    Temperature-dependent magnetospectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells

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    We report on magnetospectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells in magnetic fields up to 45 T in temperature range from 4.2 K up to 185 K. We observe intra- and inter-band transitions from zero-mode Landau levels, which split from the bottom conduction and upper valence subbands, and merge under the applied magnetic field. To describe experimental results, realistic temperature-dependent calculations of Landau levels have been performed. We show that although our samples are topological insulators at low temperatures only, the signature of such phase persists in optical transitions at high temperatures and high magnetic fields. Our results demonstrate that temperature-dependent magnetospectroscopy is a powerful tool to discriminate trivial and topological insulator phases in HgTe quantum wells