982 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of ecosystem assembly

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    We introduce a toy model of ecosystem assembly for which we are able to map out all assembly pathways generated by external invasions. The model allows to display the whole phase space in the form of an assembly graph whose nodes are communities of species and whose directed links are transitions between them induced by invasions. We characterize the process as a finite Markov chain and prove that it exhibits a unique set of recurrent states (the endstate of the process), which is therefore resistant to invasions. This also shows that the endstate is independent on the assembly history. The model shares all features with standard assembly models reported in the literature, with the advantage that all observables can be computed in an exact manner.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Global protected area impacts

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    Protected areas (PAs) dominate conservation efforts. They will probably play a role in future climate policies too, as global payments may reward local reductions of loss of natural land cover. We estimate the impact of PAs on natural land cover within each of 147 countries by comparing outcomes inside PAs with outcomes outside. We use ‘matching’ (or ‘apples to apples’) for land characteristics to control for the fact that PAs very often are non-randomly distributed across their national landscapes. Protection tends towards land that, if unprotected, is less likely than average to be cleared. For 75 per cent of countries, we find protection does reduce conversion of natural land cover. However, for approximately 80 per cent of countries, our global results also confirm (following smaller-scale studies) that controlling for land characteristics reduces estimated impact by half or more. This shows the importance of controlling for at least a few key land characteristics. Further, we show that impacts vary considerably within a country (i.e. across a landscape): protection achieves less on lands far from roads, far from cities and on steeper slopes. Thus, while planners are, of course, constrained by other conservation priorities and costs, they could target higher impacts to earn more global payments for reduced deforestation

    Modeling the evolution of weighted networks

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    We present a general model for the growth of weighted networks in which the structural growth is coupled with the edges' weight dynamical evolution. The model is based on a simple weight-driven dynamics and a weights' reinforcement mechanism coupled to the local network growth. That coupling can be generalized in order to include the effect of additional randomness and non-linearities which can be present in real-world networks. The model generates weighted graphs exhibiting the statistical properties observed in several real-world systems. In particular, the model yields a non-trivial time evolution of vertices properties and scale-free behavior with exponents depending on the microscopic parameters characterizing the coupling rules. Very interestingly, the generated graphs spontaneously achieve a complex hierarchical architecture characterized by clustering and connectivity correlations varying as a function of the vertices' degree

    Weighted evolving networks: coupling topology and weights dynamics

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    We propose a model for the growth of weighted networks that couples the establishment of new edges and vertices and the weights' dynamical evolution. The model is based on a simple weight-driven dynamics and generates networks exhibiting the statistical properties observed in several real-world systems. In particular, the model yields a non-trivial time evolution of vertices' properties and scale-free behavior for the weight, strength and degree distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Search in weighted complex networks

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    We study trade-offs presented by local search algorithms in complex networks which are heterogeneous in edge weights and node degree. We show that search based on a network measure, local betweenness centrality (LBC), utilizes the heterogeneity of both node degrees and edge weights to perform the best in scale-free weighted networks. The search based on LBC is universal and performs well in a large class of complex networks.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, minor changes, added a referenc

    Analytical solution of a model for complex food webs

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    We investigate numerically and analytically a recently proposed model for food webs [Nature {\bf 404}, 180 (2000)] in the limit of large web sizes and sparse interaction matrices. We obtain analytical expressions for several quantities with ecological interest, in particular the probability distributions for the number of prey and the number of predators. We find that these distributions have fast-decaying exponential and Gaussian tails, respectively. We also find that our analytical expressions are robust to changes in the details of the model.Comment: 4 pages (RevTeX). Final versio

    Quantifying the connectivity of a network: The network correlation function method

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    Networks are useful for describing systems of interacting objects, where the nodes represent the objects and the edges represent the interactions between them. The applications include chemical and metabolic systems, food webs as well as social networks. Lately, it was found that many of these networks display some common topological features, such as high clustering, small average path length (small world networks) and a power-law degree distribution (scale free networks). The topological features of a network are commonly related to the network's functionality. However, the topology alone does not account for the nature of the interactions in the network and their strength. Here we introduce a method for evaluating the correlations between pairs of nodes in the network. These correlations depend both on the topology and on the functionality of the network. A network with high connectivity displays strong correlations between its interacting nodes and thus features small-world functionality. We quantify the correlations between all pairs of nodes in the network, and express them as matrix elements in the correlation matrix. From this information one can plot the correlation function for the network and to extract the correlation length. The connectivity of a network is then defined as the ratio between this correlation length and the average path length of the network. Using this method we distinguish between a topological small world and a functional small world, where the latter is characterized by long range correlations and high connectivity. Clearly, networks which share the same topology, may have different connectivities, based on the nature and strength of their interactions. The method is demonstrated on metabolic networks, but can be readily generalized to other types of networks.Comment: 10 figure

    Birds, Montane forest, State of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil

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    Field surveys in montane Atlantic forest of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, provided a list of 82 bird species in four sitesvisited. Our protocol relied on standardized use of mist nets and observations. The birds recorded include 40 Atlanticforest endemics, three globally and two nationally Vulnerable species, and two regionally Endangered species. Data onspecies elevation are included and discussed. This work enhances baseline knowledge of these species to assist futurestudies in these poorly understood, but biologically important areas

    Empirical study on clique-degree distribution of networks

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    The community structure and motif-modular-network hierarchy are of great importance for understanding the relationship between structures and functions. In this paper, we investigate the distribution of clique-degree, which is an extension of degree and can be used to measure the density of cliques in networks. The empirical studies indicate the extensive existence of power-law clique-degree distributions in various real networks, and the power-law exponent decreases with the increasing of clique size.Comment: 9 figures, 4 page

    Lifting the veil: richness measurements fail to detect systematic biodiversity change over three decades

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    While there is widespread recognition of human involvement in biodiversity loss globally, at smaller spatial extents, the effects are less clear. One reason is that local effects are obscured by the use of summary biodiversity variables, such as species richness, that provide only limited insight into complex biodiversity change. Here, we use 30 yr of invertebrate data from a metacommunity of 10 streams in Wales, UK, combined with regional surveys, to examine temporal changes in multiple biodiversity measures at local, metacommunity, and regional scales. There was no change in taxonomic or functional a-diversity and spatial b-diversity metrics at any scale over the 30-yr time series, suggesting a relative stasis in the system and no evidence for on-going homogenization. However, temporal changes in mean species composition were evident. Two independent approaches to estimate species niche breadth showed that compositional changes were associated with a systematic decline in mean community specialization. Estimates of species-specific local extinction and immigration probabilities suggested that this decline was linked to lower recolonization rates of specialists, rather than greater local extinction rates. Our results reveal the need for caution in implying stasis from patterns in a-diversity and spatial b-diversity measures that might mask non-random biodiversity changes over time. We also show how different but complementary approaches to estimate niche breadth and functional distinctness of species can reveal long-term trends in community homogenization likely to be important to conservation and ecosystem function