1,635 research outputs found

    Exploring men's qualitative accounts of psychological therapy in forensic hospitals

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    Background: Compared to women, men are less likely to help-seek or engage with psychological therapies in community settings due to stigma and gender-role conflict. However, engagement with psychological interventions is encouraged in secure services. As such, this review aimed to explore men’s experiences of psychological interventions in secure services. Method: A systematic search of three databases (Web of Science, PsycInfo and Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts) was conducted and 11 papers were included in the review, which represented 104 participants. The quality of papers was appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist for qualitative studies. The ‘results’ and ‘findings’ sections of papers were analysed and synthesised using Thematic Synthesis. Results: Participants found it difficult to engage with psychological interventions in secure services due to concerns about confidentiality, coercion and feeling stigmatised due to gender identity or offence histories. Despite these barriers, many men built trusting relationships with their psychologist, valued the peer support from groups and were felt more hopeful about their futures. Conclusion: Men may require more support when first engaging with psychological interventions. Ideas for facilitating engagement may include exploring men’s relationship to help, offering preparatory work and considering ways to maximise autonomy in restrictive environments

    Contractile properties of fibroblasts derived from primary frozen shoulder and effects of TGF beta 1 stimulation

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    INTRODUCTION: Primary Frozen Shoulder (PFS) is a debilitating disease of unknown aetiology. There is fibrosis and contracture of the coracohumeral ligament, tissues of the rotator interval and the glenohumeral ligaments, leading to restrictive shoulder movements requiring surgical intervention [1]. Frozen shoulder has been postulated to be dupuytren’s disease of the shoulder with an association inferred since 1936. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that cellular mechanisms of fibroblasts derived from primary frozen shoulder exhibited similar activity in terms of contraction and response to cytokine (transforming growth factor beta1) to fibroblasts derived from dupuytren’s disease. Understanding of cellular responses is critical to developing non surgical treatment strategies

    An Overview of Millimeter Wave Communications for Military Applications

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    The use of millimeter wave for Defence communications can offer a number of benefits to the user. Apart from the benefit of wider capacity, millimeter wave also offers ability to provide secure and survivable communication in the presence of enemy threats. In this paper, some of the important benefits for Defence communication are reviewed. An overview of millimeter wave military communication applications, technology development, present status and trends are also given

    Citation Styles

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     The practice of evidence based medicine and widespread clinical research have rendered literature search,a vital tool .It is practically impossible to write any article without inputs from previous literature,whether from a book,journal or a website. The backbone of any publication is the bibliography or references. This is a compilation of all the sources of data used for the research paper. A reference mentions all the details of the source,namely title,authors,journal name,year,volume and issue number and page numbers. In order to avoid plagiarism,all references should be quoted in proper context after giving due credit to the respective authors. If a manuscript needs to be revised with inclusion of additional references,the authors will have to also modify the list of references appropriately to accommodate the same.

    An Overview of the Jumplist Configuration File in Windows 7

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    The introduction of Jumplists in Windows 7 was an important feature from a forensic examiners viewpoint. Jumplist configuration files can provide the examiner with a wealth of information relating to file access and in particular: dates/times, Volume GUIDs and unique file object IDs relating to those files. Some of the information in the Jumplist could be used to build a more precise timeline relating to system and file usage. In this article, we analyse the structure of a Jumplist configuration file and in particular a record from a Jumplist configuration file and highlight some of the important entries therein

    Seasonal changes in carbohydrate and mineral composition of overvigorous and devitalized Anab-e-Shahi grapevines in relation to uniruitiulness

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    Total carbohydrates in shoots, canes and old wood were higher in fruitful vines than in overvigorous or devitalized ones. The highest percentage of total carbohydrates was observed from December to February in all three types of vines. The minimum values for total carbohydrates in shoots of bearing vines were recorded in May. Total sugars were highest in bearing vines, followed by overvigorous and devitalized ones, respectively. Non-bearing (overvigorous and devitalized) vines had maximum sugar content in February, while bearing vines reached the maximum in January. Non-reducing sugars were practically absent in all vines from March to September. The first evidence of their presence was obtained in October.Nitrogen concentration was higher in overvigorous vines, followed by bearing and devitalized ones, respectively. Its level in devitalized vines was very low throughout the year. Also the nttrogen status of devitalized vineyard was very low, as observed in soil analysis. In bearing and overvigorous vines the percentage nitrogen was higher in shoots than in old wood. There was no significant difference in the phosphorus levels of bearing and overvigorous vines. Potassium level of overvigorous vines was slightly higher than that of bearing and devitalized vines.Overvigorous vines had low carbohydrates and very high ni,trogen, bearing vines had moderate carbohydrates and moderate nitrogen, while the devitalized vines had low carbohydrates and very low nitrogen level.Die jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen der Kohlenhydrat- und Mineralstoffzusammensetzung bei luxurierenden und kümmernden Anab-e-Shahi-Reben in Beziehung zu ihrer UnfruchtbarkeitDer Gesamtkohlenhydratgehalt in grünen Trieben, Tragruten und altem Holz war bei fruchttragenden Anab-e-Shahi-Reben größer als bei luxurierenden oder kümmernden Reben. Die höchste Konzentration der Gesamtkohlenhydrate wurde bei allen drei Rebtypen von Dezember bis Februar beobachtet; in den Trieben der traubentragenden Reben wurden im Mai die niedrigsten Werte festgestellt. Die Gesamtzuckerkonzentration nahm in der Reihenfolge fruchttragende, luxurierende, kümmernde Reben ab. Bei nicht-traubentragenden (luxurierenden und kümmernden) Reben war der Zuckergehalt im Februar am größten; traubentragende Reben erreichten ihr Zuckermaximum schon im Januar. Nichtreduzierende Zucker fehlten bei allen Reben von März bis September praktisch vollständig und waren erst von Oktober an nachzuweisen.Luxurierende Reben zeigten einen höheren Stickstoffgehalt als traubentragende und kümmernde Reben. Die letzteren wiesen das ganze Jahr über sehr niedrige Stickstoffkonzentrationen auf. Bodenanalysen ergaben, daß auch ihre Parzelle sehr schwach mit Stickstoff versorgt war. Bei fruchttragenden und luxurierenden Reben enthielten die grünen Triebe prozentual mehr Stickstoff als das alte Holz. Zwischen eiern Phosphorgehalt normaler und luxurierender Reben bestand kein signifikanter Unterschied. Bei den luxurierenden Reben war der Kaliumgehalt etwas höher als bei den traubentragenden und kümmernden Reben.Luxurierende Reben besaßen wenig Kohlenhydrate und sehr viel Stickstoff, traubentragende Reben wiesen mittlere Kohlenhydrat- und Stickstoffkonzentrationen auf, während die kümmernden Reben einen niedrigen Kohlenhydrat- und einen sehr geringen Stickstoffgehalt zeigten

    Group psychoeducative cognitive-behaviour therapy for mixed anxiety and depression with older adults

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    Objectives: There is a dearth of older adult evidence regarding the group treatment for co-morbid anxiety and depression. This research evaluated the effectiveness of a low-intensity group psychoeducational approach. Method: Patients attended six sessions of a manualised cognitive-behavioural group. Validated measures of anxiety, depression and psychological well-being were taken at assessment, termination and six-week follow-up from patients, who also rated the alliance and their anxiety/depression at each group session. Staff rated patients regarding their functioning at assessment, termination and six-week follow-up. Outcomes were categorised according to whether patients had recovered, improved, deteriorated or been harmed. Effect sizes were compared to extant group interventions for anxiety and depression. Results: Eight groups were completed with 34 patients, with a drop-out rate of 17%. Staff and patient rated outcome measures showed significant improvements (with small effect sizes) in assessment to termination and assessment to follow-up comparisons. Over one quarter (26.47%) of patients met the recovery criteria at follow-up and no patients were harmed. Outcomes for anxiety were better than for depression with the alliance in groups stable over time. Conclusion: The intervention evaluated shows clinical and organisational promise. The group approach needs to be further developed and tested in research with greater methodological control
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