9 research outputs found

    Modification d'un analyseur bio et chimi luminescent à distance

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    International audienceInitially employed for clinical analysis, biological and chemical luminescence application was extended to food, agriculture, veterinary, medicine and the environment. Several authors have described the use of optical fibres as optical transducers connected to the light detector of a luminometer within the context of bio-sensor development. This paper seeks to improve remote biological and chemical luminescence analyser design by evaluating remote versus local mode when modifying light collection and transmission. In spite of specific design, light losses were high, with a transmission of only approximately 20%. Further improvements are feasible : straight alignment of the optical fibre bundle without a mirror could reduce light losses, and an integration time increase could compensate for them.Développé d'abord pour l'analyse clinique, la luminescence biologique et chimique a été appliquée ensuite à l'alimentation, l'agriculture, la santé animale, la médecine et l'environnement. Plusieurs auteurs ont décrit l'usage de fibres optiques comme transcripteurs connectés au détecteur d'un luminomètre dans le contexte du développement de bio-capteurs. Dans cette publication, les auteurs ont cherché à améliorer la conception d'un analyseur à distance de luminescence biologique et chimique en comparant le mode distance avec le mode local après modification de la collecte et de la transmission de lumière. En dépit d'une conception spécifique, les pertes de lumière sont restées élevées, avec une transmission de l'ordre de 20%. D'autres améliorations pourraient être réalisées : l'alignement droit d'un faisceau de fibres optiques sans miroir pourrait réduire les pertes de lumière par rapport au mode local, et un accroissement du temps d'intégration pourrait compenser ces pertes

    Monitoring the energy efficiency of buildings with Raman DTS and embedded optical fiber cables

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    23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Santander, SPAIN, JUN 02-06, 2014International audienceTo reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to promote energy savings in the building sector, a project named Batimetre has been set-up, to measure parameters affecting building energy consumption. For the first time, optical fibers have been deployed on internal and external faces of two experimental houses, designed for low energy consumption. With a DTS Raman system, these cables provide a distributed measurement of walls temperature every meter and every two minutes. Such instrumentation is able to deliver a very large number of data at a reduced operating cost. It allows to isolate thermal phenomena in dynamic thermal simulation tools, and to compare several intermediate predicted and measured parameters

    Applications of Bragg grating sensors in Europe

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    Remote monitoring of Molten Core-Concrete Interaction experiment with Optical Fibre Sensors & perspectives to improve nuclear safety – DISCOMS project

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    The DISCOMS project (Distributed Sensing for Corium Monitoring and Safety) aimed at providing innovative solutions not requiring local electrical power supplies, for remote monitoring of a severe nuclear accident. The solutions are based on both long length SPNDs (Self Powered Neutron Detectors) and on distributed OFSs (Optical Fibre Sensors) capable to detect the onset of a severe accident, the corium pouring on the containment building concrete basemat, and its interaction with the concrete floor under the reactor vessel, until it spreads in the core catcher (EPR case). This paper mainly focuses on these last three detection targets achievable with distributed OFSs. It is based on the results of a Molten Core & Concrete Interaction (MCCI) experiment, namely VULCANO, held in June 2018 with a concrete crucible equipped with overall ~ 180 m long optical fibre sensing cables. This small scale experiment (50 kg of prototypical corium) has demonstrated the ability of distributed OFSs to remotely provide useful data during the MCCI run: i) temperature profiles images up to about 580°C (single wavelength Raman DTS reflectometer) until cooling down to room temperature, ii) high spatial-resolution frequency shifts profiles, due to combined (non-selective) strain and temperature influences (Rayleigh OFDR and Brillouin reflectometers), and iii) cables lengths ablated by the corium on sections weakened by the temperature (Raman DTS, Rayleigh OFDR, telecom and photon counting reflectometers)

    Remote monitoring of Molten Core-Concrete Interaction experiment with Optical Fibre Sensors & perspectives to improve nuclear safety – DISCOMS project

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    The DISCOMS project (Distributed Sensing for Corium Monitoring and Safety) aimed at providing innovative solutions not requiring local electrical power supplies, for remote monitoring of a severe nuclear accident. The solutions are based on both long length SPNDs (Self Powered Neutron Detectors) and on distributed OFSs (Optical Fibre Sensors) capable to detect the onset of a severe accident, the corium pouring on the containment building concrete basemat, and its interaction with the concrete floor under the reactor vessel, until it spreads in the core catcher (EPR case). This paper mainly focuses on these last three detection targets achievable with distributed OFSs. It is based on the results of a Molten Core & Concrete Interaction (MCCI) experiment, namely VULCANO, held in June 2018 with a concrete crucible equipped with overall ~ 180 m long optical fibre sensing cables. This small scale experiment (50 kg of prototypical corium) has demonstrated the ability of distributed OFSs to remotely provide useful data during the MCCI run: i) temperature profiles images up to about 580°C (single wavelength Raman DTS reflectometer) until cooling down to room temperature, ii) high spatial-resolution frequency shifts profiles, due to combined (non-selective) strain and temperature influences (Rayleigh OFDR and Brillouin reflectometers), and iii) cables lengths ablated by the corium on sections weakened by the temperature (Raman DTS, Rayleigh OFDR, telecom and photon counting reflectometers)

    Tests under irradiation of optical fibers and cables devoted to corium monitoring in case of severe accident in a Nuclear Power Plant

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    The DISCOMS project, which stands for “DIstributed Sensing for COrium Monitoring and Safety”, considers the potential of distributed sensing technologies, based on remote instrumentations and Optical Fiber Sensing cables embedded into the concrete floor under the reactor vessel, to monitor the status of this third barrier of confinement. This paper focuses on the selection and testing of singlemode (SM) optical fibers with limited RIA (Radiation Induced Attenuation) to be compliant with remote distributed instruments optical budgets, the ionizing radiation doses to sustain, and their reduction provided by the concrete basemat shielding. The tests aimed at exposing these fibers and the corresponding sensitive optical cables, to the irradiation doses expected during the normal operation of the reactor (up to 60 years for the European Pressurized Reactor), followed by a severe accident. Several gamma and mixed (neutron-gamma) irradiations were performed at CEA Saclay facilities: POSÉÏDON irradiator and ISIS reactor, up to a gamma cumulated dose of about 2 MGy and fast neutron fluence (E > 1 MeV) of 6 x 1015 n/cm2. The first gamma test permitted to assess the RIA at various optical wavelengths, and to select three radiation tolerant singlemode fibers (RIA < 5 dB/100 m, at 1550 nm operating wavelength). The second one was performed on voluminous strands of sensitive cables encapsulating the selected optical fibers, up to approximately the same accumulated dose, at two temperatures: 30°C and 80°C. A significant increase of the RIA, without any saturation tendency, appeared for fibers inserted into cables, correlated with the increase of the hydroxyl attenuation peak at 1380 nm. Molecular hydrogen generated by the radiolysis of compounds of the cable is at the origin of this phenomenon. A third gamma irradiation run permitted to measure the radiolytic hydrogen production yield of some compounds of a dedicated temperature cable sample. The efficiency of a carbon coating layer over the silica cladding, acting as a barrier against hydrogen diffusion, was also successfully confirmed. Finally, the efficiency of this carbon coating layer has also been tested under neutron irradiation, then qualified as a protection barrier against hydrogen diffusion in the optical fiber cores

    Tests under irradiation of optical fibers and cables devoted to corium monitoring in case of severe accident in a Nuclear Power Plant

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    The DISCOMS project, which stands for “DIstributed Sensing for COrium Monitoring and Safety”, considers the potential of distributed sensing technologies, based on remote instrumentations and Optical Fiber Sensing cables embedded into the concrete floor under the reactor vessel, to monitor the status of this third barrier of confinement. This paper focuses on the selection and testing of singlemode (SM) optical fibers with limited RIA (Radiation Induced Attenuation) to be compliant with remote distributed instruments optical budgets, the ionizing radiation doses to sustain, and their reduction provided by the concrete basemat shielding. The tests aimed at exposing these fibers and the corresponding sensitive optical cables, to the irradiation doses expected during the normal operation of the reactor (up to 60 years for the European Pressurized Reactor), followed by a severe accident. Several gamma and mixed (neutron-gamma) irradiations were performed at CEA Saclay facilities: POSÉÏDON irradiator and ISIS reactor, up to a gamma cumulated dose of about 2 MGy and fast neutron fluence (E > 1 MeV) of 6 x 1015 n/cm2. The first gamma test permitted to assess the RIA at various optical wavelengths, and to select three radiation tolerant singlemode fibers (RIA < 5 dB/100 m, at 1550 nm operating wavelength). The second one was performed on voluminous strands of sensitive cables encapsulating the selected optical fibers, up to approximately the same accumulated dose, at two temperatures: 30°C and 80°C. A significant increase of the RIA, without any saturation tendency, appeared for fibers inserted into cables, correlated with the increase of the hydroxyl attenuation peak at 1380 nm. Molecular hydrogen generated by the radiolysis of compounds of the cable is at the origin of this phenomenon. A third gamma irradiation run permitted to measure the radiolytic hydrogen production yield of some compounds of a dedicated temperature cable sample. The efficiency of a carbon coating layer over the silica cladding, acting as a barrier against hydrogen diffusion, was also successfully confirmed. Finally, the efficiency of this carbon coating layer has also been tested under neutron irradiation, then qualified as a protection barrier against hydrogen diffusion in the optical fiber cores

    Brillouin sensing for perimetric detection: the SmartFence project

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    Security is a rising market, and solutions based on distributed sensing provide answers adapted to requests of citizens and industrials. We developed the SMARTFENCE concept, to provide an innovative solution for enhanced perimeter security of critical infrastructures. It includes a new kind of optical cable deployed on fences, a Brillouin instrumentation, and a dedicated signal processing. Several 20 m-long fences were equipped with such sensing cable and tested by commandos, then intrusion signals were used to develop the signal processing. Field trials resulted in a very sensitive solution, thanks to an innovative deployment procedure of optical cables on fences. The project ends with a long term demonstration: an electrical substation, 670 m perimeter, has been equipped with the fiber sensing cable, on two fence levels. This validation provides an important experience feedback and the monitoring system validation

    DISCOMS : Capteurs Répartis pour le surveillance du corium et la sûreté

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    International audienceThe Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster showed that the need for safety must always prevail. This paper discusses the development of remote monitoring technologies to improve Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) safety, in operation (Pressurized Water Reactors), under construction (the EPR reactors, i.e. the GEN 3 PWR), or for any other next generations of reactors. At Fukushima, the total loss of electrical power supplies has quickly led most of the instrumentation inoperative and the operator (TEPCO) with no way to monitor the status and the evolution of the accident. To overcome these important drawbacks, advantage can be taken from the considerable potential of distributed sensing technologies based on both "Optical Fiber Sensors" (Raman, Brillouin, and Rayleigh Reflectometries) and long-length "Self Powered Neutron Detectors" (SPNDs). The goal consists in inquiring about the status of the third barrier of confinement and to define possible mitigation strategies in case of severe accident, namely: i) reactor pressure vessel breakthrough and corium relocation outside the vessel, ii) concrete basemat erosion and iii) corium cooling. Such monitoring should consist in "sensing cables" embedded in concrete basemat below the reactor vessel and interrogated from a rear base where operators can work safely. In this context, DISCOMS, which stands for "DIstributed Sensing for COrium Monitoring and Safety", is a five-year project, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR), dealing with the NPP safety improvement, from normal situation to severe accidents. Monitoring phases include reactor vessel breaching, corium flow, along with post-accidental period (corium cooling ex-vessel). Thus, optical fibers selected for their resistance to ionizing radiations and long length SPNDs, both judiciously deployed within the reactor concrete basemat, and the structures around it, will provide a useful real-time or on-demand monitoring, in normal operation, and more important in accidental and post-accidental situations