11 research outputs found

    Modification of stool's water content in constipated infants: management with an adapted infant formula

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Constipation is a common occurrence in formula-fed infants. The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the impact of a formula with high levels of lactose and magnesium, in compliance with the official regulations, on stool water content, as well as a parental assessment of constipation.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Thirty healthy term-born, formula-fed infants, aged 4-10 weeks, with functional constipation were included. All infants were full-term and fed standard formula. Exclusion criteria were preterm and/or low birth weight, organic constipation, being breast fed or fed a formula specially designed to treat constipation. Stool composition was measured by near-infrared reflectance analysis (NIRA) and parents answered questions about crying associated with defecation and stool consistency at baseline and after two weeks of the adapted formula.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After 2 weeks of the adapted formula, stool water content increased from 71 +/- 8.1% to 84 +/- 5.9%, (p < 0.02). There was no significant change in the stool's fat, protein or carbohydrate content. Parental impressions of constipation were improved with the decrease in stool hardness (100% with hard stools at baseline, 10% after 2 weeks), pain with defecation (90% at baseline, 10% after 2 weeks), and the requirement for rectal stimulation to achieve defecation (70% at baseline, 30% after 2 weeks, p < 0.001 for all three indicators).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This preliminary study suggests that an adapted formula with high levels of lactose and magnesium increases stool water content and improves symptoms of constipation in term-born, formula-fed infants. A larger randomized placebo-controlled trial is indicated.</p

    Guía de recomendaciones sobre las dietas vegetarianas en niños

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    Existe un número cada vez mayor de personas que siguen una dieta vegetariana, también niños y adolescentes. Los motivos por lo que las familias eligen las dietas vegetarianas son diversos, en la mayoría de ocasiones por razones éticas o ecológicas. Aunque estas dietas, bien planeadas, pueden ser adecuadas para todas las etapas del ciclo vital, incluida la infancia y la adolescencia, se ha de garantizar una ingesta adecuada de nutrientes, en especial a medida que la dieta se vuelve más restringida (dietas veganas). El Comité de Nutrición de la AEP ha considerado de interés elaborar unas recomendaciones para el seguimiento de niños que siguen una dieta vegetariana. En este documento se repasan los alimentos que forman parte más frecuentemente de una dieta vegetariana, así como de los nutrientes en los que hay que prestar una atención especial (hierro, zinc, calcio, yodo, vitamina D, vitamina B12 y ácidos grasos polinsaturados n-3. Es imprescindible el suplemento de vitamina B12 oral, en forma de cianocobalamina, para todas las personas vegetarianas y veganas. Los niños y niñas que siguen dietas equilibradas y que están creciendo y desarrollándose con normalidad requieren los mismos controles de salud que cualquier otro niño sano. No obstante, habrá que prestar especial atención a las diferentes necesidades según las etapas de la vida en las que se realice una dieta vegetariana. There are an increasing number of subjects following a vegetarian diet, including children and adolescents. Most families follow this because of ecological or ethical reasons. Those diets, if well-planned, may be adequate in every life stage, including younger ages. Nevertheless, an adequate intake of all nutrients should be guaranteed, especially in more restricted diets (vegans). The Committee on Nutrition has decided to publish some guidelines for paediatricians who care for children following a vegetarian diet. In this paper more common foods used by vegetarians are reviewed, as well as those nutrients that need a special attention (iron, zinc, calcium, iodine, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and n-3 fatty acids). It is essential to provide supplemental B12 in all vegetarian subjects, including infants. Children on a balanced vegetarian diet, who are growing normally, do not require any specific health controls. Nevertheless, paediatricians should closely follow-up that every nutritional need is covered through all ages

    Severe renal Fanconi and management strategies in Arthrogryposis-Renal dysfunction-Cholestasis syndrome: a case report

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    Background: Arthrogryposis-Renal dysfunction-Cholestasis syndrome (ARC, MIM#208085) is a rare multisystem disease due to mutations in the VPS33B and VIPAR genes, both involved in maintaining apical-basolateral cell polarity. The correlation between mutations and phenotype in the ARC Syndrome is not well described. We report on a 6 year old patient who presented with severe renal Fanconi as first manifestation of ARC related to a combined de novo mutation in the VPS33B gene. // Case presentation: A 6 year old girl presented during the first year of life with severe renal Fanconi as the first manifestation of ARC-Syndrome. This case presents all defining features of ARC syndrome (including liver, skin and articular manifestations) with predominantly renal impairment at presentation. This novel mutation may be associated with a pronounced renal phenotype in ARC. Furthermore, we report on the successful use of LDL-Apheresis and biliodigestive derivation for treatment of cholestatic pruritus with encouraging results. // Conclusion: ARC is a heterogeneous disorder with early mortality. This case report contributes to a better understanding of this rare disorder, describes a novel mutation in the VPS33B gene and presents an innovative rescue treatment approach

    Contribución del soporte nutricional a combatir la caquexia cancerosa Contribution of nutritional support to fight cancer cachexia

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    Habitualmente para incrementar la ingesta de alimentos y combatir la anorexia se adoptan medidas encaminadas a controlar los síntomas que la disminuyen o a administrar los nutrientes por las vías más adecuadas a las alteraciones patológicas existentes. Sin embargo en el caso de la anorexia-caquexia que presentan los pacientes neoplásicos no siempre ello resulta tan lineal ni efectivo. El tratamiento nutritivo debería enfocarse en función de los diversos mecanismos patogénicos implicados en su desarrollo. El análisis del soporte nutricional como parte del tratamiento de estos pacientes a partir de una revisión sobe la evidencia científica pone de manifiesto que no existe ningún estudio bien diseñado que investigue el impacto de los suplementos orales en un grupo específico de pacientes y que ninguno evalúa resultados funcionales. Existe una mejoría en la ingesta energética total y en la ingesta de comida que, no obstante, a largo plazo no se mantiene. Los efectos observados sobre el peso y la composición corporal son variables y, o bien existen pocas diferencias entre los grupos suplementados y los grupos control, o son confusos por la heterogeneidad de los pacientes, los tipos de cáncer analizados y la falta de información sobre la existencia o no de edemas. Se observan algunos datos que orientan hacia una mejor respuesta inmunológica. No se han observado suficientes mejoras significativas en cambios funcionales ni en la evolución clínica. El análisis del uso de los suplementos nutritivos por vía enteral permite concluir que ello comporta incrementos en la ingesta total de nutrientes, puede ayudar a ganar peso o a reducir la pérdida el mismo y pueden comportar beneficios funcionales y de la evolución clínica pero se requieren estudios aleatorios más amplios en pacientes con distintos tipos de cáncer y distintos tratamientos antineoplásicos. A pesar de la poca disponibilidad de datos, los resultados existentes con el uso de suplementos nutricionales enriquecidos con EPA son muy prometedores. Con dosis mínimas de 2 g de EPA adicionados a los suplementos nutricionales además de aportar calorías y proteínas para cubrir las necesidades energéticas del huésped y del tumor, se contribuye a revertir las anormalidades metabólicas asociadas a la anorexia-caquexia del cáncer. Ello permite vislumbrar la posibilidad de frenar este proceso devastador de los tejidos que se observa en los pacientes neoplásicos que presentan anorexia-caquexia.To increase dietary intake and to fight anorexia several measures to treat symptoms and administer the most adequate diet according to composition, texture and flavour are proposed. However, in the anorexiacaquexia present in cancer patients not always these measures are effective. Now a day it seems more reasonable to approach this problem with different strategies directed to modulate the pathologic alterations associated. The analysis of specific nutritional support as part as the treatment of these patients from a systematic review conclude that no high methodological quality studies to analyze the impact of oral supplementation on a specific group of patients, neither the study of functional effects are done. However, an increase in the total energy intake, not maintained over the time, was observed. The effects on weight and corporal composition are variable, with small differences between groups with o without supplementation and confuse due to, mainly, the heterogeneity of the patients included in the different studies analyzed. The analysis of the effects of nutritional supplements administered by enteral feeding shown an increase in the energy intake with an increase in body weight or a lack of decrease it, and with some functional and clinical beneficial effects. Despite the results and conclusions obtained, a strong recommendation to conduct clinical trials in specific group of cancer patients with different antineoplasic treatment seems necessary. N-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid may have anticachectic properties. Although further trials are necessary the limited results available suggests that nutritional supplements enriched with EPA may reverse cachexia in cancer patients

    Modification of stool's water content in constipated infants : management with an adapted infant formula

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    Constipation is a common occurrence in formula-fed infants. The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the impact of a formula with high levels of lactose and magnesium, in compliance with the official regulations, on stool water content, as well as a parental assessment of constipation. Thirty healthy term-born, formula-fed infants, aged 4-10 weeks, with functional constipation were included. All infants were full-term and fed standard formula. Exclusion criteria were preterm and/or low birth weight, organic constipation, being breast fed or fed a formula specially designed to treat constipation. Stool composition was measured by near-infrared reflectance analysis (NIRA) and parents answered questions about crying associated with defecation and stool consistency at baseline and after two weeks of the adapted formula. After 2 weeks of the adapted formula, stool water content increased from 71 +/- 8.1% to 84 +/- 5.9%, (p < 0.02). There was no significant change in the stool's fat, protein or carbohydrate content. Parental impressions of constipation were improved with the decrease in stool hardness (100% with hard stools at baseline, 10% after 2 weeks), pain with defecation (90% at baseline, 10% after 2 weeks), and the requirement for rectal stimulation to achieve defecation (70% at baseline, 30% after 2 weeks, p < 0.001 for all three indicators). This preliminary study suggests that an adapted formula with high levels of lactose and magnesium increases stool water content and improves symptoms of constipation in term-born, formula-fed infants. A larger randomized placebo-controlled trial is indicated

    La nutrición parenteral pediátrica domiciliaria: procedimientos, experiencias y reflexiones.

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    Artículo especial.This document summarizes the issues raised in a think-tank meeting held by professionals with expertise in pediatric Home Parenteral Nutrition. This nutritional technology enables patients to return home to their family and social environment, improves their quality of life and decreases health-care costs; however, it is complex and requires an experienced nutritional support team. Patient selection is normally made according to their underlying disease, the estimated duration of support and family and social characteristics. The patient''s family must agree to take on caregiver's responsibilities and should be able to perform treatment safely and effectively after receiving proper training from the nutritional support team. Close monitoring must be carried out to ensure tolerance and effectiveness of nutritional support, thereby avoiding complications. This nutritional treatment achieves, in most cases, recovery and intestinal adaptation in varying periods of time. In certain diseases, and when home parenteral nutrition becomes complicated, intestinal transplant may be recommendable, so referral to rehabilitation units and Intestinal Transplantation should be made early on.YesEl presente documento resume los aspectos abordados en una Jornada de puesta en común con la participación de profesionales con experiencia en nutrición parenteral domiciliaria pediátrica. Este tratamiento permite el retorno de los pacientes a su medio familiar y social, mejora su calidad de vida y disminuye los costes sanitarios pero es complejo y requiere un equipo de soporte nutricional experimentado. La selección del paciente se realizará en función de su enfermedad de base, la duración estimada del soporte y las características familiares y sociales. La familia del paciente ha de querer hacerse cargo de su cuidado y debe ser capaz de realizar el tratamiento de forma segura y eficaz tras recibir la formación adecuada por el equipo de soporte nutricional. El seguimiento ha de efectuarse de forma estrecha para asegurar la tolerancia y eficacia del soporte, evitando las complicaciones. Este tratamiento nutricional consigue, en la mayoría de los casos, la recuperación y adaptación intestinal en periodos variables de tiempo. En ciertas patologías y cuando la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria se complica puede estar indicado el trasplante intestinal, por lo que la remisión a las Unidades de Rehabilitación Intestinal y Trasplante debe hacerse de forma precoz

    Documento de consenso SENPE/SEGHNP/ANECIPN/SECP sobre vías de acceso en nutrición enteral pediátrica

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    Standardization of clinical procedures has become a desirable objective in contemporary medical practice. To this effect, the Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) has endeavoured to create clinical practice guidelines and/or documents of consensus as well as quality standards in artificial nutrition. As a result, the SENPE’s Standardization Team has put together the “Document of Consensus in Enteral Access for Paediatric Nutritional Support” supported by the Spanish Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SEGHNP), the National Association of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery (ANECIPN), and the Spanish Society of Pediatric Surgery (SECP). The present publication is a reduced version of our work; the complete document will be published as a monographic issue. It analyzes enteral access options in the pediatric patient, reviews the levels of evidence and provides the team-members’ experience. Similarly, it details general and specific indications for pediatric enteral support, current techniques, care guidelines, methods of administration and complications of each enteral access. The data published by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and several European Societies has also been incorporatedLa estandarización de procedimientos clínicos se ha convertido en un objetivo deseable en la práctica médica actual. La Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE) está haciendo un considerable esfuerzo para desarrollar guías clínicas y/o documentos de consenso así como marcadores de calidad en nutrición artificial. Como fruto de ese esfuerzo el Grupo de Estandarización de SENPE ha elaborado un Documento de Consenso sobre Vías de Acceso en Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica, avalado también por la Sociedad Española de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica (SEGHNP), la Asociación Nacional de Enfermería de Cuidados Inten- sivos Pediátricos y Neonatales (ANECIPN) y la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica (SECP). Esta publicación es una síntesis del documento consensuado que ha incluido el estudio en profundidad del acceso enteral pediátrico, la revisión de los niveles de evidencia y la experiencia de los componentes del Grupo. Se han considerado también los datos publicados por la American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) y por diversas sociedades europeas. El texto completo se publicará como un número monográfico. En este trabajo se detallan las indicaciones generales y específicas de la nutrición enteral pediátrica, las técnicas, los cuidados generales y específicos, el modo de administración y las complicaciones de las diversas vías de acces

    Consensus on paediatric enteral nutrition access: a document approved by SENPE/SEGHNP/ANECIPN/SECP

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    Standardization of clinical procedures has become a desirable objective in contemporary medical practice. To this effect, the Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) has endeavoured to create clinical practice guidelines and/or documents of consensus as well as quality standards in artificial nutrition. As a result, the SENPE´s Standardization Team has put together the "Document of Consensus in Enteral Access for Paediatric Nutritional Support" supported by the Spanish Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SEGHNP), the National Association of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery (ANECIPN), and the Spanish Society of Pediatric Surgery (SECP). The present publication is a reduced version of our work; the complete document will be published as a monographic issue. It analyzes enteral access options in the pediatric patient, reviews the levels of evidence and provides the team-members' experience. Similarly, it details general and specific indications for pediatric enteral support, current techniques, care guidelines, methods of administration and complications of each enteral access. The data published by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and several European Societies has also been incorporated.YesLa estandarización de procedimientos clínicos se ha convertido en un objetivo deseable en la práctica médica actual. La Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE) está haciendo un considerable esfuerzo para desarrollar guías clínicas y/o documentos de consenso así como marcadores de calidad en nutrición artificial. Como fruto de ese esfuerzo el Grupo de Estandarización de SENPE ha elaborado un Documento de Consenso sobre Vías de Acceso en Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica, avalado también por la Sociedad Española de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica (SEGHNP), la Asociación Nacional de Enfermería de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos y Neonatales (ANECIPN) y la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica (SECP). Esta publicación es una síntesis del documento consensuado que ha incluido el estudio en profundidad del acceso enteral pediátrico, la revisión de los niveles de evidencia y la experiencia de los componentes del Grupo. Se han considerado también los datos publicados por la American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) y por diversas sociedades europeas. El texto completo se publicará como un número monográfico. En este trabajo se detallan las indicaciones generales y específicas de la nutrición enteral pediátrica, las técnicas, los cuidados generales y específicos, el modo de administración y las complicaciones de las diversas vías de acceso