3,390 research outputs found

    Structure of a linear array of hollow vortices of finite cross-section

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    Free-streamline theory is employed to construct an exact steady solution for a linear array of hollow, or stagnant cored, vortices in an inviscid incompressible fluid. If each vortex has area A and the separation is L, there are two possible shapes if A[1/2]/L is less than a critical value 0.38 and none if it is larger. The stability of the shapes to two-dimensional, periodic and symmetric disturbances is considered for hollow vortices. The more deformed of the two possible shapes is found to be unstable while the less deformed shape is stable

    Popular music, psychogeography, place identity and tourism: The case of Sheffield

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    Tourism and cultural agencies in some English provincial cities are promoting their popular music ‘heritage’ and, in some cases, contemporary musicians through the packaging of trails, sites, ‘iconic’ venues and festivals. This article focuses on Sheffield, a ‘post-industrial’ northern English city which is drawing on its associations with musicians past and present in seeking to attract tourists. This article is based on interviews with, among others, recording artists, promoters, producers and venue managers, along with reflective observational and documentary data. Theoretical remarks are made on the representations of popular musicians through cultural tourism strategies, programmes and products and also on the ways in which musicians convey a ‘psychogeographical’ sense of place in the ‘soundscape’ of the city

    Bipolar orientations on planar maps and SLE <inf>12</inf>

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    We give bijections between bipolar-oriented (acyclic with unique source and sink) planar maps and certain random walks, which show that the uniformly random bipolar-oriented planar map, decorated by the "peano curve" surrounding the tree of left-most paths to the sink, converges in law with respect to the peanosphere topology to a 4/3\sqrt{4/3}-Liouville quantum gravity surface decorated by an independent Schramm-Loewner evolution with parameter Îș=12\kappa=12 (i.e., SLE12_{12}). This result is universal in the sense that it holds for bipolar-oriented triangulations, quadrangulations, kk-angulations, and maps in which face sizes are mixed

    Another derivation of the geometrical KPZ relations

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    We give a physicist's derivation of the geometrical (in the spirit of Duplantier-Sheffield) KPZ relations, via heat kernel methods. It gives a covariant way to define neighborhoods of fractals in 2d quantum gravity, and shows that these relations are in the realm of conformal field theory

    Disk Heating, Galactoseismology, and the Formation of Stellar Halos

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    Deep photometric surveys of the Milky Way have revealed diffuse structures encircling our Galaxy far beyond the "classical" limits of the stellar disk. This paper reviews results from our own and other observational programs, which together suggest that, despite their extreme positions, the stars in these structures were formed in our Galactic disk. Mounting evidence from recent observations and simulations implies kinematic connections between several of these distinct structures. This suggests the existence of collective disk oscillations that can plausibly be traced all the way to asymmetries seen in the stellar velocity distribution around the Sun. There are multiple interesting implications of these findings: they promise new perspectives on the process of disk heating, they provide direct evidence for a stellar halo formation mechanism in addition to the accretion and disruption of satellite galaxies, and, they motivate searches of current and near-future surveys to trace these oscillations across the Galaxy. Such maps could be used as dynamical diagnostics in the emerging field of "Galactoseismology", which promises to model the history of interactions between the Milky Way and its entourage of satellites, as well examine the density of our dark matter halo. As sensitivity to very low surface brightness features around external galaxies increases, many more examples of such disk oscillations will likely be identified. Statistical samples of such features not only encode detailed information about interaction rates and mergers, but also about long sought-after dark matter halo densities and shapes. Models for the Milky Way's own Galactoseismic history will therefore serve as a critical foundation for studying the weak dynamical interactions of galaxies across the universe.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, accepted in for publication in a special edition of the journal "Galaxies", reporting the proceedings of the conference "On the Origin (and Evolution) of Baryonic Galaxy Halos", Puerto Ayora, Ecuador, March 13-17 2017, Eds. Duncan A. Forbes and Ericson D. Lope

    Conformal loop ensembles and the stress-energy tensor

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    We give a construction of the stress-energy tensor of conformal field theory (CFT) as a local "object" in conformal loop ensembles CLE_\kappa, for all values of \kappa in the dilute regime 8/3 < \kappa <= 4 (corresponding to the central charges 0 < c <= 1, and including all CFT minimal models). We provide a quick introduction to CLE, a mathematical theory for random loops in simply connected domains with properties of conformal invariance, developed by Sheffield and Werner (2006). We consider its extension to more general regions of definition, and make various hypotheses that are needed for our construction and expected to hold for CLE in the dilute regime. Using this, we identify the stress-energy tensor in the context of CLE. This is done by deriving its associated conformal Ward identities for single insertions in CLE probability functions, along with the appropriate boundary conditions on simply connected domains; its properties under conformal maps, involving the Schwarzian derivative; and its one-point average in terms of the "relative partition function." Part of the construction is in the same spirit as, but widely generalizes, that found in the context of SLE_{8/3} by the author, Riva and Cardy (2006), which only dealt with the case of zero central charge in simply connected hyperbolic regions. We do not use the explicit construction of the CLE probability measure, but only its defining and expected general properties.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figures. This is a concatenated, reduced and simplified version of arXiv:0903.0372 and (especially) arXiv:0908.151

    Statistical Mechanics of Logarithmic REM: Duality, Freezing and Extreme Value Statistics of 1/f1/f Noises generated by Gaussian Free Fields

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    We compute the distribution of the partition functions for a class of one-dimensional Random Energy Models (REM) with logarithmically correlated random potential, above and at the glass transition temperature. The random potential sequences represent various versions of the 1/f noise generated by sampling the two-dimensional Gaussian Free Field (2dGFF) along various planar curves. Our method extends the recent analysis of Fyodorov Bouchaud from the circular case to an interval and is based on an analytical continuation of the Selberg integral. In particular, we unveil a {\it duality relation} satisfied by the suitable generating function of free energy cumulants in the high-temperature phase. It reinforces the freezing scenario hypothesis for that generating function, from which we derive the distribution of extrema for the 2dGFF on the [0,1][0,1] interval. We provide numerical checks of the circular and the interval case and discuss universality and various extensions. Relevance to the distribution of length of a segment in Liouville quantum gravity is noted.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures Published version. Misprint corrected, references and note adde

    Species of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in organic apple orchards of British Columbia

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    In a two year study, 14 genera of Carabidae (Agonum Bonelli, Amara Bonelli, Anisodactylus Dejean, Bembidion Latreille, Carabus Linné, Harpalus Latreille, Lebia Latreille, Loricera Latreille, Poecilus Bonelli, Pterostichus Bonelli, Scaphinotus Dejean, Stenolophus Stephens, Syntomus Hope and Trechus Clairville) represented by 44 species were identified from six commercial organic apple orchards in the southern Similkameen valley in British Columbia, Canada; 13 of these species were not native to the area. The 4,299 specimens were caught in 'ramp' pitfall traps, with the genera Pterostichus and Harpalus comprising 56% and 43%, respectively. Numbers of Carabidae ranged from 11-21 species per orchard, with their presence detected throughout the collection period
