281 research outputs found

    Determination of significant prognostic factors in the development of magnesium deficiency in children and adolescents with gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    The aim of the work is to determine the factors of the course of GERD in children and adolescents which are important for predicting the development of magnesium deficiency.Materials and methods of research. For the study 77 people aged 9 to 14 years, who have gastroesophageal reflux disease with endoscopically positive diagnostic result, were examined. All children who were involved in the study underwent laboratory tests of serum magnesium, intracellular (erythrocyte) magnesium, and calcium levels. The ratio of calcium and intracellular magnesium was also considered as an indicator of latent magnesium deficiency. Magnesium level in patients with GERD were compared with control group, which consisted of 20 children without GERD. The odds ratio and confidence intervals for a large number of anamnestic, clinical and instrumental factors of GERD were calculated to determine significant prognostic factors for the development of magnesium deficiency, after which the indicators of the relative risk and the minimum and maximum predictive coefficients for these factors were determined. Based on the indicators of the minimum and maximum prognostic coefficient, a range of the probability of magnesium deficiency in patients with GERD was formed.Results. Based on the determination of the level of serum, erythrocyte magnesium, and the ratio of Ca/Mgerythrocyte in children of the control group, who were practically healthy, the standard deviation (δ) was calculated, and the corridors of laboratory parameters corresponding to the normal level of magnesium, indicators of latent deficiency (from δ to 2δ) and indicators of deficiency of magnesium (more than 2δ) were determined. In the group with GERD normal magnesium levels were discovered in 41.6% of children. A total of 19.5% of patients had latent magnesium deficiency and 39% of children had magnesium deficiency. For the analysis were selected: hyperacidity (pH 0.86-1.59), which had an odds ratio of 3.47; the reflux esophagitis 2-3 stages with an odds ratio of 68.64; an increase in LF and HF values day and night, an increase in the daytime LF/HF ratio, an increase in the stress index, an increase in PAPR and average circadian index values. Based on the indicators of the minimum and maximum prognostic coefficient, a range of the probability of magnesium deficiency in patients with GERD was formed. With the sum of the predictive coefficients of each significant factor from 13.3 to 31.0, the probability of magnesium deficiency is low; the range from 31.1 to 48.8 corresponds to the average probability, and the range of 48.9 to 66.5 indicates a significant possibility of a magnesium deficiency in a patient with GERD.Conclusion. It was determined that the factors of hyperacidity and the reflux esophagitis, some indicators of heart rate variability (LF and HF day and night, an increase in the daytime LF/HF ratio, an increase in the stress index, an increase in PAPR and average indicators of the circadian index) can be used to predict the development of magnesium deficiency in children with GERD. The practical application of the predictive coefficients of the given factors will make it possible to timely correct magnesium deficiency and will positively affect the quality of GERD treatment in children and adolescents

    Когнитивная риторика потребностей: стратегии построения англоязычных текстов новостей

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    Потапенко С. И. Когнитивная риторика потребностей: стратегии построения англоязычных текстов новостей / С. И. Потапенко // Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія». – Вип. 2. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 126-137.Риторика потребностей, восходящая к античному пафосу, объясняет воздействие текстов новостей через апелляцию к нуждам человека, определяющим содержание сообщений, его линеаризацию, выбор языковых единиц и канала коммуникации, подчиненных четырем риторическим стратегиям: инвентивной, диспозитивной, элокутивной и перформативной

    Electron heating and acceleration for the nonlinear kinetic equation

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    Time evolution of the isotropic electron distribution function while heating for the nonlinear kinetic equation with the Landau-Fokker-Planck collisional integral is studied. The considered heating sources are mono kinetic distribution, hot ions, and a quasi-linear diffusion operator. The investigation is mainly concentrated on the formation of the distribution function and tail acceleration. The time-dependent solutions allowing the solutions in self-similar variables are examined. Also presented are analytical asymptotic solutions and comparison them with numerical results


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    Modern agriculture is developed in the direction of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production. This requires a stable combination of financial and economic, legal and organizational factors with the mandatory introduction of the innovative component.Scientific research is based on the current information and scientific base which contains a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of raising funds, the use of which allows systematizing a number of phenomena in the process of agricultural development, unifying the procedure for determining the nominal volumes and effectiveness of welfare payment using direct methods.The paper deals with some problematic legal issues of legal regulation of financial relations with the participation of agricultural enterprises; it is determined and justified the necessity of allocation of agricultural enterprises financial support, providing the administrative assistance and control over the target use of the given funds. The main articles of agricultural enterprises support in Ukraine were identified and the main generators of these enterprises financing were determined from the position of financial and credit institutions.The conceptual models of state support for the development of rural areas in Canada, Australia, Italy and the United States of America are analyzed. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory state of agricultural enterprises development, in particular, economic, social, infrastructural, administrative, problems that restrain the development of the agrarian sector as a whole are outlined. The necessary conditions for the development of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are determined. On the basis of the analysis of world experience of rural development policy, a list of directions of agrarian sector enterprises support necessary for activation of rural areas development in Ukraine has been formed.The actuality and necessity of activation and harmonization using qualitatively new methodological dimensions of agricultural enterprises financing of various forms of ownership outlined the purpose of scientific search, its contour, tasks and architectonics.Современное сельское хозяйство развивается в первую очередь в направлении повышения эффективности производства аграрной продукции. Для этого необходимо устойчивое сочетание финансово-экономических, правовых и организационных факторов с обязательным внедрением инновационной составляющей.Научные исследования опирается на действующую информационную и научную базу, содержащую методику оценки эффективности привлечения средств, использование которой позволяет систематизировать ряд явлений в процессе развития сельского хозяйства, унифицировать процедуру определения номинальных объемов и эффективности государственной помощи прямыми методами.Исследуются отдельные проблемные правовые вопросы правового регулирования финансовых отношений с участием сельскохозяйственных предприятий; определены и обоснованы необходимость выделения средств финансовой поддержки сельскохозяйственных предприятий, обеспечение административного содействия и контроля над целевым использованием предоставленных средств. Выявлены основные статьи поддержки сельскохозяйственных предприятий в Украине и определены главные генераторов финансирования данных предприятий с позиции финансово-кредитных учреждений.Проанализированы концептуальные модели государственной поддержки развития сельских территорий в Канаде, Австралии, Италии и Соединенных Штатах Америки. Выделены основные причины неудовлетворительного состояния развития сельскохозяйственных предприятий, в частности экономические, социальные, инфраструктурные, управленческие, и раскрыты проблемы, сдерживающие развитие аграрного сектора в целом. Определены необходимые условия развития сельскохозяйственных предприятий в Украине. На основе анализа мирового опыта политики сельского развития сформирован перечень направлений поддержки предприятий аграрного сектора, необходимых для активизации развития сельских территорий в Украине.Актуальность и необходимость активизации и гармонизации в качественно новых методологических измерениях финансирования сельскохозяйственных предприятий различных форм собственности определили цель научного поиска, его контур, задачи и архитектонику.Сучасне сільське господарство розвивається в напрямі підвищення ефективності виробництва аграрної продукції. Для цього необхідне стійке поєднання фінансово-економічних, правових та організаційних чинників з обов’язковим упровадженням інноваційної складової.Наукові дослідження спирається на чинну інформаційну і наукову базу, що містить методику оцінювання ефективності залучення коштів, використання якої дозволяє систематизувати низку явищ у процесі розвитку сільського господарства, уніфікувати процедуру визначення номінальних обсягів та ефективності державної допомоги за прямими методами. Досліджуються окремі проблемні правові питання правового регулювання фінансових відносин за участі сільськогосподарських підприємств; визначено й обґрунтовано необхідність виділення коштів фінансової підтримки сільськогосподарських підприємств, забезпечення адміністративного сприяння і контролю за цільовим використанням наданих коштів. Виявлено основні статті підтримки сільськогосподарських підприємств в Україні та визначено головних генераторів фінансування таких підприємств із позиції фінансово-кредитних установ.Проаналізовано концептуальні моделі державної підтримки розвитку сільських територій у Канаді, Австралії, Італії та Сполучених Штатах Америки. Виокремлено основні причини незадовільного стану розвитку сільськогосподарських підприємств, зокрема економічні, соціальні, інфраструктурні, управлінські, та розкрито проблеми, що стримують розвиток аграрного сектору в цілому. Визначено необхідні умови розвитку сільськогосподарських підприємств в Україні. На основі аналізу світового досвіду політики сільського розвитку сформовано перелік напрямів підтримки підприємств аграрного сектору, потрібних для активізації розвитку сільських територій в Україні.Актуальність і необхідність активізації й гармонізації у якісно нових методологічних вимірах фінансування сільськогосподарських підприємств різних форм власності окреслили мету наукового пошуку, його контур, завдання та архітектоніку

    Imitation of the breathing apparatus operation on chemically bonded oxygen after the changes in its operation mode

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    Recordkeeping of the initial clogging of the regenerative cartridge [1, 2] is necessary to imitate real situations that arise at the exploitation of the mine rebreather. Among them are the following items: the change of the air filtration rate at the variation of work load, reverse of the air flow if there are pendulum or combined junctions of the airway, and so on

    Implementation of International Standards for Determining an Efficient Civil Law Remedy by a National Court

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    The article is devoted to studying the effectiveness of protection of violated, unrecognised or disputed rights, freedoms or interests of individuals, rights and interests of legal entities, the interests of the state in civil proceedings. The purpose of the article is to study how to implement international standards for determining an efficient civil law remedy by the court: (based on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and national case law). Clarification of the essence of novels of substantive and procedural law in determining the court's effective way to protect private law as the final judicial procedure of the right to judicial protection was by comparative law, methods of analysis, modelling and synthesis with the implementation of related elements of classical methods of protection and reception of the best acquisitions of legal systems of foreign countries, norms of the Convention of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (from now on – ECtHR). The dialectical method of cognition and the qualitative empirical method were also the main ones, by means of which the legal nature of the category "efficiency" and "determination by the court of an effective way of protection of private law and interest" were clarified. Keywords: Litigation, the remedy of private law, international standards, ECtHR, ECHR

    Simulation of a Breathing Apparatus on Chemically Bound Oxygen with a Circular Pendulum Circuit of the Air Duct Part

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    At present, the main prospects for improving the insulating means of respiratory protection are associated with the chemical method of oxygen reservation. The arguments in favor of this choice are the high packing density of oxygen and its self-regulating supply, depending on the physical activity of a person. The main schemes of the air duct part of breathing apparatus on chemically bound oxygen are circular and pendulum. The attempt is made in the article to combine the advantages of the circular (small harmful space) and pendulum (small volume of the dead layer) schemes of breathing apparatus on chemically bound oxygen. For these purposes, the formalism method was developed, which allows mathematically and with the help of a computer to simulate the dynamic sorption activity of the regenerative cartridge of a breathing apparatus with a hybrid (circular-pendulum) scheme of the air duct part. The increase in the protective action of the apparatus is determined due to the use of the resource of the dead sorbent layer in the result of the air flow reverse in the pendulum part of the regenerative cartridge. Feasibility of using a hybrid scheme in the self-rescuers with a short period of protective action is shown. The optimal length of the pendulum part is determined, at which the breathing resistance decreases, and the harmful space occupied by the air returning for inhalation without contact with the unreacted layers of the oxygen-containing product is not increased. Its weak dependence on the total length of the regenerative cartridge and the maximum permissible concentration of carbon dioxide in the air returning to inhalation is shown, which makes the circular pendulum scheme realizable in practice

    Mathematical model of the fixed oxygen breathing apparatus with a circular airway scheme

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    The research deals with the influence of the СО2 breakthrough on the dynamic sorption activity of the regenerative cartridge of fixed oxygen breathing apparatus with a circular airway scheme. It is illustrated that the breakthrough return during breath at the later stages of the apparatus operation is essential and depending on the apparatus model or its operating regime noticeably (up to 10%) reduces its protection term