1,474 research outputs found

    Analysis of strain and regional variation in gene expression in mouse brain

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    BACKGROUND: We performed a statistical analysis of a previously published set of gene expression microarray data from six different brain regions in two mouse strains. In the previous analysis, 24 genes showing expression differences between the strains and about 240 genes with regional differences in expression were identified. Like many gene expression studies, that analysis relied primarily on ad hoc 'fold change' and 'absent/present' criteria to select genes. To determine whether statistically motivated methods would give a more sensitive and selective analysis of gene expression patterns in the brain, we decided to use analysis of variance (ANOVA) and feature selection methods designed to select genes showing strain- or region-dependent patterns of expression. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed many additional genes that might be involved in behavioral differences between the two mouse strains and functional differences between the six brain regions. Using conservative statistical criteria, we identified at least 63 genes showing strain variation and approximately 600 genes showing regional variation. Unlike ad hoc methods, ours have the additional benefit of ranking the genes by statistical score, permitting further analysis to focus on the most significant. Comparison of our results to the previous studies and to published reports on individual genes show that we achieved high sensitivity while preserving selectivity. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that molecular differences between the strains and regions studied are larger than indicated previously. We conclude that for large complex datasets, ANOVA and feature selection, alone or in combination, are more powerful than methods based on fold-change thresholds and other ad hoc selection criteria

    Using predictive specificity to determine when gene set analysis is biologically meaningful

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    Gene set analysis, which translates gene lists into enriched functions, is among the most common bioinformatic methods. Yet few would advocate taking the results at face value. Not only is there no agreement on the algorithms themselves, there is no agreement on how to benchmark them. In this paper, we evaluate the robustness and uniqueness of enrichment results as a means of assessing methods even where correctness is unknown. We show that heavily annotated ('multifunctional') genes are likely to appear in genomics study results and drive the generation of biologically non-specific enrichment results as well as highly fragile significances. By providing a means of determining where enrichment analyses report non-specific and non-robust findings, we are able to assess where we can be confident in their use. We find significant progress in recent bias correction methods for enrichment and provide our own software implementation. Our approach can be readily adapted to any pre-existing package

    Structured light techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in robotic tasks

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    Robotic tasks such as navigation and path planning can be greatly enhanced by a vision system capable of providing depth perception from fast and accurate 3D surface reconstruction. Focused on robotic welding tasks we present a comparative analysis of a novel mathematical formulation for 3D surface reconstruction and discuss image processing requirements for reliable detection of patterns in the image. Models are presented for a parallel and angled configurations of light source and image sensor. It is shown that the parallel arrangement requires 35\% fewer arithmetic operations to compute a point cloud in 3D being thus more appropriate for real-time applications. Experiments show that the technique is appropriate to scan a variety of surfaces and, in particular, the intended metallic parts for robotic welding tasks

    Coastal offshore of Novaya Zemlya Island, relief and sediments : extended abstract

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    Geomorphological seabed mapping based on GIS-technology : extended abstract

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    Concurrent lumbosacral and sacrococcygeal fusion: a rare aetiology of low back pain and coccygodynia?

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    Sacrum is a triangular bone placed in the base of the spine and formed by the synostosis of five sacral vertebrae (S1–S5). Its upper part is connected with the inferior surface of the body of L5 vertebra forming the lumbosacral joint, while its lower part is connected with the base of the coccyx forming the sacrococcygeal symphysis, an amphiarthrodial joint. The existence of four pairs of sacral fora­mina in both anterior and posterior surface of the sacrum is the most common anatomy. Nevertheless, supernumerary sacral foramina are possible to be created by the synostosis of lumbosacral joint or sacrococcygeal symphysis. We present a case of an osseous cadaveric specimen of the sacrum belonging to a 79-year-old Caucasian woman. A rare variation of the anatomy of the sacrum is reported; in which, the simultaneous fusion of the sacrum with both the L5 vertebra and the coccyx has created six pairs of sacral foramina. This variation should be taken into serious consideration, especially in the domain of radiology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics and spine surgery, because low back pain, coccygodynia and other neurological symptoms may emerge due to mechanical compression. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 397–399

    Federated Learning for Early Dropout Prediction on Healthy Ageing Applications

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    The provision of social care applications is crucial for elderly people to improve their quality of life and enables operators to provide early interventions. Accurate predictions of user dropouts in healthy ageing applications are essential since they are directly related to individual health statuses. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have enabled highly accurate predictions, outperforming traditional statistical methods that struggle to cope with individual patterns. However, ML requires a substantial amount of data for training, which is challenging due to the presence of personal identifiable information (PII) and the fragmentation posed by regulations. In this paper, we present a federated machine learning (FML) approach that minimizes privacy concerns and enables distributed training, without transferring individual data. We employ collaborative training by considering individuals and organizations under FML, which models both cross-device and cross-silo learning scenarios. Our approach is evaluated on a real-world dataset with non-independent and identically distributed (non-iid) data among clients, class imbalance and label ambiguity. Our results show that data selection and class imbalance handling techniques significantly improve the predictive accuracy of models trained under FML, demonstrating comparable or superior predictive performance than traditional ML models

    Bathymetric seabed mapping based on GIS-technology : extended abstract

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