7,256 research outputs found

    Improved analytic longitudinal response analysis for axisymmetric launch vehicles. Volume I - Linear analytic model

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    Improved analytic longitudinal response analysis for axisymmetric launch vehicles - linear mode

    Liquid drops on a surface: using density functional theory to calculate the binding potential and drop profiles and comparing with results from mesoscopic modelling

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    The contribution to the free energy for a film of liquid of thickness hh on a solid surface, due to the interactions between the solid-liquid and liquid-gas interfaces is given by the binding potential, g(h)g(h). The precise form of g(h)g(h) determines whether or not the liquid wets the surface. Note that differentiating g(h)g(h) gives the Derjaguin or disjoining pressure. We develop a microscopic density functional theory (DFT) based method for calculating g(h)g(h), allowing us to relate the form of g(h)g(h) to the nature of the molecular interactions in the system. We present results based on using a simple lattice gas model, to demonstrate the procedure. In order to describe the static and dynamic behaviour of non-uniform liquid films and drops on surfaces, a mesoscopic free energy based on g(h)g(h) is often used. We calculate such equilibrium film height profiles and also directly calculate using DFT the corresponding density profiles for liquid drops on surfaces. Comparing quantities such as the contact angle and also the shape of the drops, we find good agreement between the two methods. We also study in detail the effect on g(h)g(h) of truncating the range of the dispersion forces, both those between the fluid molecules and those between the fluid and wall. We find that truncating can have a significant effect on g(h)g(h) and the associated wetting behaviour of the fluid.Comment: 16 pages, 13 fig

    Dynamical density functional theory for the dewetting of evaporating thin films of nanoparticle suspensions exhibiting pattern formation

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    Recent experiments have shown that the striking structure formation in dewetting films of evaporating colloidal nanoparticle suspensions occurs in an ultrathin `postcursor' layer that is left behind by a mesoscopic dewetting front. Various phase change and transport processes occur in the postcursor layer, that may lead to nanoparticle deposits in the form of labyrinthine, network or strongly branched `finger' structures. We develop a versatile dynamical density functional theory to model this system which captures all these structures and may be employed to investigate the influence of evaporation/condensation, nanoparticle transport and solute transport in a differentiated way. We highlight, in particular, the influence of the subtle interplay of decomposition in the layer and contact line motion on the observed particle-induced transverse instability of the dewetting front.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Modelling the evaporation of thin films of colloidal suspensions using Dynamical Density Functional Theory

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    Recent experiments have shown that various structures may be formed during the evaporative dewetting of thin films of colloidal suspensions. Nano-particle deposits of strongly branched `flower-like', labyrinthine and network structures are observed. They are caused by the different transport processes and the rich phase behaviour of the system. We develop a model for the system, based on a dynamical density functional theory, which reproduces these structures. The model is employed to determine the influences of the solvent evaporation and of the diffusion of the colloidal particles and of the liquid over the surface. Finally, we investigate the conditions needed for `liquid-particle' phase separation to occur and discuss its effect on the self-organised nano-structures

    Solvent mediated interactions between model colloids and interfaces: A microscopic approach

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    We determine the solvent mediated contribution to the effective potentials for model colloidal or nano- particles dispersed in a binary solvent that exhibits fluid-fluid phase separation. Using a simple density functional theory we calculate the density profiles of both solvent species in the presence of the `colloids', which are treated as external potentials, and determine the solvent mediated (SM) potentials. Specifically, we calculate SM potentials between (i) two colloids, (ii) a colloid and a planar fluid-fluid interface, and (iii) a colloid and a planar wall with an adsorbed wetting film. We consider three different types of colloidal particles: colloid A which prefers the bulk solvent phase rich in species 2, colloid C which prefers the solvent phase rich in species 1, and `neutral' colloid B which has no strong preference for either phase, i.e. the free energies to insert the colloid into either of the coexisting bulk phases are almost equal. When a colloid which has a preference for one of the two solvent phases is inserted into the disfavored phase at statepoints close to coexistence a thick adsorbed `wetting' film of the preferred phase may form around the colloids. The presence of the adsorbed film has a profound influence on the form of the SM potentials.Comment: 17 Pages, 13 Figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    A model colloidal fluid with competing interactions: bulk and interfacial properties

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    Using a simple mean-field density functional theory theory (DFT), we investigate the structure and phase behaviour of a model colloidal fluid composed of particles interacting via a pair potential which has a hard core of diameter σ\sigma, is attractive Yukawa at intermediate separations and repulsive Yukawa at large separations. We analyse the form of the asymptotic decay of the bulk fluid correlation functions, comparing results from our DFT with those from the self consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA). In both theories we find rich crossover behaviour, whereby the ultimate decay of correlation functions changes from monotonic to long-wavelength damped oscillatory decay on crossing certain lines in the phase diagram, or sometimes from oscillatory to oscillatory with a longer wavelength. For some choices of potential parameters we find, within the DFT, a λ\lambda-line at which the fluid becomes unstable with respect to periodic density fluctuations. SCOZA fails to yield solutions for state points near such a λ\lambda-line. The propensity to clustering of particles, which is reflected by the presence of a long wavelength σ\gg \sigma, slowly decaying oscillatory pair correlation function, and a structure factor that exhibits a very sharp maximum at small but non zero wavenumbers, is enhanced in states near the λ\lambda-line. We present density profiles for the planar liquid-gas interface and for fluids adsorbed at a planar hard wall. The presence of a nearby λ\lambda-transition gives rise to pronounced long-wavelength oscillations in the one-body densities at both types of interface.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectance Spectroscopy of Murchison Powders (CM2) After Thermal Analysis Under Reducing Conditions to Final Temperatures Between 300 and 1300c

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    The asteroids Ryugu and Bennu have spectral characteristics in common with CI/CM type carbonaceous chondrites and are target bodies for JAXAs Hayabusa2 and NASAs OSIRIS-Rex missions, respectively. Analog studies, based primarily on the Murchison CM2 chondrite, provide a pathway to separate spectral properties resulting space weathering from those inherent to parent-body, mineralogy, chemistry, and processes. Ryugu shares spectral properties with thermally metamorphosed and partly dehydrated CI/CM chondrites. We have undertaken a multidisciplinary study of the thermal decomposition of Murchison powder samples as an analog to metamorphic process that may have occurred on Ryugu. Bulk analyses include thermal And evolved gas analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and VIS-NIR and Mssbauer spectroscopy; micro- to nanoscale analyses included scanning and transmission electron microscopy and electron probe micro analysisWe report here XRD and VIS-NIR analyses of pre- and post-heated Murchison powders, and in a companion paper report results from multiple electron beam techniques

    Density functional approach for inhomogeneous star polymers

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    We propose microscopic density functional theory for inhomogeneous star polymers. Our approach is based on fundamental measure theory for hard spheres, and on Wertheim's first- and second-order perturbation theory for the interparticle connectivity. For simplicity we consider a model in which all the arms are of the same length, but our approach can be easily extended to the case of stars with arms of arbitrary lengths.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Phase separation in fluids exposed to spatially periodic external fields

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    We consider the liquid-vapor type phase transition for fluids confined within spatially periodic external fields. For a fluid in d=3 dimensions, the periodic field induces an additional phase, characterized by large density modulations along the field direction. At the triple point, all three phases (modulated, vapor, and liquid) coexist. At temperatures slightly above the triple point and for low (high) values of the chemical potential, two-phase coexistence between the modulated phase and the vapor (liquid) is observed. We study this phenomenon using computer simulations and mean-field theory for the Ising model. The theory shows that, in order for the modulated phase to arise, the field wavelength must exceed a threshold value. We also find an extremely low tension of the interface between the modulated phase and the vapor/liquid phases. The tension is of the order 10^{-4} kB T per squared lattice spacing, where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T the temperature. In order to detect such low tensions, a new simulation method is proposed. We also consider the case of d=2 dimensions. The modulated phase then does not survive, leading to a radically different phase diagram.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure