298 research outputs found

    Terpenoids of Boswellia neglecta oleo-gum resin

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    Oleo-gum resin exudate from Boswellia neglecta afforded a new ursane-type triterpene characterized as 3α-acetoxy-28-hydroxy-11-oxours-12-en-24-ioc acid (1) together with twelve known compounds. Their structural elucidation was accomplished using physical, chemical and spectroscopic methods.                                                                                              KEY WORDS: Boswellia neglecta, Burseraceae, Oleo-gum rein, Triterpenes Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2016, 30(2), 317-323.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v30i2.1

    Plant Species in the Folk medicine of Kit Mikayi Region, Western Kenya

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    An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Kit Mikayi area of Western Kenya was carried out in 2007. The area is adjacent to Lake Victoria, the second largest fresh water lake in the world. Being a shrine, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted with the aim of documenting the local plants of economic value which have over time attracted both local and foreign visitors. Thirty-seven species were documented, and their use values and informant consensus factors were determined. The results were considered as important in defining conservation priorities as well as for further investigation of the identified plants for possible pharmacological applications

    A Driving Behaviour Model of Electrical Wheelchair Users

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    In spite of the presence of powered wheelchairs, some of the users still experience steering challenges and manoeuvring difficulties that limit their capacity of navigating effectively. For such users, steering support and assistive systems may be very necessary. To appreciate the assistance, there is need that the assistive control is adaptable to the user’s steering behaviour. This paper contributes to wheelchair steering improvement by modelling the steering behaviour of powered wheelchair users, for integration into the control system. More precisely, the modelling is based on the improved Directed Potential Field (DPF) method for trajectory planning. The method has facilitated the formulation of a simple behaviour model that is also linear in parameters. To obtain the steering data for parameter identification, seven individuals participated in driving the wheelchair in different virtual worlds on the augmented platform. The obtained data facilitated the estimation of user parameters, using the ordinary least square method, with satisfactory regression analysis results


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    Though the majority of people in Kenya and at Kopsiro Division in particular, rely on ethnomedicinal plant species to manage human ailments, the indigenous knowledge largely remains undocumented. Therefore, an ethnobotanical study was conducted on medicinal plant species used to manage human ailments at Kopsiro Division Mt. Elgon District Kenya. The objectives were to identify and document plants traditionally used for medicinal therapy by the Sabaots, to find out the method used for preparing and administering the drugs and to find out the conservation practices for the medicinal plants. Observations and semi-structured interviews were used to gather ethnobotanical data. 107 plants belonging to 56 families were identified and reported to be of medicinal value to the locals. Roots (47.3%) were the most frequently used parts of the plant followed by the bark (23.35%) then leaves (22.75%). The whole plant (1.8%), seed (1.2%), fruit (1.2%), sap (1.2%), flower (0.6%) and wood (0.6%) are least used in that order. The study revealed other hitherto undocumented medicinal plant species that may be new records for treating various ailments. Traditional medicine in Kopsiro division offers cheap, accessible and convenient remedy that suits the traditional lifestyle of the local community in comparison to the conventional medicine. Most medicinal plant species reported in this study were found to be under threat and this calls for urgent conservation measures so as to maximize the sustainable use of these vital resources in the study area

    Are Tanzanian patients attending public facilities or private retailers more likely to adhere to artemisinin-based combination therapy?

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    BACKGROUND: Artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) is first-line treatment for malaria in most endemic countries and is increasingly available in the private sector. Most studies on ACT adherence have been conducted in the public sector, with minimal data from private retailers. METHODS: Parallel studies were conducted in Tanzania, in which patients obtaining artemether-lumefantrine (AL) at 40 randomly selected public health facilities and 37 accredited drug dispensing outlets (ADDOs) were visited at home and questioned about doses taken. The effect of sector on adherence, controlling for potential confounders was assessed using logistic regression with a random effect for outlet. RESULTS: Of 572 health facility patients and 450 ADDO patients, 74.5% (95% CI: 69.8, 78.8) and 69.8% (95% CI: 64.6, 74.5), respectively, completed treatment and 46.0% (95% CI: 40.9, 51.2) and 34.8% (95% CI: 30.1, 39.8) took each dose at the correct time ('timely completion'). ADDO patients were wealthier, more educated, older, sought care later in the day, and were less likely to test positive for malaria than health facility patients. Controlling for patient characteristics, the adjusted odds of completed treatment and of timely completion for ADDO patients were 0.65 (95% CI: 0.43, 1.00) and 0.69 (95% CI: 0.47, 1.01) times that of health facility patients. Higher socio-economic status was associated with both adherence measures. Higher education was associated with completed treatment (adjusted OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.20, 2.36); obtaining AL in the evening was associated with timely completion (adjusted OR = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.19, 0.64). Factors associated with adherence in each sector were examined separately. In both sectors, recalling correct instructions was positively associated with both adherence measures. In health facility patients, but not ADDO patients, taking the first dose of AL at the outlet was associated with timely completion (adjusted OR = 2.11, 95% CI: 1.46, 3.04). CONCLUSION: When controlling for patient characteristics, there was some evidence that the adjusted odds of adherence for ADDO patients was lower than that for public health facility patients. Better understanding is needed of which patient care aspects are most important for adherence, including the role of effective provision of advice

    Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: An Evaluation of Yield Potential of Maize, Sorghum, Common Bean and Pigeon Pea Varieties in a Very Cool-Wet Region of Nyandarua County, Central Kenya

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    Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of maize, sorghum, common bean and pigeon pea varieties under different water management in a cool and wet region of Central Kenya, as a part of the studies at analogue sites. The first experiment evaluated the growth and performance of three varieties (early maturing: EM, medium maturing: MM and late maturing: LM) of maize (Zea mays L), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The second experiment evaluated maize and sorghum response to water conservation and three fertiliser rates (0, 20 and 40 kg N/ha). The third experiment assessed the effect of water conservation measures on crop yields of common bean and pigeon pea grown under three plant densities (low, medium and high). Tied ridge tillage was used as the water conservation measure and disc plough as the control in the second and third experiments. Maize, sorghum, pigeon pea and common bean took more than 180, 245, 217 and 95 days respectively, to reach physiological maturity. The MM maize variety (DK8031), EM pigeon pea variety (ICPL 84091) and LM common bean variety (GLP 24) yielded the greatest grain of 4,938, 881 and 620 kg/ha respectively, among the respective crop varieties. The sorghum varieties were attacked by fungal and rust diseases leading to yield losses in all seasons. Soil water conservation in general did not have a significant effect on crop yield though there were yield improvements. In the plant density trial, the medium plant densities of pigeon pea (33,333 pl/ha) and common bean (148,148 pl/ha) resulted in the greatest grain yields. The highest grain yield of maize (4,184 kg/ha) and sorghum (47 kg/ha) was obtained in plots with 20 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer. Based on the results of this study, pigeon pea and common bean can be introduced in the farming systems to improve crop diversity. The production of the tested sorghum varieties should be discouraged in this region because they are prone to fungal and rust diseases due to the cold and wet weather conditions

    Adapting agriculture to climate change - An evaluation of yield potential of maize, sorghum, common bean and pigeon pea varieties in a very cool-wet region of Nayandarua County

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    Soil and water conservation, use of more adaptive crop genotypes and crop diversification are widely accepted as some of the management practices that can help reduce agriculture vulnerability to impacts of climate change. A study was conducted to evaluate the yield potential of maize, sorghum, common bean and pigeon pea varieties under different water management, plant densities and fertility levels in Nyahururu, Central Kenya. The study involved three experiments. The first experiment evaluated the growth and performance of three varieties (early maturing, medium maturing and late maturing) of maize, sorghum, pigeon pea and common bean. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design (RCBD) replicated three times. The second experiment evaluated maize and sorghum yield response to water conservation and three fertiliser rates (0, 20 and 40 kg N/ha). The third experiment assessed the effect of water conservation measures on crop yields of common bean and pigeon pea grown under three plant densities (low, medium and high). Tied ridge tillage was used as the water conservation measure and disc plough as the control in the second and third experiments. Results showed that water conservation in general did not have a significant effect on crop yield though they were improved. The medium density pigeon pea gave the highest grain (719 kg/ha) followed by low (688 kg/ha) and high plant density (687 kg/ha), though not significant at 0.95 confidence level. Similar trends were observed with common bean grain and dry matter yield. Tied ridges tended to lower maize yield compared to flat tillage while it increased sorghum yields but the difference was insignificant. When average across the tillage systems, the highest maize grain (5553 kg/ha) and dry matter (14298 kg/ha) yield was obtained in plots without N fertilizer. Sorghum dry matter was highest (11333 kg/ha) in plots with 40 kg N/ha and lowest (7903 kg/ha) in plots with 20 kg/ha N. In the variety experiment, the EM pigeon pea variety (ICPL 84091) yielded the greatest grain (881 kg/ha) while the late maturing variety (ICEAP 00040) gave the least (565 kg/ha). The LM maize variety (DK8031) yielded the highest grain (5701 kg/ha) and dry matter (18843 kg/ha). The LM sorghum variety (Macia) had 47% and 49% dry matter yield advantage over MM (Kari Mtama 1) and EM (Gadam) varieties, respectively. The yields for common bean varieties tended to vary with seasons. So what are the conclusions

    High HIV Prevalence Among Men Who have Sex with Men in Soweto, South Africa: Results from the Soweto Men’s Study

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    The Soweto Men’s Study assessed HIV prevalence and associated risk factors among MSM in Soweto, South Africa. Using respondent driven sampling (RDS) recruitment methods, we recruited 378 MSM (including 15 seeds) over 30 weeks in 2008. All results were adjusted for RDS sampling design. Overall HIV prevalence was estimated at 13.2% (95% confidence interval 12.4–13.9%), with 33.9% among gay-identified men, 6.4% among bisexual-identified men, and 10.1% among straight-identified MSM. In multivariable analysis, HIV infection was associated with being older than 25 (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 3.8, 95% CI 3.2–4.6), gay self-identification (AOR 2.3, 95% CI 1.8–3.0), monthly income less than ZAR500 (AOR 1.4, 95% CI 1.2–1.7), purchasing alcohol or drugs in exchange for sex with another man (AOR 3.9, 95% CI 3.2–4.7), reporting any URAI (AOR 4.4, 95% CI 3.5–5.7), reporting between six and nine partners in the prior 6 months (AOR 5.7, 95% CI 4.0–8.2), circumcision, (AOR 0.2, 95% CI 0.1–0.2), a regular female partner (AOR 0.2, 95% CI 0.2–0.3), smoking marijuana in the last 6 months (AOR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5–0.8), unprotected vaginal intercourse in the last 6 months (AOR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4–0.6), and STI symptoms in the last year (AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5–0.8). The results of the Soweto Men’s Study confirm that MSM are at high risk for HIV infection, with gay men at highest risk. HIV prevention and treatment for MSM are urgently needed

    Comparison of the microbial composition of African fermented foods using amplicon sequencing

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    Fermented foods play a major role in the diet of people in Africa, where a wide variety of raw materials are fermented. Understanding the microbial populations of these products would help in the design of specific starter cultures to produce standardized and safer foods. In this study, the bacterial diversity of African fermented foods produced from several raw materials (cereals, milk, cassava, honey, palm sap, and locust beans) under different conditions (household, small commercial producers or laboratory) in 8 African countries was analysed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing during the Workshop “Analysis of the Microbiomes of Naturally Fermented Foods Training Course”. Results show that lactobacilli were less abundant in fermentations performed under laboratory conditions compared to artisanal or commercial fermentations. Excluding the samples produced under laboratory conditions, lactobacilli is one of the dominant groups in all the remaining samples. Genera within the order Lactobacillales dominated dairy, cereal and cassava fermentations. Genera within the order Lactobacillales, and genera Zymomonas and Bacillus were predominant in alcoholic beverages, whereas Bacillus and Lactobacillus were the dominant genera in the locust bean sample. The genus Zymomonas was reported for the first time in dairy, cereal, cassava and locust bean fermentations

    Small-scale field evaluation of transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons and sandals for the control of malaria vectors in rural Tanzania

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    Background: Early-evening and outdoor-biting mosquitoes may compromise the effectiveness of frontline malaria interventions, notably insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of low-cost insecticide-treated eave ribbons and sandals as supplementary interventions against indoor-biting and outdoor-biting mosquitoes in south-eastern Tanzania, where ITNs are already widely used. Methods: This study was conducted in three villages, with 72 households participating (24 households per village). The households were divided into four study arms and assigned: transfluthrin-treated sandals (TS), transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons (TER), a combination of TER and TS, or experimental controls. Each arm had 18 households, and all households received new ITNs. Mosquitoes were collected using double net traps (to assess outdoor biting), CDC light traps (to assess indoor biting), and Prokopack aspirators (to assess indoor resting). Protection provided by the interventions was evaluated by comparing mosquito densities between the treatment and control arms. Additional tests were done in experimental huts to assess the mortality of wild mosquitoes exposed to the treatments or controls. Results: TERs reduced indoor-biting, indoor-resting and outdoor-biting Anopheles arabiensis by 60%, 73% and 41%, respectively, while TS reduced the densities by 18%, 40% and 42%, respectively. When used together, TER & TS reduced indoor-biting, indoor-resting and outdoor-biting An. arabiensis by 53%, 67% and 57%, respectively. Protection against Anopheles funestus ranged from 42 to 69% with TER and from 57 to 74% with TER & TS combined. Mortality of field-collected mosquitoes exposed to TER, TS or both interventions was 56–78% for An. arabiensis and 47–74% for An. funestus. Conclusion: Transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons and sandals or their combination can offer significant household-level protection against malaria vectors. Their efficacy is magnified by the transfluthrin-induced mortality, which was observed despite the prevailing pyrethroid resistance in the study area. These results suggest that TER and TS could be useful supplementary tools against residual malaria transmission in areas where ITN coverage is high but additional protection is needed against early-evening and outdoor-biting mosquitoes. Further research is needed to validate the performance of these tools in different settings, and assess their long-term effectiveness and feasibility for malaria control