2,849 research outputs found

    Designing Verbal Message And Visual Media Of Quick Chicken

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    Quick Chicken currently exists on more than 8 islands, more than 17 provinces, more than 220 outlets. Compared to similar fried chicken outlets, Quick Chicken outlet designs are more attractive because they use the concept of selling in containers. The advantages of Quick Chicken are offering a menu that is a combination of traditional and western, in addition, Quick Chicken also offers larger pieces of chicken than its competitors, namely Hisana and Sabana. Currently Quick Chicken is experiencing a decline in sales. This happens because the promotion done has not been able to make the target audience aware and loyal. The question research is how to design verbal message and visual media as the solustion for the problem above. Semantics is used to define the verbal message, while advertising theory is used as the the grand theory of visual media. The methode used is qualitative descriptif. The result is as the recommendation design of the verbal message and visual media as the solution for the problem using AISAS. The conclusion is with the design of Quick Chicken promotion, it is hoped that being able to be a solution to identified problems, and it can also be a reference for similar problems as well. Key Words: Semantics, verbal message, Visual Media, Quick Chicke

    Efek Eksploitasi Media Massa terhadap Popularitas Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama di Kalangan Aktivis Mahasiswa di Kota Makassar

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    This research aims to find out the effect of mass media on the siginificant of issues of Obama's popularity in the US President election from 2009 to 2013 and the effect of news exploitation in the form of student activist's opinion in Makassar. This research was descriptive qualitative study through analysis of data reductiuon, data presentation, and data conclusion obtained through interview. The informans were student from Hasanuddin University, Indonesian Moslem University, 45 University, Makassar State University, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. The unit of analysis were mass media news on Obama from mid 2008 to early 2009 and types of issues on Obama's racial identity, Obama background, and Moslem world, Obama's childhood in Indonesia. The result show that mass media have a significant effect even in a small amount when the public was informed continually . It is also found that certain mass media give strong effect to student activist's opinion such as television, internet, and newspaper. Then social categories in sama level in this case Makassar student activist's tent to have similar response to media effect

    Pengembangan Software Rekomendasi Peminatan Akademik Untuk Siswa SMP

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    Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan di SMP Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo melalui wawancara kepada lima guru BK, didapatkan permasalahan bahwa guru BK mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat rekomendasi peminatan  untuk peserta didik SMP yang akan meneruskan studi lanjutnya di SMA, karena nilai rapor yang menggunakan skala 1-4, konselor cenderung membuat rekomendasi yang dinilai subyektif serta belum ada software yang tepat dalam merekomendasikan peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa software rekomendasi peminatan akademik untuk siswa SMP yang memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas. Media ini adalah software yang dapat mengolah data dan memaparkan data dalam bentuk cetak yang dinamakan surat rekomendasi peminatan. Rekomendasi peminatan ini menggunakan aplikasi berformat .exe serta mempertimbangkan aspek yang sesuai dengan Pelayanan Arah Peminatan Peserta Didik. Hasil penelitian menerangkan bahwa software rekomendasi peminatan akademik untuk siswa SMP memenuhi syarat kriteria akseptabilitas. Penilaian akseptabilitas dari validator ahli bimbingan dan konseling  adalah aspek kegunaan memperoleh penilaian (100%). Aspek kelayakan memperoleh penilaian (94,15%). Aspek ketepatan memperoleh penilaian (92,8%). Aspek kepatutan memperoleh penilaian (95%). Rata-rata penilaian ahli bimbingan dan konseling sebesar (95,85%) dengan predikat “sangat baik, tidak perlu direvisi”.  Penilaian akseptabilitas saat konsultasi media, secara keseluruhan software rekomendasi peminatan akademik untuk siswa SMP mendapatkan persentase sebesar (81,1%) dengan predikat “sangat baik, tidak perlu direvisi”. Penilaian akseptabilitas dari ahli lapangan, berasal dari kelima guru BK SMPN 1 Waru  adalah aspek kegunaan memperoleh penilaian (87,5%). Aspek kelayakan memperoleh penilaian (84,32%). Aspek ketepatan memperoleh penilaian (81,42%). Aspek kepatutan memperoleh penilaian (85%). Rata-rata penilaian siswa sebesar (84,56%) dengan predikat “sangat baik, tidak perlu direvisi”.  Berdasarkan penilaian tersebut maka software rekomendasi peminatan akademik untuk siswa SMP memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas dan dapat digunakan di sekolah.    Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Software Rekomendasi Peminatan Akademik, Siswa SMP

    Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Haleyora Powerindo Pekanbaru

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    Working safety show at protection of prosperity of physical with an eye to prevent the happening of accident or injure related/relevant with work, health work to refer at physical condition, bouncing and stability of emotion in general. condition of healthy Health and the goodness will be optimal of performance of than employees and condition of ugly health can bother employees performance, performance basically is what done/conducted or is not done/conducted by a officer. management of Performance is entirety of activity done/conducted to increase the company or organisation performance, inclusive of performance of each individual and working team in the company.This research is done/conducted in this Research is writer do/conduct at PT. Haleyora Powerindo Branch Pekanbaru. As for reason chosen the location choice because of this company active in kelistrikan specially the conservancy which is according to researcher own risk happened by the accident work and fluctuate his/its is performance of employees every year nya.In this research is methodologies used by is quantitative and descriptive with program SPSS, where sampel used by that is entire/all employees of part of field that is as much 70 responder, Enquette (quesioner), representing a[n data collecting givenly or propagate list of pertanyaan/pernyataan to responder on the chance of giving respon for the questionnaire. Interviewing, that is do/conduct Question and answer directly by supervisor, and also the manager becoming research responder.From result analyse data covering validity test, reabilitas, and doubled linear regresi, safety and health work to employees performance. Each owning indicator which each other be interconnected and have an effect on positive to performance of at employees of haleyora Pekanbaru

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds

    The Relationship Between Smartphone Addiction and Forward Head Posture in Junior High School Students in North Denpasar

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    Background:Nowadays, the smartphone has become an important requirement. The number of smartphone users and the duration of smartphone use is increasing rapidly, and the side effects can be detrimental one of them is forward head posture. The prevalence of forward head posture is greater women (24.1%) than men (9.1%).Methods:This study was an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design.This research was conducted in April 2019 in SMP Negeri 2 Denpasar and SMP Negeri 4 Denpasar andincluding 56 samples, who were recruited through simple random sampling.Variables studied are smartphone addition was measured using the Smartphone Addiction Scale questionnaire, and forward head posture was measured by measuring craniovertebral angles. Data analysis was done using the Chi-Square test. Result: Based on this study, smartphone addiction was related to forward head posture. The research shows that as many as 45 samples had Smartphone Addiction (80.35%) while those who had forward head posture were 29 samples (51.78%).Conclusion : Ignorance of how to sort and choose the effects of globalization, especially smartphone use, which can lead to posture disorders. The factor recognized factors for the occurrences of the forward head posture the lack of education about ergonomic positions when using a smartphone. Parents are advised to set the right smartphone usage for children as early as possible
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