1,882 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting the Ability of Fisheries Companies That Are Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx)

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain profits or profits for a company that can be used for survival. Getting profits or profits and the size of profits is often a measure of the success of a management. This is supported by management\u27s ability to see possibilities and opportunities in the future. Management is required to produce decisions that support the achievement of company goals and accelerate the development of the company

    Homoseksual dalam Perspektif Agama-Agama di Indonesia

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    Sejarah telah mencatat dalam lebaran kehidupan manusia, bahwa homoseksual telah terjadi dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia pada zaman kaumnya Nabi Luth yang belum pernah terjadi pada zaman-zaman umat terdahulu. Perbuatan homoseksual yang tidak diperkenan dengan Tuhan karena telah menyalahi fitrah manusia sehingga mereka disiksa. Homoseksual sekarang menjadi perbincangan di Indonesia dengan nama LGBT ini yang dapat mendatangkan musibah dan bencana serta penyakit yang sedang diperjuangkan oleh aktivis LGBT untuk dibolehkannya pernikahan sesama jenisnya. Maka agama Islam, Kristen {Katolik dan Protestan], Hindu, Buddha dan Konghucu meresponnya. Kalau agama Hindu, Buddha dan Konghucu tidak terlalu keras dalam melarang homoseksual dan LGBT. Sedangkan agama Islam dan Kristen adalah sangat keras melarangnya, bahkan dianggap sebagai kejahatan dan dosa serta dikutuk oleh Tuhan dan seharusnya dihukum dengan hukuman mati. Tetapi kalau mereka bertaubat kepada Tuhan maka Tuhan akan memafkan dan kembali menjadi manusia yang normal sehingga menjadi manusia yang sehat jasmani dan rohaninya

    One-step colloidal synthesis of biocompatible water-soluble ZnS quantum dot/chitosan nanoconjugates

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    Quantum dots (QDs) are luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals with great prospective for use in biomedical and environmental applications. Nonetheless, eliminating the potential cytotoxicity of the QDs made with heavy metals is still a challenge facing the research community. Thus, the aim of this work was to develop a novel facile route for synthesising biocompatible QDs employing carbohydrate ligands in aqueous colloidal chemistry with optical properties tuned by pH. The synthesis of ZnS QDs capped by chitosan was performed using a single-step aqueous colloidal process at room temperature. The nanobioconjugates were extensively characterised by several techniques, and the results demonstrated that the average size of ZnS nanocrystals and their fluorescent properties were influenced by the pH during the synthesis. Hence, novel 'cadmium-free’ biofunctionalised systems based on ZnS QDs capped by chitosan were successfully developed exhibiting luminescent activity that may be used in a large number of possible applications, such as probes in biology, medicine and pharmacy

    Berjilbab Dalam Tiga Tradisi Agama Samawi

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    Memakai jilbab diwajibkan oleh tiga agama samawi Yahudi, Kristen dan Islam. Dalam tradisi Yahudi, jilbab merupakan tanda ketaatan dan kehormatan wanita kepada suaminya. Jilbab juga dikenakan ketika melaksanakan kegiatan ritual keagamaan dan menjadi simbol kesucian, kewibawaan, kebangsawanan, dan kemewahan. Dalam tradisi Kristiani, kaum wanita Kristen diwajibkan memakai jilbab sebagai tanda ketaatan kepada Tuhan. Wanita yang tidak berjilbab harus dicukur rambutnya karena dianggap telah menghina suaminya. Jilbab menurut tradisi Islam harus dikenakan sebagai tanda ketaatan kepada syariat Allah dan untuk menjaga kehormatan, sopan santun, dan kemuliaan

    A piloted simulation of helicopter air combat to investigate effects of variations in selected performance and control response characteristics

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    A piloted simulation study investigating handling qualities and flight characteristics required for helicopter air to air combat is presented. The Helicopter Air Combat system was used to investigate this role for Army rotorcraft. Experimental variables were the maneuver envelope size (load factor and sideslip), directional axis handling qualities, and pitch and roll control-response type. Over 450 simulated, low altitude, one-on-one engagements were conducted. Results from the experiment indicate that a well damped directional response, low sideforce caused by sideslip, and some effective dihedral are all desirable for weapon system performance, good handling qualities, and low pilot workload. An angular rate command system was favored over the attitude type pitch and roll response for most applications, and an enhanced maneuver envelope size over that of current generation aircraft was found to be advantageous. Pilot technique, background, and experience are additional factors which had a significant effect on performance in the air combat tasks investigated. The implication of these results on design requirements for future helicopters is presented

    Lifestyle measures for primary prevention of T2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)

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    Worldwide, the number of adults with diabetes was 285 million in 2010 and it will be 439 million in the year 2030. Although the genes we inherit may influence the development of type 2 diabetes, they take a back seat to behavioral and lifestyle factors. Data from the Nurses’ Health Study suggest that 90 percent of type 2 diabetes in women can be attributed to five such factors: excess weight, lack of exercise, a less-than-healthy diet, smoking, and abstaining from alcohol. From this data it can be said that up to 90 percent of diabetes prevention is possible with behavioral and lifestyle factors intervention. This intervention should be given to the people through primary prevention. The purpose of primary prevention is to limit the number of people who develop a disease by controlling causes and risk factors for the disease


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