93 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas X Sman 2 Mataram Yang Belajar Melalui Pendekatan Nht Dan Tps Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

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    : This research held to know the difference of student achievement in biological subject of class X of SMAN 2 Mataram thought using NHT and TPS approaches in the academic year of 2008/2009. The research population were all students of class X of SMAN 2 Mataram, and the samples of this research were class X4 and X8. Cluster random sampling was applied for determining the classes sample. Teaching approach for class X4 was NHT and TPS for class X8. Instruments of this research were test for cognitive achievement, observation sheets for students and teacher activities, assessment sheet for affective and psychomotor of students, and questioner for students response on both the teaching approaches. Data were analyzed statistically by using t-test at significant level of 5%. The results show that the average students achievement in class thought with NHT and TPS approaches were 65.44 and 76.19, respectively. Further analysis obtained the value of t-count was greater than t-table (3.384: 1.994). This means that the studentachievement was much greater in class thought by TPS compared to that of class thought by NHT approach. In other words, there was a significant different of student achievement thought by TPS and NHT

    Imunogenisitas Heat Killed Vaksin Inaktif Aeromonas Salmonicida pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio)

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    Aeromonas salmonicida merupakan bakteri penyebab penyakit furunculosis dan carp erytrodermatitis. Saat ini sudah dikembangkan vaksin inaktif A. salmonicida dengan formalin yang memiliki imunogenisitas yang cukup tinggi. Vaksin inaktif dengan metode lain perlu dilakukan, salah satunya inaktivasi dengan pemanasan (heat killed). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui imunogenisitas heat killed vaksin A. salmonicida pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2012, di Laboratorium Budidaya Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara pemberian vaksin dan tanpa pemberian vaksin. Bakteri A. salmonicida diinaktifasi dengan pemanasan pada suhu 100ºC selama 1 jam. Uji viabilitas dilakukan pada media GSP (Glutamat Starch Pseudomonas) untuk memastikan bakteri sudah inaktif. Konsentrasi vaksin diukur dengan spektofotometer ( =625 nm) dan dibandingkan dengan standar Mc Farland. Vaksinasi dilakukan dua tahap secara injeksi intraperitoneal, vaksinasi I dilakukan dengan konsentrasi 107 sel/ikan dengan volume 0,1 ml/ikan. Vaksinasi II dilakukan 8 hari setelahnya dengan konsentrasi yang sama. Pengambilan darah untuk pengamatan hematologi dilakukan sebelum vaksin, 7 hari setelah vaksinasi I, 7 hari setelah vaksinasi II. Ikan yang divaksinasi menunjukan adanya peningkatan imunogenisitas yang ditandai dengan peningkatan nilai titer antibodi, total leukosit, dan korelasi negatif antara total leukosit dengan hematokrit

    Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mini Hidro (Pltm) Palumbungan, Purbalingga

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    Conditions Purbalingga areas potential for the development of Mini Hydro Power Plant, is the fundamental reason for empowering Klawing River District Bobotsari Purbalingga became a source of Mini Hydro Power Plant. The objective of mini hydro power plant planning is to calculation of dependable flow, the calculation of the electricity which can be produced and made design of hydropower building. The method that apply for flood discharge plan calculation is Rational Method, Dependable flow analyzed by using Weibull Method. Dependable flow for mini hydro power plants amounted to 1.8 m3/s and the power produced is 641 kW

    Kontribusi Sistem Dukuh terhadap Aspek Sosial Ekonomi, Sosial Budaya dan Lingkungan di Desa Kiram Kabupaten Banjar

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    This study aimed to explore the contribution of social economy value, the level of involvement of community members from a gender perspective, and to explore the amount of carbon that sequestrated from the dukuh management. Direct observation and open interviews were the methods that were carried out to collect information from the owners of dukuh and key informants. The results showed that dukuh contributed 54,84% of the total annual income. Dukuh management was mostly conducted by men and women of 46,67% and 37,18%, respectively. All family members of both men and women had the equal rights and responsibility in sustaining the dukuh management. The total number of carbon stocks in the dukuh management was 213,20 tons/ha. The number of above ground carbon stocks was bigger than below ground carbon stocks of 65,25% and 34,74%, respectively

    Purification and Characterization of Aeromonas Media Klu 11.16 Chitosanase Isolated From Shrimp Waste

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    Our previous study found that KLU 11.16, isolated from shrimp waste secreted chitinolytic enzymes. The crude enzyme was interesting since their chitooligosccharide was able to inhibit some pathogenic bacteria. In this study we report a purification and characterization of the chitosanase enzyme produced and the identification of the KLU 11.16. Purification of the enzyme was done two steps by ion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. Two out of 4 peaks from Gel Filtration step, i.e. fraction 16 and 33 were capable of hydrolyzing 100% deacetylated chitosan, indicating that both fractions contained chitosanase enzyme. The enzyme from fraction 16 had approximate molecular weight of 98.3 kDa. The enzyme worked optimally at temperature of 300C, and pH 6. Addition of Ca2+, Fe2+, K+, Na+ ions in the form of Cl2 salt and detergent Triton X-100 increased the enzyme activity, while Co2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ ions in the same concentration decreased the enzyme acitivity. Addition of EDTA and SDS significantly decreased the enzyme activity. Molecular based identification revealed that KLU 11.16 was 99% similar to Aeromonas media

    Generation and characterization of antibodies specific for caspase-cleaved neo-epitopes: a novel approach

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    Apoptosis research has been significantly aided by the generation of antibodies against caspase-cleaved peptide neo-epitopes. However, most of these antibodies recognize the N-terminal fragment and are specific for the protein in question. The aim of this project was to create antibodies, which could identify caspase-cleaved proteins without a priori knowledge of the cleavage sites or even the proteins themselves. We hypothesized that many caspase-cleavage products might have a common antigenic shape, given that they must all fit into the same active site of caspases. Rabbits were immunized with the eight most prevalent exposed C-terminal tetrapeptide sequences following caspase cleavage. After purification of the antibodies we demonstrated (1) their specificity for exposed C-terminal (but not internal) peptides, (2) their ability to detect known caspase-cleaved proteins from apoptotic cell lysates or supernatants from apoptotic cell culture and (3) their ability to detect a caspase-cleaved protein whose tetrapeptide sequence differs from the eight tetrapeptides used to generate the antibodies. These antibodies have the potential to identify novel neo-epitopes produced by caspase cleavage and so can be used to identify pathway-specific caspase cleavage events in a specific cell type. Additionally this methodology may be applied to generate antibodies against products of other proteases, which have a well-defined and non-promiscuous cleavage activity
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