1,259 research outputs found

    Suppression of spin-torque in current perpendicular to the plane spin-valves by addition of Dy cap layers

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    We demonstrate that the addition of Dy capping layers in current perpendicular to the plane giant magneto-resistive spin-valves can increase the critical current density beyond which spin-torque induced instabilities are observed by about a factor of three. Current densities as high as 5e7 A/cm2 are measured provided that the electron current flows from the free to the reference layer. While Dy capped samples exhibit nonmagnetic 1/f noise, it is sufficiently small to be unimportant for read head operation at practical data rates.Comment: 13 pages (manuscript form), with 5 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Kajian Ekonomi Program Longgar Di Makassar (Study on Economic Benefit of Longgar Program in Makassar)

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    The purpose of this research are; (1) To identify the community's response to the Lorong Garden (Longgar) program in Makassar; (2) Analyze the economic benefits of the Longgar program in Makassar, especially in improving the welfare of the community; (3) Formulate development strategy of Longgar program in Makassar City. Location of this study will be conducted in Makassar City. The population of this research is all groups of Kelompok Wanita Tani in Makassar City. The activity of this study in the data collection using observation approach and questionnaire. The collected data is then edited, tabulated, and verified first. The data analysis methods used in this study consist of: (1) Descriptive analysis and, (2) T-statistical analysis of paired t tests. The result of the research shows that the perception of society on the garden garden program is positive and high. From the results of questionnaires distributed to the respondents it can be seen that the level of knowledge, objectives, benefits and community support for the Lorong Garden program is high. The community accessed information about Lorong Garden from the socialization activities by the Penyuluh from Badan Ketahanan Pangan and was very supportive for the competition between Lorong Garden with comprehensive criteria. The results also show the economic benefits of the Lorong Garden Program which increases with time. The paired-sample t test results show significant difference in KWT revenues between 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 and that income tends to increase with time

    Reorientation Transition in Single-Domain (Ga,Mn)As

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    We demonstrate that the interplay of in-plane biaxial and uniaxial anisotropy fields in (Ga,Mn)As results in a magnetization reorientation transition and an anisotropic AC susceptibility which is fully consistent with a simple single domain model. The uniaxial and biaxial anisotropy constants vary respectively as the square and fourth power of the spontaneous magnetization across the whole temperature range up to T_C. The weakening of the anisotropy at the transition may be of technological importance for applications involving thermally-assisted magnetization switching.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Het leven na de UvH. Zingevingsvragen van Alumni omtrent werk na het afstuderen.

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    Deze scriptie gaat over de zingevingsvragen betreffende doelgerichtheid, competentie en eigenwaarde van alumni aan de UvH in de transitie van studie naar werk. Aanleiding voor dit empirisch sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek is de ontwikkeling naar de laatmoderne samenleving in Nederland waarin jongvolwassenen vele vrijheden hebben gekregen om hun eigen leven naar wens vorm en richting te geven en een eigen identiteit te ontwikkelen. Hierbij worstelen zij met de verantwoordelijkheden die zij hebben gekregen om hun eigen leven in te delen, en keuzes te maken omtrent studie, zichzelf en hun professionele carrière. Tot op heden lijkt er nog weinig onderzoek te zijn gedaan naar betekenisgeving door jongvolwassenen. Met behulp van dit onderzoek wordt verder ingegaan op de existentiële zingevingsvragen die jongvolwassenen zichzelf stellen in de overgang van studie naar werk. Dit onderzoek is een bijdrage aan de bestaande inzichten over zingeving in werk bij jongvolwassenen. De hoofdvraag van dit onderzoek luidt als volgt: Maken alumni binnen geesteswetenschappen een ontwikkeling door in de ervaring van doelgerichtheid, competentie en eigenwaarde in relatie tot werk in de vijf jaar na hun afstuderen, en zo ja, welke? Om antwoord te kunnen geven op bovenstaande vraag zijn negen alumni geïnterviewd en is de data op thematische wijze geanalyseerd. De analyse van de data wijst uit dat alle geïnterviewde zich bezig houden met existentiële vragen, zowel met betrekking tot doelgerichtheid, competentie als eigenwaarde. Zij stellen zichzelf verschillende existentiële vragen als: “wanneer ervaar ik mijn werk als zinvol?” “wat voor werk past bij mijn kwaliteiten?” en “wordt mijn werk gewaardeerd?”. Op verschillende vragen hebben zij al (voorlopige) antwoorden geformuleerd, andere vragen blijven onbeantwoord. Daarnaast heeft er een ontwikkeling in de houding ten opzichte van deze zingevingsvragen plaatsgevonden. Ten opzichte van doelgerichtheid blijken de alumni een steeds helderder beeld te krijgen van hun doelen qua werk. Echter blijven zij kritisch en op zoek naar hun ideale plek in het werkveld. Met betrekking tot competentie komen de alumni er veelal in het werkveld pas achter dat ze meer kennis en vaardigheden bezitten dan bij het afstuderen van zichzelf gedacht. En ten aanzien van eigenwaarde ontstaat er een moment van crisis als het vinden van werk uitblijft na alle jaren van studie, maar met behulp van erkenning en waardering van collega’s en het opdoen van succeservaringen in het werkveld neemt de eigenwaarde in de eerste jaren werk weer toe. Respondenten noemden ook twee elementen die nog beperkt in bestaand onderzoek op het gebied van zingeving en werk aan bod komen: de behoefte aan verbinding op de werkvloer, en het omgaan met tegenslagen

    Solar radiation, and solar radiation driven cycles in warming and fresh water discharge control seasonal and inter-annual phytoplankton chlorophyll a and taxonomic composition in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen)

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    Fjords on the west coast of Spitsbergen experience variable Arctic and Atlantic climate signals that drive seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton productivity and composition, by mechanisms that are not fully resolved. To this end, a time series (2013–2018) of Kongsfjorden (N 78�54.2, E 11�54.0) phytoplankton pigments, ocean physics, nutrient concentrations, and microbial abundances was investigated. Kongsfjorden phy- toplankton dynamics were predominantly governed by solar radiation and cycles of warming and freshwater dis- charge that caused pronounced changes in light and nutrient availability. Phytoplankton growth after the polar night commenced in March in a mixed, nutrient loaded water column, and accelerated in April after weak ther- mal stratification. Spring (weeks 10–22) showed high diatom relative abundance that ceased when silicic acid and nitrate reached limiting concentrations. Summer (weeks 23–35) was characterized by sixfold stronger stratification due to increased freshwater discharge and continued ocean heating. This caused a warm, low salinity surface layer with low nutrient concentrations. Small and diverse flagellates, together with high bacterial and viral abundances, thrived in this regenerative, N or P-limited system. Elevated late summer chlorophyll a (Chl a), and ammonium suggested increased regeneration and nutrient pulses by glacial upwelling. Fall (weeks 36–48) caused rapidly declining Chl a and increasing diatom relative abundance, which persisted throughout the polar night, causing high diatom relative abundance during spring. Despite inter-annual variability in ocean temperature and salinity we observed relatively stable seasonal phytoplankton taxonomic composition and Chl a

    Autoimmune diseases and new-onset atrial fibrillation:a UK Biobank study

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    AimsThe underlying mechanisms of atrial fibrillation (AF) are largely unknown. Inflammation may underlie atrial remodelling. Autoimmune diseases, related to increased systemic inflammation, may therefore be associated with new-onset AF.Methods and resultsParticipants from the population-based UK Biobank were screened for rheumatic fever, gastrointestinal autoimmune diseases, autoimmune diseases targeting the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues, and neurological autoimmune diseases. Between 2006 and 2022, participants were followed for incident AF. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were performed to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to quantify associations. 494 072 participants free from AF were included (median age 58.0 years, 54.8% women). After a median of 12.8 years, 27 194 (5.5%) participants were diagnosed with new-onset AF. Rheumatic fever without heart involvement (HR, 95% CI: 1.47, 1.26–1.72), Crohn’s disease (1.23, 1.05–1.45), ulcerative colitis (1.17, 1.06–1.31), rheumatoid arthritis (1.39, 1.28–1.51), polyarteritis nodosa (1.82, 1.04–3.09), systemic lupus erythematosus (1.82, 1.41–2.35), and systemic sclerosis (2.32, 1.57–3.44) were associated with a larger AF risk. In sex-stratified analyses, rheumatic fever without heart involvement, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic and enteropathic arthropathies, systemic sclerosis and ankylosing spondylitis were associated with larger AF risk in women, whereas only men showed a larger AF risk associated with ulcerative colitis.ConclusionsVarious autoimmune diseases are associated with new-onset AF, more distinct in women. Our findings elaborate on the pathophysiological differences in autoimmunity and AF risk between men and women

    No differential susceptibility or diathesis stress to parenting in early adolescence: Personality facets predicting behaviour problems

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    This multi-sample study investigated the main and interactive effects of parenting (responsiveness, overreactivity) and young adolescents' personality traits (negative-affectivity: irritability and anxiety; and orienting-sensitivity) on behaviour problems during adolescence. Data from two samples (N1 = 222; girls 45.5%; Mean age = 11.54 years; N2 = 252; girls 50.4%; Mean age = 10.85 years) were analysed using a multivariate approach. Parenting and y