51 research outputs found

    Pembentukan Kerak Kalsium Karbonat (Caco3) di dalam Pipa Beraliran Laminer pada Laju Alir 30 Ml/menit Hingga 50 Ml/menit dan Penambahan Aditif Asam Malat

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    Pengerakan merupakan masalah yang kompleks dan selalu terjadi di dalam suatu industri. Terjadinya kerak karena proses alami adanya reaksi kimia antara kandungan-kandungan yang tidak dikehendaki yang terlarut di dalam air. Kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) adalah salah satu komponen utama dari kerak yang banyak dijumpai. Akibat adanya pengerakan ini akan merugikan yaitu mempertebal dinding pipa yang dilewati cairan dan dapat mempengaruhi laju aliran ataupun perpindahan panas. Oleh karena itu harus dilakukan pencegahan untuk menghambat pertumbuhan kerak dalam pipa tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan eksperimen tentang pertumbuhan kerak kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) dalam pipa uji, dengan mereaksikan CaCl2 dan Na2CO3 dengan laju alir 30 ml/menit, 40 ml/menit, dan 50 ml/menit dengan konsentrasi larutan 3500 ppm Ca2+ sebagai salah satu parameter proses pertumbuhan kerak. Asam malat (C4H6O5) ditambahkan ke dalam larutan sebagai impuritas. Adapun pipa uji berisi empat pasang kupon terbuat dari tembaga. Pembentukan kristal kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) diprediksi dapat diketahui dari menurunnya nilai konduktivitas larutan pada waktu percobaan sehingga waktu induksinyapun dapat diketahui. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan laju alir dari 30 ml/menit ke 50 ml/menit mempercepat waktu induksi. Dengan penambahan aditif asam malat (C4H6O5) 3 ppm dan 5 ppm menambah/memperlambat waktu induksi

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pembaca dalam Memperoleh Informasi Gaya Hidup Sehat (Studi Kasus Pembaca Tabloid Senior di Kecamatan Bogor Utara)

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    Healthy behavior is an important physical and psychological needs for human beings. Therefore, to attain good healthy behavior results, it is essential to study of the process to obtain information oh healthy life style in the Senior tabloid. Objectives of this research are to analyze individual characteristic (internal factors) and external factors (physical environment, social environment, and cultural environment), and to analyze the relationship between the internal factors and external factors and reader behavior. This study is a correlational description research, consists of 40 respondens of Senior tabloid reader were taken as sample. The sampling method was Sensus, and the technique of analysis were Spearman correlation method.The important results are : (1) reader behavior classified of five parts: exertion obtain an information source, reading frequency, reading schedule, exertion to store the information source, and information application, (2) internal factors that have significantly correlate to reder behavior are: job, healthy life style experience, family quantity, and cosmopolit, and (3) external factors that have significantly correlate to reader behavior are: packaging, content (topic and language), self concept, group effect, value system, and social process

    Kompetensi Fasilitator Pelatihan Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan, Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pertanian (P4TK Pertanian) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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    The success of the training execution one other is determined by facilitator competency. Therefore facilitator is strived to havecompetency in implementing learning task suitable with the wish and need of training participants. The aims of this researchis to analyse factors dominantly influencing competency of facilitators of P4TK Pertanian Cianjur. This research is conductedin P4TK Pertanian Cianjur, using P4TK fasilitators as respondents. The research is carried out in P4TK Pertanian Cianjurusing 121 facilitators by census. Reserch result showed that most part of the facilitators master the competence in the level ofmedium. Factors that significantly influencing positively the competence of the facilitators are involvement of facilitators inlearning process, motivation, and working environment. Meanwhile the individual characteristics does not significantly influencefacilitator competency

    Asessing Biosecurity Management Practice Along Layer Chicken Chain in Bogor and Sukabumi

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    Biosecurity is one of the government's recommended risk management to limit the exposure of disease agents, but the implementation of biosecurity in supply chain is reportedly still not optimal. This study aims to identify supply chain of layers especially live chicken chain in Bogor and Sukabumi and to analyze the level of application of biosecurity in the chicken chain. Survey method with checklist questionnaire was used to obtain the required data. The results show that the chicken chain of layer involves the farmers and selllers of layers including collectors, poultry market sellers, and butchers, and end consumers. Culled layers are distributed in the form of live birds that can increase the risk of disease due to the accommodation time and market system which are mostly not first in first out (FIFO). The application of layer farmer biosecurity is at a moderate level (score 33.4 in Bogor and 40 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 60). In the sellers of layers, the application of biosecurity is at a low level (score 21.9 in Bogor and 25 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 69). Differences in biosecurity practices of farmers in Bogor and Sukabumi areas lie in the protection of wild birds. The differences in the biosecurity practices of layer bird sellers in the areas of Bogor and Sukabumi lie in the action against new poultry and action on transportation equipment. Biosecurity scores that have not been optimal indicate that the implementation of biosecurity still needs to be improved at each point of the chicken chain. Increasing biosecurity in each chicken chain point will help reduce the risk of exposure to AI viruses in layer birds through the chicken chain so that losses can be minimized

    Peran Aparatur Pemerintahan dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Perdesaan Partisipatif di Kabupaten Bone dan Kabupaten Jeneponto Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The arrangement of government institutions in the region, especially in the rural level is very important and urgent. The dominant factors affecting participatory rural development in Bone and Jeneponto Regencies of South Sulawesi province are the aspect of leadership, quality of human resources, awareness and sensitivity, and the level of education of the officers and public awareness. Changing the culture and access to knowledge and technology, both among the officers and the society is the key to the success of participatory rural development. There are three important aspects in the effort to create the prospect of government management and participatory rural development aspects of leadership, good governance and the aspects of sensitivity and concern for the officers. The level of stakeholders participation in all elements Bone and Jeneponto regencies of South Sulawesi Province can be categorized as medium. Achievement motivation and increased competence to the officer should be a prerequisite condition of adequate welfare, a clear career path, and the improvement of internal aspects of the system and working procedures and institutional structures of government. Community empowerment program has been running really well, but there are still weak in terms of socialization, values and traditions of feudalism, bureaucracy, as well as from the aspect of consciousness of citizens. Another phenomenon in terms of community empowerment programs is that the public is more interested in the economically productive program, so that the training programs are often considered less important and less desirable. The most prominent problems of the community empowerment program are transparancy, supervision, and socialization, and community authorities targeted purely as sub optimal.Keywords: institutional governance, participatory, autonomy and government officia

    Kompetensi Fasilitator Pelatihan Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan, Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pertanian (P4TK Pertanian) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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    The success of the training execution one other is determined by facilitator competency. Therefore facilitator is strived to havecompetency in implementing learning task suitable with the wish and need of training participants. The aims of this researchis to analyse factors dominantly influencing competency of facilitators of P4TK Pertanian Cianjur. This research is conductedin P4TK Pertanian Cianjur, using P4TK fasilitators as respondents. The research is carried out in P4TK Pertanian Cianjurusing 121 facilitators by census. Reserch result showed that most part of the facilitators master the competence in the level ofmedium. Factors that significantly influencing positively the competence of the facilitators are involvement of facilitators inlearning process, motivation, and working environment. Meanwhile the individual characteristics does not significantly influencefacilitator competency.Keywords: training, facilitator, competenc

    Communication Competence on Apparatus State Civil in the Province Government of Riau

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    Apparatus State Civil (ASN) serves as an element of the state apparatus that one of whose main duties is to organize a public service to the community.  The implementation of optimal public service tasks requires communication competence.  This study aims to analyze the elements of ASN communication competence consisting of knowledge, skills, and communication attitudes based on the individual characteristics of personnel. The research strategy used is descriptive explanatory survey method. The population is all employees of ASN who have a structural position in the Riau Provincial Government, with a total sample of 380 participants.  Method of sampling used proportional stratified, based on ASN positions consists of executive, supervisory, office administrator, and pratama high leadership.  The results of the study found that ASN knowledge, skills, and attitudes differ significantly based on the characteristics of rank, position, training, and education. This shows that ASNs with higher rank, position, training, and education, have better communication competence

    Tandem Mass Spectrometry Measurement of the Collision Products of Carbamate Anions Derived from CO2 Capture Sorbents: Paving the Way for Accurate Quantitation

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    The reaction between CO2 and aqueous amines to produce a charged carbamate product plays a crucial role in post-combustion capture chemistry when primary and secondary amines are used. In this paper, we report the low energy negative-ion CID results for several anionic carbamates derived from primary and secondary amines commonly used as post-combustion capture solvents. The study was performed using the modern equivalent of a triple quadrupole instrument equipped with a T-wave collision cell. Deuterium labeling of 2-aminoethanol (1,1,2,2,-d4-2-aminoethanol) and computations at the M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) level were used to confirm the identity of the fragmentation products for 2-hydroxyethylcarbamate (derived from 2-aminoethanol), in particular the ions CN−, NCO− and facile neutral losses of CO2 and water; there is precedent for the latter in condensed phase isocyanate chemistry. The fragmentations of 2-hydroxyethylcarbamate were generalized for carbamate anions derived from other capture amines, including ethylenediamine, diethanolamine, and piperazine. We also report unequivocal evidence for the existence of carbamate anions derived from sterically hindered amines (Tris(2-hydroxymethyl)aminomethane and 2-methyl-2-aminopropanol). For the suite of carbamates investigated, diagnostic losses include the decarboxylation product (−CO2, 44 mass units), loss of 46 mass units and the fragments NCO− (m/z 42) and CN− (m/z 26). We also report low energy CID results for the dicarbamate dianion (−O2CNHC2H4NHCO2−) commonly encountered in CO2 capture solution utilizing ethylenediamine. Finally, we demonstrate a promising ion chromatography-MS based procedure for the separation and quantitation of aqueous anionic carbamates, which is based on the reported CID findings. The availability of accurate quantitation methods for ionic CO2 capture products could lead to dynamic operational tuning of CO2 capture-plants and, thus, cost-savings via real-time manipulation of solvent regeneration energies
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