23 research outputs found

    Gene pool similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Russians of slobozhanshchina based on Y-chromosome data

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    Results from studying Y chromosomal polymorphisms of Russian and Ukrainian populations are presented for Slobozhanshina, which is a contemporary border region, inhabited in the 17th–18th centuries at the “Wild Field” boundary due to migrations of both the Russians from the north and Ukrainians from the west. In general, the Ukrainian and Russian populations of Slobozhanshchina are very close genetically; their set and frequency range of Y chromosome haplogroups are typical for Eastern Europe. However, a detailed analysis of highly informative Y chromosome markers showed that both nations retain the ethnic specificity of their gene pools after 3.5 centuries of coexistence in the same historical territory: the Ukrainian popula tions are similar to the rest of Ukraine, and Russian populations gravitate towards the south of European Rus sia. The persistent genetic differences may be due to the spatial characteristics of marriage migration and the predominant ethnic environmentyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Macro-microscopic study of posterior vitreous detachment variants in an ex vivo experiment

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    Purpose. The key to understanding the development of any vitreoretinal pathology is a presence of a clear conception to possible variants of changes in the anatomical and topographic relationships of the posterior cortical layers of the vitreous body and the retinal internal limiting membrane (ILM) in a formation of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).An original method of macro-microscopic examinations of anatomical objects proposed by professor V.P. Vorobyov, which includes investigations of morphological objects whose dimensions lie in the boundary area between macroscopic parameters studied by anatomists and microstructures studied by histologists, discover a new boundary area for the study of anatom ical structures.However, it has not been practically used in ophthalmology until now. The study of a process for changes in the vitreoretinal interface during the PVD occurrence is difficult due to a complexity of simulation, a possibility of visualization, and an absence of approved protocols for macro-microscopic research.Purpose. To study variants of anatomical and topographical changes in the vitreoretinal interface during the formation of induced PVD in ex vivo experiments using the method of macro-microscopic examination.Material and methods. The study was performed in 24 eyeballs of cadaver donors. To assess changes in the vitreoretinal interface in the process of PVD induction, an original method of dissection was used, that allows to isolate layer-by-layer the cortical layers of the vitreous body and the retinal ILM, with a possibility of further evaluation of changes in the vitreoretinal interface by the macro-microscopic examination. Salt barium sulfate suspension Video-contrast was used with the purpose to contrast vitreous fibers. Macroscopic investigation was carried out using the Topcon OMS-800 operating microscope with an indication from x8 to x21 magnification, microscopic changes were evaluated by the light microscopy method with x50, x100, x200, x400 x630 magnification using the Leica DM LB2 microscope with the subsequent photo r egistration.Results. During the macro-microscopic study, three variants of possible changes in the vitreoretinal interface during the development of induced PVD were revealed, which were interpreted as the normal (true) PVD and abnormal PVD, which occurred both with the formation (the variant A) of vitreoschisis zones (exfoliation of the cortical layers of the vitreous body) and with the zones of retinal ILM exfoliation (the variant B).Conclusion. The proposed method of macro-microscopic investigation of the vitreoretinal interface allows to dissect isolated sequentially layerby- layer the cortical layers of the vitreous body and the retinal ILM with subsequent fixation on a special substrate according to the original method and the possibility to carry out a histological section and its evaluation by the light m icroscopy method. The application of the developed method allows to accurately assess changes in the vitreoretinal interface on any isolated site of the vitreoretinal surface. The presented work demonstrates possibilities for the application of the method to detect variants of changes in the vitreoretinal interface within the formation of i nduced PVD

    Biochemical indicators of sports achievements in highly qualified wrestlers

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    Objective: to conduct comparative analysis of blood biochemical parameters (urea, ALT, AST, creatinkinase, cortisol, testosterone and testosterone / cortisol ratio) in groups of high­class wrestlers with different levels of sports achievements.Materials and methods: male athletes (n = 78), members of the Russian national team in one of the types of wrestling (the average age is 25.2 (21.5–28.9) years, the average weight is 76.9 (68.4–83.4) kg) were recruited to this study. The examined athletes were divided into two groups according to their sporting achievements. The first one — SHA group (super­high achievements) which included athletes (n = 19) who had victories and prizes at the largest international competitions (European, World, Olympic Games), and the second group — MNT group (members of the national team) which included athletes that did not have similar achievements (n = 59). The following biochemical parameters were studied: urea, creatine kinase, ALT, AST, testosterone, cortisol, anabolic index (AI).Results: the absolute values of all metabolites in the examined athletes were within the reference intervals. Statistically significant differences in most of the biochemical parameters were revealed between the compared groups in terms of the level of sports achievements. The SHA group showed a statistically significant shift in relation to MNT group, in direction of increasing the level of metabolites that characterize the predominance of anabolic processes — ALT, testosterone, AI. Metabolite levels, increase which reflects catabolic processes activity and inadequate or insufficient adaptation processes, in the SHA group were significantly lower than in the MNT group. The above changes of the absolute values of biochemical parameters were confirmed by correlation analysis.Conclusions: the obtained results allow us to state the optimal adaptation of this sport, the adequacy of metabolic processes in the group of highly qualified athletes

    Сontemporary Medical Decision Support Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence for the Analysis of Digital Mammographic Images

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    The relevance of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the diagnosis of breast cancer (BC) is associated with a continuing high increase in BC incidence among women and its leading position in the structure of cancer incidence. Theoretically, using AI technologies is possible both at the stage of screening and in clarifying BC diagnosis. The article provides a brief overview of AI systems used in clinical practice and discusses their prospects in BC diagnosis. Advances in machine learning can be effective to improve the accuracy of mammography screening by reducing missed cancer cases and false positives

    The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record.Data Availability. Genome-wide sequence data of two Botai individuals (BAM format) are available at the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB31152 (ERP113669). Eigenstrat format array genotype data of 763 present-day individuals and 1240K pulldown genotype data of two ancient Botai individuals are available at the Edmond data repository of the Max Planck Society (https://edmond.mpdl.mpg.de/imeji/collection/Aoh9c69DscnxSNjm?q=).The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia, a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra, harbor tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we report novel genome-wide data for 763 individuals from Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. We furthermore report additional damage-reduced genome-wide data of two previously published individuals from the Eneolithic Botai culture in Kazakhstan (~5,400 BP). We find that present-day inner Eurasian populations are structured into three distinct admixture clines stretching between various western and eastern Eurasian ancestries, mirroring geography. The Botai and more recent ancient genomes from Siberia show a decrease in contribution from so-called “ancient North Eurasian” ancestry over time, detectable only in the northern-most “forest-tundra” cline. The intermediate “steppe-forest” cline descends from the Late Bronze Age steppe ancestries, while the “southern steppe” cline further to the South shows a strong West/South Asian influence. Ancient genomes suggest a northward spread of the southern steppe cline in Central Asia during the first millennium BC. Finally, the genetic structure of Caucasus populations highlights a role of the Caucasus Mountains as a barrier to gene flow and suggests a post-Neolithic gene flow into North Caucasus populations from the steppe.Max Planck SocietyEuropean Research Council (ERC)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)Russian Scientific FundNational Science FoundationU.S. National Institutes of HealthAllen Discovery CenterUniversity of OstravaCzech Ministry of EducationXiamen UniversityFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesMES R

    Применение фотодинамической терапии при лечении кератоакантомы

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    The review is on treatment of keratoacanthomas using photodynamic therapy. The defining characteristic of keratoacanthoma among epithelial tumors is a rapid spontaneous regression in the case of typical keratoacanthoma and long-term persistence, recurrence and common malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma in the case of atypical keratoacanthoma. In recent years, photodynamic therapy which is an effective method of treatment of different types of cancer and pre-cancer diseases of the skin including actinic keratosis, Bowen’s disease, basal cell carcinoma, is increasingly used in clinical practice. There are few data for photodynamic therapy in the treatment of keratoacanthoma. The analysis of the literature shows that using of photodynamic therapy in the set of treatment modalities in patients with keratoacanthoma improves the efficacy and reduces the terms of the therapy. In all investigations except one there was complete tumor regression in 100% patients with keratoacanthoma who underwent photodynamic therapy. In one study complete tumor regression was observed in 66.7% of patients with atypical keratoacanthoma after photodynamic therapy. The follow-up of patients in all analyzed studies accounted for at least 2-3 years. During this time none of the patients had evidence for recurrence. This approach has minimal restrictions for application. Thus, photodynamic therapy may become a therapeutic alternative to surgical treatment of keratoacanthoma with good clinical and cosmetic results.Обзор посвящен проблеме лечения кератоакантомы методом фотодинамической терапии. Отличительной особенностью кератоакантомы среди эпителиальных опухолей кожи является быстрый спонтанный регресс в случае типичной кератоакантомы и длительное персистирование, рецидивирование и нередкая трансформация в плоскоклеточный рак в случае атипичной кератоакантомы. В последние годы в клинической практике все чаще применяют фотодинамическую терапию, которая является эффективным методом лечения различных видов рака и предраковых заболеваний кожи, в том числе актинического кератоза, болезни Боуэна, базальноклеточного рака. Опубликованы немногочисленные данные о применении фотодинамической терапии при лечении кератоакантомы. Анализ данных литературы показывает, что применение фотодинамической терапии в комплексе лечебных мероприятий у больных кератоакантомой повышает эффективность и сокращает сроки ее лечения. Во всех исследованиях, кроме одного, у 100% пациентов с кератоакантомами, прошедших лечение фотодинамической терапией, была получена полная регрессия опухолей. В одном исследовании у пациентов с атипичной формой кератоакантомы после фотодинамической терапии полная регрессия получена в 66,7% наблюдений. Продолжительность наблюдения за пациентами во всех проанализированных работах составила не менее 2-3 лет. В течение этого срока ни у одного из пациентов не получено данных о рецидивировании заболевания. Данная технология имеет минимальное количество ограничений к использованию. Таким образом, фотодинамическая терапия может стать терапевтической альтернативой хирургическому лечению кератоакантомы с хорошими клиническими и косметическими результатами

    Population distribution and ancestry of the cancer protective MDM2 SNP285 (rs117039649)

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    The MDM2 promoter SNP285C is located on the SNP309G allele. While SNP309G enhances Sp1 transcription factor binding and MDM2 transcription, SNP285C antagonizes Sp1 binding and reduces the risk of breast-, ovary- and endometrial cancer. Assessing SNP285 and 309 genotypes across 25 different ethnic populations (>10.000 individuals), the incidence of SNP285C was 6-8% across European populations except for Finns (1.2%) and Saami (0.3%). The incidence decreased towards the Middle-East and Eastern Russia, and SNP285C was absent among Han Chinese, Mongolians and African Americans. Interhaplotype variation analyses estimated SNP285C to have originated about 14,700 years ago (95% CI: 8,300 - 33,300). Both this estimate and the geographical distribution suggest SNP285C to have arisen after the separation between Caucasians and modern day East Asians (17,000 - 40,000 years ago). We observed a strong inverse correlation (r = -0.805; p < 0.001) between the percentage of SNP309G alleles harboring SNP285C and the MAF for SNP309G itself across different populations suggesting selection and environmental adaptation with respect to MDM2 expression in recent human evolution. In conclusion, we found SNP285C to be a pan-Caucasian variant. Ethnic variation regarding distribution of SNP285C needs to be taken into account when assessing the impact of MDM2 SNPs on cancer risk


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    The article presents a case of a very rare disorder – generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski in a woman aged 82 years old. The disease is characterized by sudden emergence of hundreds or thousands of neoplasms (2–5 cm in diameters) rapidly spreading throughout the body skin. It is frequently associated with internistic cancer. In this case, generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski was diagnosed 4 years after the disease onset. The authors emphasize the role of proper diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. Aromatic retinoids were highly effective in the therapy of generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski

    Gene pool similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Russians of slobozhanshchina based on Y-chromosome data

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    yesResults from studying Y chromosomal polymorphisms of Russian and Ukrainian populations are presented for Slobozhanshina, which is a contemporary border region, inhabited in the 17th–18th centuries at the “Wild Field” boundary due to migrations of both the Russians from the north and Ukrainians from the west. In general, the Ukrainian and Russian populations of Slobozhanshchina are very close genetically; their set and frequency range of Y chromosome haplogroups are typical for Eastern Europe. However, a detailed analysis of highly informative Y chromosome markers showed that both nations retain the ethnic specificity of their gene pools after 3.5 centuries of coexistence in the same historical territory: the Ukrainian popula tions are similar to the rest of Ukraine, and Russian populations gravitate towards the south of European Rus sia. The persistent genetic differences may be due to the spatial characteristics of marriage migration and the predominant ethnic environmentBelgorod State National Research Universit


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    The article describes a  case of successful treatment of multiple eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski in a 82-year old woman with concomitant advanced heart disease and chronic gastritis. The tumor was diagnosed in 1 of 256 patients with keratoacanthoma who attend our clinic, i.e. in 0,39% keratoacanthoma cases in general and in 0,96% among atypical keratoacanthomas. HLA-A2 gene characteristic for atypical keratoacanthomas was found in this patient. Acitretin was administered for 3 months at a  daily dose of 20 mg. The treatment resulted in a  full regression of the elements with residual areas of scarry atrophy and/or depigmentation. Flattening of the elements was obvious after 2 weeks. The patient tolerated the treatment well