885 research outputs found

    Analysis of Learning Outcomes in LGBTQ+ Medical School Curriculum

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    Introduction. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth are at increased risk for negative health outcomes and experience increased barriers to health care.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1088/thumbnail.jp

    Apatites in Gale Crater

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    ChemCam is an active remote sensing instrument suite that has operated successfully on MSL since landing Aug. 6th, 2012. It uses laser pulses to remove dust and to analyze rocks up to 7 m away. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) obtains emission spectra of materials ablated from the samples in electronically excited states. The intensities of the emission lines scale with the abundances of the related element. ChemCam is sensitive to most major rock-forming elements as well as to a set of minor and trace elements such as F, Cl, Li, P, Sr, Ba, and Rb. The measured chemical composition can then be used to infer the mineralogical composition of the ablated material. Here, we report a summary of inferred apatite detections along the MSL traverse at Gale Crater. We present the geologic settings of these findings and derive some interpretations about the formation conditions of apatite in time and space

    The potassic sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by ChemCam on board Curiosity

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    The Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity encountered potassium-rich clastic sedimentary rocks at two sites in Gale Crater, the waypoints Cooperstown and Kimberley. These rocks include several distinct meters thick sedimentary outcrops ranging from fine sandstone to conglomerate, interpreted to record an ancient fluvial or fluvio-deltaic depositional system. From ChemCam Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) chemical analyses, this suite of sedimentary rocks has an overall mean K2O abundance that is more than 5 times higher than that of the average Martian crust. The combined analysis of ChemCam data with stratigraphic and geographic locations reveals that the mean K2O abundance increases upward through the stratigraphic section. Chemical analyses across each unit can be represented as mixtures of several distinct chemical components, i.e., mineral phases, including K-bearing minerals, mafic silicates, Fe-oxides, and Fe-hydroxide/oxyhydroxides. Possible K-bearing minerals include alkali feldspar (including anorthoclase and sanidine) and K-bearing phyllosilicate such as illite. Mixtures of different source rocks, including a potassium-rich rock located on the rim and walls of Gale Crater, are the likely origin of observed chemical variations within each unit. Physical sorting may have also played a role in the enrichment in K in the Kimberley formation. The occurrence of these potassic sedimentary rocks provides additional evidence for the chemical diversity of the crust exposed at Gale Crater

    Deep space 2: The Mars Microprobe Mission

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    The Mars Microprobe Mission will be the second of the New Millennium Program's technology development missions to planetary bodies. The mission consists of two penetrators that weigh 2.4 kg each and are being carried as a piggyback payload on the Mars Polar Lander cruise ring. The spacecraft arrive at Mars on December 3, 1999. The two identical penetrators will impact the surface at similar to 190 m/s and penetrate up to 0.6 m. They will land within 1 to 10 km of each other and similar to 50 km from the Polar Lander on the south polar layered terrain. The primary objective of the mission is to demonstrate technologies that will enable future science missions and, in particular, network science missions. A secondary goal is to acquire science data. A subsurface evolved water experiment and a thermal conductivity experiment will estimate the water content and thermal properties of the regolith. The atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature will be derived using descent deceleration data. Impact accelerometer data will be used to determine the depth of penetration, the hardness of the regolith, and the presence or absence of 1.0 cm scale layers

    Diagenetic origin of nodules in the Sheepbed member, Yellowknife Bay formation, Gale crater, Mars

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    The Sheepbed member of the Yellowknife Bay formation in Gale crater contains millimeter‐scale nodules that represent an array of morphologies unlike those previously observed in sedimentary deposits on Mars. Three types of nodules have been identified in the Sheepbed member in order of decreasing abundance: solid nodules, hollow nodules, and filled nodules, a variant of hollow nodules whose voids have been filled with sulfate minerals. This study uses Mast Camera (Mastcam) and Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) images from the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover to determine the size, shape, and spatial distribution of the Sheepbed nodules. The Alpha Particle X‐Ray Spectrometer (APXS) and ChemCam instruments provide geochemical data to help interpret nodule origins. Based on their physical characteristics, spatial distribution, and composition, the nodules are interpreted as concretions formed during early diagenesis. Several hypotheses are considered for hollow nodule formation including origins as primary or secondary voids. The occurrence of concretions interpreted in the Sheepbed mudstone and in several other sedimentary sequences on Mars suggests that active groundwater systems play an important role in the diagenesis of Martian sedimentary rocks. When concretions are formed during early diagenetic cementation, as interpreted for the Sheepbed nodules, they have the potential to create a taphonomic window favorable for the preservation of Martian organics
