359 research outputs found

    Global shortfalls in documented actions to conserve biodiversity

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    Threatened species are by definition species that are in need of assistance. In the absence of suitable conservation interventions, they are likely to disappear soon1. There is limited understanding of how and where conservation interventions are applied globally, or how well they work2, 3. Here, using information from the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List and other global databases, we find that for species at risk from three of the biggest drivers of biodiversity lossā€”habitat loss, overexploitation for international trade and invasive species4ā€”many appear to lack the appropriate types of conservation interventions. Indeed, although there has been substantial recent expansion of the protected area network, we still find that 91% of threatened species have insufficient representation of their habitats within protected areas. Conservation interventions are not implemented uniformly across different taxa and regions and, even when present, have infrequently led to substantial improvements in the status of species. For 58% of the worldā€™s threatened terrestrial species, we find conservation interventions to be notably insufficient or absent. We cannot determine whether such species are truly neglected, or whether efforts to recover them are not included in major conservation databases. If they are indeed neglected, the outlook for many of the worldā€™s threatened species is grim without more and better targeted action

    Normalizing Rejection

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    Getting turned down for grant funding or having a manuscript rejected is an uncomfortable but not unusual occurrence during the course of a nurse researcherā€™s professional life. Rejection can evoke an emotional response akin to the grieving process that can slow or even undermine productivity. Only by ā€œnormalizingā€ rejection, that is, by accepting it as an integral part of the scientific process, can researchers more quickly overcome negative emotions and instead use rejection to refine and advance their scientific programs. This article provides practical advice for coming to emotional terms with rejection and delineates methods for working constructively to address reviewer comments

    Integration of professional judgement and decision-making in high-level adventure sports coaching practice

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    This study examined the integration of professional judgement and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. The study utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. Results revealed that, in order to make judgements and decisions in practice, expert coaches employ a range of practical and pedagogic management strategies to create and opportunistically use time for decision-making. These approaches include span of control and time management strategies to facilitate the decision-making process regarding risk management, venue selection, aims, objectives, session content, and differentiation of the coaching process. The implication for coaches, coach education, and accreditation is the recognition and training of the approaches thatā€œcreate timeā€ for the judgements in practice, namelyā€œcreating space to thinkā€. The paper concludes by offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in adventure sports coachin

    Imperfect Tests, Pervasive Pathogens, and Variable Demographic Performance: Thoughts on Managing Bighorn Sheep Respiratory Disease

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    Respiratory disease (pneumonia) has been a persistent challenge for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) conservation and its cause has been attributed to numerous bacteria including Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and several Pasteurellaceae family species. This study sought to investigate efficacy of diagnostic protocols in detecting Pasteurellaceae and Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, generate sampling recommendations for different protocols, assess the distribution of these disease agents among 17 bighorn sheep populations in Montana and Wyoming, and evaluate what associations existed between detection of these agents and demographic performance of bighorn sheep populations. Analysis of replicate samples from individual bighorn sheep revealed that detection probability for regularlyused diagnostic protocols was generally low (<50%) for Pasteurellaceae and was high (>70%) for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, suggesting that routine pathogen sampling likely mischaracterizes respiratory pathogen communities. Power analyses found that most pathogen species could be detected with 80% confidence at the population-level by conducting regularly-used protocols multiple times per animal. Each pathogen species was detected in over half of the study populations, but after accounting for detection probability there was low confidence in negative test results for populations where Pasteurellaceae species were not detected. Seventy-six percent of study populations hosted both Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurellaceae pathogens, yet a number of these populations were estimated to have positive population growth rates and recruitment rates greater than 30%. Overall, the results of this work suggest that bighorn sheep respiratory disease may be mitigated by manipulating population characteristics and respiratory disease epizootics could be caused by pathogens already resident in bighorn sheep population

    Acting on Reflection: the Effect of Reflection on Studentsā€™ Clinical Performance on a Standardized Patient Examination

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    BACKGROUND: Little evidence exists to support the value of reflection in the clinical setting. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether reflecting and revisiting the ā€œpatientā€ during a standardized patient (SP) examination improves junior medical studentsā€™ performance and to analyze studentsā€™ perceptions of its value. DESIGN: Students completed a six-encounter clinical skills examination, writing a guided assessment after each encounter to trigger reflection. SPs evaluated the students with Medical Skills and Patient Satisfaction checklists. During the last three encounters, students could opt to revisit the SP and be reevaluated with identical checklists. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and forty-nine third year medical students. MEASUREMENTS: Changes in scores in the Medical Skills and Patient Satisfaction checklists between first visit and revisit were tested separately per case as well as across cases. RESULTS: On the medical skills and patient satisfaction checklists, mean revisit scores across cases were significantly higher than mean first visit scores [12.6 vs 12.2 (pooled SDā€‰=ā€‰2.4), Pā€‰=ā€‰.0001; 31.2 vs 31.0 (pooled SDā€‰=ā€‰3.5), Pā€‰=ā€‰.0001)]. Sixty-five percent of the time, students rated ā€œreflectā€“revisitā€ positively, 34% neutrally, and 0.4% negatively. Five themes were identified in the positive comments: enhancement of (1) medical decision making, (2) patient education/counseling, (3) student satisfaction/confidence, (4) patient satisfaction/confidence, and (5) clinical realism. CONCLUSIONS: Offering third year medical students the option to reflect and revisit an SP during a clinical skills examination produced a small but nontrivial increase in clinical performance. Students perceived the reflectā€“revisit experience as enhancing patient-centered practices (counseling, education) as well as their own medical decision making and clinical confidence

    The effect of phospholipid composition of reconstituted HDL on its cholesterol efflux and anti-inflammatory properties

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    goal of this study was to understand how the reconstituted HDL (rHDL) phospholipid (PL) composition affects its cholesterol efflux and anti-inflammatory properties. An ApoA-I mimetic peptide, 5A, was combined with either SM or POPC. Both lipid formulations exhibited similar in vitro cholesterol efflux by ABCA1, but 5A-SM exhibited higher ABCG1- and SR-BI-mediated efflux relative to 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Injection of both rHDLs in rats resulted in mobilization of plasma cholesterol, although the relative potency was 3-fold higher for the same doses of 5A-SM than for 5A-POPC. Formation of pre HDL was observed following incubation of rHDLs with both human and rat plasma in vitro, with 5A-SM inducing a higher extent of pre formation relative to 5A-POPC. Both rHDLs exhibited anti-inflammatory properties, but 5A-SM showed higher inhibition of TNF-, IL-6, and IL-1 release than did 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Both 5A-SM and 5A-POPC showed reduction in total plaque area in ApoE(-/-) mice, but only 5A-SM showed a statistically significant reduction over placebo control and baseline (P < 0.01). The type of PL used to reconstitute peptide has significant influence on rHDL's anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerosis properties

    Xenograft models of head and neck cancers

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    Head and neck cancers are among the most prevalent tumors in the world. Despite advances in the treatment of head and neck tumors, the survival of patients with these cancers has not markedly improved over the past several decades because of our inability to control and our poor understanding of the regional and distant spread of this disease. One of the factors contributing to our poor understanding may be the lack of reliable animal models of head and neck cancer metastasis. The earliest xenograft models in which human tumor cells were grown in immunosuppressed mice involved subcutaneous implantation of human head and neck cancer cell lines. Subcutaneous xenograft models have been popular because they are easy to establish, easy to manage, and lend themselves to ready quantitation of the tumor burden. More recently, orthotopic xenograft models, in which the tumor cells are implanted in the tumor site of origin, have been used with greater frequency in animal studies of head and neck cancers. Orthotopic xenograft models are advantageous for their ability to mimic local tumor growth and recapitulate the pathways of metastasis seen in human head and neck cancers. In addition, recent innovations in cell labeling techniques and small-animal imaging have enabled investigators to monitor the metastatic process and quantitate the growth and spread of orthopically implanted tumors. This review summarizes the progress in the development of murine xenograft models of head and neck cancers. We then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of xenograft model. We also discuss the potential for these models to help elucidate the mechanisms of regional and distant metastasis, which could improve our ability to treat head and neck cancers

    Povećanje letalnog učinka bleomicina na stanice HeLa i V79 s pomoću pčelinjeg otrova

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    This study investigated possible growth-inhibiting effects of bee venom applied alone or in combination with a cytotoxic drug bleomycin on HeLa and V79 cells in vitro based on clone formation, cell counting, and apoptosis. Melittin, the key component of bee venom, is a potent inhibitor of calmodulin activity, and also a potent inhibitor cell growth and clonogenicity. Intracellular accumulation of melittin correlates with the cytotoxicity of antitumour agents. Previous studies indicated that some calcium antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors enhanced intracellular levels of antitumor agents by inhibiting their outward transport. In this study, treatment of exponentially growing HeLa and V79 cells with bleomycin caused a dose-dependent decrease in cell survival due to DNA damage. This lethal effect was potentiated by adding a non-lethal dose of the bee venom. By preventing repair of damaged DNA, bee venom inhibited recovery from potentially lethal damage induced by bleomycin in V79 and HeLa cells. Apoptosis, necrosis, and lysis were presumed as possible mechanisms by which bee venom inhibited growth and clonogenicity of V79 cells. HeLa cells, on the other hand, showed greater resistance to bee venom. Our findings suggest that bee venom might find a therapeutic use in enhancing cytotoxicity of antitumour agent bleomycin.U uvjetima in vitro istražen je inhibitorni učinak pčelinjeg otrova, samog ili združenog s citostatikom bleomicinom, na rast stanica HeLa i V79. Rabljene su sljedeće metode: brojenje stanica, metoda klonskog rasta i apoptoza. Poznato je da neki antagonisti kalcija i kalmodulinski inhibitori povisuju unutarstaničnu razinu protutumorskih lijekova inhibirajući njihov prijenos iz stanice. Unutarstanična akumulacija melitina izravno povećava citotoksični učinak protutumorskog lijeka. Obrada stanica HeLa i V79 u eksponencijalnoj fazi rasta bleomicinom uzrokuje oÅ”tećenje DNA ovisno o dozi te smanjenje broja živih stanica. Uočeno je da se letalni učinak bleomicina može pojačati dodatkom neletalne doze pčelinjeg otrova. Pčelinji otrov pritom inhibira popravak nastalih oÅ”tećenja u stanicama HeLa i V79 te sprječava oporavak stanica tretiranih bleomicinom. Apoptoza, nekroza i liza mogući su mehanizmi kojima pčelinji otrov inhibira rast i stvaranje kolonija stanica V79, dok HeLa-stanice pokazuju pojačanu otpornost na pčelinji otrov. Istraživanje također potvrđuje mogućnost uporabe pčelinjeg otrova u povećanju citotoksičnosti bleomicina

    The multikinase inhibitor midostaurin (PKC412A) lacks activity in metastatic melanoma: a phase IIA clinical and biologic study

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    Midostaurin (PKC412A), N-benzoyl-staurosporine, potently inhibits protein kinase C alpha (PKCĪ±), VEGFR2, KIT, PDGFR and FLT3 tyrosine kinases. In mice, midostaurin slows growth and delays lung metastasis of melanoma cell lines. We aimed to test midostaurin's safety, efficacy and biologic activity in a Phase IIA clinical trial in patients with metastatic melanoma. Seventeen patients with advanced metastatic melanoma received midostaurin 75ā€‰mg p.o. t.i.d., unless toxicity or disease progression supervened. Patient safety was assessed weekly, and tumour response was assessed clinically or by CT. Tumour biopsies and plasma samples obtained at entry and after 4 weeks were analysed for midostaurin concentration, PKC activity and multidrug resistance. No tumour responses were seen. Two (12%) patients had stable disease for 50 and 85 days, with minor response in one. The median overall survival was 43 days. Seven (41%) discontinued treatment with potential toxicity, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and/or fatigue. One patient had >50% reduction in PKC activity. Tumour biopsies showed two PKC isoforms relatively insensitive to midostaurin, out of three patients tested. No modulation of multidrug resistance was demonstrated. At this dose schedule, midostaurin did not show clinical or biologic activity against metastatic melanoma. This negative trial reinforces the importance of correlating biologic and clinical responses in early clinical trials of targeted therapies

    Development of an Orthotopic Human Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model Using Ultrasound Guided Injection of Cells

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    Mice have been employed as models of cancer for over a century, providing significant advances in our understanding of this multifaceted family of diseases. In particular, orthotopic tumor xenograft mouse models are emerging as the preference for cancer research due to increased clinical relevance over subcutaneous mouse models. In the current study, we developed orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenograft models in mice by a minimally invasive method, ultrasound guided injection (USGI) comparable to highly invasive surgical orthotopic injection (SOI) methods. This optimized method prevented injection complications such as recoil of cells through the injection canal or leakage of cells out of the pancreas into the peritoneal cavity. Tumor growth was monitored in vivo and quantified by ultrasound imaging weekly, tumors were also detected by in vivo fluorescence imaging using a tumor targeted molecular probe. The mean tumor volumes for the USGI and SOI models after 2 weeks of tumor growth were 205 mm3 and 178 mm3 respectively. By USGI of human pancreatic cancer cell lines, human orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenografts were established. Based on ultrasound imaging, the orthotopic human pancreatic cancer xenograft take rate was 100% for both human pancreatic cancer cell lines used, MiaPaCa-2 and Su86.86, with mean tumor volumes of 28 mm3and 30 mm3. We demonstrated that this USGI method is feasible, reproducible, facile, minimally invasive and improved compared to the highly-invasive SOI method for establishing orthotopic pancreatic tumor xenograft models suitable for molecular imaging
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