190 research outputs found

    Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?

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    Martin Indyk, Vice President and Director for Foreign Policy at The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. [Following title] Martin Indyk served as the United Nations Ambassador to Israel and Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs during the Clinton Administration.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1277/thumbnail.jp

    Deterministic Sampling and Range Counting in Geometric Data Streams

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    We present memory-efficient deterministic algorithms for constructing epsilon-nets and epsilon-approximations of streams of geometric data. Unlike probabilistic approaches, these deterministic samples provide guaranteed bounds on their approximation factors. We show how our deterministic samples can be used to answer approximate online iceberg geometric queries on data streams. We use these techniques to approximate several robust statistics of geometric data streams, including Tukey depth, simplicial depth, regression depth, the Thiel-Sen estimator, and the least median of squares. Our algorithms use only a polylogarithmic amount of memory, provided the desired approximation factors are inverse-polylogarithmic. We also include a lower bound for non-iceberg geometric queries.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Spectrophotometric Procedure for Fast Reactor Advanced Coolant Manufacture Control

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    The paper describes a spectrophotometric procedure for fast reactor advanced coolant manufacture control. The molar absorption coefficient of dimethyllead dibromide with dithizone was defined as equal to 68864 ± 795 lmole{-1}cm{-1}, limit of detection as equal to 0.583 10{-6} g/ml. The spectrophotometric procedure application range was found to be equal to 37.88-196.3 g. of dimethyllead dibromide in the sample. The procedure was used within the framework of the development of the method of synthesis of the advanced coolant for fast reactors

    On Compact Routing for the Internet

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    While there exist compact routing schemes designed for grids, trees, and Internet-like topologies that offer routing tables of sizes that scale logarithmically with the network size, we demonstrate in this paper that in view of recent results in compact routing research, such logarithmic scaling on Internet-like topologies is fundamentally impossible in the presence of topology dynamics or topology-independent (flat) addressing. We use analytic arguments to show that the number of routing control messages per topology change cannot scale better than linearly on Internet-like topologies. We also employ simulations to confirm that logarithmic routing table size scaling gets broken by topology-independent addressing, a cornerstone of popular locator-identifier split proposals aiming at improving routing scaling in the presence of network topology dynamics or host mobility. These pessimistic findings lead us to the conclusion that a fundamental re-examination of assumptions behind routing models and abstractions is needed in order to find a routing architecture that would be able to scale ``indefinitely.''Comment: This is a significantly revised, journal version of cs/050802

    Taylor Polynomial Estimator for Estimating Frequency Moments

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    We present a randomized algorithm for estimating the ppth moment FpF_p of the frequency vector of a data stream in the general update (turnstile) model to within a multiplicative factor of 1±ϵ1 \pm \epsilon, for p>2p > 2, with high constant confidence. For 0<ϵ10 < \epsilon \le 1, the algorithm uses space O(n12/pϵ2+n12/pϵ4/plog(n))O( n^{1-2/p} \epsilon^{-2} + n^{1-2/p} \epsilon^{-4/p} \log (n)) words. This improves over the current bound of O(n12/pϵ24/plog(n))O(n^{1-2/p} \epsilon^{-2-4/p} \log (n)) words by Andoni et. al. in \cite{ako:arxiv10}. Our space upper bound matches the lower bound of Li and Woodruff \cite{liwood:random13} for ϵ=(log(n))Ω(1)\epsilon = (\log (n))^{-\Omega(1)} and the lower bound of Andoni et. al. \cite{anpw:icalp13} for ϵ=Ω(1)\epsilon = \Omega(1).Comment: Supercedes arXiv:1104.4552. Extended Abstract of this paper to appear in Proceedings of ICALP 201

    Magnesium isotopes selection at recrystallization of MgCl2·6H2O

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    The change of Mg isotope composition at grain-refined zone of MgCl2·6H2O has been studied. It is shown that light isotope 24Mg enrichment occurs on that crystal end to which grain-refined zone is moving. Isotopes 25Mg, 26Mg are concentrated in the initial crystallization zone. Segregation coefficient increases at influence of constant magnetic field or direct electric current on molten zone. The obtained data are compared with the data on magnesium isotope segregation by the other physicochemical method

    Micronutrients in HIV: A Bayesian MetaAnalysis

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    Background: Approximately 28.5 million people living with HIV are eligible for treatment (CD4&500), but currently have no access to antiretroviral therapy. Reduced serum level of micronutrients is common in HIV disease. Micronutrient supplementation (MNS) may mitigate disease progression and mortality. Objectives: We synthesized evidence on the effect of micronutrient supplementation on mortality and rate of disease progression in HIV disease. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central, AMED and CINAHL databases through December 2014, without language restriction, for studies of greater than 3 micronutrients versus any or no comparator. We built a hierarchical Bayesian random effects model to synthesize results. Inferences are based on the posterior distribution of the population effects; posterior distributions were approximated by Markov chain Monte Carlo in OpenBugs. Principal Findings: From 2166 initial references, we selected 49 studies for full review and identified eight reporting on disease progression and/or mortality. Bayesian synthesis of data from 2,249 adults in three studies estimated the relative risk of disease progression in subjects on MNS vs. control as 0.62 (95% credible interval, 0.37, 0.96). Median number needed to treat is 8.4 (4.8, 29.9) and the Bayes Factor 53.4. Based on data reporting on 4,095 adults reporting mortality in 7 randomized controlled studies, the RR was 0.84 (0.38, 1.85), NNT is 25 (4.3, ∞). Conclusions: MNS significantly and substantially slows disease progression in HIV+ adults not on ARV, and possibly reduces mortality. Micronutrient supplements are effective in reducing progression with a posterior probability of 97.9%. Considering MNS low cost and lack of adverse effects, MNS should be standard of care for HIV+ adults not yet on ARV

    Spectrophotometric Procedure for Fast Reactor Advanced Coolant Manufacture Control

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    The paper describes a spectrophotometric procedure for fast reactor advanced coolant manufacture control. The molar absorption coefficient of dimethyllead dibromide with dithizone was defined as equal to 68864 ± 795 lmole{-1}cm{-1}, limit of detection as equal to 0.583 10{-6} g/ml. The spectrophotometric procedure application range was found to be equal to 37.88-196.3 g. of dimethyllead dibromide in the sample. The procedure was used within the framework of the development of the method of synthesis of the advanced coolant for fast reactors

    Superselectors: Efficient Constructions and Applications

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    We introduce a new combinatorial structure: the superselector. We show that superselectors subsume several important combinatorial structures used in the past few years to solve problems in group testing, compressed sensing, multi-channel conflict resolution and data security. We prove close upper and lower bounds on the size of superselectors and we provide efficient algorithms for their constructions. Albeit our bounds are very general, when they are instantiated on the combinatorial structures that are particular cases of superselectors (e.g., (p,k,n)-selectors, (d,\ell)-list-disjunct matrices, MUT_k(r)-families, FUT(k, a)-families, etc.) they match the best known bounds in terms of size of the structures (the relevant parameter in the applications). For appropriate values of parameters, our results also provide the first efficient deterministic algorithms for the construction of such structures