777 research outputs found

    Saint Petersburg as a global coastal city: positioning in the Baltic Region

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    The Baltic region consists of coastal areas of nine countries - Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The region's hubs are the port cities located along the Baltic Sea coast. However, Peter Taylor and Saskia Sassen's classification identifies higher status cities and "global cities", which are to be considered in the global context. Seven coastal regions are distinguished within this region, whose organising centers are the global coastal cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, and Malmö. The concept of a "global city-region" (Sassen) can be used as a methodological framework for analyzing this connection. Within this hierarchy, the dominant alpha group global city is Stockholm. The authors argue that, as a global coastal city, St. Petersburg forms the St. Petersburg coastal region, which can be defined as a typical "global city region". The index method shows that the position of St. Petersburg in the system of global coastal cities of the Baltic region is relatively favorable in view of its transport, logistics, and demographic potential and the advantageous geo-economic situation. St. Petersburg has certain competitive advantages in the region brought about by its demographic potential, port freight capacity, and the favorable geo-economic position of the "sea gate" of Russia. However, the level of high-tech services and "new economy" development is not sufficient for the port to become a match for the top three cities (Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen). This is increasingly important because transboundary global city networks demonstrate that global cities are functions of global networks. Saint Petersburg is just starting to integrate into these networks through the Pulkovo airline hub and seaports of Ust-Luga, Primorsk, and Saint Petersburg


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    Оцінка якості життя (ЯЖ) важлива прихронічних захворюваннях, що вимагають тривалоїтерапії, до яких відносяться як хронічний панкре-атит (ХП), так і остеодефіцит (ОД). Високе медико-соціальне значення ХП та ОД визначається їх зна-чним внеском у патологію людей соціально ак-тивного віку, великими витратами на діагностикуі лікування, зниженням ЯЖ і працездатності

    Thermobaric synthesis, structure, and properties of Dy x Cu 3V4O12

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    The perovskite-like compound Dy x Cu3V 4O12 (x = 0.67-0.75) is synthesized under high pressure (P = 4.0-9.0 GPa) and temperature (T = 1000 C). Its crystal structure is determined (Im-3 space group, Z = 2, a = 7.29348(7) Å) by means of powder X-ray diffraction. The basic lengths and bond angles are defined. It is found that the high-pressure phase of Dy x Cu3V 4O12 is characterized by metallic conductivity and paramagnetic properties. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Optimization of Nanostructuring Burnishing Technological Parameters by Taguchi Method

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    On the basis of application of Taguchi optimization method, an approach for researching influence of nanostructuring burnishing technological parameters, considering the surface layer microhardness criterion, is developed. Optimal values of burnishing force, feed and number of tool passes for hardened steel AISI 420 hardening treatment are defined

    Nephelometric Method for Determination of Growth Parameters of Chlorella Culture

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    Nephelometric method for the determination of growth parameters of chlorella culture using a photoelectric colorimeter was described. Use of photoelectric colorimeter for cell counting in suspension requires periodic calibration of meter readings using chlorella standard culture (with a certain cell concentration). Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS С-66, IPPAS С-111 and IPPAS С-2019 strains served as object of research. Density of initial in vitro suspensions (after inoculation) was 0.9 mln cells/ml. Cultivation was carried out during 12 days on a Hoagland medium with a pH of 7 (temperature of 35∘C, illumination of 10 klx). Sample selection for analysis and measurement was carried out daily, three times per day. Based on the obtained data, readings of photoelectric colorimeter KFK-3.01 were calibrated via direct count of chlorella cells quantity in Goryaev’s chamber. Use of calibration curve made it possible to reduce significantly time and error in determination of cell number in suspension cultures. The proposed technique allows counting chlorella cells in the growth and development dynamics with sufficient accuracy, high sensitivity, reproducibility and speed. It can be used for comparative determination of the growth parameters of strains in vitro, standardization of suspension cultures, semi-quantitative determination of chlorella biomass in order to predict the yield of desired product


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    The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label.The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label

    Glutathione System in Sleep Disorders (Literature Review)

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    This review examines the variability of the glutathione system in sleep pathologies. Modern sleep theory assumes a restorative sleep function, including active utilization of oxidants and protection from excessive oxidation. In this review article, we conducted an analysis of domestic and foreign literature and summarized  data relating aspects of the functioning of the glutathione system in somnological disorders. Various authors have established systemic oxidative stress in insomnia due to reduced activity of glutathione peroxidase. Also, oxidative stress in insomnia is observed in certain areas of the brain due to a decrease in glutathione levels in them. Studies of the functioning of the glutathione system genes in insomnia, whose polymorphisms may include alleles that inhibit oxidation, are arousing interest. An alternative pattern of changes is observed in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The apnea stage affects the indicators of the glutathione system. The values of the glutathione system indicators increase with mild to moderate apnea. This is an adaptive response mechanism. Also, the development of oxidative stress in apnea, which leads to disorders in the glutathione system, is cyclical. As a result, people with apnea do not have sufficient replenishment of the components of the glutathione system during sleep. The existing modification does not allow to fully respond to the intensification of peroxide processes and to restrain the activation of excessive oxidation