67 research outputs found

    An analytic model of rotationally inelastic collisions of polar molecules in electric fields

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    We present an analytic model of thermal state-to-state rotationally inelastic collisions of polar molecules in electric fields. The model is based on the Fraunhofer scattering of matter waves and requires Legendre moments characterizing the "shape" of the target in the body-fixed frame as its input. The electric field orients the target in the space-fixed frame and thereby effects a striking alteration of the dynamical observables: both the phase and amplitude of the oscillations in the partial differential cross sections undergo characteristic field-dependent changes that transgress into the partial integral cross sections. As the cross sections can be evaluated for a field applied parallel or perpendicular to the relative velocity, the model also offers predictions about steric asymmetry. We exemplify the field-dependent quantum collision dynamics with the behavior of the Ne-OCS(1Σ^{1}\Sigma) and Ar-NO(2Π^2\Pi) systems. A comparison with the close-coupling calculations available for the latter system [Chem. Phys. Lett. \textbf{313}, 491 (1999)] demonstrates the model's ability to qualitatively explain the field dependence of all the scattering features observed

    Multiple scattering of matter waves: an analytic model of the refractive index for atomic and molecular gases

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    We present an analytic model of the refractive index for matter waves propagating through atomic or molecular gases. The model, which combines a WKB treatment of the long range attraction with the Fraunhofer model treatment of the short range repulsion, furnishes a refractive index in compelling agreement with recent experiments of Jacquey et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 240405 (2007)] on Li atom matter waves passing through dilute noble gases. We show that the diffractive contribution, which arises from scattering by a two dimensional "hard core" of the potential, is essential for obtaining a correct imaginary part of the refractive index.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Generalized tuberculosis with long-term course in the guise of liver cirrhosis

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    Aim of investigation. To demonstrate unusual clinical symptoms and difficulties of diagnostics of disseminated tuberculous process.Material and methods. The 25 year-old patient, who was managed for 10 years for liver cirrhosis of nonspecified etiology, was investigated. The careful analysis of clinical presentation of disease, data of physical examination, results of radiological and other methods of diagnostics was carried out.Results. It was possible to suspect and subsequently to confirm disseminated tuberculosis with involvement of the lungs, the heart, pericardium, pleura, mesenteric lymph nodes, the liver; chronic right-sided tubercular pleurisy with pleurocirrhosis; constrictive pericarditis with signs of right ventricular failure; cardiac liver fibrosis (Pick's pseudocirrhosis); mixed portal hypertension.Conclusion. The detailed analysis of clinical presentation of disease, physical data and application of complex of visual and other methods of investigation expand potential of diagnostics of disseminated tuberculous process

    Interparticle interactions:Energy potentials, energy transfer, and nanoscale mechanical motion in response to optical radiation

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    In the interactions between particles of material with slightly different electronic levels, unusually large shifts in the pair potential can result from photoexcitation, and on subsequent electronic excitation transfer. To elicit these phenomena, it is necessary to understand the fundamental differences between a variety of optical properties deriving from dispersion interactions, and processes such as resonance energy transfer that occur under laser irradiance. This helps dispel some confusion in the recent literature. By developing and interpreting the theory at a deeper level, one can anticipate that in suitable systems, light absorption and energy transfer will be accompanied by significant displacements in interparticle separation, leading to nanoscale mechanical motion

    Оптимальное управление топливом в системе с запаздыванием

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    Робота присвячена проблемі синтезу оптимального управління паливом у системі з запізненням. Завдання обмежене по лінійних інваріантних систем заданих управлінням (ІІ-1, ІІ-2). Синтез оптимального управління для досліджувальної системи виявляється з використанням метода максимум Понтрягіна.The paper deals with the synthesis of the fuel-optimal control for the systems with delay in control loop. The considerations are confined to the class of the linear time-invariant systems performed by (II-1, II-2). Synthesis of the optimal control is achieved using the Pontryagin's maximum principle.Работа посвящена проблеме синтеза оптимального управления топливом в системе с запаздыванием. Задача ограничено до линейных инвариантных систем заданных управлением (II-1, II-2). Синтез оптимального управления для исследуемой системы получается с использованием метода максимум Понтрягина

    Тканевая экспрессия антиапоптотического белка сурвивина как потенциальный биомаркер рака предстательной железы

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    Background. Excessive expression of survivin is associated with inhibition of cell death, activated by extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic pathways. The survininin overexpression has been shown in various malignancies, including lung cancer, pancreatic and breast cancer, colon cancer, oral squamous cell carcinoma and high grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas.Aim. To investigate the level of survivin expression in prostate cancer tissues, and evaluate it as a diagnostic marker of prostate cancer.Materials and methods. The level of survivin expression and its subcellular localization were assessed immunohistochemically in patients with prostate cancer (n = 64) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (n = 33). Tissue samples obtained at transrectal biopsy were used for analysis. Prostate cancer samples obtained after cystprostatectomy in patients with normal prostate specific antigen level and normal ultrasound findings (n = 36) were considered control tissue (norm).Results. In prostate cancer group 3+ samples with a high level of survivin expression were present in 48.4 % of cases. In benign prostatic hyperplasia group the majority of samples were assessed as 2+, while 9.1 % of samples were negatively stained. 100 % of normal epithelium samples were negative. In patients with Gleason score <7 a survivin expression level was less than 3+ in 62.5 % of cases, and in patients with Gleason score >7 a highly positive reaction was detected in 68.8 % of cases. A high level of survivin expression was found in the large proportion of tissue samples at prostate specific antigen levels >10 ng/ml. Almost 50 % of highly positive cells were detected at a prostate health index (PHI) value of ≥60. The largest percentage of negative staining for surviving was common with PHI value <25. The degrees of staining for survining 1+ and 2+ prevailed in patients with prostate health index density (DPHI) <0.8, while a high level of prostate cells staining 3+ was observed at >0.8. As a Gleason score increase we observe the change of staining type for nucleocytoplasmic, and the largest number of samples has a staining degree of 2+ at a score GG4–5 (≥4 + 4). The type and frequency of prostate tissue samples staining were not differ depending on the initial prostate specific antigen level.Conclusion. Immunohistochemical assessment of the survivin level, including its subcellular localization, could be considered as tumor-associated and a potential biomarker for differential diagnosis and prediction of prostate cancer course.Введение. Избыточная экспрессия сурвивина связана с ингибированием гибели клеток, инициированной внешними или внутренними путями апоптоза. Повышенная экспрессия сурвивина была показана при различных злокачественных новообразованиях, включая рак легких, поджелудочной и молочной желез, толстой кишки, плоскоклеточный рак полости рта и неходжкинские лимфомы высокой степени злокачественности.Цель исследования – изучить уровень экспрессии сурвивина в тканях рака предстательной железы для оценки его как диагностического маркера данного заболевания.Материалы и методы. У пациентов с раком предстательной железы (n = 64) и доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы (n = 33) оценивали уровень экспрессии сурвивина и его субклеточную локализацию иммуногистохимическим методом. Использовали образцы тканей, полученные при трансректальной биопсии. Контрольной тканью (нормой) считали образцы предстательной железы, полученные после цистпростатэктомии у пациентов с нормальным уровнем простатического специфического антигена и без изменений по данным ультразвукового исследования (n = 36).Результаты. В группе рака предстательной железы 48,4 % образцов имели высокий уровень экспрессии сурвивина (уровень окрашивания 3+). Образцы доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы в основном имели уровень 2+, при этом отрицательно окрашенных образцов было 9,1 %. В нормальном эпителии 100 % образцов были отрицательно окрашенными. При сумме баллов по шкале Глисона <7 в 62,5 % случаев экспрессия сурвивина была менее 3+, при >7 в 68,8 % случаев обнаружена высокоположительная реакция. Большая часть образцов тканей при уровне простатического специфического антигена >10 нг/мл была сопряжена с высокой степенью экспрессии сурвивина. При индексе здоровья предстательной железы (PHI) ≥60 выявлено почти 50 % высокоположительных клеток. Отрицательная окраска на сурвивин в наибольшем проценте была характерна для PHI <25. В группе пациентов с плотностью индекса здоровья предстательной железы (DPHI) <0,8 преобладали степени окрашивания сурвивина 1+ и 2+, тогда как группа с показателем >0,8 характеризовалась высоким уровнем окрашивания (3+) клеток предстательной железы. По мере нарастания суммы баллов по шкале Глисона тип окрашивания сменялся на ядерно-цитоплазматический, и при оценке GG4–5 (≥4 + 4) наибольшее количество образцов имело степень окрашивания 2+. В зависимости от уровня инициального простатического специфического антигена тип и частота окрашивания в образцах ткани предстательной железы не различались.Заключение. Иммуногистохимическая оценка уровня сурвивина, в том числе его субклеточной локализации, опухолевоассоциированная. Уровень сурвивина можно рассматривать в качестве потенциального биомаркера для дифференциальной диагностики, а также для прогноза течения рака предстательной железы

    Avicin D: A Protein Reactive Plant Isoprenoid Dephosphorylates Stat 3 by Regulating Both Kinase and Phosphatase Activities

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    Avicins, a class of electrophilic triterpenoids with pro-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, have been shown to induce redox-dependant post-translational modification of cysteine residues to regulate protein function. Based on (a) the cross-talk that occurs between redox and phosphorylation processes, and (b) the role of Stat3 in the process of apoptosis and carcinogenesis, we chose to study the effects of avicins on the processes of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in Stat3. Avicins dephosphorylate Stat3 in a variety of human tumor cell lines, leading to a decrease in the transcriptional activity of Stat3. The expression of Stat3-regulated proteins such as c-myc, cyclin D1, Bcl2, survivin and VEGF were reduced in response to avicin treatment. Underlying avicin-induced dephosphorylation of Stat3 was dephosphorylation of JAKs, as well as activation of protein phosphatase-1. Downregulation of both Stat3 activity and expression of Stat 3-controlled pro-survival proteins, contributes to the induction of apoptosis in avicin treated tumor cells. Based on the role of Stat3 in inflammation and wounding, and the in vivo inhibition of VEGF by avicins in a mouse skin carcinogenesis model, it is likely that avicin-induced inhibition of Stat3 activity results in the suppression of the pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant stromal environment of tumors. Activation of PP-1, which also acts as a cellular economizer, combined with the redox regulation by avicins, can aid in redirecting metabolism from growth promoting anabolic to energy sparing pathways


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    Pharmacotherapy of epilepsy requires deep knowledge  of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), including the following issues: spectrum of therapeutic efficacy and therapeutic strength, adverse effects (especially severe and life-threatening adverse reactions); specific features of pharmacokinetics,  pharmacodynamics, and drug interactions; titration rate, the need for laboratory tests  during treatment,  pharmacoeconomic components.  The main properties  of antiepileptic drugs  are defined by their mechanisms of action. Today, particular attention is paid to the drugs with broad spectrum  activity, which give an ability to use them in patients with so-called undifferentiated epilepsies. In this article, the authors describe their own experience in optimization of antiepileptic therapy in a group of 141 patients with various forms of epilepsy. This new optimized  strategy implies inclusion of modern  broad spectrum  AEDs in treatment  schemes along with the reduction  in use  of narrow spectrum  drugs.  Moreover, polytherapy  was  used  in most  of the cases  after treatment regimen correction. All the measures  allowed to achieve remission  in about half of the patients with epilepsy earlier considered as incurable