308 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Phytochemicals, Protein And Anti-Microbial Activity From The Latex Of Calotropis Procera

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    Calotropis procera is a perennial shrub with soft wood that is evergreen. It is a member of the Apocynaceae family and Asclepiadoideae subfamily. GC- MS (Gas chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy) is used to detect compounds. On performing GC-MS, 52 peaks for various substances are produced. The quantitative analysis of Methanolic, Ethanolic, and Crude extracts of Calotropis procera is done for secondary metabolites such as flavonoids and phenols, is carried out by using Gallic acid and Rutin as a standard. Various methods are used for the qualitative test for Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Phenols, Tannins, Saponins, Cardiac glycosides, Resins, Terpenoids. Latex, milky and sticky secretion form Calotropis procera has performed antimicrobial action against certain bacteria. The latex of Calotropis procera responds positively to Amylase assay. It displays the free space.The sample's concentration of each phytocompound is measured, and latex exhibits antibacterial actiontowards microorganisms. The growth of bacteria is prevented. The Lowry method and SDS-PAGE were also used for protein estimation and separation

    STED microscopy with continuous wave beams

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    Gene editing (CRISPR-Cas) technology and fisheries sector

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    Considering the advantages of gene editing technologies, in recent years, emphasis has been given on three main techniques of gene editing i.e. zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and the CRISPR/Cas9 RNA-guided endonuclease system. In all of these three technologies one thing is common i.e. the technology utilizes restriction enzymes to break down the double stranded DNA molecule at a targeted location with the help of another molecule of homologous binding protein or RNA, which is also called as a guide RNA molecule. This targeted breaking and repair of the DNA molecule as per our requirement is generally viewed as a great breakthrough in gene therapy methods. In fisheries sector, in order to promote aquaculture/mariculture activities, aquaculture industries are facing number of challenges, particularly in area of quality and demand of seed production, control of health and disease management, production of quality traits with phenotypically improved varieties, and strengthening of immune system. Several efforts are being made both at public and private sectors to develop scientific technologies to meet these challenges and substantial achievements have also been made. But still these challenges remained as major constraints in hampering the growth of this industry as per the demand and expectations. However, with the advent of now recently developed gene editing techniques, we may have to explore and evaluate the possibilities of applications of this technology as a long lasting solution in addressing at least some of the vital issues of the aquaculture industry particularly in those related to altering targeted gene structure in the species for positive impact

    Estimation of Asymmetric Spatial Autoregressive Dependence on Irregular Lattices

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    In spatial econometrics, we usually assume that the spatial dependence structure is known and that all information about it is contained in a spatial weights matrix W. However, in practice, the structure of W is unknown a priori and difficult to obtain, especially for asymmetric dependence. In this paper, we propose a data-driven method to obtain W, whether it is symmetric or asymmetric. This is achieved by calculating the area overlap of the adjacent regions/districts with a given shape (a pizza-like shape, in our case). With W determined in this way, we estimate the potentially asymmetric spatial autoregressive dependence on irregular lattices. We verify our method using Monte Carlo simulations for finite samples and compare it with classical approaches such as Queen’s contiguity matrices and inverse-distance weighting matrices. Finally, our method is applied to model the evolution of sales prices for building land in Brandenburg, Germany. We show that the price evolution and its spatial dependence are mainly driven by the orientation towards Berlin

    Three-dimensional nanoscopy of colloidal crystals.

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    We demonstrate the direct three-dimensional imaging of densely packed colloidal nanostructures using stimulated emission depletion microscopy. A combination of two de-excitation patterns yields a resolution of 43 nm in the lateral and 125 nm in the axial direction and an effective focal volume that is by 126-fold smaller than that of a corresponding confocal microscope. The mapping of a model system of spheres organized by confined convective assembly unambiguously identified face-centered cubic, hexagonal close-packed, random hexagonal close-packed, and body-centered cubic structures. An increasing need for noninvasive visualization on the nanoscale has fueled the development of far-field optical microscopy with resolution far below the wavelength of light.1,2 In materials science, structural studies with length scales of interest in the (sub-) micrometer range have typically been conducted either by collective scattering-based techniques or electron and scanning probe microscopes. Far-field optical methods however retain the advantage of simultaneously providing local, dynamic, and noninvasiv