5,011 research outputs found

    Manifestation of spin-charge separation in the dynamic dielectric response of one--dimensional Sr2CuO3

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    We have determined the dynamical dielectric response of a one-dimensional, correlated insulator by carrying out electron energy-loss spectroscopy on Sr2CuO3 single crystals. The observed momentum and energy dependence of the low-energy features, which correspond to collective transitions across the gap, are well described by an extended one-band Hubbard model with moderate nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction strength. An exciton-like peak appears with increasing momentum transfer. These observations provide experimental evidence for spin-charge separation in the relevant excitations of this compound, as theoretically expected for the one-dimensional Hubbard model.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages+2 figures, to appear in PRL (July 13

    Origin of the peak-dip-hump structure in the photoemission spectra of Bi2212

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    The famous peak-dip-hump lineshape of the (\pi,0) photoemission spectrum of the bilayer Bi HTSC in the superconducting state is shown to be a superposition of spectral features originating from different electronic states which reside at different binding energies, but are each describable by essentially identical single-particle spectral functions. The 'superconducting' peak is due to the antibonding Cu-O-related band, while the hump is mainly formed by its bonding counterpart, with a c-axis bilayer coupling induced splitting of about 140 meV.Comment: 5 pages: text + 4 figures, revtex (Fig.2 is replaced by more suitable one

    Oscillation patterns in negative feedback loops

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    Organisms are equipped with regulatory systems that display a variety of dynamical behaviours ranging from simple stable steady states, to switching and multistability, to oscillations. Earlier work has shown that oscillations in protein concentrations or gene expression levels are related to the presence of at least one negative feedback loop in the regulatory network. Here we study the dynamics of a very general class of negative feedback loops. Our main result is that in these systems the sequence of maxima and minima of the concentrations is uniquely determined by the topology of the loop and the activating/repressing nature of the interaction between pairs of variables. This allows us to devise an algorithm to reconstruct the topology of oscillating negative feedback loops from their time series; this method applies even when some variables are missing from the data set, or if the time series shows transients, like damped oscillations. We illustrate the relevance and the limits of validity of our method with three examples: p53-Mdm2 oscillations, circadian gene expression in cyanobacteria, and cyclic binding of cofactors at the estrogen-sensitive pS2 promoter.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Electronic structure studies of BaFe2As2 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We report high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) studies of the electronic structure of BaFe2_2As2_2, which is one of the parent compounds of the Fe-pnictide superconductors. ARPES measurements have been performed at 20 K and 300 K, corresponding to the orthorhombic antiferromagnetic phase and the tetragonal paramagnetic phase, respectively. Photon energies between 30 and 175 eV and polarizations parallel and perpendicular to the scattering plane have been used. Measurements of the Fermi surface yield two hole pockets at the Γ\Gamma-point and an electron pocket at each of the X-points. The topology of the pockets has been concluded from the dispersion of the spectral weight as a function of binding energy. Changes in the spectral weight at the Fermi level upon variation of the polarization of the incident photons yield important information on the orbital character of the states near the Fermi level. No differences in the electronic structure between 20 and 300 K could be resolved. The results are compared with density functional theory band structure calculations for the tetragonal paramagnetic phase.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Research and education in management of large-scale technical programs

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    A research effort is reported which was conducted by NASA in conjunction with Drexel University, and which was aimed at an improved understanding of large scale systems technology and management

    Non-local signatures of the chiral magnetic effect in Dirac semimetal Bi0.97_{0.97}Sb0.03_{0.03}

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    The field of topological materials science has recently been focussing on three-dimensional Dirac semimetals, which exhibit robust Dirac phases in the bulk. However, the absence of characteristic surface states in accidental Dirac semimetals (DSM) makes it difficult to experimentally verify claims about the topological nature using commonly used surface-sensitive techniques. The chiral magnetic effect (CME), which originates from the Weyl nodes, causes an Eâ‹…B\textbf{E}\cdot\textbf{B}-dependent chiral charge polarization, which manifests itself as negative magnetoresistance. We exploit the extended lifetime of the chirally polarized charge and study the CME through both local and non-local measurements in Hall bar structures fabricated from single crystalline flakes of the DSM Bi0.97_{0.97}Sb0.03_{0.03}. From the non-local measurement results we find a chiral charge relaxation time which is over one order of magnitude larger than the Drude transport lifetime, underlining the topological nature of Bi0.97_{0.97}Sb0.03_{0.03}.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures + 7 pages of supplemental materia

    Tight-binding parameters and exchange integrals of Ba_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2

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    Band structure calculations for Ba_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2 within the local density approximation (LDA) are presented. The investigated compound is similar to the antiferromagnetic parent compounds of cuprate superconductors but contains additional Cu_B atoms in the planes. Within the LDA, metallic behavior is found with two bands crossing the Fermi surface (FS). These bands are built mainly from Cu 3d_{x^2-y^2} and O 2p_{x,y} orbitals, and a corresponding tight-binding (TB) model has been parameterized. All orbitals can be subdivided in two sets corresponding to the A- and B-subsystems, respectively, the coupling between which is found to be small. To describe the experimentally observed antiferromagnetic insulating state, we propose an extended Hubbard model with the derived TB parameters and local correlation terms characteristic for cuprates. Using the derived parameter set we calculate the exchange integrals for the Cu_3O_4 plane. The results are in quite reasonable agreement with the experimental values for the isostructural compound Sr_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2.Comment: 5 pages (2 tables included), 4 ps-figure
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