39 research outputs found

    Rashba Effect at Magnetic Metal Surfaces

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    We give experimental and theoretical evidence of the Rashba effect at the magnetic rare-earth metal surface Gd(0001). The Rashba effect is substantially enhanced and the Rashba parameter changes its sign when a metal-oxide surface layer is formed. The experimental observations are quantitatively described by ab initio calculations that give a detailed account of the near-surface charge density gradients causing the Rashba effect. Since the sign of the Rashba splitting depends on the magnetization direction, the findings open up new opportunities for the study of surface and interface magnetism.Comment: 4 Fig

    Comparative Electronic Structures of the Chiral Helimagnets Cr1/3NbS2 and Cr1/3TaS2

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    Magnetic materials with noncollinear spin textures are promising for spintronic applications. To realize practical devices, control over the length and energy scales of such spin textures is imperative. The chiral helimagnets Cr1/3NbS2 and Cr1/3TaS2 exhibit analogous magnetic phase diagrams with different real-space periodicities and field dependence, positioning them as model systems for studying the relative strengths of the microscopic mechanisms giving rise to exotic spin textures. Here, we carry out a comparative study of the electronic structures of Cr1/3NbS2 and Cr1/3TaS2 using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory. We show that bands in Cr1/3TaS2 are more dispersive than their counterparts in Cr1/3NbS2 and connect this result to bonding and orbital overlap in these materials. We also unambiguously distinguish exchange splitting from surface termination effects by studying the dependence of their photoemission spectra on polarization, temperature, and beam size. We find strong evidence that hybridization between intercalant and host lattice electronic states mediates the magnetic exchange interactions in these materials, suggesting that band engineering is a route toward tuning their spin textures. Overall, these results underscore how the modular nature of intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides translates variation in composition and electronic structure to complex magnetism.Comment: 46 pages, 18 figures, 5 table

    Nature of the current-induced insulator-to-metal transition in Ca2_2RuO4_4 as revealed by transport-ARPES

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    The Mott insulator Ca2_2RuO4_4 exhibits a rare insulator-to-metal transition (IMT) induced by DC current. While structural changes associated with this transition have been tracked by neutron diffraction, Raman scattering, and x-ray spectroscopy, work on elucidating the response of the electronic degrees of freedom is still in progress. Here we unveil the current-induced modifications of the electronic states of Ca2_2RuO4_4 by employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in conjunction with four-probe transport. Two main effects emerge: a clear reduction of the Mott gap and a modification in the dispersion of the Ru-bands. The changes in dispersion occur exclusively along the XMXM high-symmetry direction, parallel to the bb-axis where the greatest in-plane lattice change occurs. These experimental observations are reflected in dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations simulated exclusively from the current-induced lattice constants, indicating a current driven structural transition as the primary mechanism of the IMT. Furthermore, we demonstrate this phase is distinct from the high-temperature zero-current metallic phase. Our results provide insight into the elusive nature of the current-induced IMT of Ca2_2RuO4_4 and advance the challenging, yet powerful, technique of transport-ARPES.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Free surfaces recast superconductivity in few-monolayer MgB2: Combined first-principles and ARPES demonstration

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    Two-dimensional materials are known to harbour properties very different from those of their bulk counterparts. Recent years have seen the rise of atomically thin superconductors, with a caveat that superconductivity is strongly depleted unless enhanced by specific substrates, intercalants or adatoms. Surprisingly, the role in superconductivity of electronic states originating from simple free surfaces of two-dimensional materials has remained elusive to date. Here, based on first-principles calculations, anisotropic Eliashberg theory, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we show that surface states in few-monolayer MgB2make a major contribution to the superconducting gap spectrum and density of states, clearly distinct from the widely known, bulk-like σ- and π-gaps. As a proof of principle, we predict and measure the gap opening on the magnesium-based surface band up to a critical temperature as high as ~30 K for merely six monolayers thick MgB2. These findings establish free surfaces as an unavoidable ingredient in understanding and further tailoring of superconductivity in atomically thin materials

    Microscopic Origin of Electron Accumulation in In2O3

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals the presence of a two-dimensional electron gas at the surface of In2O3(111). Quantized subband states arise within a confining potential well associated with surface electron accumulation. Coupled Poisson-Schrodinger calculations suggest that downward band bending for the conduction band must be much bigger than band bending in the valence band. Surface oxygen vacancies acting as doubly ionized shallow donors are shown to provide the free electrons within this accumulation layer. Identification of the origin of electron accumulation in transparent conducting oxides has significant implications in the realization of devices based on these compounds

    Final-state diffraction effects in angle-resolved photoemission at an organic-metal interface

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    In this paper it is shown that angle-resolved photoemission performed using low-energy photons on an organicmetal interface allows to clearly distinguish genuine interface states from features of substrate photoelectrons diffracted by the molecular lattice. As a model system an ordered monolayer of Zn-phthalocyanine is used as a diffraction lattice to probe the electronic band structure of a Ag(110) substrate. Photoemission close to normal emission geometry reveals strongly dispersive features absent in the pristine substrate spectra. Density functional theory modeling helped identifying these as bulk sp direct transitions undergoing surface-umklapp processes. The present results establish the important role of final-state diffraction effects in photoemission experiments at organic-inorganic interfaces

    Rashba effect at the surfaces of rare-earth metals and their monoxides

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    We present a systematic study of the Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction at the (0001) surfaces of rare-earth metals and their surface monoxides, specifically of Tb metal and the O/Tb, O/Lu and O/Y surfaces. By means of photoemission experiments and ab initio band-structure calculations, we uncover the influence of this interaction on the surface electronic structure. In turn, the dramatic impact of the charge-density distribution of the surface/interface states on the strength of the Rashba-type spin splitting is demonstrated. We discuss the Rashba effect at magnetic and non-magnetic rare-earth surfaces, and compare with cases where it is negligible. The difference between the Rashba effect and magnetic linear dichroism in photoemission is pointed out to help avoid possible confusion in connection with the simultaneous appearance of these two effects at a magnetic surface

    Magnetism of ordered Sm

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    The attenuation length of low energy electrons in Yb

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    Photoelectron emission spectra in a photon energy range between 7.5 and 21 eV are measured for in situ grown polycrystalline Yb films. By comparing bulk and surface core level shifted 4f components we give an estimation of the effective attenuation length (EAL) for low energy (6-20 eV) electrons in Yb, establishing a moderate increase of the EAL upon electron energy decrease. The experimental EAL data are found to be a factor of four smaller than those predicted from the so-called 'universal curve'