40 research outputs found


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    Ревматоїдний артрит (РА) є одним з поширених хронічних запальних захворювань суглобів. На підставі аналізу результатів лікування 58 хворих на РА з одночасним ураженням кульшових та колінних суглобів розроблений алгоритм їх ведення, що передбачав тотальне ендопротезування цих суглобів з цементним та безцементним типом фіксації. Віддалені позитивні результати свідчили про правильність обраної тактики лікування хворих

    Estimation of impact of remodeling and microbial factors on the results of total endoprosthesis of a knee joint in patients, suffering rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. To estimate the impact of remodelling and microbial factors on the results of total endoprosthesis (ТЕP) of the knee joint in patients, suffering rheumatoid arthritis (RА). Маterials and methods. The results of microbiological investigations of operative specimen were compared with results of cloning of the stem stromal cells of the bone marrow. Міcrobiologically and microscopically there were studied 247 specimen of operative material, obtained during performance of primary TЕP of a knee joint in 64 patients, suffering RA. Results. As the investigations have shown, in 1 сm³ of spongious bone of distal femur there is in 1.4 times more a general quantity of cells, containing the nuclei, than in 1 сm3 of spongious bone of proximal tibiae (the difference is not statistically significant). In distal part of femur the quantity of a colony-creating units of fibroblasts (CCUF) in 1 сm³ is in a 9.8 times lower, than the CCUF quantity in 1 сm³ in proximal part of tibiae (the difference is statistically significant), аnd the efficacy of the CCUF cloning is accordingly more than in 2.1 times lower (difference is statistically nonsignificant). Conclusion. High level of contamination of predominantly gram-positive microorganisms of the bone operative material, obtained while primary TEP of a knee joint in 82.8% patients, suffering RA, have a strong (almost a functional one) linear adverse correlation (coefficient r = -0.98) with osteogenic аctivity of the stem stromal cells in the bone marrow, which form a knee joint, what necessitates overestimation of approaches, concerning preparation and performance of surgical intervention for guaranteeing the efficacy of orthopedic treatment and standards of the protocols


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    The article deals with the problem of statistical estimation of the quality of teaching in the higher educational establishment and the quality of grounding graduating seniors. This is due to the necessity to realize practically the clauses of the new law of Ukraine “About the higher education”. The necessity to estimate the quality of the higher education in Ukraine using the basic statistical approaches and methods which are used in the management of the quality of goods and services is substantiated

    The Employment in Ukraine and the World: The Condition and Prospects

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    The article is devoted to analysis of tendencies in the employment, its patterns and determining factors in the world and selected countries, problems of the effective population’s employment and prevention of the massive unemployment. The high level of unemployment and large scales of the poverty, small numbers of job vacancies along with large numbers of unemployed per job vacancy are explicit negative features of the domestic and regional labor markets. A problem of special importance is the unemployment that has gained large scales in nearly all the strata of the population, worsened their welfare and life standards, to become a problem of global dimension.    Analysis and solutions of unemployment problems have always drawn the increased attention of researchers in economics throughout the history of economic thought. The search for levers and tools allowing for eliminating this phenomenon with reliance on the total employment mechanism has been central to all the economic theories. A review of scientific developments focused on the essence and problems of unemployment shows the variety of approaches to the solution of problems associated with this phenomenon. In view of the above, assessment, modelling and forecasting of the labor market has a leading position in socio-economic studies. The article contains the author’s substantiation of the feasibility of assessment and analysis of the level and dynamics of unemployment as an important component of the labor market under the impact of factors such as the economic mode and its structural change, the technical and organizational level of entrepreneurship, the balance between the structure of production means and workforce, the overall performance of business management system. An analytical review and comparison of the contents of social programs for protection of unemployed in selected countries is made. The problem of assessment and determining the patterns of factor impact on the variations of unemployment level is addressed in the article on the basis of data on the dynamics of real gross domestic product and inflation, used for the aggregated assessment of the current performance of a national economy. It is recommended that the foundations of the policy on stabilization of prices, payment balance and structural transformations be developed in the future, given their impact on the employment and the income of the whole population and their groups, which consequence is supposed to be improvement of the labor market structure, unemployment reduction in particular. Determining the degree and vector of these measures’ impact on a national economy will be the next phase of the study

    Surgical treatment of combat damages of abdomen in the area of antiterroristic operation

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    Проведен анализ хирургического лечения 35 раненых с боевыми повреждениями живота в районе проведения антитеррористической операции. Из 35 раненых с боевыми повреждениями живота у 32 (91,4 %) наблюдались огнестрельные ранения, у 3 (8,6 %) — взрывная травма, закрытая травма живота в результате подрыва бронетехники на минах. При огнестрельных повреждениях в 6 (18,7 %) случаях фиксировались пулевые ранения, в 26 (81,3 %) — осколочные; у 25 (78,1 %) бойцов диагностированы проникающие ранения, у 7 (21,9 %) — непроникающие. Торакоабдоминальные ранения были у 6 (18,7 %) человек: в 4 (12,5 %) случаях при осколочных ранениях, в 2 (6,2 %) — при пулевых.All of the injured regardless of the lesions localization were performed ultrasound for FAST-protocol. Results of treatment of the wounded in the stomach depends on the quality of the organization of medical evacuation process with the principle of the "golden hour". Diagnostic program with a mandatory FAST-protocol avoids unwarranted invasive procedures and reduce time spent on diagnosis. On base of surgical treatment there should be the principle of a differentiated approach using “damage control” during medical evacuation

    Modelowanie Gis-owe optymalnej struktury wykorzystania terenów na obszarach skażonych radioaktywnie

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    The version of land use optimisation of the polluted agricultural territories of Ukraine is offered. The project includes the design of the ecological permissible rotation and implementation of the efficient countermeasures directed to the minimisation of internal human doze. The project is realised with using GIS-technology and method of unified soil coding

    The Local Elections 2020 in Ukraine: Regional Peculiarities and Collaboration of the Political Parties and the Religious Organizations

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    The changes in the Ukrainian legal system in 2020, which provoke active participation of religious organizations in political issues, make the topic under research relevant. The article studies the collaboration of the political parties and the religious organizations in Ukraine on a case of the local election 2020. The aim of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of this collaboration; its consistency with the legislation of Ukraine and corporate acts of certain religious organizations; the attitude of the religious organizations to these processes; the influence on these processes from the foreign policy and regional differences of Ukraine. The research was conducted within the framework of classical legal methods and techniques such as legal comparative method, legal and historical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, and static method. The main thesis of the article is that the political and religious sympathies of the population of the different regions of Ukraine correlate with their preferences of the foreign-political vectors. Variety of the foreign political orientation amongst the parties and the religious organizations enables every participant to find an ally from the relevant part of the spectrum.

    Features of prescriptions of antihypertensive therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2: Theory and Practice

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    Frequent association of DM type 2 with hypertension, presence of early complications and progressive course of disease predetermine selection of an individual antihypertensive therapy in this clinical group. Aim of research was to analyze the practical prescription of drugs in patients with concomitant DM type 2. Methods and results.We studied 71 case history (35 with hypertension and 36 with hypertension and DM type 2). It has been found that in patients with only hypertension diuretics were prescribed in 89%, beta-blockers - in 69%, ACE inhibitors - in 57%, ARBs - in 31%, calcium - 14%. In patients with hypertension and DM diuretics were prescribed in 78 % of cases, beta-blockers - 70 %, ACE inhibitors - 47 %, ARB - 50 %, calcium - 25 % of cases. Among diuretics the most often hydrochlorothiazide was prescribed, among beta-blockers mostly selective one were prescribed. Combination therapy was given in 89 % of patients with only hypertension and 94 % with hypertension and DM. Conclusion. Thus, antihypertensive therapy in patients with DM type 2 is generally compliant. Individual therapy optimization is possible with consultation of Clinical pharmacist

    Экстракты отходов пищевой промышленности как ингибиторы накипеобразования на поверхности малоуглеродистой стали в водопроводной воде

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    Background. In industrial heating processes, scaling is a major problem especially when natural water is used as heat carrier. The world economic losses due to scaling are estimated to constitute billions of dollars per year, the development of efficient, environmentally friendly and cheap approaches for reduction of scaling is an actual task nowadays. Utilization of agro-food wastes as a renewable source of scale inhibitors for water treatment of cooling water systems is a promising alternative to the existing approaches. Objective. Three industry by-products, namely rapeseed pomace, sugar beet pulp and fodder radish cake, have been tested as scale inhibitors of mild steel in tap water. Methods. Ethanol extracts were prepared by maceration and the electrochemical approach to study the scale formation was utilized, based on the measurement of oxygen reduction current during nucleation and formation of calcium carbonate in the presence of extracts. Scaling time, porosity and area density of the scale was determined and used to characterize the inhibition efficiency. Chemical compositions of extracts were analysed by GC-MS analysis (gas chromatography with mass selective detector by mass selective integration). Results. The rapeseed pomace extract and fodder radish cake extract at the concentration of 10 mL/L appeared to be efficient scaling inhibitors. Sugar beet pulp extract increases the crystallization time, however the amount of deposited scale appeared to be the same as in the tap water. Conclusions. The scale inhibition is caused mainly by the formation of adsorbed film on the scale nucleus that blocks the surface and prevent further crystal growth. Natural extracts are a promising source of scale inhibitors due to their low price, efficiency and environmental safety.Проблематика. У промислових процесах нагрівання серйозною проблемою є накипоутворення, особливо у випадку використання як теплоносія води природного походження. Втрати світової економіки через утворення накипу оцінюються в мільярди доларів на рік. Тому розробка ефективних інгібіторів накипоутворення є актуальною задачею. Перспективним джерелом екологічно чистих та дешевих інгібіторів утворення накипу можуть стати відходи харчової промисловості. Мета дослідження. Випробувати як інгібітори утворення накипу на поверхні маловуглецевої сталі у водопровідній воді екстракти трьох побічних продуктів харчової промислові: шроту ріпаку, жому цукрового буряку та макухи з кормової редьки. Методика реалізації. Досліджувані речовини додавали до води у вигляді етанольних екстрактів, які готували методом мацерації. Для вивчення процесу утворення накипу використовували електрохімічний підхід, суть якого полягає у реєстрації зміни величини струму відновлення кисню в часі в процесі зародження та росту шару карбонату кальцію на поверхні сталі в присутності екстрактів. Для оцінки ефективності інгібування визначали час накипоутворення, пористість та питому масу накипу. Хімічний склад екстрактів визначали методом газової хроматографії з масоселективним детектором шляхом масоселективного інтегрування. Результати дослідження. Ефективними інгібіторами накипоутворення виявилися екстракти шроту ріпаку та екстракт макухи редьки в концентрації 10 мл/л. Екстракт жому цукрового буряку збільшує час кристалізації, але не впливає на кількість осаду накипу. Висновки. Інгібування накипоутворення викликано головним чином утворенням адсорбованої плівки на зародках накипу, яка блокує поверхню і перешкоджає подальшому росту кристалів. Відходи харчової промисловості є перспективним джерелом інгібіторів накипу через їх низьку ціну та екологічну безпеку.Проблематика. В промышленных процессах нагрева накипеобразование является существенной проблемой, особенно в случае использования в качестве теплоносителя воды природного происхождения. Потери мировой экономики из-за образования накипи оцениваются в миллиарды долларов в год. Поэтому разработка эффективных ингибиторов накипеобразования является актуальной задачей. Перспективным источником экологически чистых и дешевых ингибиторов образования накипи могут стать отходы пищевой промышленности. Цель исследования. Испытать в качестве ингибиторов образования накипи на поверхности малоуглеродистой стали в во допроводной воде экстракты трех побочных продуктов пищевой промышленности: шрота рапса, жома сахарной свеклы и жмыха кормовой редьки. Методика реализации. Исследуемые вещества добавляли к воде в виде этанольных экстрактов, которые готовили методом мацерации. Для изучения процесса образования накипи использовали электрохимический подход, суть которого заключается в регистрации изменения величины тока восстановления кислорода во времени в процессе зарождения и роста слоя карбоната кальция на поверхности стали в присутствии экстрактов. Для оценки эффективности ингибирования определяли время напипеобразования, пористость и удельную массу накипи. Химический состав экстрактов определяли методом газовой хроматографии с массоселективным детектором путем массоселективного интегрирования. Результаты исследования. Эффективными ингибиторами накипеобразования оказались экстракты шрота рапса и жмыха редьки в концентрации 10 мл / л. Экстракт жома сахарной свеклы увеличивает время кристаллизации, однако не влияет на количество осадка накипи. Выводы. Ингибирования накипеобразования вызвано, главным образом, образованием адсорбированной пленки органических веществ на зародышах накипи, которая блокирует поверхность и препятствует дальнейшему росту кристаллов. Отходы пищевой промышленности являются перспективным источником ингибиторов накипи вследствие их низкой цены и экологической безопасности

    Study of indicators of endothelial dysfunction in rats with experimental peritonitis

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    Gutsulyuk V. G., Savytskyi I. V., Tsypoviaz S. V., Znamerovskyi S. G., Sarahan V. M., Gerasymenko T. V. Study of indicators of endothelial dysfunction in rats with experimental peritonitis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2022;12(1):514-522. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2022.12.01.043 https://apcz.umk.pl/JEHS/article/view/41740 https://zenodo.org/record/7512638 The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 1, 2021. No. 32343. Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences). Punkty Ministerialne z 2019 - aktualny rok 40 punktów. Załącznik do komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 1 grudnia 2021 r. Lp. 32343. Posiada Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma: 201159. Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe:Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu). © The Authors 2022; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.01.2022. Revised: 21.01.2022. Accepted: 31.01.2022. UDC 616.381-018.74 Study of indicators of endothelial dysfunction in rats with experimental peritonitis V. G. Gutsulyuk, I. V. Savytskyi, S. V. Tsypoviaz, S. G. Znamerovskyi, V. M. Sarahan, T. V. Gerasymenko International Academy of Ecology and Medicine, Kyiv, Ukraine Correspondence author: Savytskyi Ivan Volodymyrovich, 65039, Odesa, Fountain road4-а/29, tel.+38050-381-21-83, [email protected] Abstract The article presents the results of the study of the activity of endothelial and inducible NO-synthase, the level of Willebrand factor and endothelin-1 in rats with experimental peritonitis. The most likely mechanism that is damaged in the endothelium during peritonitis is the activation of the synthesis of inducible NO-synthase by neutrophils/macrophages in response to infection. It is possible that hyperproduction of nitric oxide (NO), on the one hand, is aimed at destroying microflora and oxidizing toxins, and on the other hand, at suppressing the expression of tissue factor and cell adhesion molecules. platelet aggregation and cascade disorders in the hemostasis system. All this indicates that the hyperproduction of NO not only reflects the processes that occur in the focus of damage to the vascular endothelium, but also affects the severity of the inflammatory process and the outcome of the disease. In animals with experimental peritonitis on the background of OS, an increase in the number of circulating desquamated endothelial cells in the blood, which is a highly specific marker of endothelial dysfunction, was noted. The level of the Willebrand factor also increased, which can serve as a marker of increased risk of thrombus formation and indicate the pathogenetic dependence of the factors that damage the vascular wall endothelium on the concentration of the Willebrand factor, which contributes to the reduction of vascular permeability by adhesion of platelets to the endothelium. Confirmation of the development of endothelial dysfunction in peritonitis is an increase in the concentration of endothelin-1, which is a regulator of the process of vascular neoangiogenesis in response to endothelial damage. Keywords: peritonitis; endothelial dysfunction; oxidative stress; Willebrand factor; pathogenesis