791 research outputs found

    Degree Ranking Using Local Information

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    Most real world dynamic networks are evolved very fast with time. It is not feasible to collect the entire network at any given time to study its characteristics. This creates the need to propose local algorithms to study various properties of the network. In the present work, we estimate degree rank of a node without having the entire network. The proposed methods are based on the power law degree distribution characteristic or sampling techniques. The proposed methods are simulated on synthetic networks, as well as on real world social networks. The efficiency of the proposed methods is evaluated using absolute and weighted error functions. Results show that the degree rank of a node can be estimated with high accuracy using only 1%1\% samples of the network size. The accuracy of the estimation decreases from high ranked to low ranked nodes. We further extend the proposed methods for random networks and validate their efficiency on synthetic random networks, that are generated using Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi model. Results show that the proposed methods can be efficiently used for random networks as well

    A Faster Method to Estimate Closeness Centrality Ranking

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    Closeness centrality is one way of measuring how central a node is in the given network. The closeness centrality measure assigns a centrality value to each node based on its accessibility to the whole network. In real life applications, we are mainly interested in ranking nodes based on their centrality values. The classical method to compute the rank of a node first computes the closeness centrality of all nodes and then compares them to get its rank. Its time complexity is O(n⋅m+n)O(n \cdot m + n), where nn represents total number of nodes, and mm represents total number of edges in the network. In the present work, we propose a heuristic method to fast estimate the closeness rank of a node in O(α⋅m)O(\alpha \cdot m) time complexity, where α=3\alpha = 3. We also propose an extended improved method using uniform sampling technique. This method better estimates the rank and it has the time complexity O(α⋅m)O(\alpha \cdot m), where α≈10−100\alpha \approx 10-100. This is an excellent improvement over the classical centrality ranking method. The efficiency of the proposed methods is verified on real world scale-free social networks using absolute and weighted error functions

    A method of automatically stabilizing helicopter sling loads

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    The effect of geometric and aerodynamic characteristics on the stability of the lateral degrees of freedom of a typical helicopter sling load is examined. The feasibility of stabilizing the suspended load by controllable fins was also studied. Linear control theory was applied to the design of a simple control law that stabilized the load over a wide range of helicopter airspeeds

    Wave growth patterns in a non-linear dispersive system with instability and dissipation

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    A simple one-dimensional non linear equation including effects of instability, dissipation, and dispersion is examined numerically. Periodic solution of a non linear dispersive equation is presented for different values of α, β, and γ characterizing the constants for instability, dissipation, and dispersion respectively. In this paper, the growth pattern for the wave at different time intervals is discussed. Various equilibrium states with different initial configuration have been observed depending on initial conditions
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