89 research outputs found
Neural Net Classification Combined With Movement Analysis to Evaluate Setaria viridis as a Model System for Time of Day of Anther Appearance
In many plant species, the time of day at which flowers open to permit pollination is tightly regulated. Proper time of flower opening, or Time of Day of Anther Appearance (TAA), may coordinate flowering opening with pollinator activity or may shift temperature sensitive developmental processes to cooler times of the day. The genetic mechanisms that regulate the timing of this process in cereal crops are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, it is necessary to establish a monocot model system that exhibits variation in TAA. Here, we examine the suitability of Setaria viridis, the model for C4 photosynthesis, for such a role. We developed an imaging system to monitor the temporal regulation of growth, flower opening time, and other physiological characteristics in Setaria. This system enabled us to compare Setaria varieties Ames 32254, Ames 32276, and PI 669942 variation in growth and daily flower opening time. We observed that TAA occurs primarily at night in these three Setaria accessions. However, significant variation between the accessions was observed for both the ratio of flowers that open in the day vs. night and the specific time of day where the rate is maximal. Characterizing this physiological variation is a requisite step toward uncovering the molecular mechanisms regulating TAA. Leveraging the regulation of TAA could provide researchers with a genetic tool to improve crop productivity in new environments
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Dimensionality reduction and prediction of the protein macromolecule dissolution profile
A suitable regression model for predicting the dissolution profile of Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) micro-and nanoparticles can play a significant role in pharmaceutical/medical applications. The rate of dissolution of proteins is influenced by several factors and taking all such influencing factors into account; we have a dataset in hand with three hundred input features. Therefore, a primary approach before identifying a regression model is to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset at hand. On the one hand, we have adopted Backward Elimination Feature selection techniques for an exhaustive analysis of the predictability of each combination of features. On the other hand, several linear and non-linear feature extraction methods are used in order to extract a new set of features out of the available dataset. A comprehensive experimental analysis for the selection or extraction of features and identification of the corresponding prediction model is offered. The designed experiment and prediction models offer substantially better performance over the earlier proposed prediction models in literature for the said problem
Amphotericin B-loaded nanoparticles for local treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is an infectious, parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Leishmania. Amphotericin B (AMB) is
a macrolide polyene antibiotic presenting potent antifungal and antileishmanial activity, but due to poor water solubility at
physiological pH, side effects, and toxicity, its therapeutic efficiency is limited. In the present study, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)
(PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) loaded with AMB were generated to reduce drug toxicity and facilitate localized delivery over a
prolonged time. AMB NPs were characterized for particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index, and degree of aggregation.
In vitro assessments demonstrated its sustained activity against Leishmania major promastigotes and parasite-infected macrophages.
A single intralesional administration to infected BALB/c mice revealed that AMB NPs were more effective than AMB
deoxycholate in terms of reducing lesion area. Taken together, these findings suggest thatAMB NPs improve AMB delivery and
can be used for local treatment of CL.This research was funded by the GIP program of the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) German Research Foundation.
EZ wish to acknowledge the financial support of the RBNI-The Russell
Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at the Technion. CLJ holds the Michael
and Penny Feiwel Chair of Dermatology
Gender, school and academic year differences among Spanish university students at high-risk for developing an eating disorder: An epidemiologic study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to assess the magnitude of the university population at high-risk of developing an eating disorder and the prevalence of unhealthy eating attitudes and behaviours amongst groups at risk; gender, school or academic year differences were also explored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study based on self-report was used to screen university students at high-risk for an eating disorder. The sample size was of 2551 university students enrolled in 13 schools between the ages of 18 and 26 years. The instruments included: a social-demographic questionnaire, the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI), the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), the Symptom Check List 90-R (SCL-90-R), and the Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). The sample design is a non-proportional stratified sample by academic year and school. The prevalence rate was estimated controlling academic year and school. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate adjusted associations between gender, school and academic year.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Female students presented unhealthy weight-control behaviours as dieting, laxatives use or self-induced vomiting to lose weight than males. A total of 6% of the females had a BMI of 17.5 or less or 2.5% had amenorrhea for 3 or more months. In contrast, a higher proportion of males (11.6%) reported binge eating behaviour. The prevalence rate of students at high-risk for an eating disorder was 14.9% (11.6–18) for males and 20.8% (18.7–22.8) for females, according to an overall cut-off point on the EDI questionnaire. Prevalence rates presented statistically significant differences by gender (p < 0.001) but not by school or academic year.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of eating disorder risk in university students is high and is associated with unhealthy weight-control practices, similar results have been found in previous studies using cut-off points in questionnaires. These results may be taken into account to encourage early detection and a greater awareness for seeking treatment in order to improve the diagnosis, among students on university campuses.</p
Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Brain Tumors Delivered via a Novel Intra-Cavity Moldable Polymer Matrix
Polymer-based delivery systems offer innovative intra-cavity administration of drugs, with the potential to better target micro-deposits of cancer cells in brain parenchyma beyond the resected cavity. Here we evaluate clinical utility, toxicity and sustained drug release capability of a novel formulation of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)/poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) microparticles.
PLGA/PEG microparticle-based matrices were molded around an ex vivo brain pseudo-resection cavity and analyzed using magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography. In vitro toxicity of the polymer was assessed using tumor and endothelial cells and drug release from trichostatin A-, etoposide- and methotrexate-loaded matrices was determined. To verify activity of released agents, tumor cells were seeded onto drug-loaded matrices and viability assessed.
PLGA/PEG matrices can be molded around a pseudo-resection cavity wall with no polymer-related artifact on clinical scans. The polymer withstands fractionated radiotherapy, with no disruption of microparticle structure. No toxicity was evident when tumor or endothelial cells were grown on control matrices in vitro. Trichostatin A, etoposide and methotrexate were released from the matrices over a 3-4 week period in vitro and etoposide released over 3 days in vivo, with released agents retaining cytotoxic capabilities. PLGA/PEG microparticle-based matrices molded around a resection cavity wall are distinguishable in clinical scanning modalities. Matrices are non-toxic in vitro suggesting good biocompatibility in vivo. Active trichostatin A, etoposide and methotrexate can be incorporated and released gradually from matrices, with radiotherapy unlikely to interfere with release.
The PLGA/PEG delivery system offers an innovative intra-cavity approach to administer chemotherapeutics for improved local control of malignant brain tumors
Surfing the spectrum - what is on the horizon?
Diagnostic imaging techniques have evolved with technological advancements - but how far? The objective of this article was to explore the electromagnetic spectrum to find imaging techniques which may deliver diagnostic information of equal, or improved, standing to conventional radiographs and to explore any developments within radiography which may yield improved diagnostic data. A comprehensive literature search was performed using Medline, Web of Knowledge, Science Direct and PubMed Databases. Boolean Operators were used and key-terms included (not exclusively): terahertz, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infra-red, magnetic resonance, dental, diagnostic, caries and periodontal. Radiographic techniques are primarily used for diagnostic imaging in dentistry, and continued developments in X-ray imaging include: phase contrast, darkfield and spectral imaging. Other modalities have potential application, for example, terahertz, laser doppler and optical techniques, but require further development. In particular, infra-red imaging has regenerated interest with caries detection in vitro, due to improved quality and accessibility of cameras. Non-ionising imaging techniques, for example, infra-red, are becoming more commensurate with traditional radiographic techniques for caries detection. Nevertheless, X-rays continue to be the leading diagnostic image for dentists, with improved diagnostic potential for lower radiation dose becoming a reality
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Surveying professional opinion to inform bull trout recovery and management decisions
Increasing concerns about management and recovery of the threatened bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) prompted the Bull Trout Committee of Western Division American Fisheries Society to survey scientists working most closely with bull trout in Pacific Northwest drainages of the contiguous United States. We solicited scientific and judgment-based assessments regarding current status and future trends, limiting factors, effectiveness of restoration strategies and regulatory mechanisms, and information gaps. The survey was sent to 235 biologists, with the majority of the responses coming from Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Respondents indicated fish passage, forest management practices, and normative species interactions are the primary factors limiting bull trout populations, and these issues were identified as the primary recovery challenges in the foreseeable future. Survey results indicated large information gaps in our understanding of bull trout population dynamics, monitoring and evaluation, and community interactions. Finally, survey respondents across demographic groups identified the listing under the Endangered Species Act as the single most important regulatory action benefiting bull trout. We conclude online surveys of professional opinions can be useful for guiding future management decisions, identifying research needs, understanding the relative importance of potential limiting factors, and evaluating the effectiveness of different regulatory mechanism
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