224 research outputs found

    Probabilistic framework for multiaxial LCF assessment under material variability

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    The influence of material variability upon the multiaxial LCF assessment of engineering components is missing for a comprehensive description. In this paper, a probabilistic framework is established for multiaxial LCF assessment of notched components by using the Chaboche plasticity model and Fatemi-Socie criterion. Simulations from experimental results of two steels reveal that the scatter in fatigue lives can be well described by quantifying the variability of four material parameters Ï\u83fâ\u80²,εfâ\u80²,b,c. A procedure for choosing the safety factor for fatigue design has been derived by using first order approximation

    Assessment of multiaxial fatigue life prediction methodologies for Inconel 718

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    Abstract Fatigue life prediction methodologies for the assessment of the structural integrity of safety critical components in modern turbine engines require a close integration of advanced multiaxial fatigue life prediction procedures and of specific multiaxial tests, representative of the service conditions of turbine engine components and materials. The objective of the research work presented in this paper is to extend currently employed methodologies for the assessment of fatigue strength of turbine engines disks by integrating suitable multiaxial fatigue criteria and test results of multiaxial fatigue experiments conducted on Inconel 718 material at temperatures similar to those experienced by the disc materials during service. Smooth tubular specimens of Inconel 718 have been employed for conducting tension/torsion strain controlled high temperature fatigue tests. Specimens have been cut out from forged parts utilised for the production of engine discs, thus preserving the typical properties of disc materials (microstructure, basic mechanical properties, etc.). Different models/criteria have been evaluated by comparing fatigue life predictions and multiaxial fatigue experiments. It's well known that agreement of life predictions with experimental life is strongly affected not only by the choice of the multiaxial fatigue criteria but also by the way the reference fatigue data are integrated in the criteria. Therefore, specific multiaxial fatigue tests have been carried out, in order to validate and to improve the assessment capabilities of the lifing procedures. Moreover, multiaxial fatigue tests permit advances in the basic understanding of materials behaviour that might be utilised in the processes of declaring component service lives


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    Semi-classical model for the dephasing of a two-electron spin qubit coupled to a coherently evolving nuclear spin bath

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    We study electron spin decoherence in a two-electron double quantum dot due to the hyperfine interaction, under spin-echo conditions as studied in recent experiments. We develop a semi-classical model for the interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, in which the time-dependent Overhauser fields induced by the nuclear spins are treated as classical vector variables. Comparison of the model with experimentally-obtained echo signals allows us to quantify the contributions of various processes such as coherent Larmor precession and spin diffusion to the nuclear spin evolution.Comment: 14 Pages, some equations were corrected; Published July 27, 201

    A probabilistic framework to define the design stress and acceptable defects under combined-cycle fatigue conditions

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    Abstract Probabilistic routines are necessary to determine the permissible design stress when the operational conditions of traditional gas turbines are further challenged to reach higher performances in terms of flexibility. This paper focuses on the definition of a probabilistic tool aimed to simulate the damage development under combined high and low cycle fatigue conditions considering the stochastic nature of some of the variables introduced in the model. The variables considered in the present study are the long crack threshold Δ K th , LC and the slope of the crack growth law C in the so-called Paris region, the endurance limit Δ σ w 0 and the variability of the applied stress as it cannot be considered a fixed variable in the complex loading scenario of gas turbines. A broad experimental campaign was performed to characterize the material properties in terms of short and long crack resistance under constant and combined cyclic conditions. The data were used to define the average and variance of the materials parameters to feed Montecarlo simulations and, at a target probability of failure, establish the design stress. This work points to determine safety margins which strictly depend on the natural variability of the variables that govern the damage accumulation in the mechanical component

    Experiments on crack propagation and threshold at defects in press-fits of railway axles

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    Fatigue strength under fretting fatigue is one of the open problems in the area of fatigue. In the case of railway wheel-axle press-fits, there are no records of recent failures because design rules are today based on making the shape of geometrical transitions the most stressed point. However, it is important to analyze correctly the acceptability of defects and micro-cracks at press-fits. In this paper, after a preliminary presentation of the results obtained by a new criterion for predicting the non-propagation of cracks under rolling contact fatigue conditions, a new series of experiments on full-scale axle press-fits containing artificial defects is presented and discussed. Results show the modified Dang Van criterion is adequate for describing the development of natural cracks and cracks from artificial defects. The latter, characterized by a depth of 250 350 m, are competitors of fretting cracks naturally developed from surface scars and surface damage

    High temperature initiation and propagation of cracks in 12%Cr-steel turbine disks

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    This work aims to study the crack propagation in 12%Cr steel for turbine disks. Creep Crack Growth (CCG) tests on CT specimens have been performed to define the proper fracture mechanics which describes the initiation of the crack propagation and the crack growth behaviour for the material at high temperature. Results have been used to study the occurrence of crack initiation on a turbine disk at the extreme working temperature and stress level experienced during service, and validate the use of C* integral in correlating creep growth rate on the disk component, in case C* is numerically calculated through FEM analysis or calculated by the use of reference stress concept