1,467 research outputs found

    Universality of thermally assisted magnetic domain wall motion under spin torque

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    Thermally assisted motion of magnetic domain wall under spin torque is studied theoretically. It is shown that the wall velocity vv depends exponentially on the spin current, \Is, below the threshold value, in the same way as in a thermally activated motion driven by a force. A novel property of the spin torque driven case at low temperature is that the linear term in spin current is universal, i.e., \ln v \sim \frac{\pi\hbar}{2e}(\Is/\kB T). This behavior, which is independent of pinning and material constants, could be used to confirm experimentally the spin torque as the driving mechanism

    Pinning dependent field driven domain wall dynamics and thermal scaling in an ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt magnetic film

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    Magnetic field-driven domain wall motion in an ultrathin Pt/Co(0.45nm)/Pt ferromagnetic film with perpendicular anisotropy is studied over a wide temperature range. Three different pinning dependent dynamical regimes are clearly identified: the creep, the thermally assisted flux flow and the depinning, as well as their corresponding crossovers. The wall elastic energy and microscopic parameters characterizing the pinning are determined. Both the extracted thermal rounding exponent at the depinning transition, ψ=\psi=0.15, and the Larkin length crossover exponent, ϕ=\phi=0.24, fit well with the numerical predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic properties and domain structure of (Ga,Mn)As films with perpendicular anisotropy

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    The ferromagnetism of a thin GaMnAs layer with a perpendicular easy anisotropy axis is investigated by means of several techniques, that yield a consistent set of data on the magnetic properties and the domain structure of this diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor. The magnetic layer was grown under tensile strain on a relaxed GaInAs buffer layer using a procedure that limits the density of threading dislocations. Magnetometry, magneto-transport and polar magneto-optical Kerr effect (PMOKE) measurements reveal the high quality of this layer, in particular through its high Curie temperature (130 K) and well-defined magnetic anisotropy. We show that magnetization reversal is initiated from a limited number of nucleation centers and develops by easy domain wall propagation. Furthermore, MOKE microscopy allowed us to characterize in detail the magnetic domain structure. In particular we show that domain shape and wall motion are very sensitive to some defects, which prevents a periodic arrangement of the domains. We ascribed these defects to threading dislocations emerging in the magnetic layer, inherent to the growth mode on a relaxed buffer

    Adipocyte cholesterol balance in obesity.

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    Adipose tissue is specialized in the storage of energy in the form of triacylglycerol. Within the fat cell, triacylglycerols are found in a well-defined structural compartment called the lipid droplet, which occupies the vast majority of the fat cell volume. However, many other lipids are present in the lipid droplet. These include sterols, carotenoids, cholecalciferol and lipophilic toxic pollutants of the environment such as dioxins and tocopherols. The topic of this article is the role of fat cell cholesterol in adipose tissue physiology and its potential implication in pathological states such as obesity

    On the Stellar Kinematics and Mass of the Virgo Ultra-Diffuse Galaxy VCC 1287

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    Here, we present a kinematical analysis of the Virgo cluster ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) VCC 1287 based on data taken with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI). We confirm VCC 1287's association both with the Virgo cluster and its globular cluster (GC) system, measuring a recessional velocity of $1116 \pm 2\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}}.Wemeasureastellarvelocitydispersion(. We measure a stellar velocity dispersion (19 \pm 6\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}})andinferbothadynamicalmass() and infer both a dynamical mass (1.11^{+0.81}_{-0.81} \times 10^{9} \ \mathrm{M_{\odot}})andmasstolightratio() and mass to light ratio (13^{+11}_{-11}$) within the half light radius (4.4 kpc). This places VCC 1287 slightly above the well established relation for normal galaxies, with a higher mass to light ratio for its dynamical mass than normal galaxies. We use our dynamical mass, and an estimate of GC system richness, to place VCC 1287 on the GC number -- dynamical mass relation, finding good agreement with a sample of normal galaxies. Based on a total halo mass derived from GC counts, we then infer that VCC 1287 likely resides in a cored or low concentration dark matter halo. Based on the comparison of our measurements to predictions from simulations, we find that strong stellar feedback and/or tidal effects are plausibly the dominant mechanisms in the formation of VCC 1287. Finally, we compare our measurement of the dynamical mass with those for other UDGs. These dynamical mass estimates suggest relatively massive halos and a failed galaxy origin for at least some UDGs.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures with an additional 5 pages and 5 figures in appendices. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. v2: with small updates from publication formatting and a minor plotting fix for Fig. 1

    Magma flow inferred from AMS fabrics in a layered mafic sill, Insizwa, South Africa

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    The Insizwa sill, is a 25-km-diameter, >1000-m-thick layered mafic intrusion, part of the Karoo Igneous Province in South Africa. The peridotitic and gabbronoritic rocks are undeformed and mineral fabrics demonstrably result from magma flow. A horizontal, centimeter-scale model layering is visible in numerous outcrops. Plagioclase crystals are both tabular and elongated. Their preferred orientation, parallel to the layering, forms a foliation and a NW–SE lineation, respectively interpreted as the magma flow plane and flow direction. Throughout the 78 stations of this study (699 specimens), magnetic susceptibilities (K[subscript m]) range from 750 to 10,000×10[superscript (−6)] SI. The magnetic anisotropy (P[subscript j]) ranges from 1.03 to 1.08. Magnetic ellipsoids are both prolate and oblate (average T[subscript j]≈0). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics are dominated by multidomain to pseudo-single domain magnetite. High-field magnetic experiments indicate that the paramagnetic contribution from the mafic silicates is less than 50 percentage for low susceptibility rock types. The anisotropy results from magnetite grain shape solely as shown by no significant increase in P[subscript j] with increasing K[subscript m]. The magnetic lineation (305°, 05°) is consistent throughout the sill at various scales and coincides with the mineral lineation in average. In contrast, the magnetic foliation (125° NE 10°) is generally perpendicular to the mineral foliation and to the layering. Several explanations for this odd configuration are discussed. The variations of magnetic parameters across the layering and field observations point to a multiple injection. The magnetic lineation is consistent with the presence of a single feeder dike situated to the SE of the sill

    Dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion after nucleation: Dependence on the wall energy

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    The dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion in the FeNi layer of a FeNi/Al2O3/Co trilayer has been investigated by a combination of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, photoelectron emission microscopy, and a stroboscopic pump-probe technique. The nucleation of domains and subsequent expansion by domain wall motion in the FeNi layer during nanosecond-long magnetic field pulses was observed in the viscous regime up to the Walker limit field. We attribute an observed delay of domain expansion to the influence of the domain wall energy that acts against the domain expansion and that plays an important role when domains are small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Magnetic patterning of (Ga,Mn)As by hydrogen passivation

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    We present an original method to magnetically pattern thin layers of (Ga,Mn)As. It relies on local hydrogen passivation to significantly lower the hole density, and thereby locally suppress the carrier-mediated ferromagnetic phase. The sample surface is thus maintained continuous, and the minimal structure size is of about 200 nm. In micron-sized ferromagnetic dots fabricated by hydrogen passivation on perpendicularly magnetized layers, the switching fields can be maintained closer to the continuous film coercivity, compared to dots made by usual dry etch techniques

    Are zona pellucida genes involved in recurrent oocyte lysis observed during in vitro fertilization?

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    PURPOSE: Complete oocyte lysis in in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a rare event, but one against which we remain helpless. The recurrence of this phenomenon in some women in each of their IVF attempts, regardless of treatment, together with the results of animal experiments led us to investigate the possible involvement of the genes encoding for the glycoproteins constituting the zona pellucida (ZP). PATIENTS & METHODS: Over the last ten years, during which we treated over 500 women each year, three women suffered recurrent oocyte lysis during their IVF attempts in our Centre for Reproductive Biology. For each of these three cases, we sequenced the four genes and promoter sequences encoding the glycoproteins of the ZP. The sequence variations likely to cause a change in protein expression or structure, were investigated in a control group of 35 women who underwent IVF without oocyte lysis and with normal rates of fertilization. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: We found no mutations in the ZP genes sequenced. Only some polymorphisms present in the control group and in the general population were detected, excluding their specific involvement in the phenotype observed. Thus, although we suspected that complete oocyte lysis was due to a genetic cause, it did not seem possible to directly incriminate the genes encoding the proteins of the ZP in the observed phenotype. Further study of the genes involved in the processing and organization of ZP glycoproteins may allow elucidation of the mechanism underlying recurrent oocyte lysis during in vitro fertilization

    Red or green : Overprinting of the climatic signal in Miocene sediments, South China Sea (IODP Expedition 368, Site U1502)

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    Funding Information: Support was provided by Chinese 111 (HW), ECORD (SS), Korean IODP (DC), National Science Foundation (ECF), Natural Environment Research Council (SAB) and U.S. Science Support Program, Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory (ECF, PP). Marco Maffione, an anonymous reviewer, the Associate Editor and Max Coleman are kindly acknowledged. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Terra Nova published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Peer reviewedPublisher PD