3,708 research outputs found

    On the high coherence of kilo-Hz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations

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    We have carried out a systematic study of the properties of the kilo-Hertz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) observed in the X-ray emission of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U1608-52, using archival data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We have investigated the quality factor, Q, of the oscillations (defined as the ratio of the frequency of the QPO peak to its full width at half maximum). In order to minimise the effect of long-term frequency drifts, power spectra were computed over the shortest times permitted by the data statistics. We show that the high Q of ~200 reported by Berger et al. (1996) for the lower frequency kilo-Hz QPO in one of their observations is by no means exceptional, as we observe a mean Q value in excess of 150 in 14 out of the 21 observations analysed and Q can remain above 200 for thousands of seconds. The frequency of the QPO varies over the wide range 560--890 Hz and we find a systematic trend for the coherence time of the QPO, estimated as tau=Q /(pi nu), to increase with the frequency, up to a maximum level at ~ 800 Hz, beyond which it appears to decrease, at frequencies where the QPO weakens. There is a more complex relationship between tau and the QPO root mean squared amplitude (RMS), in which positive and negative correlations can be found. A higher-frequency QPO, revealed by correcting for the frequency drift of the 560-890 Hz one, has a much lower Q (~10) which does not follow the same pattern. We discuss these results in the framework of competing QPO models and show that those involving clumps orbiting within or above the accretion disk are ruled out.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 Table

    RXTE Studies of X-ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate in 4U 1915-05

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    We present the results of detailed spectral studies of the ultra-compact low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1915-05 carried out with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) during 1996. 4U 1915-05 is an X-ray burster (XRB) known to exhibit a ~199-day modulation in its 2--12 keV flux. Observations were performed with the PCA and HEXTE instruments on RXTE at roughly one-month intervals to sample this long-term period and study accretion rate-related spectral changes. We obtain good fits with a model consisting of a blackbody and an exponentially cut-off power law. The spectral parameters are strongly correlated with both the broad-band (2--50 keV) luminosity and the position in the color-color diagram, with the source moving from a low hard state to a high soft state as the accretion rate increases. The blackbody component appears to drive the spectral evolution. Our results are consistent with a geometry in which the soft component arises from an optically thick boundary layer and the hard component from an extended Comptonizing corona. Comparing our results with those of a similar study of the brighter source 4U 1820-30 (Bloser et al. 2000), we find that the two ultra-compact LMXBs occupy similar spectral states even though the transitions occur at very different total luminosities.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, 8 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Hard X-ray Bursts Recorded by the IBIS Telescope of the INTEGRAL Observatory in 2003-2009

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    To find X-ray bursts from sources within the field of view of the IBIS/INTEGRAL telescope, we have analysed all the archival data of the telescope available at the time of writing the paper (the observations from January 2003 to April 2009). We have detected 834 hard (15-25 keV) X-ray bursts, 239 of which were simultaneously recorded by the JEM-X/INTEGRAL telescope in the standard X-ray energy range. More than 70% of all bursts (587 events) have been recorded from the well-known X-ray burster GX 354-0. We have found upper limits on the distances to their sources by assuming that the Eddington luminosity limit was reached at the brightness maximum of the brightest bursts.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    The Wide-Field X and Gamma-Ray Telescope ECLAIRs aboard the Gamma-Ray Burst Multi-Wavelength Space Mission SVOM

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    The X and Gamma-ray telescope ECLAIRs is foreseen to be launched on a low Earth orbit (h=630 km, i=30 degrees) aboard the SVOM satellite (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor), a French-Chinese mission with Italian contribution. Observations are expected to start in 2013. It has been designed to detect and localize Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) or persistent sources of the sky, thanks to its wide field of view (about 2 sr) and its remarkable sensitivity in the 4-250 keV energy range, with enhanced imaging sensitivity in the 4-70 keV energy band. These characteristics are well suited to detect highly redshifted GRBs, and consequently to provide fast and accurate triggers to other onboard or ground-based instruments able to follow-up the detected events in a very short time from the optical wavelength bands up to the few MeV Gamma-Ray domain.Comment: Proccedings of the "2008 Nanjing GRB Conference", June 23-27 2008, Nanjing, Chin

    Top Quark Spin Polarization in ep Collision

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    We discuss the degree of spin polarization of single top quarks produced via WgWg fusion process in epep collision at TESLA+HERAp and CLIC+LHC energies s=1.6\sqrt{s}=1.6 and 5.3 TeV. For eb→tνˉeb \to t \bar{\nu} subprocess we show that the top quark spin is completely polarized when the spin basis is chosen in the direction of the incoming positron beam in the rest frame of top quark. A description on how to combine the cross sections of e+b→tνˉe^{+}b\to t\bar{\nu} and e+g→tbˉνˉe^{+}g\to t\bar{b}\bar{\nu} processes is given. e+e^{+}-beam direction is taken to be the favorite top quark spin decomposition axis in its rest frame and it is found to be comparable with the ones in pppp collision. It is argued that theoretical simplicity and experimental clearness are the advantage of epep collision.Comment: Revised version of Phys. Rev. D69 (2004)03401

    The ECLAIRs micro-satellite mission for gamma-ray burst multi-wavelength observations

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), at least those with a duration longer than a few seconds are the most energetic events in the Universe and occur at cosmological distances. The ECLAIRs micro-satellite, to be launched in 2009, will provide multi-wavelength observations of GRB, to study their astrophysics and to use them as cosmological probes. Furthermore in 2009 ECLAIRs is expected to be the only space borne instrument capable of providing a GRB trigger in near real-time with sufficient localization accuracy for GRB follow-up observations with the powerful ground based spectroscopic telescopes available by then. A "Phase A study" of the ECLAIRs project has recently been launched by the French Space Agency CNES, aiming at a detailed mission design and selection for flight in 2006. The ECLAIRs mission is based on a CNES micro-satellite of the "Myriade" family and dedicated ground-based optical telescopes. The satellite payload combines a 2 sr field-of-view coded aperture mask gamma-camera using 6400 CdTe pixels for GRB detection and localization with 10 arcmin precision in the 4 to 50 keV energy band, together with a soft X-ray camera for onboard position refinement to 1 arcmin. The ground-based optical robotic telescopes will detect the GRB prompt/early afterglow emission and localize the event to arcsec accuracy, for spectroscopic follow-up observations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the conference "New Developments in Photodetection", Beaune (France), June 25005. Submitted to NIM-A (Elsevier Science

    A Hard Look at NGC 5347: Revealing a Nearby Compton-thick AGN

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    Current measurements show that the observed fraction of Compton-thick (CT) active galactic nuclei (AGN) is smaller than the expected values needed to explain the cosmic X-ray background. Prior fits to the X-ray spectrum of the nearby Seyfert-2 galaxy NGC 5347 (z = 0.00792, D = 35.5 Mpc ) have alternately suggested a CT and Compton-thin source. Combining archival data from Suzaku, Chandra, and—most importantly—new data from NuSTAR, ... See full text for complete abstrac

    A Soft X-Ray Spectral Episode for the Clocked Burster, GS 1826-24 as Measured by Swift and NuSTAR

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    We report on NuSTAR and Swift observations of a soft state of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GS 1826-24, commonly known as the "clocked" burster. The transition to the soft state was recorded in 2014 June through an increase of the 2-20 keV source intensity measured by MAXI, simultaneous with a decrease of the 15-50 keV intensity measured by Swift/BAT. The episode lasted approximately two months, after which the source returned to its usual hard state. We analyze the broad-band spectrum measured by Swift/XRT and NuSTAR, and estimate the accretion rate during the soft episode to be about 13% of Eddington, within the range of previous observations. However, the best fit spectral model, adopting the double Comptonization used previously, exhibits significantly softer components. We detect seven type-I X-ray bursts, all significantly weaker (and with shorter rise and decay times) than observed previously. The burst profiles and recurrence times vary significantly, ruling out the regular bursts that are typical for this source. One burst exhibited photospheric radius expansion, and we estimate the source distance at about (5.7 / xi_b^1/2) kpc, where xi_b parameterizes the possible anisotropy of the burst emission. Interpreting the soft state as a transition from an optically thin inner flow to an optically thick flow passing through a boundary layer, as is commonly observed in similar systems, is contradicted by the lower optical depth measured for the double Comptonization model we find for this soft state. The effect of a change in disk geometry on the burst behavior remains unclear.Comment: 40 pages (single-column, doubled spaced format), 9 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Ap
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