230 research outputs found

    The effect of Bothriocephalus invasion on blood parameters of grass carp

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    In summer 1994, 30 grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were caught from a pond culture and blood sampling was done, while the fish were alive, for ichthyohaernatologicall examination. The fish and blood were brought to the laboratory, the digestive tract and internal organs of fish were examined for parasitological investigation. Eleven fishes were infected by a tape worm (Bothriocephalus) seriously. Number of parasites in intestine of each fish specimen was between 70 -80 and they cause intestinal obstipation. Amount of haemoglobin, haematocrit value and erythrocyte in infected fishes was lower than healthy fishes

    Evaluation of Confounders in Toxoplasmosis Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Assay

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    Background: The IFA test is one of the most usual methods for detecting anti-Toxoplasma antibod­ies, although it has not any unique standardization. It seems that the microscopic judg­ment of results is an important confounder in IFA test. Therefore, we conducted the present study to clarify the role of microscopic observer, and other confounders on the test.Methods: Eighty sera were collected from patients suspicious to toxoplasmosis for detection IgG anti-T. gondii by this test. Samples were examined against different series of antigens, IgG anti-human conjugates, and observers.Results: There were no significant differences between the two series of antigens and conjugates. For the observers groups the kappa coefficient of the test results in the experts group (0.97, 0.94-1.00) were significantly higher than the less experienced observers (0.77, 0.68-0.87).Conclusion: We recommend the IFA test to be performed only in reference laboratories and by laboratory technicians that have enough experience for this test. Otherwise, we suggest the substitution of this test with other tests like ELISA for the diagnosis and epidemiological studies

    Design, construction, sequence analysis and bioinformatics study of RTB-ipaD gene cassette: A new way in generation of Shigellosis vaccine

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    زمینه و هدف: شیگلا شایع ترین عامل اسهال می‌باشد. آنتی‌ژن پلاسمیدی IpaD برای تهاجم باکتری به درون سلول میزبان ضروری می‌باشد. یکی از چالش‌ها در باره واکسن مخاطی علیه شیگلا بر پایه پروتئین IpaD قدرت پایین آن می‌باشد. به نظر می‌رسد که با متصل کردن IpaD به یک ناقل و ادجوانت مناسب همچون زیر واحد B سم ریسین، می‌توان پروتئین IpaD را بسیار ایمنوژنیک نمود. این مطالعه به منظور تولید وکتور بیانی نوترکیب دارای کاست ژنی RTB-ipaD، آنالیز تعیین توالی و بررسی بیوانفورماتیکی آن انجام گرفته است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه ژن های RTB و (163-483) ipaD در وکتور pGEM-T همسانه‌سازی شدند. ژن ipaD به روش برش آنزیمی با ژن RTB به همراه لینکر کد کننده GPGP در وکتور pGEM متصل شد. سپس قطعه کایمریک RTB-ipaD در وکتور بیانی pET28a(+) زیر همسانه‌سازی گردید. در پایان آنالیز تعیین توالی و بررسی بیوانفورماتیکی کاست ژنی انجام گرفت. یافته‌ها: صحت ساخت کاست ژنی RTB-ipaD در وکتور بیانی pET28a(+) با واکنش PCR و هضم آنزیمی مورد تایید قرار گرفت. نتایج حاصل از تعیین توالی کاست ژنی مطابق با توالی ذخیره شده در بانک ژنی بود. مطالعات بیوانفورماتیکی بر مبنای شاخص سازگاری کدون نشان داد این کاست قابلیت بیان در گیاه ترانس ژن و برخی سویه های باکتری اشرشیاکلی را دارد. نتیجه‌گیری: اتصال RTB به عنوان ناقل و ادجوانت به آنتی‌ژن IpaD رویکردی نوین و مطلوب در جهت تولید واکسن مخاطی شیگلوزیس می‌باش

    Study on Mahshahr creeks (north of Persian Gulf) as protected area

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    In recent years MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) have been known as a flexible tool to improve fishery management as well as to preserve biodiversity in valuable coastal waters habitats. This study was conducted to selecting the sensitive and high potential area that are impacted by several environmental stress and associated habitats are being damaged in Mahshahr creeks in Northwest of Persian Gulf. Study was done in eight creeks from October 2005 to September 2006. Different biotic parameters such as phytoplanktons, zooplankton, macro zooplankton, benthic animals and fishes (trawled species) communities and also physico-chemical parameters and sediments heavy metals were investigated. Different parameters were sampled monthly or seasonal from each creek. Water samples with bottle sampler and sediment were collected by Peterson grab. Several ecological and biological indices based on heavy metals and benthic communities were used. Concentrations of heavy metals were measured by using voltammetric plarography method (Methrom 797). The range and mean concentrations obtained in mg/kg were 35.16-15.03 (27.01) for Cu, 171.41-65.57 (102.672) for Ni, 20.06-4.63 (13.22) for Co, 0.78-0.093 (0.22) for Hg, 379-65.07 (113.7) for Zn, 1.00-0.27 (0.559) for Cd and 29.72-7.09 (14.66) for Pb. To evaluate the levels of sediment contaminations, the background values of the different heavy metals were calculated and contamination factor for each metals and degree of contamination for each creek determined as well. Measured concentrations were compared with International standards. Ultimately the heavy metals contamination factors (Cf) can be arranged as follows: Hg> Zn> Cu≥ Ni> Pb≥ Co > Cd and according to contamination degree (Cd), different creeks can be arranged as follows too: Ghannam> Ahmady≥ Zangy> Doragh≥ Darvish> ghazaleh> Patil> Bihad Regarding the results some elements such as Hg, Zn and Ni, are at risk level and all of the studied creeks are classified in moderate degree of pollution except Ghannam showing considerable degree of pollution. The benthic invertebrates are a well-established target in evaluations of environmental quality status. The AMBI (AZTI,s Marine Biotic Index) was developed to determine the impacts and the quality status in softbottom marine benthic communities. All creeks are characterized by muddy bottom. Macrobenthic animals, according to their sensitivity to an increasing stress gradient, classified in five ecological groups. In present study due to appearance of dominant species such as Capitella sp and nematodes (as opportunist species), diversity values was reduced. Two way ANOVAs showed only seasonal significant differences in mean abundance (P<0.05, f=5.712, df: 3,21) and Richness index values (p<0.05, f= 4.975, df=3,21), while all of creeks showed similar biological characters based on benthic communities. According to annual, mean of AMBI (BC) all of creeks classified in ecological group III with slightly pollution, except Darvish that was placed in unpolluted category. In general, according to AMBI and BI values, The most creeks are classified in unpolluted (34%) and slightly pollution (34%) categories except Zangy, Doragh and Patil in summer and also Zangy and Bihad in winter that showed moderate to heavily pollution (32%). The results of chemical quality of sediments, Cf values, Cd values, AMBI Index and water quality and risk Indices have confirmed each other. In general, the Mahshahr creeks are classified in moderate to heavy pollution status. In addition, biological parameters of benthic communities and other biotic parameters have showndescending trend in ecological quality in all of the studied creeks. Communities. According to annual, mean of AMBI (BC) all of creeks classified in ecological group III with slightly pollution, except Darvish that was placed in unpolluted category. In general, according to AMBI and BI values, the most creeks are classified in unpolluted (34%) and slightly pollution (34%) categories except Zangy, Doragh and Patil in summer and also Zangy and Bihad in winter that showed moderate to heavily pollution (32%). The results of chemical quality of sediments, Cf values, Cd values, AMBI Index and water quality and risk Indices have confirmed each other. In general, the Mahshahr creeks are classified in moderate to heavy pollution status. In addition, biological parameters of benthic communities and other biotic parameters have showndescending trend in ecological quality in all of the studied creeks. We used of some criteria for evaluation of biotic potential or sensitivity and also to explain the ecological health level of studied creeks. Positive and negative criteria are classified in three level 1, 3 and 5 for low, moderate and high degree of conservation value respectively. According to gained points the creeks Darvish, Doragh and Ghazaleh in high level and creeks Ghannam , Zangy and ahmady in low level of conservation value were classified

    Detection of SARS-coronavirus-2 in the central nervous system of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome and seizures

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    This study was designed to evaluate whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) can directly target the central nervous system (CNS). We present four patients suffering from the loss of consciousness and seizure during the clinical course of COVID-19 infection. In addition to positive nasopharyngeal swab tests, SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in their cerebrospinal fluid. This report indicates the neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV-2, suggesting the ability of this virus to spread from the respiratory tract to the CNS. © 2021, Journal of NeuroVirology, Inc

    Effects of Artemia parthenogenetica culturing on socioeconomic development of the eastern marginal lands, Qom Salt Lake

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    Saltwater resources with Artemia (Brine shrimp) are the important ecosystems in Semi-arid Areas. That can play an important role in sustaining the economic and social system. Alternatively, will ensure that economic and social issues with of continuity and sustainability of these ecosystems resident. This study carried out "Effects of Artemia parthenogenetica culturing on socio-economic development of the eastern marginal lands, Qom Salt Lake" that was ordered by Qom province general directorate of fisheries during the 2012-2013. According to previous studies, despite the potential of human resources and Social conditions for the development of economic activities, factors such as the low groundwater and drying the salt lake , lack of fresh water in the region, environmental problems , successive droughts, prioritize and rationalize water use in agriculture, Artemia cyst harvest or Artemia culture has made virtually impossible with the current situation and has deprived the tools to make investments for the construction of earthen ponds and exploitation of native Artemia in the eastern margin of the Qom lake . Also, due to the occurrence of the Lake in the national park and privacy protection and Prohibited areas of environmental protection organization, it seems unlikely that this organization grant approval agreement required for any exploitation

    Evaluation of the large pelagic fishes (Scomberidae family) for optimum exploitation level in the Persian Gulf

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    Reproductive biology, Diet and population dynamics parameters of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, in the Persian Gulf were studied during 2011-2012. Fork length frequencies were collected from the commercial catch and from the current fishery nets (gill nets with 9 and 14cm mesh size) at the landing places. During 5 periods in October, December, March, April and July 20-40 specimens were also purchased from the fishermen at several landing sites to investigate and recording of data for feeding and reproductive conditions. Fork length (FL) of 2742 fishes was recorded to the nearest cm and weight of the specimens were measured to the nearest 0.01kg. FiSAT program was used to assess growth and mortality parameters. Reproductive maturity stages were assessed macroscopically using a five element scheme based on gonad size and appearance. The numbers of ovaries were fixed and preserved in 10% formalin. Central sections were embedded in wax, sectioned Hematoxylin–Eosin stains. For this subset, gonad maturation was categorized histological using a simplified five-stage description scheme and compared with the macroscopic assessments for validation. A Gonosomatic index (GSI) was also calculated for each fish. Feeding condition results showed that, sardines are the major prey of S. commerson. Pony fishes, Haltbeak and Indian mackerel were observed in the stomach content. These preys can be assumed as a secondary or accidental food items. Liver Somatic Index (HSI) was maximum in April and minimum in July. The annual instantaneous rate of fishing mortality (F= 0.42 year^−1) was considerably greater than the target (Fopt= 0.28) and limit (Flimit= 0.37) biological reference points, suggesting that the stock is heavily overexploited. Feeding and nutrition results showed that sardines are the major items prey of king S. commerson. Ponyfish, haltbeak and Indian mackerel fishes were observed in diet that can be considered as secondary or accidental foods. Maximum and minimum of Kn index was in October (9.3) and in March respectively. Liver Somatic Index (HSI) was the highest rate in February (1.70) and the lowest in July (0.85) that indicated on the worst and the best condition of fish in the mentioned periods respectively. No difference was observed in the weight stomach index and weight index (SI) in two sexes and it was about 0.09. The smallest of fish was observed 17cm FL and the biggest was 152cm FL. The mean size of fork length frequency was observed from maximum108cm (SD= 24) in February to minimum 29.4cm (SD= 5.5) in September. Based on growth curve analysis, growth parameters, K and L_∞ were estimated 0.23year^−1 and 156.45 cm respectively. Instantaneous total mortality (Z), was 1.13 year^−1 . The estimate of M was 0.43 year^−1 and thus, the estimate of F was0.7 year^−1 . This translates to an exploitation rate (F/Z) of 0.69 year^−1 . Target (Fopt) and limit (Flimit) biological reference points were calculated 0.17 year^−1 and 0.22 year^−1 respectively. The size at capture at a probability of 0.25 (L25), 0.5 (L.5) and 0.75 (L.75) was35.84 cm, 40.28cm and 61.98 cm respectively. Tmax was calculated as 3/K equal to 6 years. Matured females (Stages III, IV) were observed between mostly between April to July. By July, most fishes were in ripped and spent stages (StagesIV, V) indicating the end of the spawning season. The result of GSI avtivity in 153 male and female fish indicated the highest reproductive activity from April to July with the peak of July. The present study results shows that the highest of catch rate were done in 1 and 2 years olds of fish. Although exploitation rate have not indicated over fishing but Fopt and Flimit rates are less than fishing mortality that shows overexploitation was happened. Changes of the mesh size in the gillnet of 9cm and the size of the nets should be considered. Banning of the king mackerel catch in the June and July that is the spawning peak period can be helped to the brood stocks

    An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics

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    For a decade, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program collected clinicopathologic annotation data along with multi-platform molecular profiles of more than 11,000 human tumors across 33 different cancer types. TCGA clinical data contain key features representing the democratized nature of the data collection process. To ensure proper use of this large clinical dataset associated with genomic features, we developed a standardized dataset named the TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource (TCGA-CDR), which includes four major clinical outcome endpoints. In addition to detailing major challenges and statistical limitations encountered during the effort of integrating the acquired clinical data, we present a summary that includes endpoint usage recommendations for each cancer type. These TCGA-CDR findings appear to be consistent with cancer genomics studies independent of the TCGA effort and provide opportunities for investigating cancer biology using clinical correlates at an unprecedented scale. Analysis of clinicopathologic annotations for over 11,000 cancer patients in the TCGA program leads to the generation of TCGA Clinical Data Resource, which provides recommendations of clinical outcome endpoint usage for 33 cancer types

    The comparative study of the streptococcinum, Hepar sulfur, Rosmarinus officinalis and erythromycin effects on cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with experimental streptococcusis.

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    The comparative study of the streptococcinum, Hepar sulfur, Rosmarinus officinalis and erythromycin effects on cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with experimental streptococcosis Homeopathy is one of alternative medicines that is very useful for soul and body diseases with accurate prescription. The goal of this study was “survey of the effects of homeopathic remedies. There is not any more research about homeopathy on aquatics in the world especially in Iran, thus Some research about the effects of homeopathy on aquatics is needed. In this study, the effects of streptococcinum, Hepar sulfure, Rosmarinus officinalis(homeopathic remedies) and erythromycin in cultured rainbow trout, with experimental streptococcosis, also the mortality, were compared. There was 6 treatment and 2 reviews in 300 liter tanks that each of treatment contained 40 juvenile rainbow trout with 25±5 gr arrange weight. Treatment 1: contained of erythromycin. Treatment 2: Streptococcinum C30. Treatment 3: Rosmarinus officinalis Q. Treatment 4: Hepar sulfur C30 . Treatment 5:(control treatment )without any injection and any therapy. Treatment 6: (positive control treatment) with injection but without any therapy. Daily estimation of the water temperature, oxygen, pH and salinity and some other chemical factors. Tretment 1 had significance with the other treatments. Survival percent in treatments and their analysis showed that treatment 4(Hep-s) had significance (p<0.05) with treatment 3(Ros-off) and its survival percent is more than the other homeopathic remedies. Erythromycin is chemical drug and has many side effects but Hep-s has not any side effect and is an natural remedy for Streptococcosis in homeopathy. Thus we offer the Hep-s to cure the streptococcosis but some research with disk diffusion test about the different doses of Hep-s is needed. Daily survey of clinical symptoms such as hemorrhages in the external organs, Under eyes, under skin, under fins and gills, hemorrhages and exophthalmos, were the most symptoms. Important pathological symptoms were: necrosis, hyperplasia and melanosis in branches, liver and kidneys, hemorrhages in heart, kidneys and in visceral tissues. According to the survival results, there was significant difference between the treatment 1 and the other treatments (p<0.05). Also there was significant difference between treatment 3, treatment 4 and treatment 2(p<0.05), this difference is due to the high dose(Q) of R.officinalis, while the two other homeopathic remedies were in a moderated dose (C30), 30× 100 diluted dose. Survival percent of treatment 4(Hep-s) was more than the other homeopathic remedies and was related to erythromycin. Erythromycin is chemical medicine and has many side effects, while Hepar sulfur has not any side effects if the prescription would be accurate. Hep-s is suggested with disk diffusion tests for relief the symptoms of streptococcosis