2,013 research outputs found

    CG J1720-67.8: A Detailed Analysis of Optical and Infrared Properties of a New Ultracompact Group of Galaxies

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    We present here optical spectroscopy and BVRJHK(s) photometry of the recently discovered ultra-compact group of galaxies CG J1720-67.8. This work represents a considerable extension of the preliminary results we presented in a previous paper. Despite the complicated morphology of the group, a quantitative morphological classification of the three brightest members of the group is attempted based on photometric analysis. We find that one galaxy is consistent with a morphological type S0, while the other two are most probably late-type spirals that are already losing their identity due tothe interaction process. Information on the star formation activity and dust content derived from both spectroscopic data and optical and near-infrared colors are complemented with a reconstruction of far-infrared (FIR) maps from IRAS raw data. Enhanced star formation activity is revealed in all the group's members, including the early-type galaxy and the extended tidal tail, along which several tidal dwarf galaxy candidates are identified. The metallicity of the gaseous component is investigated and photoionization models are applied to the three main galaxies of the group, while a detailed study of the tidal dwarf candidates will appear in a companion paper. Subsolar metal abundances are found for all the three galaxies, the highest values being shown by the early-type galaxy (Z ~ 0.5 Zsolar).Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Optimizing CIGB-300 intralesional delivery in locally advanced cervical cancer

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    Background:We conducted a phase 1 trial in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer by injecting 0.5 ml of the CK2-antagonist CIGB-300 in two different sites on tumours to assess tumour uptake, safety, pharmacodynamic activity and identify the recommended dose.Methods:Fourteen patients were treated with intralesional injections containing 35 or 70 mg of CIGB-300 in three alternate cycles of three consecutive days each before standard chemoradiotherapy. Tumour uptake was determined using 99 Tc-radiolabelled peptide. In situ B23/nucleophosmin was determined by immunohistochemistry.Results:Maximum tumour uptake for CIGB-300 70-mg dose was significantly higher than the one observed for 35 mg: 16.1±8.9 vs 31.3±12.9 mg (P=0.01). Both, AUC 24h and biological half-life were also significantly higher using 70 mg of CIGB-300 (P<0.001). Unincorporated CIGB-300 diffused rapidly to blood and was mainly distributed towards kidneys, and marginally in liver, lungs, heart and spleen. There was no DLT and moderate allergic-like reactions were the most common systemic side effect with strong correlation between unincorporated CIGB-300 and histamine levels in blood. CIGB-300, 70 mg, downregulated B23/nucleophosmin (P=0.03) in tumour specimens.Conclusion:Intralesional injections of 70 mg CIGB-300 in two sites (0.5 ml per injection) and this treatment plan are recommended to be evaluated in phase 2 studies.Fil: Sarduy, M. R.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: García, I.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Coca, M. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Perera, A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Torres, L. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Valenzuela, C. M.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Baladrón, I.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Solares, M.. Hospital Materno Ramón González Coro; CubaFil: Reyes, V.. Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology Havana; CubaFil: Hernández, I.. Isotope Center; CubaFil: Perera, Y.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Martínez, Y. M.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: Molina, L.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: González, Y. M.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: Ancízar, J. A.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Prats, A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: González, L.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Casacó, C. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Acevedo, B. E.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: López Saura, P. A.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Alonso, Daniel Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, R.. Elea Laboratories; ArgentinaFil: Perea Rodríguez, S. E.. Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology Havana; Cuba. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; Cub

    Patient safety in dentistry: development of a candidate 'never event' list for primary care

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    Introduction The 'never event' concept is often used in secondary care and refers to an agreed list of patient safety incidents that 'should not happen if the necessary preventative measures are in place'. Such an intervention may raise awareness of patient safety issues and inform team learning and system improvements in primary care dentistry. Objective To identify and develop a candidate never event list for primary care dentistry. Methods A literature review, eight workshops with dental practitioners and a modified Delphi with 'expert' groups were used to identify and agree candidate never events. Results Two-hundred and fifty dental practitioners suggested 507 never events, reduced to 27 distinct possibilities grouped across seven themes. Most frequently occurring themes were: 'checking medical history and prescribing' (119, 23.5%) and 'infection control and decontamination' (71, 14%). 'Experts' endorsed nine candidate never event statements with one graded as 'extreme risk' (failure to check past medical history) and four as 'high risk' (for example, extracting wrong tooth). Conclusion Consensus on a preliminary list of never events was developed. This is the first known attempt to develop this approach and an important step in determining its value to patient safety. Further work is necessary to develop the utility of this method

    The night-sky at the Calar Alto Observatory II: The sky at the near infrared

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    We present here the characterization of the night sky-brightness at the near-infrared, the telescope seeing, and the fraction of useful time at the Calar Alto observatory. For this study we have collected a large dataset comprising 7311 near-infrared images taken regularly along the last four years for the ALHAMBRA survey (J, H and Ks-bands), together with a more reduced dataset of additional near-infrared images taken for the current study. In addition we collected the information derived by the meteorological station at the observatory during the last 10 years, together with the results from the cloud sensor for the last ~2 years. We analyze the dependency of the near-infrared night sky-brightness with the airmass and the seasons, studying its origins and proposing a zenithal correction. A strong correlation is found between the night sky-brightness in the Ks-band and the air temperature, with a gradient of ~ -0.08 mag per 1 C degree. The typical (darkest) night sky-brightness in the J, H and Ks-band are 15.95 mag (16.95 mag), 13.99 mag (14.98 mag) and 12.39 mag (13.55 mag), respectively. These values show that Calar Alto is as dark in the near-infrared as most of the other astronomical astronomical sites in the world that we could compare with. Only Mauna Kea is clearly darker in the Ks-band. The typical telescope seeing at the 3.5m is ~1.0" when converted to the V-band, being only slightly larger than the atmospheric seeing measured at the same time by the seeing monitor, ~0.9". Finally we estimate the fraction of useful time based on the relative humidity, gust wind speed and presence of clouds. This fraction, ~72%, is very similar to the one derived in Paper I, based on the fraction of time when the extinction monitor is working.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted to be published in PAS

    Microscopic understanding of ultrafast charge transfer in van-der-Waals heterostructures

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    Van-der-Waals heterostructures show many intriguing phenomena including ultrafast charge separation following strong excitonic absorption in the visible spectral range. However, despite the enormous potential for future applications in the field of optoelectronics, the underlying microscopic mechanism remains controversial. Here we use time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy combined with microscopic many-particle theory to reveal the relevant microscopic charge transfer channels in epitaxial WS2_2/graphene heterostructures. We find that the timescale for efficient ultrafast charge separation in the material is determined by direct tunneling at those points in the Brillouin zone where WS2_2 and graphene bands cross, while the lifetime of the charge separated transient state is set by defect-assisted tunneling through localized sulphur vacanices. The subtle interplay of intrinsic and defect-related charge transfer channels revealed in the present work can be exploited for the design of highly efficient light harvesting and detecting devices.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure

    2I-SBRT leveraging eXaCradle

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    On the role of the upper part of words in lexical access : evidence with masked priming

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    More than 100 years ago, Huey (1908) indicated that the upper part of words was more relevant for perception than the lower part. Here we examined whether mutilated words, in their upper/lower portions (e.g., , , , ), can automatically access their word units in the mental lexicon. To that end, we conducted four masked repetition priming experiments with the lexical decision task. Results showed that mutilated primes produced a sizeable masked repetition priming effect. Furthermore, the magnitude of the masked repetition priming effect was greater when the upper part of the primes was preserved than when the lower portion was preserved –this was the case not only when the mutilated words were presented in lowercase but also when the mutilated words were presented in uppercase. Taken together, these findings suggest that the front-end of computational models of visual-word recognition should be modified to provide a more realistic account at the level of letter features.The research reported in this article has been partially supported by Grant PSI2008-04069/PSIC and CONSOLIDER-INGENIO2010 CSD2008-00048 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by Grant PTDC/PSI-PCO/104671/2008 from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

    Family History in the Iberian Peninsula during Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Interpretation through the Genetic Analysis of Plural Burials

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    Throughout history, it has been observed that human populations have buried the deceased members of their communities following different patterns. During the Copper Age and the Bronze Age-periods on which this study focuses-in the northern sub-plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, we identified different patterns of multiple or collective burial. This work analyzes a total of 58 individuals buried in different multiple or collective graves, to investigate whether the practice of these burials implies a family or biological link between individuals buried together. With this aim, STR markers of nuclear DNA were analyzed, as well as the hypervariable regions I and II of mitochondrial DNA, establishing both close kinship relationships and relationships through maternal lineage. We observed different burial patterns, detecting certain maternal lines preserved in some common burials maintained over time. Close family relationships were observed to a lesser extent, with some occasional exceptions. The results of the analysis formed the basis for a discussion on the concepts of family and community

    Characterizing active faults and associated mass transport deposits in the South Iberian Margin (Alboran Sean and Gulf of Cadiz): on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence

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    During the last years we have carried out successive high-resolution marine geological and geophysical surveys to investigate the seismic potential of the slow-moving seismogenic faults from the South Iberian Margin. Based on ,ultiscale acoustic mapping, sub-seafloor seismic imaging and dating methods we have characterized submarine fault systems with unprecedented resolution. We present primary paleoseismic evidence obtained by direct investigations of selected faults from theMediterranean Sea (i.e. Carboneras Fault, Bajo Segura Fault, Adra Fault) and the external part of the Gulf of Cadiz (i.e. Marques de Pombal Fault, Horseshoe Fault, Coral Patch Ridge Fault and SWIM lineaments). The obtained fault seismic parameters suggest that these faults are active and capable of generating large magnitude (Mw > 6) seismic events, representing an earthquake and tsunami hazard for the surrounding coastal areas. Secondary paleoseismic evidence in the SW Iberian Margin (based on landslides and turbidite deposits) yields a regional recurrence rate of large magnitude earthquake of 1800 - 2000 years