2,606 research outputs found

    Verfluchen im Frauendiskurs

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    Eine Fallstudie zur Klassifizierung von Wunschformeln, genauer: zum Fluchen türkischer Frauen. Flüche verstoßen gegen bestehende Normen und werden deshalb vor allem im privaten Bereich ausgesprochen, der Familie, der Gemeinschaft anderer Frauen. Ihr unabdingbarer Bezugsrahmen ist die Religion, da erst sie die magische Handlung des Fluchens tendenziell alltagsrelevant macht. Neben den Verwendungsbereichen werden die Verwendungsgründe analysiert, deren entscheidender die psychohygienische Funktion für die Verfluchende ist. Verfluchungen richten sich in der Regel gegen Abwesende, so dass die Anwesenden der Entlastung Resonanz geben. Anwesende werden nur dann verflucht, wenn sie zuvor selbst Verwünschungen ausgesprochen haben

    Repräsentation türkischer Frauen in der Presse

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    Drei türkische Zeitungen, Sabah, Milliyet und Hürriyet, werden daraufhin untersucht, wie sie türkische Frauen und deren Stellung innerhalb der Gesellschaft darstellen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 50 männliche und weibliche Universitätslehrkräfte nach ihren Meinungen gefragt. Es zeigt sich, dass die genannten Zeitungen stark normativ verfahren und gesellschaftliche Veränderungen weitgehend außer Acht lassen. Frauen treten als schwach und als Opfer männlicher Gewalt in Erscheinung. Die genannten Zeitungen sind strikt wertkonservativ, treten nicht für Frauen ein, sondern entsprechen der Mehrheitsmeinung ihrer Leserschaft. Allerdings versuchen sie, Frauen zu beeinflussen, wenn es darum geht, sie auf althergebrachte Vorstellungen festzulegen

    A Silver Bullet for the Treatment of Depression?

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    The search for a rapid-acting antidepressant has been a subject of intense research interest for several decades. The article by Lucas and colleagues in this issue of Neuron provides compelling evidence from preclinical animal models that drugs acting at the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor could finally achieve this goal. However, caution is warranted, as results from animal studies are not always predictive of therapeutic actions in humans

    The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Online Identity Construction: An Analysis of turkey's Banking Sector

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This study focuses on Turkey's banking sector and investigates the role of public relations and corporate social responsibility practices in constructing organizational identities through a thematic content analysis of banks' corporate websites. Based on social identity theory, the research reveals that regardless of its core business function, an organization must communicate non-economic social concerns to construct a public identity and gain legitimacy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Історія створення музею археології Волинського державного університету імені Лесі Українки

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    Purpose: This study investigated the comprehension of counterfactual conditionals in monolingual Turkish children with specific language impairment (SLI) and typically developing (TD) children. Comprehending counterfactuals requires a well-developed cognitive system (Beck, Riggs, & Gorniak, 2009). Children with SLI have impaired cognitive functioning (Im Bolter, Johnston, & Pascaul-Leone, 2006) and this impacts on their ability to comprehend counterfactuals. Method: The sample consisted of 13 children with SLI who were matched on age and nonverbal IQ with 13 TD children (mean age 6;9 [years; months] for both groups). Each group completed a sentence comprehension and repetition task with three sentence conditions: nonconditional, factual and counterfactual. Nonconditionals do not have if embedding whereas factual and counterfactual conditionals are morphosyntactically equivalent if-clauses, but only the latter is cognitively complex. Results: Conditionals were more difficult to comprehend than nonconditionals for both groups. Counterfactuals were more difficult to comprehend than the morphosyntactically equivalent factual counterparts for the SLI group. There was no discrepancy between the groups for repetition of counterfactuals and factuals. Conclusions: Children with SLI have difficulty processing counterfactuals due to morphosyntactic complexity (if-embedding) and the cognitive processes involved in comprehending counterfactuals. This indicates that cognitive complexity adds to sentence comprehension deficits in SLI

    Genetic relationships among some Hesperis L. (Brassicaceae) species from Turkey assessed by RAPD analysis

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    In this study the phylogenetic relations among infraspecific, specific and supraspecific categories of 6 taxa of the genus Hesperis collected from different parts of Turkey were investigated by RAPD analysis.The results of the RAPD analysis support the idea that H. bicuspidata (Sect. Hesperis), H. schischkinii (Sect. Mediterranea), H. pendula (Sect. Pachycarpos), H. breviscapa, H. kotschyi (Sect. Cvelevia) and H.cappadocica (Sect. Contorta) species need to be placed into different sections according to morphological characters. On the other hand, the phylogenetic order of the sections according to morphological characters and according to molecular data displayed some differences and evolutionary phylogenetic orders of the sections were redesigned. The phylogenetic relations among species were based on the samples H. breviscapa and H. kotschyi which take place in the same section.The accordance of morphological and molecular similarities was noticed for H. breviscapa and H. kotschyi species. Besides this, infraspecific taxonomic situations of H. schischkinii samples havinghairy and glabrous (non-hairy) fruits which show allopatric and sympatric spread were reassessed by RAPD analysis

    A rare cause of blepharoconjunctivitis: Phthiriasis palpebrarum

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    Letter to Edito