195 research outputs found

    JC polyomavirus infections in transplant patients

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    The polyomavirus JC virus (JCV) is a small nonenveloped DNA virus that asymptomatically infects about 80% of healthy adults and establishes latency in the kidney tissue. In case of immunodeficient hosts, JCV can lytically infect the oligodendrocytes, causing a fatal demyelinating disease, known as Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML). Although the reactivation of another human polyomavirus, BK Virus (BKV), is relatively common and its association with the Polyomavirus Associated Nephropathy (PVAN) following renal transplantation is assessed, JCV replication and its impact on graft function and survival is less well studied. In addition, none of the performed studies ruled out the hypothesis that JCV could be associated with certain post-trasplantation clinical syndromes. Thus, monitoring of Polyomaviruses infection, especially during the first 24 months post-transplantation, is recommended

    The Use of Antimalarial Drugs against Viral Infection

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    In recent decades, drugs used to treat malaria infection have been shown to be beneficial for many other diseases, including viral infections. In particular, they have received special attention due to the lack of effective antiviral drugs against new emerging viruses (i.e., HIV, dengue virus, chikungunya virus, Ebola virus, etc.) or against classic infections due to drug-resistant viral strains (i.e., human cytomegalovirus). Here, we reviewed the in vitro/in vivo and clinical studies conducted to evaluate the antiviral activities of four classes of antimalarial drugs: Artemisinin derivatives, aryl-aminoalcohols, aminoquinolines, and antimicrobial drugs

    Human Polyomaviruses: The Battle of Large and Small Tumor Antigens

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    About 40\u2009years ago, the large and small tumor antigens (LT-Ag and sT-Ag) of the polyomavirus (PyVs) simian vacuolating virus 40 have been identified and characterized. To date, it is well known that all the discovered human PyVs (HPyVs) encode these 2 multifunctional and tumorigenic proteins, expressed at viral replication early stage. The 2 T-Ags are able to transform cells both in vitro and in vivo and seem to play a distinct role in the pathogenesis of some tumors in humans. In addition, they are involved in viral DNA replication, transcription, and virion assembly. This short review focuses on the structural and functional features of the HPyVs' LT-Ag and sT-Ag, with special attention to their transforming properties

    Oxidative inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 on photoactive AgNPs@Tio2 ceramic tiles

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    The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic causes serious public health, social, and economic issues all over the globe. Surface transmission has been claimed as a possible SARS-CoV-2 infection route, especially in heavy contaminated environmental surfaces, including hospitals and crowded public places. Herein, we studied the deactivation of SARS-CoV-2 on photoactive AgNPs@TiO2 coated on industrial ceramic tiles under dark, UVA, and LED light irradiations. SARS-CoV-2 inactivation is effective under any light/dark conditions. The presence of AgNPs has an important key to limit the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in the dark; moreover, there is a synergistic action when TiO2 is decorated with Ag to enhance the virus photocatalytic inactivation even under LED. The radical oxidation was confirmed as the the central mechanism behind SARS-CoV-2 damage/inactivation by ESR analysis under LED light. Therefore, photoactive AgNPs@TiO2 ceramic tiles could be exploited to fight surface infections, especially during viral severe pandemics

    Human Polyomaviruses in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Neurological Patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Central nervous system (CNS) infections by human polyomaviruses (HPyVs), with the exception of JC (JCPyV), have been poorly studied. METHODS: In total, 234 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected from patients affected with neurological disorders. DNA was isolated and subjected to quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) for the detection of six HPyVs: JCPyV, BKPyV, Merkel cell PyV (MCPyV), HPyV6, HPyV7, and HPyV9. Where possible, the molecular characterization of the viral strains was carried out by nested PCR and automated sequencing. RESULTS: JCPyV was detected in 3/234 (1.3%), BKPyV in 15/234 (6.4%), MCPyV in 22/234 (9.4%), and HPyV6 in 1/234 (0.4%) CSF samples. JCPyV was detected at the highest (p < 0.05) mean load (3.7 7 107 copies/mL), followed by BKPyV (1.9 7 106 copies/mL), MCPyV (1.9 7 105 copies/mL), and HPyV6 (3.3 7 104 copies/mL). The noncoding control regions (NCCRs) of the sequenced viral strains were rearranged. CONCLUSIONS: HPyVs other than JCPyV were found in the CSF of patients affected with different neurological diseases, probably as bystanders, rather than etiological agents of the disease. However, the fact that they can be latent in the CNS should be considered, especially in immunosuppressed patients

    Allograft artery mycotic aneurysm after kidney transplantation: A case report and review of literature

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    BACKGROUND Allograft artery mycotic aneurysm (MA) represents a rare but life-threatening complication of kidney transplantation. Graftectomy is widely considered the safest option. Due to the rarity of the disease and the substantial risk of fatal consequences, experience with conservative strategies is limited. To date, only a few reports on surgical repair have been published. We describe a case of true MA successfully managed by aneurysm resection and arterial re-anastomosis. CASE SUMMARY An 18-year-old gentleman, on post-operative day 70 after deceased donor kidney transplantation, presented with malaise, low urinary output, and worsening renal function. Screening organ preservation fluid cultures, collected at the time of surgery, were positive for Candida albicans. Doppler ultrasound and contrastenhanced computer tomography showed a 4-cm-sized, saccular aneurysm of the iuxta-anastomotic segment of the allograft artery, suspicious for MA. The lesion was wide-necked and extended to the distal bifurcation of the main arterial branch, thus preventing endovascular stenting and embolization. After multidisciplinary discussion, the patient underwent surgical exploration, aneurysm excision, and re-anastomosis between the stump of the allograft artery and the internal iliac artery. The procedure was uneventful. Histology and microbiology evaluation of the surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of MA caused by Candida infection. Three years after the operation, the patient is doing very well with excellent allograft function and no signs of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION Surgical repair represents a feasible option in carefully selected patients with allograft artery MA. Anti-fungal prophylaxis is advised when preservation fluid cultures are positive

    Oncogenic Virome Benefits from the Different Vaginal Microbiome-Immune Axes.

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    The picture of dynamic interaction between oncogenic viruses and the vaginal bacteria-immune host milieu is incomplete. We evaluated the impact of Polyomaviridae, Papillomaviridae, and Herpesviridae oncoviruses on the vaginal Community State Types (CSTs) and host immune response in reproductive-age women. In our cohort, only Polyomaviridae and Papillomaviridae were detected and were associated with changes in the resident bacteria of CST I and IV (p < 0.05). Lactobacillus crispatus increased in CST I while Prevotella timonensis and Sneathia sanguinegens increased in CST IV. Conversely, CST II and III showed an alteration of the immune response, with the decrease of Eotaxin, MCP-1, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 (p < 0.05), leading to reduced antiviral efficacy. An efficient viral clearance was observed only in women from CST I, dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus. Our in vivo study begins to address the knowledge gap with respect to the role of vaginal bacteria and immune response in susceptibility to oncoviral infections

    Circulation of SARS-CoV-2 Variants among Children from November 2020 to January 2022 in Trieste (Italy)

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    Introduction: The ongoing coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) outbreak involves the pediatric population, but to date, few reports have investigated the circulation of variants among children. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, non-hospitalized pediatric patients with SARS-CoV-2-positive nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) were enrolled at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health-IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste (Italy), from November 2020 to January 2022. SARS-CoV-2 variants were identified by in vitro viral isolation, amplification, automatic sequencing of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike coding gene, and subsequent nextgeneration sequencing. The growth curves of the isolated strains were defined in vitro by infecting Vero-E6 cells and quantifying the viral load in the supernatants up to 72 h post-infection by qRT– PCR. The neutralization activity of sera obtained from a COVID-19 vaccinated subject, recovered (2020) patient, vaccinated and recovered (2021) patient, and seronegative subject was assessed by microneutralization assay against the different variants. Results: In total, 32 SARS-CoV-2-positive children, 16 (50%) females, with a median age of 1.4 years (range: 1 day–13 years), were enrolled. The D614G amino acid substitution was detected in all isolated and amplified viral strains. Of the 32 isolates, 4 (12.5%) carried a nonsynonymous nucleotide mutation leading to the N439K (3/4), lineage B.1.258 (∆H69/∆V70), and S477N (1/4) substitution. In 7/32 (21.8%) isolates, amino acid substitutions allowed the identification of a delta variant, lineage B.1.617.2-AY.43, and in 1/32 (3.1%), the Omicron strain (B.1.1.529.BA1) was identified. The growth curves of the B.1, B.1.258 (∆H69/∆V70), B.1.617.2-AY.43, and B.1.1.529.BA1 variants did not show any significant differences. A reduction in the serum neutralizing activity against B.1.258 (∆H69/∆V70) only in a vaccinated subject (1.7-fold difference), against B.1.617.2-AY.43 in a vaccinated subject and in recovered patients (12.7 and ≥2.5-fold differences, respectively), and against B.1.1.529.BA1 variant (57.6-and 1.4-fold differences in vaccinated and in vaccinated and recovered patients) were observed compared to the B.1 variant. Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 variants carrying the B.1.258 (∆H69/∆V70) and S477N substitutions were reported here in a pediatric population for the first time. Although the growth rates of the isolated strains (B.1.258, B.1.617.2-AY.43, B.1.1.529.BA1) did not differ from the B.1 variant, neutralizing activity of the sera from vaccinated subjects significantly decreased against these variants. Attention should be devoted to the pediatric population to prevent the spread of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in an unvaccinated and predominantly naive population

    Newly described human polyomaviruses Merkel Cell, KI and WU are present in urban sewage and may represent potential environmental contaminants

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    Recently, three new polyomaviruses (KI, WU and Merkel cell polyomavirus) have been reported to infect humans. It has also been suggested that lymphotropic polyomavirus, a virus of simian origin, infects humans. KI and WU polyomaviruses have been detected mainly in specimens from the respiratory tract while Merkel cell polyomavirus has been described in a very high percentage of Merkel cell carcinomas. The distribution, excretion level and transmission routes of these viruses remain unknown
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