565 research outputs found

    Tapered optical fibers as tools for probing magneto-optical trap characteristics

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    We present a novel technique for measuring the characteristics of a magneto-optical trap for cold atoms by monitoring the spontaneous emission from trapped atoms coupled into the guided mode of a tapered optical nanofiber. We show that the nanofiber is highly sensitive to very small numbers of atoms close to its surface. The size and shape of the MOT, determined by translating the cold atom cloud across the tapered fiber, is in excellent agreement with measurements obtained using the conventional method of fluorescence imaging using a CCD camera. The coupling of atomic fluorescence into the tapered fiber also allows us to monitor the loading and lifetime of the trap. The results are compared to those achieved by focusing the MOT fluorescence onto a photodiode and it was seen that the tapered fiber gives slightly longer loading and lifetime measurements due to the sensitivity of the fiber, even when very few atoms are present.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Linkage Non Multifinance

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    This study aims to determine the effect of NPF and profit-sharing ratio of linkage financing to non-multi-finance linkage at Bank BNI Syariah. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach with the type of associative research. The result of this research shows that there are simultaneous effects of NPF and profit-sharing ratio on non-multi-finance linkage. It is also known that the partial correlation between NPF and non-multi-finance linkages shows a significant influence. Likewise, the partial correlation between profit-sharing ratio and non-multi-finance linkages shows a significant influence. Based on the result of this study, profit-sharing ratio is more dominant in influencing non-multi-finance linkage. The conclusion of this study is that NPF and profit-sharing ratio are important factors in policy-making of approving a non-multi-finance linkage financing. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the state of NPF and Profit-Sharing Ratio, thus there will be no error in making decisions regarding non-multi-finance linkage financing


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    Kehadiran alat elektonik saat ini mempermudah masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatannya, satu diantaranya mempermudah membuat bukti transaksi. Nota elektronik merupakan bukti transakasi baru, yang dibuat oleh alat elektronik dan belum diakomodasi untuk dapat dijadikan sebagai alat bukti dalam hukum acara perdata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan hukum, kedudukan, dan kekuatan pembuktian nota elektronik sebagai alat bukti dalam hukum acara perdata.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu yuridis normatif, dengan mengakaji peraturan perundang-undangan. Adapaun hasil dari penelitian yaitu nota elektronik telah memiliki pengaturan hukum sebagai alat bukti, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Pasal 5 ayat 1 Undang-Undang No. 11 tahun 2008 jo Undang-Undang  Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE), dan telah memiliki kedudukan sebagai alat bukti dalam hukum acara perdata sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Pasal 5 ayat 2 (UU ITE), serta telah memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang dipersamakan dengan alat bukti tertulis. Kata Kunci: NOTA ELEKTRONIK, ALAT BUKTI, PERDATA

    Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Kulit Nanas dengan Metodeliquid State Fermentation (LSF) dengan Variasi Waktu dan Konsentrasi Inokulum

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    The world consumption of bioethanol for a variety of uses has increased very significantly in recent years. Pineapple skin is one of the potential materials to be processed into bioethanol. Availability of food waste material containing glucose as the skin is still fairly abundant pineapple and its utilization is limited only used for fertilizer and animal feed, so it is necessary for utilization of that adds value as well as a fairly high sugar content (13.65 % reducing sugar) makes the skin of pineapple has the potential to be processed into bioethanol. Through the process of fermentation using Zymomonas mobilis, glucose is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Preparation of starter inoculum carried by Zymomonas Mobilis process. Fermentation takes place in batches with a volume of 1 liter of fermentation medium, fermentation time variation of pH 5 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 days and inoculum concentration variation of 5 , 10 and 15 % (v / v). Stirring speed of 200 rpm and temperature of fermentation at room temperature (25o – 30oC). Bioethanol concentration was analyzed by using gas Chromathography Mass Spectroscopy. The process of optimum fermentation conditions shown in inoculum concentration of 10% v / v and 4 days fermentation time. The concentration of bioethanol obtained under these conditions is 43.10 % (v / v) or 23.75 g / ml

    The Effect of Ovaprim Doses on Ovulation and Egg Quality of Ingir-ingir (Mystus Nigriceps)

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    The research was conducted in June 2014 in the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty University of Riau. The research was to determine the effect of ovaprim on ovulation and egg quality of ingir-ingir (Mystus nigriceps). The method used is an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Treatment in this study were P0 (NaCl 0,9% dose of 1 ml / kg body weight) P1 (ovaprim dose of 0,5 ml / kg body weight) P2 (ovaprim dose of 0,7 ml/ kg body weight) and P3 (dose ovaprim 0,9 ml / kg body weight).The results of the research showed that the ovaprim doses 0.7 ml / kg body weight gave the optimum result inter of latent period (6,37 hours), number of egg striping (315 eggs / gram broodstock), increase the diameter eggs (0,038 mm) and percent increase egg maturation (14,3%), and the ovisomatik index (9,85%)

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium (Na-CMC) dari Selulosa Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dengan Media Reaksi Etanol-Isobutanol

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    Eceng gondok adalah salah satu tumbuhan bahan serat alam yang memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi. Kadar selulosa yang tinggi dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan Karboksimetil Selulosa Sodium (Na-CMC). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui karakteristik Karboksimetil Selulosa Sodium (Na-CMC) dari tanaman eceng gondok. dan mendapatkan variasi media reaksi terbaik dalam proses sintesis. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap pertama ekstraksi selulosa yang terdiri dari (dewaxing, dehemisellulose dan bleaching), tahap kedua yaitu tahap sintesis yang terdiri dari tahap pencampuran menggunakan media reaksi etanol-isobutanol (20:80, 50 : 50, 80:20). Tahap alkalisasi menggunakan NaOH 10% b / v, tahap karboksimetilasi menggunakan ClCH2COONa. Tahap ketiga adalah karakterisasi CMC yang terdiri dari uji organoleptik, sifat fisikokimia (pH, susut pengeringan sampel, viskositas dan derajat substitusi), uji kadar NaCl, uji kemurnian, analisis FT-IR. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa karakteristik CMC mendekati karakteristik standar Na-CMC dengan campuran media reaksi etanol-isobutanol 20:80 (v / v) dengan nilai DS 0,8560, kemurnian 93,7463% level, pH 6,5 dan viskositas. 302 cP

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Praktik Hygiene Sanitasi Penjamah Makanan di Kecamatan Kadugede Kabupaten Kuningan Tahun 2013

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    The efforts hygiene food sanitation is essential to maintaining public health. Know of 57 places the management of food and beverage in the area Kadugede health center distric examined only 40 paces food management (70,17%) were eligible. It is still lower the target in 2012 of 71,00%. The purpose of this study was to determine relationship of knowledge and attitudes of food handlers with hygiene sanitation place the food in Sub District of Kadugede of Kuningan District. Type of research is correlation analytic study using cross-sectional design. Populations in this study are food handlers where the processing power available in the working area kadugede health center distric of KuninganDistrict the total is 57 peoples. Samples in this study were taken by using purposive sampling technique, the data collected is primary data bad secondary data, while data analysis is univariate and bivariat analyze to determine the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variables using spearman rank test. Bivariate analyze knowledge relationships with food handlers practice hygiene food sanitation management place with ?=0,043 and r=0,269, attitudes relationship with food handlers practice hygiene with food sanitation management places value ?=0,033 and r=0,283. There is correlation between knowledge and attitudes of food handlers with hygiene sanitation practice place the food in the working area management kadugede health center distric of Kuningan district or health center of Kuningan District. Expected that the increase attitudes and practices of food handlers hygiene food sanitation management space, either by kadugede health center distric of Kuningan district and health offices of Kuningan District in the form of courses or training hygiene food sanitation either training hygiene food sanitation have to developed is more optimal implementation hygiene sanitation practices management foods
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