3,756 research outputs found

    Decoherence of spin echoes

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    We define a quantity, the so-called purity fidelity, which measures the rate of dynamical irreversibility due to decoherence, observed e.g in echo experiments, in the presence of an arbitrary small perturbation of the total (system + environment) Hamiltonian. We derive a linear response formula for the purity fidelity in terms of integrated time correlation functions of the perturbation. Our relation predicts, similarly to the case of fidelity decay, faster decay of purity fidelity the slower decay of time correlations is. In particular, we find exponential decay in quantum mixing regime and faster, initially quadratic and later typically gaussian decay in the regime of non-ergodic, e.g. integrable quantum dynamics. We illustrate our approach by an analytical calculation and numerical experiments in the Ising spin 1/2 chain kicked with tilted homogeneous magnetic field where part of the chain is interpreted as a system under observation and part as an environment.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Interactional positioning and narrative self-construction in the first session of psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy

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    The purpose of this study is to identify possible session one indicators of end of treatment psychotherapy outcome using the framework of three types of interactional positioning; client’s self-positioning, client’s positioning between narrated self and different partners, and the positioning between client and therapist. Three successful cases of 8-session psychodynamic-interpersonal (PI) therapy were selected on the basis of client Beck Depression Inventory scores. One unsuccessful case was also selected against which identified patterns could be tested. The successful clients were more descriptive about their problems and demonstrated active rapport-building, while the therapist used positionings expressed by the client in order to explore the positionings developed between them during therapy. The unsuccessful case was characterized by lack of positive self-comment, minimization of agentic self-capacity, and empathy-disrupting narrative confusions. We conclude that the theory of interactional positioning has been useful in identifying patterns worth exploring as early indicators of success in PI therapy

    Engineering fidelity echoes in Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians

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    We analyze the fidelity decay for a system of interacting bosons described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We find echoes associated with "non-universal" structures that dominate the energy landscape of the perturbation operator. Despite their classical origin, these echoes persist deep into the quantum (perturbative) regime and can be described by an improved random matrix modeling. In the opposite limit of strong perturbations (and high enough energies), classical considerations reveal the importance of self-trapping phenomena in the echo efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, use epl2.cls class, 5 figures Cross reference with nlin, quant-phy

    Spectral sum rules and finite volume partition function in gauge theories with real and pseudoreal fermions

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    Based on the chiral symmetry breaking pattern and the corresponding low-energy effective lagrangian, we determine the fermion mass dependence of the partition function and derive sum rules for eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator in finite Euclidean volume. Results are given for Nc=2N_c = 2 and for Yang-Mills theory coupled to several light adjoint Majorana fermions. They coincide with those derived earlier in the framework of random matrix theory.Comment: 22p., SUNY-NTG-94/18, TPI-MINN-94/10-

    Removal processes for tributyltin during municipal wastewater treatment

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2013 Springer.The fate and behaviour of tributyltin (TBT) at two wastewater treatment works was examined. Both sites had two inlet streams, and each utilised high rate biological filters (biofilters) on one the streams, before treatment of the combined flows on trickling filters, with one having additional tertiary processes, installed to remove ammonia and solids. The study was designed to determine if these processes enhanced the removal of TBT. Degradation of TBT was observed in one of the biofilters, possibly as a result of temperature and hydraulic loading. At the treatment works with tertiary processes, the mass flux showed the overall removal of TBT was 68 %, predominantly due to removal with solids in the primary settlement processes. However, overall removal of 95 % was observed in the conventional trickling filter works with 94 % of this due to biodegradation in the trickling filter. The two works both removed TBT, but at different treatment stages and by different processes. Differences in the form (solubility) of TBT in the influent may have attributed to this, although further understanding of factors controlling degradation would allow for a more complete assessment of the potential of biological processes to remove hazardous compounds from wastewaters.United Utilities PL

    A measurement of alphas(Q2)alpha_s(Q^2) from the Gross-Llewellyn Smith Sum Rule

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    We extract a set of values for the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule at different values of 4-momentum transfer squared (Q2Q^{2}), by combining revised CCFR neutrino data with data from other neutrino deep-inelastic scattering experiments for 1<Q2<15GeV2/c21 < Q^2 < 15 GeV^2/c^2. A comparison with the order αs3\alpha^{3}_{s} theoretical predictions yields a determination of αs\alpha_{s} at the scale of the Z-boson mass of 0.114±.012.0090.114 \pm^{.009}_{.012}. This measurement provides a new and useful test of perturbative QCD at low Q2Q^2, because of the low uncertainties in the higher order calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling Complex Nuclear Spectra - Regularity versus Chaos

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    A statistical analysis of the spectrum of two particle - two hole doorway states in a finite nucleus is performed. On the unperturbed mean-field level sizable attractive correlations are present in such a spectrum. Including particle-hole rescattering effects via the residual interaction introduces repulsive dynamical correlations which generate the fluctuation properties characteristic of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble. This signals that the underlying dynamics becomes chaotic. This feature turns out to be independent of the detailed form of the residual interaction and hence reflects the generic nature of the fluctuations studied.Comment: 8 pages of text (LATEX), figures (not included, available from the authors), Feb 9

    Self-pulsing effect in chaotic scattering

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    We study the quantum and classical scattering of Hamiltonian systems whose chaotic saddle is described by binary or ternary horseshoes. We are interested in parameters of the system for which a stable island, associated with the inner fundamental periodic orbit of the system exists and is large, but chaos around this island is well developed. In this situation, in classical systems, decay from the interaction region is algebraic, while in quantum systems it is exponential due to tunneling. In both cases, the most surprising effect is a periodic response to an incoming wave packet. The period of this self-pulsing effect or scattering echoes coincides with the mean period, by which the scattering trajectories rotate around the stable orbit. This period of rotation is directly related to the development stage of the underlying horseshoe. Therefore the predicted echoes will provide experimental access to topological information. We numerically test these results in kicked one dimensional models and in open billiards.Comment: Submitted to New Journal of Physics. Two movies (not included) and full-resolution figures are available at http://www.cicc.unam.mx/~mejia

    Evaluation Of A Group Cognitive-Behavioral Depression Prevention Program For Young Adolescents: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial

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    Depression is a common psychological problem in adolescence. Recent research suggests that group cognitive-behavioral interventions can reduce and prevent symptoms of depression in youth. Few studies have tested the effectiveness of such interventions when delivered by school teachers and counselors (as opposed to research team staff). We evaluated the effectiveness of the Penn Resiliency Program for adolescents (PRP-A), a school-based group intervention that targets cognitive behavioral risk factors for depression. We randomly assigned 408 middle school students (ages 10–15) to one of three conditions: PRP-A, PRP-AP (in which adolescents participated in PRP-A and parents were invited to attend a parent intervention component), or a school-as-usual control. Adolescents completed measures of depression and anxiety symptoms, cognitive style, and coping at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and at 6-month follow-up. PRP-A reduced depression symptoms relative to the school as usual control. Baseline levels of hopelessness moderated intervention effects. Among participants with average and high levels of hopelessness, PRP (A and AP) significantly improved depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, hopelessness, and active coping relative to control. Among participants with low baseline hopelessness, we found no intervention effects. PRP-AP was not more effective than PRP-A alone. We found no intervention effects on clinical levels of depression or anxiety. These findings suggest that cognitive-behavioral interventions can be beneficial when delivered by school teachers and counselors. These interventions may be most helpful to students with elevated hopelessness

    Academic achievement : the role of praise in motivating students

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    The motivation of students is an important issue in higher education, particularly in the context of the increasing diversity of student populations. A social-cognitive perspective assumes motivation to be dynamic, context-sensitive and changeable, thereby rendering it to be a much more differentiated construct than previously understood. This complexity may be perplexing to tutors who are keen to develop applications to improve academic achievement. One application that is within the control of the tutor, at least to some extent, is the use of praise. Using psychological literature the article argues that in motivating students, the tutor is not well served by relying on simplistic and common sense understandings of the construct of praise and that effective applications of praise are mediated by students' goal orientations, which of themselves may be either additive or interactive composites of different objectives and different contexts