1,865 research outputs found

    Using the Fermilab Proton Source for a Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment

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    The Fermilab proton source is capable of providing 8 GeV protons for both the future long-baseline neutrino program (NuMI), and for a new program of low energy muon experiments. In particular, if the 8 GeV protons are rebunched and then slowly extracted into an external beamline, the resulting proton beam would be suitable for a muon-to-electron conversion experiment designed to improve on the existing sensitivity by three orders of magnitude. We describe a scheme for the required beam manipulations. The scheme uses the Accumulator for momentum stacking, and the Debuncher for bunching and slow extraction. This would permit simultaneous operation of the muon program with the future NuMI program, delivering 10^20 protons per year at 8 GeV for the muon program at the cost of a modest (~10%) reduction in the protons available to the neutrino program.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Crop management in rows.

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    Trial 87M71 Effect of row spacing and stubble retention on the yield of wheat. Location: Merredin Research Station. Treatments, site management and results from 1987, 1988 and 1989 have been described in previous experimental summaries. Four row spacings (9, 18, 27 and 36 cm) are compared in either burnt or stubble retained plots, on a red brown earth on the Merredin Research Station. There are six replicates laid out in a randomised block design. Trial 90ME32 Effect of row spacing and variety on the yield of wheat. Location: duplex site at Crooks (see 1989 Experimental Summary) This trial was carried out on the duplex soil site at Crooks (see 1989 Experimental Summary); in 1990, the wheat crop was sown after lupins, and aimed to look at the interaction between row spacing and variety of wheat. Varieties which differ in their canopy characteristics might be expected to differ in the rate at which they develop ground cover, and might therefore influence the partitioning of ET between soil evaporation and crop transpiration. The varieties Kuhn (low tillering, small leaf area) and Aroona (higher tillering, larger leaf area) were compared at row spacings of 9, 18 and 36 cm

    Preliminary Experiments and Modelling of the Fate of CO2 Bubbles in the Water Column Near Panarea Island (Italy)

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    Although CO2 capture and storage in deep, offshore reservoirs is a proven technology, as illustrated by over 15 years of operation of the Sleipner site in the Norwegian North Sea, potential leakage from such sites into the overlying water column remains a concern for some stakeholders. Therefore, we are obliged to carefully assess our ability to predict and monitor the migration, fate, and potential ecosystem impact of any leaked CO2. The release of bubbles from the sea floor, their upward movement, and their dissolution into the surrounding water controls the initial boundary conditions, and thus an understanding of the behavior of CO2 bubbles is critical to address such issues related to monitoring and risk assessment. The present study describes results from an in situ experiment conducted in 12 m deep marine water near the extinct volcanic island of Panarea (Italy). Bubbles of a controlled size were created using natural CO2 released from the sea floor, and their evolution during ascent in the water column was monitored via both video and chemical measurements. The obtained results were modelled and a good fit was obtained, showing the potential of the model as a predictive tool. These preliminary results and an assessment of the difficulties encountered are examined and will be used to improve experimental design for the subsequent phase of this research

    Statistical Communication Theory

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    Contains reports on seven research projects

    Motivation as a predictor of outcomes in school-based humanistic counselling

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    Recent years have seen a growth in the provision of counselling within UK secondary schools, and research indicates that it is associated with significant reductions in psychological distress. However, little is known about the moderators and mediators of positive therapeutic benefit. In the field of adult mental health, motivation has been found to be one of the strongest predictors of therapeutic outcomes, and it was hypothesised that this may also be a predictor of outcomes for young people in school-based counselling services. To assess the relationship between young people’s motivation for counselling and its effectiveness within a secondary school setting. Eighty-one young people (12 - 17 years old) who attended school-based humanistic counselling services in Scotland. Clients completed a measure of motivation for counselling at the commencement of their therapeutic work and a measure of psychological wellbeing at the commencement and termination of counselling. Motivation for counselling was not found to be significantly related to outcomes. The results indicate that the association between motivation and outcomes may be weaker in young people as compared with adults. However, a number of design factors may also account for the non-significant findings: insufficient participants, marginal reliability of the motivation measure and social desirability effects

    Beam instrumentation for the Tevatron Collider

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    The Tevatron in Collider Run II (2001-present) is operating with six times more bunches and many times higher beam intensities and luminosities than in Run I (1992-1995). Beam diagnostics were crucial for the machine start-up and the never-ending luminosity upgrade campaign. We present the overall picture of the Tevatron diagnostics development for Run II, outline machine needs for new instrumentation, present several notable examples that led to Tevatron performance improvements, and discuss the lessons for future colliders

    Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer.

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    To determine the drivers of phytoplankton biomass, we collected standardized morphometric, physical, and biological data in 230 lakes across the Mediterranean, Continental, and Boreal climatic zones of the European continent. Multilinear regression models tested on this snapshot of mostly eutrophic lakes (median total phosphorus [TP] = 0.06 and total nitrogen [TN] = 0.7 mg L 1), and its subsets (2 depth types and 3 climatic zones), show that light climate and stratification strength were the most significant explanatory variables for chlorophyll a (Chl a) variance. TN was a significant predictor for phytoplankton biomass for shallow and continental lakes, while TP never appeared as an explanatory variable, suggesting that under high TP, light, which partially controls stratification strength, becomes limiting for phytoplankton development. Mediterranean lakes were the warmest yet most weakly stratified and had significantly less Chl a than Boreal lakes, where the temperature anomaly from the long-term average, during a summer heatwave was the highest (+4 C) and showed a significant, exponential relationship with stratification strength. This European survey represents a summer snapshot of phytoplankton biomass and its drivers, and lends support that light and stratification metrics, which are both affected by climate change, are better predictors for phytoplankton biomass in nutrient-rich lakes than nutrient concentrations and surface temperature

    Simultaneous genome sequencing of symbionts and their hosts

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    Second-generation sequencing has made possible the sequencing of genomes of interest for even small research groups. However, obtaining separate clean cultures and clonal or inbred samples of metazoan hosts and their bacterial symbionts is often difficult. We present a computational pipeline for separating metazoan and bacterial DNA in silico rather than at the bench. The method relies on the generation of deep coverage of all the genomes in a mixed sample using Illumina short-read sequencing technology, and using aggregate properties of the different genomes to identify read sets belonging to each. This inexpensive and rapid approach has been used to sequence several nematode genomes and their bacterial endosymbionts in the last year in our laboratory and can also be used to visualize and identify unexpected contaminants (or possible symbionts) in genomic DNA samples. We hope that this method will enable researchers studying symbiotic systems to move from gene-centric to genome-centric approaches
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